Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 77 Choice and Burden

Have you ever seen a Gray Knight living peacefully with demons?

There are a batch of them right now.

Calvin and a group of Gray Knights, led by Hyland, walked all the way into the hall at the top of the nest, which is where all the stories begin.

After passing through the chapel, Hailan pointed to the shrub in the banquet hall and said:

"That's it, you can feel it too. It's the one that corresponds to me - the eternal cancer."

Following its guidance, Calvin saw the bush that could easily have been overlooked without warning.

In Calvin's eyes, its small body is full of the beauty of life. Its emerald green leaves and crimson berries make people feel happy at first sight.

But in the spiritual vision that reveals the reality of matter, it reveals the ugly and deviant essential form of subspace creatures.

Through the masonry in front of him, Calvin could see its huge tentacles that could not see the edges. What they encountered in the mezzanine of the hive city was just a branch of one of the tentacles of this thing.

The true size of the thing in front of me can only be seen clearly if the entire hive is demolished.

Compared to the size of the shrub in front of me. Calvin had to admit that this thing was more like the crown it wore on its head than the demonic body called "Eternal Cancer".

"So? You brought us here to see this? I already know its existence in the documents you prepared." Calvin said to Hailan who was standing far away.

"I can only die behind it." Hyland said to Calvin.

"Otherwise, the moment I die, it will become a demon. You won't want to see what it looks like in its entirety. By then, there will be nothing in the entire planet or galaxy that can stifle its existence. Not even the macro gun."

"But if it is the one that dies first as you said, then similarly, won't you become a big trouble for us?" Calvin's thinking was very clear.

"Yes, that's it. If it dies first, then I will also get the complete process of reincarnation of all life on this planet. Then I will also be unable to control myself."

Hailan said frankly. There is nothing it can do about the deadly knot that has been brought down by its loving father.

After all, for the gods, most of the time, the so-called wisdom and death struggle of mortals can only be laughed at.

Everyone fell into silence.

Time is running out, and the ritual of chaos will not stop.

If the delay continues, Calvin's comrades on the other six planets will only face an even more desperate situation.

"You said it's not perfect now, right?" Calvin, who was deep in thought, suddenly asked.

"Uh, yes." Hyland replied.

"What does it require? Material? Or ritual?"

"Everything is there. The material is in my body. It can get it when I die. The ritual is that it must use its roots to retrieve the fruits it has produced. That is where its power lies."

"Is that the one?"

"That's the one, but don't even think about destroying it. It's useless."


"That fruit is the condensation of the souls of the entire hive. It is their sin, and it is my sin. It exists both here and in the warp. It is a cause, not just an effect, do you understand?"

"Someone has to take it?"

"Yes, it can only be taken away. But what a huge burden is that? No one can withstand such an impact! No matter who touches that thing, it will be assimilated in an instant."

"But as soon as someone takes the blame, the ceremony is interrupted, isn't it?"

"Of course, but who will bear it? That is the darkness of the souls of hundreds of millions of people!"

"I see"

Calvin looked back at Hailan and confirmed to it: "If this fruit is taken away by a third person, then you have no reason to live anymore, right?"

Hailan seemed to understand what Calvin was thinking. He knew that the man in front of him would not listen to his advice.

In other words, it was beyond his expectation that these angels could tolerate him for so long without taking action.

"It would have been great if it was them who came in the first place..." Hailan thought in his heart.

Ah, my thinking is divergent again. This was a sign that he was about to fall into instinct, and there was not much time left for him to explain his aftermath in a clear mind. He quickly replied:

"Yes, that's it. This is the only reason why I persist until now. If, I mean if you can bear such a burden, then I will have no regrets. In the name of Father God, I swear that I am willing to return to this Dust will never be reborn."

Another sigh-like sound appeared from Hailan's ear.

The original lively power in its body seems to have sensed the death wish in its owner's heart that is contrary to the loving father's will that symbolizes life.

The green skin began to fade, and the originally plump body began to lose weight immediately.

The forces of life were betraying him. No, to be precise, after feeling his betrayal of the teachings of the Lord of Life, these forces that did not originally belong to him were disgusted and left him.

Hailan also felt these changes originating from himself.

He cried loudly to Calvin: "Come, if you wish to do it! Hurry! The Father is forsaking me! It is almost complete!"

Calvin, who was reminded by the sound, strode across the psychic door that did not exist to people other than Hailan, and walked straight towards the bush.

Eternal Cancer, the name of this devil.

It also seems to be aware that its death is coming.

The foundation of the entire hall shook violently as its foundations shook.

These are the huge tentacles dozens of meters high outside the main hall that are hitting the outer walls and vaults of the palace with all their strength.

Debris and fragmentary decorations continued to fall from the cracked walls.

The most instinctive vigilance and fear of life made it give up the test of a loving father.

It has no time to think about becoming a demon now!

