Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 183 This is the era of Abaddon (for subscription)


The planet has not yet been enveloped by the light of reformation, nor has the benevolence of the Imperial Regency reached this region.

The inhabitants are still under the administration of Lucian XII.

The estate of the Lucian family is located in the high tower of the capital, Port Saints. It is the wealthiest and most powerful family on the planet.

On Vigilus, no force can shake their foundations.

Any challenger who tries to do that will pay a heavy price.

The family claimed to have been appointed by the Emperor as the rightful rulers of the planet.

Anyone who disobeys their orders is disobedience to the Emperor, an unforgivable crime.

If you look closely, it is actually easy to see the lies of the Lucian family.

House Lucian was not a family that rose during the Great Crusade.

Therefore, it cannot be appointed by the Emperor.

All this family has received is the recognition of the Terra Council.

This family promised more taxes and soldiers to the empire than the previous ruling family.

The high lord who got the benefits in return signed a bill for this, and the Lucian family got the legal right to rule Vigilus.

Since then, the family has started a rule that lasted for four thousand years.

The Emperor would not even know who they were.

For civilians living on Vigilus, the Lucian family is the most terrifying existence.

But the Lucian family is insignificant to the empire, and a judge can kill this bug family without paying any price.

Vigilante is located at the edge of the Obscure Field.

This planet will provide the Empire with a large number of soldiers and shield equipment.

As a tithe paid to the empire.

Vigilus has a unique defense technology.

A long time ago, the mechanical sages who passed by Vigilus discovered a stance shield STC powered by psionic technology in the ruins of an ancient golden age.

This shield technology is more suitable for fighting against demons or various spiritual attacks than other shield technologies of the empire, so it is very popular.

This STC was quickly approved and put into production by the mechanical sages of Mars.

In addition to being sent to interstellar trade ships by interstellar merchants, it becomes a solid defense device for other planets.

These fortress-level force field shields are also installed on the edge of each continent of Vigilance, providing enough powerful shield protection for Vigilance.

It is these shields that keep Vigilus at peace for a long time.

After all, even Chaos Warriors have difficulty breaking through those fortress-level defensive shields.

Even with Chaos Witchcraft.

That kind of shield technology is specially used to target psionic energy.

Given the importance of the shields, the Mechanic Priests who maintain these shields are also given high status.

They even made an agreement with the planetary governor's family.

The planet's force field shield is repaired by the Mechanic Priest.

The Lucian family allowed them to build their own facilities on the northern foundry continent for research and production of equipment needed by various empires.

The mechanical sages value the northern continent of the Vigilant Star, not just for casting, nor for competing with the Lucian family for power and profit.

The reason why they are so concerned is because there is a mysterious black mineral underground on the northern continent.

This black mineral is extremely valuable, it can stabilize and increase the power of the ether, and if it is at a special frequency, it can even generate an anti-ether force field.

These properties underpin the mineral's value.

For this reason, it has been enthusiastically sought after by Mechanicism.

After the detection of the Mechanicism, these minerals are distributed under the surface of the northern continent like blood vessels.

The scale of reserves is so large that it is difficult to measure.

It is very possible that the entire formation is covered with these black ores.

The technical bishops built a large number of mechanical equipment for a large number of collection activities to dig out these minerals and manufacture them into various industrial products or military weapons.

With the unique force field technology and black minerals, during the peace period, the wealth of this planet is quickly accumulated, and people's overall life is considered good.

After all, the annual income of the powerful family is terrifying, and it is no big deal to spend a little to appease the civilians of Vigilante.

Everyone thought that life would go on like this day by day.

However, this calm crumbled with the fall of Cadian.

With a warp storm, a new dark age has come to the wastelands and hives of Vigilus.

When the warp rift tore the starry sky in two, everyone thought the end was coming.

A large amount of purple light gushed out from the crack.

Those radiances have special magical powers, and every citizen of the empire who sees them will be involuntarily bewildered by those radiances.

In the early days of the disaster, many bloody conflicts erupted among the hive dwellers in order to be one step closer to the eerie light.

Thousands of lives were lost.

But the fanaticism of those people has not subsided, they are still extremely crazy, they want to get close to the crack by any means, and snatch the army's aircraft for this purpose.

It wasn't until the ruler of the planet - the patriarch of the Lucian family, that Lucian reacted at this time, and issued a ban requiring residents not to look up at the sky at night, and not to go out after nightfall.

Those who violated the law were lightly punished by whipping, and those who violated it might be directly killed.

Under the iron fist, people resented a lot.

On the other hand, with the emergence of the Great Rift, all Imperial civilians on Vigilus found themselves tormented by nightmares.

Their sleep quality becomes poor, their nerves become weak, and their whole people become very sensitive.

For this reason, many citizens believed in the doomsday theory of those underground sects and accepted their crazy brainwashing.

Under the instigation of those sects, some hives set off hundreds of riots a month, and life and production were affected.

