Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 176 The Lion Returns (Subscribe)

The majestic and huge fortress made of rock and steel is suspended in the icy void.

As the home planet of the Dark Angels, it is extremely guarded.

Any enemy who tried to attack it would find himself hitting an iron wall in the end, leaving himself shattered and getting nothing.

Upon emerging from the Warp, Guilliman's flagship, the Glory of Macragge, sent a standard Imperial Voidport berthing request to the Stone Fortress.

In the communication with the Dark Angel Master-Azrael.

Guilliman did not shy away, saying that he had the means and power to save the Lord of the First Legion.

The other party was so excited that he was almost speechless.

Helipad inside the Stone Fortress.

Azrael, who had completed the Primal Forge upgrade, stood on the edge of the tarmac, fully armed.

This is the highest etiquette of a warband.

The Astartes are not like the rest of the Empire.

If they didn't wear battle armor when they met an imperial official, it basically meant that they dismissed the official.

If the other party deliberately repairs the battle armor, and waxes and polishes it so that it is smooth enough to reflect light, it means that the battle group recognizes this friend.

Behind Azrael were ten giants in white robes.

They stood in the shadows of the tarmac, and the light from the surrounding lumens stretched their shadows very long.

The warriors in white robes all held a two-handed sword in their hands.

From the face to the chest, stand straight in front.

The sharp blade gleamed under the erratic light, and it looked like it had been temporarily polished.

The drone of servo skulls echoed across the deck, and red lights shone beneath the massive ceiling.

Those servo skulls are constantly measuring the surrounding scene, waiting for the next order from the dark angels.

And beside them, a small figure in robes also stood aside.

They were wearing robes and couldn't see any information about their faces.

The Dark Angels are used to their presence.

Both are one.

Represents some unknown secrets.

The aerodynamic sound came from the hangar deck, and the huge pressure steam pipe ejected gas to release the pressure.

Under the power of the machine, the huge metal baffle slowly opened, revealing the cold starry sky scene outside.

A Overlord gunship entered the hangar deck under the escort of the Valkyrie formation.

Accompanied by the friction sound from the moving and fixed machinery of the cable, the Bawang gunboat stopped quickly.

The hatch of the gunboat opened with a hissing sound as the decompression gas was released.

Surrounded by the personal guards of Glory, the Regent of the Empire stepped out.

Azrael stepped forward to salute, behind him Ezekiel and the other dark angels also saluted.

"Your Regent." Azrael said very respectfully, "I'm very glad that you can visit the Stone Fortress again. Last time, I'm sorry that I couldn't receive you in person."

Last time, when Guilliman went to the Stone Fortress.

Azrael was nearly killed by the Alpha Legion attack.

Lie on the hospital bed the whole time, with an oxygen tube inserted.

If it weren't for the original casting technology, I'm afraid Azrael would be finished.

Warp toxin is an incurable wound for the Primarch, let alone a psychic like him.

The upgrade of the original casting technology allowed him to survive.

For this reason, he also has a good impression of the reforms led by the imperial regency.

The Empire has indeed reached a point where it has to change.

What's more, the corruption and inefficiency of Terra's bureaucracy once disgusted the Dark Angels.

They are often unwilling to pay attention to Terra.

Generally, wherever support is needed.

"No need to say sorry, Azrael, you are an Imperial hero." Guilliman said with a smile.

Azrael raised his head and looked at the noble face of the Primarch. He couldn't wait to ask, "Regent of the Empire, is what you said true? Can the Lion King really be awakened?"

"I'm sure." Guilliman nodded, "I got some guidance from the Emperor on Terra, and then I went to search for a lot of materials and information. Ryan's deep sleep is due to the correction power of the laws of space and time and some special personal reasons He spanned 10,000 years, from the past directly to the present, during which time he lost his image of existence, just like building a tall building without building in the middle but directly building a high-rise, collapse is an inevitable thing. "

"According to my father's enlightenment, there is only one way to avoid such a situation, and that is to find a way to ignore the high-rise buildings in the middle, so that this kind of contradictory building can exist and even become reasonable."

