War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 757: Countdown

Chitaki kept watching the countdown, there were still twenty-four minutes, and there was not much time left, but he was also suffering more and more, booming! The two figures flew past and hit the metal wall hard.

Cormi Shenhui let out a painful wailing, struggling to control the Blade of Light, struggling to stand up, he is holding a stomach of fire in his stomach now, but he is very suffocated and has no place to vent, vent on the enemy, right? Be abused again.

However, Colimi Shinki also vented something wrong. The Blade Destroyer on the side didn't even have any opinion on Chitaki's laziness, which was simply unscientific.

Bilan controlled the Blade Destroyer and climbed up. Bilan kept panting in the driving bolt. In fact, she had consumed more severely in the previous battle. The Beast Mode severely overdrawn her spirit and strength, and now she is starting to appear weak.

However, Bilan did not urge Chitaki to make a move. She knew Chitaki was a trustworthy person.

In fact, the Blade Purgatory Teremakar was also very upset now. Originally, it was slowly wearing out, and it was about to kill this purely mechanical mecha. Now it has been added another one at a time, which has become a bit tricky.

In the cab of Baidu, Chitaki was constantly adjusting his breathing rate. He wanted to get back to the fighting state as soon as possible. He began to feel that the feeling of nausea and overdraft in his body was rapidly slowing down, and his strength began to recover a little bit, but this was not enough. , He needs more power to deal with the Blade Purgatory Commander Taylor Maca.

He silently apologized to Bilan and Colimi Shenhui in his heart, of course, this apology was useless.

Blade Purgatory Teremaca will not give the Blade Destroyer and the Blade of Light a chance to breathe. The Blade Purgatory Teremaca makes an angry roar, and then every piece on the Blade Purgatory Teremaca’s body The muscles swelled and exploded with terrifying power, and the pross biological reaction emanating from his body suddenly soared.

Black prompt boxes popped up in front of Colimi Shenhui.

"Warning! Warning! Danger."

Kolimy Shenhui ignored the prompts that popped up. He knew the danger even when he saw the Blade Purgatory Warden Teremaka like this! !

Blade Purgatory Teremakar, like the eyes of a demon, hovering between the Blade Destroyer and the Glare Blade.

When Colimi Shenhui was swept by the opponent's gaze, his entire body was erected!

Chitaki's heart sank to the bottom when he saw this scene. He instinctively felt that it was not good. The Blade Purgatory Commander Tyler Maca was going to be mad, no longer hiding it!

"No, you can't do it right now, and you can't stop it!" Bemisia Fan reminded Chitaki nervously.

The Blade Purgatory Commander Teremaka squinted his eyes and glanced blankly, seeing that there was no response, and suddenly broke out!

"Slash the prison!"

In an instant, the figure of Blade Purgatory Teremaca disappeared before Bilan and Corimi Shenhui had reacted.

Seeing that it was too late to dodge, Colimi Shenhui directly crossed his hands and made a desperate block movement.

Bilan felt the danger instinctively. She quickly controlled the Blade Destroyer to dodge. Suddenly, she couldn't control it for a moment. There was even an illusion before her eyes. She seemed to be in a dark purgatory at this time.

Countless dark shackles bound her body, countless grieving faces of death appeared beside her, reaching out to grasp her body, countless resentment, wailing, desolation, anger and other negative emotions appeared in Bilan. Ear.

Bilan's expression became very painful, and she tried her best to control herself to stay awake! Tell yourself that all this is an illusion.

At this time, the Blade Purgatory Commander Teremakar appeared in front of the blade destroyer without any action, raised the blade of death high, ready to harvest his own trophies, his expression could not be described as hideous.

Colimi Shenhui on the side saw this scene and shouted in horror: "Quick flash!!!"

However, it was a pity that Bilan did not respond to him, as if he had fallen into silence, and the Blade Destroyer was motionless like a prey caught in a hand.

Just as the Blade Purgatory Commander Teremakar was about to slash down, Chitaki controlled Baidu and moved slightly.

The Blade Purgatory Commander Thelemakar immediately keenly caught the subtle changes in the Baidu Mecha, thinking that the cunning human finally could not help but suddenly changed his body, and the blade changed its direction and hit the ground behind him, thinking that the other party was going to attack him.

Boom! A huge crack has been cut across the entire metal ground!

Bilan suddenly woke up at this time, and she saw the Blade Purgatory Termaca who was facing her back, and she burst out with all her strength, slammed it violently, and swept over her fierce tail.

The sharp tail chain slammed heavily on the Blade Purgatory Chief Telmarca, and the Blade Purgatory Telmakar flew directly out and hit another wall.

Kolimy Shinki was also stunned when he saw this scene. He turned his head and looked at Chitaki, who had only moved a little bit. The Blade Purgatory Teremaca was too sensitive.

In fact, it is also not possible to blame Blade Purgatory Chief Telmarca for overreacting. Of course, it cares more about the existence of threats to its own life.

The Blade Purgatory Termaca got up at this time, the whole expression was abnormally furious, of course it found that it was being tricked, that **** human being was playing tricks on itself.

At this time, Chitaki still controlled Baidu to cross his hands and watched a play. Looking at the Blade Purgatory Commander Teremaca, it seemed that she was provoking. Teremaca's breath became heavy, but he still did not act easily.

In the cab of Baidu, Chitaki's heart was beating violently~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In fact, Chitaki really couldn't help but want to do it just now, but he just moved, and the opponent reacted more intensely than him. Chitaki just moved. He withdrew his hand again.

For a time, the scene fell into a stalemate again. Chitaki's eyes looked at the countdown from time to time, and he also felt very tortured. Time flies so slowly, there are still fifteen minutes. ·Shenhui both are very tacit understanding and did not rashly go up and attack.

Of course, Colimi Shenhui didn't rush up because he really couldn't fight. He didn't bother to spray Chitaki at this time. He felt that this guy must have a mental problem. A very favorable siege battle was abruptly forced. He was tortured and killed, and the dangerous situation just now only scared the other person. Does this guy really have this kind of ghost addiction?

Colimi Shenhui swears that if this guy really has this kind of movie-watching habit, then next time he is killed, he will not fight alongside him, it is too cheating.

Tick ​​to tick!

Chitaki kept watching his timer, getting closer and closer to the time to retreat.

Blade Purgatory Teremaca couldn't help but narrowed his eyes. It became more and more confused. It always felt something was wrong, but it couldn't tell.

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