War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 827: life and death

The two were directly knocked out, but Gabrivis Guanghui and Paramis Guanghui both stabilized their bodies and rushed forward in defense of the immortality.

Qijuzi's deputy chief Andepala's expression was distorted, and he even dared to ruin its good things.

Qijuzi's deputy clan leader Andepara directly swung the sarcoma spear unstoppable and swept towards Gabuvis Guanghui.

Gabriel Glory controls the mecha to raise the light blade to block!


The whole light blade is broken! Gabriel Guanghui was swept away directly, and the shield of the mecha was directly split apart! A huge hole was cut in the body of the huge mecha, and it was almost cut off by the lazy waist!

"Gabuvis!" Labellofa Guanghui was also furious when he saw this scene!

Palamis Guanghui extremely calmly controlled the mecha to burst out, and two bright red blades attacked from the side of Qijuzi Deputy Chief Andepara.

Qijuzi's deputy chief Andepala narrowed his eyes and turned around.

The AT position automatically emerges!

Paramish Glory attack stuck on the AT position barrier.

The two light blades penetrated little by little.

Qijuzi Deputy Patriarch Andepala turned around, opened his mouth and a beam of Heyggs blasted him out!

Paramis Glory's entire mech is directly paralyzed! In the face of the destruction of the position of the VI-generation aircraft, the fifth-generation aircraft without an energy shield appears fragile.

Labellofa Guanghui saw the follower's own right-hand man was mutilated many years ago! It's in danger, my eyes are red! Angry!


Labellofa Guanghui suddenly gave up and escaped! Dragging the Broken Future Envoy to rush up, the snow-white spear pierced directly towards the head of Qijuzi's deputy chief Andepala.

Qi Juzi's deputy chief Andepala's face showed an evil smile and did not dodge!

Rabelofa·Glory Furious Strike! The snow-white spear in his hand pierced through the AT position barrier of Vice Patriarch Andepala of Qi Juzi! Pierced towards its head.

Just when the snow white spear was about to hit.


The snow-white spear stopped in amazement, and Qijuzi's deputy patriarch Andepa stretched out his tentacles and grabbed the messenger of the future by the neck!

Labello Fa Guanghui's entire face flushed in the cab!

Desperately want to struggle! However, as soon as the right arm moved, it was touched and penetrated by a dark red split underneath the deputy chief of Qijuzi Andepala.

Click! Then the left shoulder was penetrated! In the driver's cab, Labellofa Luminous's face was bloodshot, his blue veins were exposed, his eyes were savage, and he seemed to be suffering tremendously.

Qijuzi's deputy patriarch Andepala did not intend to end this way.

Click! A tentacle runs through his left foot!

Click! A tentacle runs through his right foot!

Just like a puppet, fix its whole body!

In the end, the deputy chief of Qi Juzi, Andepala slowly raised the sarcoma spear in his right hand! The ferocious smiled cruelly at the cockpit on the chest of the future messenger.

"Although I want to torture you for a while, but time is not allowed, it's time to end."

In the cab of the messenger of the future, Rabeirofa Guanghui lowered his head, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes began to slowly fade! The corner of his mouth could not help but reveal a trace of self-deprecation! Thinking of his glorious life, he would still die on the battlefield in the end, and that's okay, he died just right, everything was over.

"Dead!" Qijuzi's deputy patriarch Andepala's right arm differentiated sarcoma spear pierced toward the future messenger.

Paralyzed in the cab at this time, Gabriel Guanghui and Paramis Guanghui saw this scene and shouted in despair.

"Do not!"

They desperately wanted to struggle to move, it didn't have any effect at all, they could only watch the long spears running into the cab, everything was so helpless!

All the soldiers of the God Court Empire on the battlefield crowded around like crazy, even the soldiers of other countries couldn't help but turn their heads and couldn't bear to see this sad scene.

Just when the sarcoma spear of Qijuzi's Deputy Chief Andepala was about to penetrate the cab, time seemed to stand still, and a dark beam full of destructive aura suddenly struck through the starry sky from behind the alien...

In the fourth star field, the main battlefield of the Federation Middle Road, the giant soldier Kemathus swept out with his slender tail arbitrarily, and the mechas that rushed up to besiege were directly cut into two sections by the waist!

At this time, a giant strategic fortress appeared in front of the giant soldier Kemarthus, and countless gun barrels were all turned to the giant soldier Kemarthus.


Intensive firepower bombarded the barrier in the position of Giant God Soldier·Kemathras!

The barrier of the whole stand remained motionless.

Then the giant soldier Kemathras, like a meteor, directly savagely hit the giant strategic fortress blocking its path, without any suspense penetrating its surface armor, and plunged into the interior! In the next second, the entire giant fortress began to shake violently! Numerous cracks have emerged on the surface of the entire fortress, the iconic ability of the giant soldier Kemathus! Star Breaking Moment!

A huge explosion swept away, and the black light empire forces that had just approached were rushed out directly!

The Giant God Soldier Kemathras is like an unpleasant existence, killing the legendary Star Destroyer and the Shadow of the Scourge, which is retreating in the distance!

On the other side, God Killer Ayamis glided across the starry sky gracefully, and any alien and Black Light Empire troops that blocked it wherever he passed have not yet reacted, and the entire body surface suddenly bubbled!

Then the whole body differentiated into a dark red spore coat! Cover the swallowing body and body!

It's creepy! But even so, the number of people and aliens who rushed to block them did not decrease but increased. Obviously, the Black Light Empire was using the sacrifices of its subordinates to fill the time. Although it was a very low-level technique, the effect was indeed the most effective.

Favlin looked at the countdown in the cockpit of the Titan Soldier Kemathus. Her fighting time was only 21 minutes left. Half of the fighting time had passed. She was looking at the legendary Star Destroyer·Shadow of Disaster, and the opponent was still Retreat quickly, and continue to recharge the main gun! Completely ignore the subordinates who went up to die! There is not much time left for her, there is only one chance!

Thinking of this, the giant soldier Kemathras directly locked a close giant strategic fortress and rushed directly toward it!

The personnel in the command room of that giant strategic fortress were full of fear.

But still nervously shouted desperately: "For the empire! Fight with them!"

"Start the self-detonation device!"

The giant soldier Kemathus savagely crashed its armor and landed on the surface. The giant soldier Kemathus did not get in to destroy the internal structure. At this time, the temperature of the reactor inside the fortress rose rapidly!

Of course Favlin could perceive the fortress to activate the self-detonation device~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but she didn't care!

She controlled the giant soldier Kemathras to bend his body fiercely! With it as the center, the entire fortress sheet is directly sunken! The entire fortress was almost crushed!

Next second! Colossus Kemathras and the giant strategic fortress are like two separate rays of light, flying in different directions!

At this time, God Killer Ayamis turned his head and glanced at the giant soldier Kemathas who used a brutal charge to charge, and his figure turned into a dark red streamer to catch up!

In the command room of the legendary Star Destroyer·Shadow of Natural Disaster, the operator said in horror.

"The Giant God Soldier Kemathras rushed towards us extremely fast! God Killer Ayamis also followed!"

"A bunch of rubbish! Fight me down!" Aitron Heiguang had a distorted expression of fear, with a trace of panic! .

"Yes, yes." The operator hurriedly turned the charged main gun and locked it.

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