"Is there any way to do this?" Azrael asked eagerly.

Ezekiel, Dagonet, Boris and others also showed anxious expressions.

They also want to know how to awaken the Lion King.

It would definitely be a good thing for the Dark Angels if the father of genes could be recalled.

"In this universe, there is only one way to ignore the laws of space and time, and that is the warp." Guilliman looked at the Dark Watcher standing aside.

The Dark Watchers were so small that Guilliman had to look down to see them.

"But the subspace is unpredictable and full of dangers. When we realized that the Lion King had suffered an accident, we also made similar attempts, but nothing worked. What are you going to do?"

The voice of the Darkwatch rang in Guilliman's head.

The artifacts gathered, and the space-time rift appeared, sending Ryan to the present 10,000 years later.

Several high-level members of the Dark Angel and the Dark Watcher discovered the Lion King immediately, brought him back, and placed him in the deepest part of the Megalith Fortress.

Even before the Darkwatch made contact with Guilliman, he was already trying to wake up the Lion King.

Unfortunately, all their methods failed.

"Of course you can't succeed. Only by letting the lion king awaken the subspace form can he wake up in the subspace, and use the characteristics of the subspace to reduce the damage caused by time and space. To awaken the Ryan subspace entity, either let him suffer Severe damage, betrayal and awakening. Or use the blood of the emperor to guide him to awaken, similar to those rebellious primordial ascending demons."

"We have no Emperor's Blood." The Darkwatch shook his head.

"But I have, the blood of the emperor flows on my body."

Guilliman looked at Azrael, "Let's go, I don't have much time, the current burden of the empire makes me waste no time. Take me to see Ryan, after waking him up, I have other things to do Do."

"Okay, regent." Azrael nodded, and turned to lead the way for the regent of the empire.

A group of people walked in along the promenade of the giant stone fortress, and took a train for transporting supplies inside the fortress.

The megalithic fortress is too huge, with foundry factories, assembly factories, training camps and residential areas, the materials and personnel coming and going are huge.

Without the use of vehicles such as motor vehicles, there is no way to transport huge quantities of goods and people in various regions.

Basically, many large battleships have internal trains for transporting cargo.

This is also a feature of imperial warships.

The battleship is already equivalent to a small world.

Ryan was sleeping in the megalithic fortress.

To wake him up, the only way to awaken this lion is to send him into the subspace and awaken the form of the subspace.

Guilliman repeated to the crowd what the Emperor had told him.

The Dark Watcher and Azrael extracted important information from it, and quickly determined the steps of the ceremony.

Ezekiel stood by, listening to the conversation.

There was a sigh in his heart.

Thousands of years ago, Warmaster Horus was severely wounded and fell asleep. A witchcraft made him embark on the road of betrayal.

Now Lion King Lion is sleeping, and Guilliman also intends to use witchcraft to wake it up.

How similar, slightly ironic.

A witchcraft transformed the Great Crusade.

Now a witchcraft will change the empire too.

The priests carved densely packed runes of the state religion in the secret room.

Candles are placed in their respective positions according to the requirements of the ceremony.

Azrael supervised the work of these people, making sure that the steps of the ceremony were completed meticulously.

No errors are allowed.

This matter is related to the recovery of the father of genes, so the Grand Teacher cannot be careless.

Once he made a mistake, he couldn't forgive himself.

Guilliman also ordered the fleet to be put under martial law near the giant stone fortress, and the defense protocol was opened, and any visitors were stopped immediately until the ceremony was completed.

He ordered Sicarius and others to cooperate with the Dark Angels to guard against interference and destruction from guys like the subspace.

The Dark Watchers also joined hands to perform the forbidden rituals inherited from their race, block the existence of the Megalith Fortress in the subspace, and create an independent space.

They have been passed down for countless years, and they are older than many demon races in the space.

He has experienced the battle of civilizations, the age of the ancient saints, and the battle of heaven, and has mastered unimaginable secrets.

The study of the Warp goes deeper than the Eldar.