All it wants now is to break down the surrounding walls and let its tentacles from far away crush the damn human in front of it!

No! First, stop the human in front of you from approaching!

The green leaves on the branches of the shrub have become more vital than ever before, and the tender green even makes people doubt whether it really exists in this world.

That is the green vitality and spiritual energy being drawn from the body of the eternal cancer that is hidden deep in the ground and whose head and tail cannot be seen.

Circles of shock waves visible to the naked eye began to spread outward from the center.

This kind of power that tests the body and will of the visitor at the same time is also costly!

But it doesn't care anymore, it's dying!

Under that terrifying wave was its roar that almost turned into a human voice in the subspace:

"Get away! You little bug! Don't touch me! Stay away from my body!"

Calvin's forward steps were pushed back by this wave, and he immediately activated his magnetic boots to grip himself firmly on the ground.

The impact on the soul was not a big deal in Calvin's opinion. At best, it made him tilt his head due to the sudden tinnitus.

But the impact on his body gave him a headache. With his weight of nearly two tons including his body and armor, he was almost blown away by the wave.

Calvin simply activated his psychic shield, and together with the magnetic boots, he walked towards the fountain where the opponent was, step by step, facing the opponent's roar and struggle.

Five steps: "Boom!" "Get away you dirty short-lived creature! Despicable human being!"

Four steps: "Boom!" "Don't touch me! When I come out, I will crush you all to death over and over again!"

Three steps: "Boom!" "Stay away from me! I don't want to see you!"

Two steps: "Boom!" "No, please! Don't touch me!"

Step one: "Boom!" "No! I don't want to die! I haven't seen the real universe! I haven't breathed a breath of real air! I haven't even seen the sun! Please! Let me go! I Curse you! You will pay the price! My weight is not something that you mortals can bear! I curse you! You will live in the wrath of your father!"

Calvin finally walked to this shrub, and he looked seriously at this strange flower that should not exist in the world.

At the top of its leaves, which have become dim due to excessive use of psychic energy, is the strawberry-like fruit that is supported by the lives and souls of the entire lower nest.

Every tiny particle on the bright red and crisp fruit looks exceptionally smooth.

But if you look carefully, even a mortal can vaguely see the silhouettes of countless souls wailing across those particles.

Calvin stretched out his hand, and the huge steel gauntlet of the Terminator Power Armor gently pinched the fruit.

The noisy psychic waves all around and the hall that was shaken by the wild beatings of the tentacles instantly fell silent.

Knowing that he was dying and suffering from eternal cancer, the whole tree was shaking like an animal.

It is so unwilling and so humble and pitiful. If he had not seen the sin it committed, Calvin might not have been determined to destroy it.

But there is no if.

Calvin took one last look at Hailan, who had been watching here from a distance. The other party also looked affirmatively back after meeting Calvin's eyes.

The servo motor in the Terminator's gauntlet felt Calvin's will, and the electromagnetic muscle lifted upward with a slight but firm force.

The red fruit was picked under Calvin's gaze.

Without unnecessary examination or communication, Calvin swallowed it in one gulp.

"No!" These were the last words of Eternal Cancer.

It has been completely cut off from the relationship with the fruit in terms of cause and effect, and has no meaning of existence anymore.

The spiritual fire that spontaneously ignited without wind spread from its core in an instant.

At this moment, even from space, it could be seen that every corner of the entire hive city was suddenly filled with this white flame, and the rain could not do anything about it.

The moment Calvin swallowed the fruit, he was struck by the countless souls within it.

In the spiritual world, his golden soul will flicker in and out of the huge black tide like a beacon in the storm.

Under such an impact, he could no longer maintain his consciousness in reality.

He fell unconscious and fell towards the open ground. The servo inside the Terminator immediately noticed the abnormality of Calvin's vital signs, but five consecutive automatic injections of stimulants failed to wake him up.

The heavy Terminator power armor finally made a clear dent on the delicate floor after losing the control of its owner's will.

The already heavy hearts of the Gray Knights reached their peak after seeing Calvin fall.

They quickly divided their hands to help Calvin up, while the remaining people immediately pointed their weapons in the direction where Hailan originally stood.

But, there is no more Hailan.

In other words, the moment Calvin ate the fruit, Hyland, who had already made a vow to betray his life to his loving father, had already destroyed himself.

In the place where he once stood, apart from some ashes that once proved his existence, there were only those "precious treasures" that he never lost in his heart for a moment during his lifetime.

The wealth that his comrades left for him when he could still be called a human being has been used as an anchor for his soul to hold on to the wealth of his heart after he ceased to be a human being.

"Eh..." There seemed to be another sigh in the air, which seemed to have never happened before.

Big chapter, two in one.

In exchange for the 10,000 rewards I owed a boss before, I remember I owed four chapters. I’ll return one chapter today.

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