War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 717: Give a name

The Chronicles of the War of Hiponi, Volume Three, Chapter 717, Chapter 717, Named (One more) Audio Novel Online Listening

After Charlotte listened, tears fell and her little hand trembled. Lanli stretched out her hand to hold Charlotte's little hand, seeming to be caught in a very difficult choice.

Charlotte looked up at Lanli a little helplessly: "Sister Lanli."

"According to your heart, we all support you." Lan Li said.

Charlotte walked to the star mark inserted on the ground, and slowly stretched out her hand to hold the star mark and pulled it up.

She trembled a little and walked to the hideous Type IV Alien·Silver Messenger. The whole hangar was silent, and everyone was watching Charlotte.

The Type IV Alien·Silver Messenger was quiet at this moment, and did not speak any more.

Charlotte raised the star mark and slashed it at the Type IV Alien·Silver Messenger.

Drops of silver blood dripped on the ground, and Lanli, who was standing aside, walked up to hug Charlotte, and Charlotte crouched on Lanli's shoulder and howled.

Lanli stroked her back.

Everyone looked over and saw that the face of the Type IV Alien·Silver Messenger was scratched, and the wound was not deep.

This sword went down, almost representing Charlotte and its grievances.

Bilan came over and said, "Lan Li, first take Miss Charlotte to rest."

"Good." Lan Li nodded.

After Lanli and Charlotte left, Chitaki walked to the Type IV Alien·Silver Messenger and said, "Your luck is very good. We can come to trade. Tell me where I can supply ammunition and I will let it go. you."

Type IV Alien·Silver Messenger stared at Chitaki with silver eyes and said: "I can see human beings. You are a principled person. I can tell you everything you want to know, but I changed my mind."

"You don't have to make an inch." Chitaki said solemnly.

"I don't want much. I just want to stay here to survive. If I can, I am willing to follow you." Type IV Alien·Silver Messenger said something that shocked everyone.

"This guy is crazy? How could we believe it." Pique didn't know what to say.

Christine looked at Terenceius in doubt: "What's the situation?"

"Interesting!" Terenceius said lowly.

"You can't deny others directly, maybe they are sincere." Rockillo said unhappily.

Chitaki took a deep breath and stared at the Type IV Alien·Silver Messenger and said: "I can't keep you here. Your stay here is a scar to Charlotte, and you haven't stayed here. Reason, you can survive wherever you go."

"You think too much, you really think that my life is very good. Our aliens pay attention to the weak and the strong. I am delicious in the eyes of those high-level aliens. They all want to swallow me! And I can only be like one Humble mouse, hiding desperately! Once I'm found, I will die." Type IV Alien·Silver Messenger said sarcastically.

"That's your business. Our transaction does not include this part." Chitaki replied calmly.

"As long as you give me enough nutrients, I can easily evolve into high-end combat power, and I am willing to follow you all the time." Type IV Alien·Silver Messenger said.

"Impossible, I won't feed humans to foreign races." Chitaki replied.

"I don't need to swallow humans anymore. I already have enough IQ. You only need to give me something like that." Type IV Alien·Silver Messenger said this, turning his head and looking at the Blade Destroyer on the side.

Bilan's eyes couldn't help but cold, and his mecha was taken as food.

Pick walked up to Chitaki and said, "Boss, don't believe it, in case it lied to us, or if it suddenly got cramps in the head, bite everywhere!"

"I can cooperate with you to plant any device on my body, and I don't have to lie to you. When I tell you the ammunition supply area, I will betray the entire alien." Type IV Alien·Silver Messenger said calmly.

"I rub it, so cruel!" Pique said.

Chitaki stared into the eyes of Type IV Alien·Silver Messenger, and the two stared at each other. Chitaki seemed to see through Type IV Alien·Silver Messenger, his pupils shrank, and his whole body exuded a terrifying aura, Type IV Alien ·The silver messenger was already weak and trembling.

"I can let you follow me, and I don't need those restraining devices, but if one day I find that you have betrayed me, no matter which star field you escape to, I will find you."

"I swear by the God of Pross! Follow you for life!" Type IV Alien·Silver Messenger made a deep voice.

Chitaki drew the Blade of Order and swept across, and all the restraint devices bound to the body of the Type IV Alien·Silver Messenger were broken.

"From today, I will give you a new name to represent the new life! Your name is the Silver Messenger Shaslar!"

"Shaslar will follow your will!" The silver messenger Shaslar lowered his head and said.

"Take out the restraint on it." Chitaki said lightly.

"Yes." The soldiers next to him reacted immediately and stepped forward one after another. It didn’t take long for the Silver Messenger Shaslar to resume his normal mobility~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Aside Christine whispered to Terenceius: "Do you believe it?"

"Why don't you believe that I believe these so-called monsters more than our own human beings, because they are more reliable than anything!" Terence said coldly.

Christine's expression became very exciting. He wanted to refute, but he didn't seem to find a reason to refute.

Bilan stepped up and said, "You can talk."

"It looks like you should have searched a lot of fallen planets, did you find nothing?" The Silver Messenger Shaslar said.

"That's right," Chitaki replied.

"That's quite normal. All the ammunition supplies of the occupied countries in the entire Fifth Star Territory have been raided by the Alien Clan! The Zerg and Qijuzi Clan commanded and searched for energy stones and the like. Those ammunition supplies simply ignored, Alien. It is the weakest of the three tribes, but it is indeed the most profitable in this war, because they searched for a large amount of wealth left by mankind." Silver Messenger Shaslar explained.

"Damn! And this operation!" Does Pique and the others look ugly.

Chitaki's heart sank when he heard the silver messenger Shaslar's words. This is not a good sign!

"Those who will talk about it later, let us first tell us where the looted bullets are." Bilan asked in a deep voice.

"In the Alien Nest!" the silver messenger Shaslar replied.

All the people present took a breath, which is not good news.

"What size nest." Chitaki was no surprise.

"A huge lair, with countless wealth and supplies stored in it, this lair is in the Fifth Star Territory's Immortal Sea of ​​Stars." The silver messenger Shaslar replied.

War of Hiponi

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