Together, they sealed off the Fortress of the Stone to ensure the safety of the ritual to awaken the Lion.

The warriors built with the most cutting-edge technology of the empire combined with ancient witchcraft ensure that the depths of the megalithic fortress will not be disturbed by warp space and traitor forces.

As the Grand Master and Chief Psyker of the Dark Angels, Azrael is well versed in such rituals.

When Guilliman took off his hand armor and cut his palm with the Emperor's Sword, the blood of the Primarch flowed out.

He then ordered people to collect them in vessels engraved with the sacred emperor's runes.

Several Librarians used the blood of the Primarch to inscribe psionic runes near the platform where the Lion lay.

They need to send Lion into the Warp and use the Primarch's blood to stimulate his awakening.

Wait until all preparations are done.

At Guilliman's behest, the Darkwatch deactivated the force field device protecting the Lion.

When the light of the force field disappears.

The power of time and space also swept in, hurting the real body of the lion.

His breathing gradually became weak, and his hair became dull and no longer shiny.

Azrael and the others chanted the spell, sending their power into the carved runes.

At the same time, their spiritual consciousness began to connect together, forming a special group for traveling in the realm outside the world.

"It's at this time." A small man in white robes was suspended in the air, and powerful spiritual energy burst out from his body.

There was nothing there, only the dark inside of the robe suddenly radiated a brilliant light, illuminating the entire secret room.

It's like there's a giant sun under that robe.

"Eternity." The little man in white robe made a voice, and his robe fell off, revealing the original appearance of their family.

An entity composed of a strange light that contains the stars of the universe, no longer has a body of flesh and blood.

The stars in its body twinkled, as if it really contained a universe in its body.

They have already evolved and detached, freed from the troubles of flesh and blood.

Accompanied by a strong light, a subspace entrance appeared above Ryan.

Swallow it in instantly.

The consciousness of everyone also submerged into that entrance along with Ryan.

They need to enter Ryan's spiritual realm together, activate his power, and wake up the sleeping lion.

Jump, dodge, attack, kill, win.

As agile as a lion, the strong boy roared at a monster.

His combat skills are very skilled, stronger than those hunters and knights.

Soon, a huge mountain-like beast lay under his feet, making a loud bang.

The young man walked up to the giant beast's head along the scales, and stabbed the long sword into the opponent's weak spot.

Completely ended the life of the giant beast.

Then, he looked into the distance, frowning slightly.

In the lush forest, there were low-pitched roars from time to time.

In the forest, there are other giant beasts.

The young man stared at Lin Hai. From time to time, he saw super giant beasts whose bodies were as large as a kilometer. They moved far away, but because of their huge bodies, they could be seen.

Those guys are like mythical titans.

Huge, scary.

Gives a feeling of invincibility.

They stay in the depths of the forest, and the whole area will be distorted by their presence.

Some unearthly force has polluted them, twisting their shapes and making them hideous.

Huge tentacles and spikes are their most effective weapons, and a random swing can cause buildings and giant trees to collapse and explode.

Let people die in pieces.

No mortal can withstand a blow from those monsters.

Not to mention fighting these monsters, many people are terrified to death even if they take a look at them, wishing their parents would grow two more legs.

The young man standing on the head of the giant beast showed no fear at all, he held the long sword in his hand tightly.

He swore that one day, he would kill all these giant beasts.

No one told him to do it.

It's just that his heart tells him that he must do this.

Cut off the usable part of the fallen behemoth.

The cut and processed pieces of meat on the boy's back turned around and walked outside the jungle.

His body was as strong as a lion, and his bare chest was strong and powerful, as if cast from steel.

The long long hair is extremely smooth, and it is dragged behind his head, which brings out his wildness even more, and he is not restrained by the world.

He is the kind of man who belongs to the forest and belongs to freedom.

The young man walked for a long time with those pieces of meat on his back. It was dark and dawn again.

It took several days and nights to finally see a wide road made of stone slabs.

Walking along the main road, he soon saw a fortress city built like a turtle shell.

