War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 781: approve

The War of Hippolyte Volume III, Chapter 781, Approval of Audio Novels Online Listening

"No matter how hard the tortoise shell is, there will always be flaws. Don't worry about this. Now, what is worthy of my attention is that there is a spaceship that escaped from the Death Front in Feralas, which seems to be near the Planetary Empire, and it is likely to jump in. "The humanoid voice said in a low voice.

"How is it possible! The space here is blocked. If the space jump worked, we would have been in it." Palison replied in astonishment.

"I don't know, but I can be sure that there is no problem with my perception. It is indeed that a spacecraft has broken through the blockade and entered the Planetary Empire. In addition to the previous message from the Zerg, the Feralas Death Front sent a breakout ship, ten Eight or nine should have escaped here."

"Then what should we do now?" Palison asked.

"You don't need to worry about this, seal it off here."


In the abandoned building of the Planet Emperor, Chitaki and the others who had returned gathered together to discuss.

Chitaki recounted the general story, and Lan Li thought for a while and replied: "In any case, it's going well, everything that can be controlled is done, and the rest can only look at the planetary empire."

"Don't be so pessimistic, if they are really so shameless, I will definitely sue them when I turn around!" Colimi Shenhui said, patted his chest.

Farre was now pushing a cart of hot bread over.

"time to eat."

"It's bread again, is the planetary empire so stingy?" Colimi Shenhui saw the bread, but there was no food at all.

"We still have to get used to it. We estimate that we will have to stay in this kind of city for a long time." Farlie reminded him in a good mood.

"Damn it!" Collim Shenhui replied helplessly.

In the imperial palace of the planetary empire, Xiluomeng·Huo sat on a chair, folded his hands, and looked at the holographic image in front of him. All of them were Qi Juzi.

"These are surveillance images taken by the lurking personnel in the buried Xinghai. The strength of the Qijuzi clan has at least doubled in these two months, and the situation is getting less and less optimistic." Wen Qing explained.

"If there are many useful, then they would have rushed in." Xi Luomeng said coldly.

"Although Her Majesty's words are reasonable, we also have to take precautions! Qi Juzi is still increasing our troops even though we have no effect in besieging us. This is not a good sign." Wen Qing explained. .

"Then you said, what are they going to do to increase their troops? Are they going to rush in, as nourishment?" Xiluo Meng Dou stared at Wen Qing.

"This is impossible. The other party is not stupid, and I don't know what they want to do, but it is because of this that I feel very worried." Wen Qing explained to Xiluo Meng Huo, her expression is also Very confused.

"I ask a question, even if the Qijuzi clan breaks through the natural dangers, do you think there may be no loss at all? Do you think our empire needs to fear them?" Xi Luomeng asked.

The other people present fell into silence one after another, which is a thankless question.

"In the face of Her Majesty's war, no one dared to say with absolute certainty, because war is changing rapidly." Wen Qing replied.

Xiluomeng Huo walked to Wen Qing, looked at her and said.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"I think we need to plan for the worst. The other party can't be useless. We need to strengthen our vigilance, enter a semi-controlled state, and respond as the other party may break through the natural danger at any time." Wen Qing replied.

"Then do as you said." Xiluomeng Huo was silent for a long time and finally agreed.

At this time, the people around were a little worried and said: "Master Wen Qing’s original intention is good, but entering the high-intensity alert like this will bring anxiety to the country? We have been under siege for nearly two hundred years, and we have never This order has been issued."

"The comparison between side effects and preventive effects is not worth mentioning." Wen Qing replied.

"I am not discussing what Wen Qing said," Xiluomeng Huo replied.

"Yes." Everyone replied.

Robha, who was standing on the side, walked up and asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty, shall we continue to get stuck with Colimi Shenhui and the others? We have been stuck for almost a month, and I have been stuck for too long. When that happens, Collimy Shenhui is completely disregarding his status and demeanor."

"As long as he has the demeanor, doesn't he just want to repair the boat? You play with him slowly, the boat will be repaired for them, but it can't be repaired too easily." Xiluomeng Huo looked at Robha Said.

"Yes! Your Majesty the Queen!"

In the abandoned building of the Planet Emperor Capital, just when Chitaki and the others were patiently reaching their limits, a message popped up from the bracelet of Corimi Shinki.

Colimi Shenhui looked at the message above and heaved a sigh of relief.

"The guys are finally willing to move. The approval is passed. They will form a special evaluation team within three days. Then we will return to the Hippony. They will conduct a thorough evaluation of the Hippony. If the evaluation is passed At that time, we need to submit the specific content of the assistance application."

Chitaki replied with satisfaction: "Yes."

"Don't be too happy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't think it's that easy, it must be a bunch of things." Collim Shenhui is learning smart at this time, and he doesn't fully believe them at all.

"I know, but at least there is still a chance to repair the Hippony, otherwise we alone have no hope of repairing the Hippony." Chitaki replied calmly.

"You said that, I suddenly remembered one thing, our loss seems to be a bit serious, and those guys know the real situation and their expressions will be very exciting." Collim Shenhui replied very happily.

Lanli recalled seriously at this time and said: "The entire Hippony’s damaged equipment was 2,686, and the hull was damaged at more than 30,000. Fortunately, the hull can repair itself. As for the equipment, we use our current technology. And the material reserve, there are only one hundred and thirty-two places that can be repaired, and two thousand two hundred and thirteen places are self-repairing. That is to say, there are three hundred and forty-one places that we are currently unable to do. These all need to be repaired by the planetary empire. Our ammunition load is only 50%, and the ammunition reserve of the reserve service can be regarded as almost zero. If it can, it is best to get some supplies from the Planetary Empire."

"Replenish ammunition? That's right! That's a good idea!!" Colimi Shenhui kept nodding and returning.

"Be careful to scare the other person." Farie replied with a smile.

"Is it possible? It's a **** to be scared by us in such a big empire." Collimy Shenhui replied irritably.

"Maybe." Farie smiled without saying a word.

Three days later, Chitaki and the others got up early in the morning and waited at the door, only to see a huge battleship falling directly from the sky, and then Robha walked out from the entrance of the battleship with a group of old men in dresses.

Robha walked up to Chitaki and the others, and said with an arrogant look.

War of Hiponi

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