All kinds of crises followed.

As an important fulcrum that can stabilize the space structure and maintain the Nachmond promenade, it also serves as a warning star at the entrance of the promenade, and other races soon realized its strategic value.

Perhaps it was somewhere in the dark that the orc gods were protecting and guiding Mao Ershen.

The first to come to Vigilus turned out to be the orc fleet.

The orcs invaded Vigilus with a fleet of patchwork warships.

Warp storms and aetheric frenzy caused by the Great Rift tormented officially certified psykers and seers of the Empire.

So that no one observed the invasion of the orc fleet, let alone warned.

The unsuspecting imperial navy was scattered by the huge size of the orcs without organizing an effective defense line.

When they regrouped and tried to fight the orcs to the death.

Those orc ships have already crashed into the vast and desolate plain of Vigilance like meteors, completing a wave of space gestures dedicated to orcs.

The strategic purpose of the orcs is simple and straightforward, that is to invade Vigilus, turn Vigilus into their territory, or turn it into a meat-grinding battlefield they like

Those orcs who survived the battleship's impact on the surface quickly established the unique structure of orcs - the garbage city.

As we all know, the development of Orcs is very fast.

After landing for half a month, the wilderness is full of running green figures.

Everywhere echoed the sound of metal clashing, the sound of super guns firing.

The sound of the great mechanic yelling and the roar of the engine roaring when it starts.

The Lucian family can't do anything about it. There are not only green skins in the wild, but also various chaos sects and monsters walking in the dark.

The Empire lost control of the wilderness and was forced to hide in various hive cities, using shields to protect itself.

The wilderness has become the domain of the orcs, as well as those aliens and demons.

However, misfortunes never come singly.

In addition to the orcs, the riots in various hive cities became more and more intense.

A poor church known as the Twisted Dragon has launched a devastation raid under the leadership of a prophet, adding to the unrest.

A large number of doomsday sects rose up one after another to brainwash the people when the rulers were overwhelmed.

The riots intensified further, and the situation was on the verge of getting out of control.

After investigation by agents, it was discovered that the Twisted Dragon Sect was formed by the gene stealers released by the Tyranid Zerg, and there were also Chaos Cultists behind other sects.

Realizing that the crisis was inevitable, the dignitaries used their power and troops to collect enough water and food for many years, hid in the inner wall, closed all the entrances and exits, and prepared to wait for the rescue of the empire.

Such selfish behavior eventually led to civil uprisings.

The anger of the people almost turned into substance, and their anger eventually tore apart the entire order of Vigilus.

Under the incitement and instigation of the Indomitable Dragon and a large number of sects that promote doomsday theory.

All kinds of riots broke out frequently in various lairs of Vigilante, industrial production was almost at a standstill, and transportation lines in various places were also destroyed.

Many thugs are even trying to find a way to cross the inner wall and enter the area where the powerful are located to kill and loot.

The Dark Eldar also rushed out of the webway during the civil strife on Vigilance. They captured a large number of humans as their playthings and slaves, and caused bloody and brutal massacres in many cities.

Thousands of civilians were flayed, tortured to death, and then hung up as a threat to the Dark Eldar.

However, these are not the scariest.

After the orcs, Zerg, and Dark Eldar, Chaos followed closely.

A Chaos traitor calling himself the Star Reaver proclaimed that the age of the Imperium was over and demanded that the ruler of Vigilus unconditionally pledge allegiance to the Marauder, chosen by the Four Gods, Warmaster Abaddon.

He gave a limited time limit, if the time comes, the ruler of Vigilante has not surrendered.

Then they will launch an attack and destroy the entire Vigilus.

Facing the intimidation of the Star Capturer, the Lucian family once wanted to surrender.

However, the arrival of the Iron Hands and Brass Claws shattered his betrayal.

Companies of both chapters operate in the nearby subsector.

They learned from other sources that Chaos wanted to get the Vigilante, so they rushed over.

Gabriel of the Iron Hands Chapter didn't know why Chaos took a fancy to Vigilus.

Out of instinctive dislike and vigilance against Chaos traitors, and the importance of the Nachmond Corridor.

He knew he had to hold on to Vigilus and call for reinforcements to keep Vigilus under Imperial control.

The Librarians serving the two Chapters united and sent messages across the Imperium requesting further reinforcements against the impending hordes of the Warmaster.

After the Great Rift appeared, any psionic communication came at a heavy price.

Even a psionic communication between two neighboring planets could tear the mind of the messenger.

Only the trained Chapter Librarians can send messages to the Empire continuously with the fortitude of will.

After paying a heavy price, these help information was learned by various chapters and Terra.

In order to protect the last hope of the human empire, the loyal battle group dispatched fleets and embarked on the road to Vigilante.

Calgar also went to Vigilus to support him under the order of the Regent of the Empire.

"Flesh is weak, but machines are perfect."