The guards held weapons in their hands, watching the travelers and merchants who came in and out vigilantly.

When they saw the boy carrying dried meat, they smiled.

"We thought you were dead. The odds of surviving the buyer from the old tavern are now as high as one hundred times, but no one dares to buy it. It seems that we all missed the opportunity to make a fortune."

The veteran who looked a bit old said to the boy.

"That's right, Ryan, you've been gone for a month and a half this time. We all thought it was impossible for you to get out of the forest alive."

"It's a miracle, how did you do it?"

"You have to tell us about your legendary experience."

The boy nodded, and agreed to tell about his hunting trip this time in the tavern.

The guards put him in the city.

The boy returned to the human world, looked at the noisy surroundings, and smiled.

He sold his meat to a butcher shop and returned to his home.

The basic necessities of life here maintain the medieval style.

Traveling by horse-drawn carriage, he wears flax, and basically only eats simple cooking methods such as boiling and roasting.

Everything looks so backward.

But there are some places that are unusual.

For example, the lighting they need is provided by the sun hanging from the city dome, without the sun outside.

The weapons in people's hands can emit blue arcs, and with a random swing, they can kill those powerful forest beasts.

Some well-to-do travelers even possess shields of light that can withstand all kinds of attacks.

It's a slightly incongruous world.

Ryan is used to this, and maybe that's how the world works.

He returned to his humble home, changed his clothes, cleaned up the filth, and walked towards the tavern.

Under the threat of giant beasts, people can only build their houses underground as much as possible.

Although there are also giant stealthy beasts underground, they are not a big threat to cities with knights and can be easily resolved.

Knights are very powerful. They control the armor bestowed by the gods and kill those giant beasts that dare to attack the city.

Every city is protected by a knight order.

Their armor has been passed down from generation to generation, possessing terrifying power, capable of destroying mountains, rivers and lakes with ease.

Ryan saw them make a move, and a beam of light leveled a forest and wiped it all away.

The people in the tavern were thrown into a commotion because of Ryan's arrival.

People called him the lion, the son of the forest, and some malicious people called him the little madman.

He has lived here for fifteen years.

He started hunting in the forest when he was very young, and every time he came back alive, he also brought back various wild animals, which shocked countless people.

Much of this world is covered in deep forests, inhabited by all manner of hideous beasts twisted by Chaos.

Very brutal.

No one can safely cross the forest without the protection of the Knights.

Ryan can easily do this.

It can even continue to hunt and kill wild animals.

"You should join the Knights," said one of the drinking guests. "That way, you will have brothers. They can help you defeat those beasts faster."

"Yes, Ryan, why don't you join the Knights?"

"They are very powerful, and they also have armor bestowed by the gods."

The drinking guests talked about it.

Encourage him to join the Knights.

The Knights had recruited this mysterious boy many times.

But every time the boy would refuse without hesitation.

Hearing the discussions among the drinkers, Ryan shook his head, expressing that he had no intention of joining the Knights, nor did he want to have any entanglements with the Knights.

There was always a strange voice in his heart.

That voice told him not to join the Knights.

Let alone nostalgia for illusory friendships such as brothers.

Otherwise, in the end all that is left is the bitterness of betrayal.

There are always some fragmented names in Ryan's mind.

Every time he thinks about it, he feels pain and inexplicable tears.

He didn't know why.

There was a force that kept stopping him, recalling the meaning of those names.

Suddenly, the tavern fell silent.

Several steel giants in black armor walked in.

They sat in a corner of the tavern.

The guests in the tavern can tell that they are not easy to mess with, and the aura exuding from them is more terrifying than those knights.

It's like a terrible war monster coming out of a sea of ​​corpses and blood.

Just sitting next to them felt an unprecedented fear, as if the blood was about to be frozen.

They subconsciously looked at other places, not daring to look directly at the soldiers in steel armor

"He sealed those memories by himself." Ezekiel looked towards the corner of the tavern, where the young Ryan was drinking.

