Warhammer III

Chapter 8: Uruk

A few months later, Taiyue had grown to a height of 2.1 meters, with a strong body, no longer the thin and small appearance before.

The volume of the chest cavity also increased with the body size, and the subsequent organ implantation surgery could be carried out.

The surgical robot cut open his original gastroesophageal junction and connected the pre-installed stomach in the middle. The pre-installed stomach, as the name suggests, is an organ for the Space Marine to pre-process the food.

For toxic substances in food, the pre-installed stomach can secrete antidotes to neutralize toxins. For indigestible food, the pre-installed stomach can soften the food, and the pre-processed food can be digested and absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract.

A few days later, the function of the pre-installed stomach was stable, and the gene detection nerve was implanted. A total of 4 ganglia were implanted in the spinal cord between the cervical and thoracic vertebrae, and the extended neurons were connected to the pre-installed stomach.

The gene detection nerve mainly analyzes the genes and memories of the alien creatures in the pre-installed stomach, and can learn the knowledge, experience and survival instincts of the alien creatures by eating.

The next stage of implantation is a gray tubular multi-lung, which can filter and decompose toxic gases, allowing Space Marines to move in a toxic gas environment.

The visual control organ and the Leman ear were implanted in the body more than ten days after the multi-lung implantation. These two organs can enhance the vision and hearing of the Space Marines, and will not cause dizziness or nausea due to changes in the environment or light.

After a month of adaptation, Taiyue began to implant the dormant meninges that control the state of suspended animation. This organ was implanted at the top of the cerebral cortex.

Taiyue fell into a coma during the implantation process and did not wake up after the effect of the anesthetic disappeared.

"Did the dormant meninges work directly? It is impossible that there is something wrong with the gene seed itself!"

Pharmacist Will had never encountered such a situation before. The dormant meninges would only put the Space Marines into a state of suspended animation after being fatally injured, and Taiyue on the operating table was motionless, and his brain waves showed that he had entered a dormant state.

"If he does not wake up in an hour, inject drugs for forced awakening!"

Will made a decision and went to see the situation of other psychics.

At this moment, Taiyue was still immersed in a dream, and he was in an empty open-air temple.

Dozens of huge limestone columns are arranged in a series of rings. The surface of the stone columns is finely carved with animal reliefs, including groups of antelopes, snakes, foxes, scorpions, and ferocious and angry wild boars.

A one-meter-tall child suddenly appeared in front of Taiyue. He had long black hair and deep eyes. He seemed to be shrouded in a layer of holy light, illuminating the surroundings.

"Who are you?"


The child answered the question at the same time Taiyue opened his mouth. I don't know if he had already answered many people's questions or predicted this question.

"Come out with me!"

Neos took Taiyue out of the temple. The two crossed hills and rivers, passed through jungles and swamps, and came to a primitive tribal gathering place after the sun and the moon rotated.

The men here had beards growing to their chests, and wrote cuneiform characters on the ground that Taiyue could not understand, but Neos knew these characters.

Taiyue also forgot that he was undergoing a dormant meningeal organ implantation operation. He and Neos quickly integrated into the tribe, lived with them, and built the city together.

After an unknown amount of time, a city rose from the ground through the hands of everyone and the blueprint in Neos's mind.

Everyone shouted for Neos to give the city a name.

He didn't think and directly said the name of the city:


After that, his figure and everything around him gradually disappeared, and Taiyue woke up.

At this moment, the mechanical arm on the pharmacist Will's power armor was preparing to inject Taiyue with medicine. Seeing that he woke up, he stopped the injection.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable?"


Taiyue shook his head.

"Hurry up and go to the prayer room to train this newly implanted organ. Everyone else has been there for an hour!"

Taiyue jumped up from the operating table, said goodbye to Brother Will, and went directly to the prayer room.

"I will use psychic illusions to deceive your brain and make the dormant meninges think that you are about to die. During this period, you must try to sense the existence of this organ and control your dormant state."

"After the function of the dormant meninges is activated for the first time, I will immediately cancel the psychic illusion. In the future, this organ will only be activated again when you are at the critical moment of life and death!"

The library guard Brother Christian was talking about the training method of dormant meninges. When he saw Tai Yue coming, he motioned him to sit down and train together.

The subsequent organ implantation is relatively easy:

The pigment control ball that controls the skin color is implanted under the skin;

The pebble kidney that filters and purifies the blood is implanted in the abdominal cavity;

The taste monitoring nerve that can taste potential food and track odors is implanted in the mouth;

The sweat gland improvement organ that automatically cleans the body and improves vacuum adaptability is implanted in the abdomen;

The two venom glands that synthesize and store venom are implanted next to the salivary glands in the mouth;

There are two gene storage glands used to produce new gene seeds, one is implanted in the neck and can be removed after five years of maturity, and the other is implanted deep in the chest cavity and can only be removed after ten years.

The last organ is a black carapace. This black plastic film-like organ is implanted under the skin of Taiyue's back.

He obviously felt a little itchy. The black carapace gradually grew all over his body. After a few hours, it covered his whole body and began to connect to the nerves of the whole body.

At the same time, it pierced the skin on the surface of the body and began to grow interfaces that could be connected to various sensors.

A few months later, the black carapace finally matured completely, and Taiyue had 12 more neural-mechanical interfaces, four on the chest, four on the back, and one on each of the four limbs.

The mechanical tentacles of the servitor went deep into the interfaces and began to test the activity of Taiyue's 12 neural-mechanical interfaces:

Neuro-mechanical interface in chest: 02 seconds, 03 seconds, 02 seconds, 02 seconds;

Neuro-mechanical interface in back: 03 seconds, 02 seconds, 02 seconds, 03 seconds;

Neuro-mechanical interface in hand: 01 seconds; 02 seconds;

Neuro-mechanical interface in foot: 02 seconds; 02 seconds;

The higher the activity, the shorter the time, which means the faster the conversion speed of neural-mechanical signals. This is another factor that limits the reaction speed of Space Marines wearing power armor in addition to training.

"More than a thousand psychics were recruited in batches this year, and 36 psychics successfully implanted 19 organs."

Sean reported the situation to Aidan Pedron, the Grand Master of the Eighth Brotherhood "Silver Blade". The Grand Master looked at the 36 Grey Knight apprentices who had passed the many tests gathered in the hall, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Congratulations to everyone for finally becoming apprentices of the Grey Knights after a year of training and surgery. Subsequent training will mainly focus on high-intensity combat and fighting against demons. You can wear electronic muscle bundles for training! But if you want to become a knight wearing Aegis power armor like me, it depends on your training results in the next year!"

(The first stage of training is over, and the protagonist is now a Grey Knight apprentice! Woohoo, please recommend and vote!)

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