"For him, those memories are too painful." Azrael said in a low voice, "No one can accept a series of betrayals, brothers, comrades-in-arms, everything they fought for was lies."

After putting down the Horus rebellion, the Lion Lion returned to the Caliban Monastery to find that his former comrade-in-arms, Luthor, had betrayed him.

With weak self-esteem, he is unwilling to admit that his negligence and indifference caused the separation of the dark angel.

He vented his anger furiously, and ordered the fleet to launch a devastating blow to Caliban, completely removing the rotten seeds.

That battle was sad.

Lion set foot on the land of Caliban with the scarred Dark Angels.

The rage made him lose his mind, and he just wanted to kill Luther.

He fought side by side with the Emperor, freeing countless planets from the pollution of Chaos.

Now, he saw that his homeland, Caliban, fell into the hands of the same evil force because of his mentor and comrades-in-arms.

Ryan led the dark angels to raid the fortress he designed himself.

The two sides in the battle became close friends and brothers, and once made an oath that they thought was indestructible.

However, they met swords on Caliban, and the cruelty of the fighting made the gods laugh.

The ancient homeland of the Grand Knights was reduced to ruins in their epic battles.

The Loyalist fleet continued to bombard the planet, destroying all remaining monastery fortresses.

The planet disintegrated in the violent bombardment, and finally left the strong Caliban fortress.

Azrael learned of the final battle from the Codex handed down from the time of the Grand Master.

The former brothers all displayed strength beyond mortals.

The two were evenly matched in all respects, and they fought hard.

In the end, the lion showed more powerful strength and broke through Luther's defense.

The lion held the blade high, but was still unable to swing the blow, but let out a thunderous and desperate roar, crying for everything he could not recover.

Luther seized the opportunity and unleashed the evil forces, crippling the Primarch.

But when the lion fell down and struggled to get up.

The indelible humanity in Luthor broke through his evil.

The power of the gods faded, allowing his blinded eyes to see again the Lion who had once regarded him as a brother.

Recalling the past fighting side by side, pain occupied the betrayer's heart.

He abandoned himself, he abandoned the Lion, he abandoned the Legion and the Emperor, all because of his own selfish desires.

Luther, who realized what he had done, fell to the ground in pain.

The gods laughed at it.

Brothers draw their swords against each other, and it is always something that can please them.

The evil god imprisoned in Caliban released a terrible power, tore apart time and space, completely destroyed its prison, and threw the lion ten thousand years later, and was taken away by the dark watchers ten thousand years later, sent to Back to the Stone Fortress.

Luther was left alone in the ruins, bearing the bitterness of betrayal alone.

The remaining dark watchers re-seal the evil gods, guide the dark angels on the road against the subspace, and protect the secrets of the giant stone fortress and the lion.

Until today, all the secrets have surfaced.

Luther didn't lie, it was indeed the Dark Watcher who took Ryan away.

But it was not the Dark Watcher at that time, but the Dark Watcher ten thousand years later.

The Calibanya space storm ten thousand years ago and the three artifacts event ten thousand years later formed a time-space closed loop.

If you hadn't witnessed this kind of thing with your own eyes, I'm afraid no one would dare to believe that such a ridiculous thing would happen.

Of course, now is not the time to study the space-time continuum and whether the future is fixed.

The most important thing is how to wake up the lion.

The pain of betrayal made him close his heart, hide in his own world, and repeat the scene of hunting and killing the giant beast of Caliban again and again.

Ryan felt the gaze of those people.

Vigilant, he also looked over without fear.

Those people wore heavy steel armor, their eyes were firm, and it was very complicated when they looked at themselves.

There are expectations, regrets, and a trace of grief.

Ryan was a little confused, did he know these guys? ?

It shouldn't be! !

I didn't even join the Knights, and I have always been alone. It is impossible to know such a person.

After a while, those outsiders in steel armor walked up to Ryan.

"Are you the best hunter here?" the man asked.

"No, if you want to find hunters to deal with those giant beasts, you can find the Knights, they are the strongest hunters?" Ryan shook his head and denied.

"We don't need to hunt giant beasts, we just need an excellent hunter." The man looked at Ryan and said.

Ryan stood up, looked left and right, and then looked at each other.

Although he is only a teenager, his physical development is much faster than ordinary people.

At only fifteen years old, he has already grown to a height of more than two meters, no less than the foreigner in steel armor in front of him.

"My salary is very expensive, you can't afford it, find someone else." Ryan said.

"I can pay you any reward you need. For the sake of integrity, I can use this sword as a mortgage." The man took out a long sword with exquisite shape, and the wide blade was engraved with special patterns that only knight weapons have.

Seeing this sword, Ryan felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

But he couldn't name the sword.

There was a voice that kept trying to shout out, but couldn't.

He thought he knew the name of the sword, but why couldn't he call it out? ?

"Okay, I agree." Ryan nodded.

"When can you go?" the man asked. "We need someone to guide us deep into the forest. It will take a long time."

"Anytime," Lane said, "I'm alone, and I don't need any preparation."

"Where's your brother?" the man asked.

Ryan was silent for a moment, and when he said this word, he felt a little pain.

He looked into each other's eyes and said loudly.

"I don't need a brother, and I don't have a brother."

Everyone was walking in the lush forest, and the mutated beasts roared.

Those terrible voices echoed in the dark jungle.

If ordinary people heard this voice, they would have been scared out of their wits long ago.

However, Azrael and others have experienced countless battles, and they have also undergone the original casting upgrade, gaining even more powerful power.

Some beasts polluted by chaos are not worth mentioning to them.

Until they come across a monstrous behemoth covered in bone spurs and wielding a gigantic behemoth.

Its body is as high as a thousand feet, and it is as continuous as a mountain range, occupying a huge area.

Its eyes were like a blood moon, exuding extreme malice.

Those tentacles were sticky, foul-smelling, and highly poisonous. The smell alone caused the trees to wither.

Those spikes are so sharp that they can easily pierce even steel.

The giant beast lurks in a huge lake.

No one realizes that the clear water of the lake is a terrifying beast.

When the giant beast showed its original appearance, they had no way to escape and could only show their weapons to fight.

Ryan kept jumping and rolling, avoiding the attacks of those tentacles.

However, he was quickly cornered.

"Take this sword." Azrael threw the sword in his hand to him.

It was a heavy two-handed giant sword, but Ryan easily caught it and pressed the activation rune.

Very proficient.

It was as if the sword had fought him countless times.

Holding this sword, Ryan chopped off the monster's tentacles with one strike, and even those hard bone spurs were easily cut off.

"What's the name of this sword?" Ryan looked at the stranger.

"The Lion's Wrath," said Azrael, "forged in the imitation of a hero's sword."

Ryan was stunned for a moment, and some voices became stronger and stronger in his mind.

Someone is calling.

Do not!

Ryan said painfully.

"This is your mission, Ryan." Azrael blocked an incoming tentacle.

He looked at Lane and said loudly, "Don't run away anymore, the Empire needs you, and your brother - Guilliman needs you too."

"No!" The severe pain in his brain made Ryan scream in pain, and the sealed memory was trying to resurface.

Black lines appeared on his body, and a pair of strange wings made of black mist appeared on his back.

"Guilliman has awakened." Azrael showed a hint of joy when he saw the strange appearance of Lion. He shouted while fighting against the monster, "He needs your help, Lion. Have you forgotten Is it your honor and mission?"

"No." Ryan screamed again, and he fell to his knees, his eyes ablaze and his wings billowing behind him when he raised his head.

Black flames burned along the lines on his body, like a punishing angel in mythology.

He is the Lord of the Dark Angels, a god forged by the Hand of the Emperor.

The black flames burned fiercely, and the monster was instantly reduced to ashes.

The majesty of a lion is unfathomable. 1

"No glory," Ryan yelled, his voice full of anger. "It's all over, and there's no glory. There's only ashes and betrayal, and what's the difference between what we've created and what we've destroyed."

During the Great Crusade, the Lion destroyed countless dynasties that would not obey the Emperor.

A king asked him at the time of destruction why he destroyed them.

The lion said it was for redemption.

The king said that his dynasty had existed for five thousand years and passed through the age of night safely, and they did not need redemption.

The lion laughed at his short-sightedness and stupidity, and brought down that dynasty, beheading the opponent himself.

Think back now, what the gods did to the Imperium of Man.

What's the difference from what they did to those dynasties.

The human empire claims to bring salvation, and the gods claim to bring salvation.

What's the difference?

Nothing more than one terrible hell and another even more terrible hell.

Was his exploit really an honor?

Perhaps it was just a sin committed by a vain man in order to conquer and kill.

Didn't Horus' betrayal, Luthor's betrayal confirm this?

"There is no glory." Ryan shed tears, and he howled towards his son like a madman. "No. It's all over, we failed."

"No, Ryan, it's not too late, we haven't failed yet." Azrael said, "We still have a future under the leadership of the Regent."


"Lord of the Great Knights."

"Come back, we need you."

Ezekiel and others spoke one after another. This is Ryan's home field, and he can only wake up if he wants to wake up.

If a Primarch resists returning, who will bring him back.

"No," Ryan yelled, "let it all end."

"We did do a lot wrong, but it's not too late."

A voice came from behind the fighting crowd.

Guilliman did not know when he appeared behind the crowd.

Azrael and Ezekiel looked surprised.

No one denies the power of the Imperial Regency.

But his psionic ability is really unseen among many primarchs, it can be described as a chicken.

Even ordinary psykers can easily defeat him.

How did he get here? ?

You know, they can enter here because they are all highly skilled psykers.

It can let the spirit leave the body and travel into the realm of the other side.

"Guilliman." Ryan looked at Guilliman in blue power armor. The other party twisted his body unnaturally, obviously not used to this state of mentally traveling in the subspace.

"It's me, Ryan." Guilliman stepped forward, "It's awkward, meeting in this situation."

"What do you want to say?" Ryan said, "If you are persuading me, then don't persuade me again. We failed, didn't we? When I saw Luthor's rebellion, I already knew that human beings would never be able to get rid of the chaos." polluted."

"When the Emperor showed up in Caliban, I already knew what he wanted to do. It was a crazy plan, and I was obsessed with it, and I was involved in it, trying to make it happen. But in the end you see , everything has failed. The Emperor has left, and it is impossible for human beings to get rid of the pollution of chaos."

"I should have understood long ago that we are not special. Countless extinct species, with the same expectations, did the same thing. In the end, they all became history, an insignificant little wave in the long river of time."

"Every species believes that it has something unique, and believes that it will be able to get out of this vicious circle of civilization development, until in the end all species and all empires are the same, and they will all usher in destruction."

"That's right." Guilliman nodded in agreement, "Indeed, a powerful empire always has enemies, and when one enemy falls, another enemy will rise up, lose the experience and lessons of the former, and then make a comeback. "

Lion was stunned for a moment, and he looked at Guilliman.

Is this guy really here to persuade himself?

"But what does it matter? It's enough for one generation to do what one generation does." Guilliman smiled, "We have been endowed with superhuman strength and wisdom. For this reason, we used to be arrogant and self-righteous. We Subconsciously accepting the Emperor's brainwashing, we can ignore the suffering in the process in order to win the final victory. But later, we found that we actually got nothing."

"We think that everything we do is to protect human beings, but we never listen to their voices. We have built a huge empire, but we have forgotten why we built this empire. We have forgotten our original intention. Until I again Waking up and seeing the men and women who have suffered and yet are still alive, I understand this. We are not great because of ourselves, but because of those who are willing to follow us."

"Ryan, it's not too late. Let's fix our mistakes and reshape this empire to make it right. We'll listen to the ordinary, love what they love, and think what they've suffered Suffering. We owed them, we promised good and we gave them hell."

Guilliman put his hand on Lion's shoulder.

"No one is better than you, Lane. Those bloody traitors will cry because of your name, and they will cry like a fart because of your return."

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