Every warrior of the Iron Hands pursues this philosophy.

No one has a deeper understanding of this sentence than Gabriel.

Each parent group of Empire has a strong individual style.

Savage and rude, a wild wolf who believes in nature.

The silent, secretive dark angel.

A blood angel who is sincere and good at fighting, and insists on fighting against his own genetic defects.

Come and go like the wind, the white scars of speed.

A model of morality, a battle group can pull out tens of thousands of ultra fighters.

As stubborn as a rock, it is known as the fist of the empire, the high wall of the empire.

A fiery, unyielding salamander.

The last is the Iron Hands, just like the name, they believe in the idea that machines are stronger than flesh.

The creations of dark technology in the hands of the Iron Hands Chapter are only slightly inferior to the treasury of the Dark Angels.

They are the only omnic legion with multiple supports.

If it weren't for the clear records in the empire, many people would probably regard them as a branch of Mechanicism.

They are as keen on digging STC as Mechanics, and engage in various mechanical research.

Many fighters even have the emblem of mechanical gears on their bodies.

When they fight, they often carry a large amount of mechanical equipment to strengthen their personal firepower.

Just like at this time, several omnics took heavy steps and walked ahead.

Gabriel followed with the rest of the Iron Hands

They wandered through the ruins of the hive city where the sirens were blaring, looking for enemies.

This is not a frontal battlefield, but a small-scale conflict.

Their task is to clear the enemies in the ruins, assist local residents to evacuate, and enter a safer area.

Bright lights flickered among the ruins, like the pulse of a dying man.

Shadows hung around the ruined columns and arches.

The strong lights from the floating gunboat illuminate the rubble and broken bodies here.

The hollowed-out eye sockets of the single-function servitor installed on the wall glowed, and the tendons inlaid with metal opened and closed to the ruins shrouded in darkness, sending garbled codes that no one could understand.

Gabriel's steel boots stepped on the gravel, and the helmet-mounted eyepiece activated the infrared function to help him lock the target in the dark.

Two omnics followed behind him, the clicking sound continued, and the multi-barreled bolter mounted on the arm of the omnic continued to rotate, trying to lock on to the target in the dark.

In the entire team, the number of omnics is equal to the number of Iron Hands fighters.

The Iron Hands were one of the few Chapters in the Imperium that did not abide by the Martian Prohibition.

Mars has a big opinion on this.

But the Iron Hands are the mother group after all, and Martian's opinion won't have any effect.

Nor do the High Lords want to touch a Mother Order for the benefit of the Mechanicum.

In fact, in the empire, the mother regiment is a very special existence, which will give the war regiment of this bloodline a sense of belonging.

Each battle group is inherited by blood, if Terra makes an unreasonable ruling, it is likely to attract opposition from other war groups.

Iron Hands can be considered to have a detached status in the empire.

There is nothing the Mechanicum can do about this, and they can only acquiesce that they have their own technology.

Later, they will even reach some research cooperation with the Iron Hand.

"I smell the stench of those orcs, but it's not just them, there are other things." The space wolf warrior Jess next to him said in a low voice.

He is much taller than Gabriel, and the power armor on his body is also thicker.

Jace is a Primaris Space Marine.

After the emergence of the Great Rift, he went to Macragge to support, and then the Primarch awakened and started the reform.

As a result, Jess accepted the Primaris upgrade, became a Primaris Space Marine, and responded to the Indomitable Crusade.

The scope of the Indomitable Crusade is large and is not limited to a few major battlegrounds.

Jess did not follow the Regent to destroy the Necrons and Orcs, but has been leading the team to help those worlds invaded by Chaos.

When Vigilante sent a signal for help, he rushed here with his subordinates as soon as possible, and joined the Iron Hands and Brass Claws to fight against those demons and aliens.

"Genestealers," Gabriel responded to the Space Wolves, pointing to a ruin.

Some green viscous liquid was scattered on the ruins.

After analysis, these liquids should be the blood of gene stealers.

"It seems that those aliens fought first." Jess said in a deep voice.

"It is undoubtedly good news. I sincerely hope that they can decide the outcome and directly disable the other side. That way our pressure will be much less."

Gabriel, with his bolter in hand, kicked away a fragment of a partition, revealing several shattered bodies below.

All are imperial civilians.

Gabriel just wanted to express his anger, and then found that the dead had the marks of belonging to the Unyielding Dragon Sect.

He had to put away his anger.

The Indomitable Dragons, an organization founded by gene-stealer pauper princes, are plotting to overthrow the Empire.

These believers who joined the Unyielding Dragon Sect are undoubtedly the enemies of the empire.

They betrayed the Holy Emperor.

"help me."

A faint voice sounded.

A nearby woman calls for help to the approaching Gabriel.

She was dying, the orc had slashed her thigh, and the wound was simply bandaged.

Under the woman's body, bright red blood was already flowing all over the ground.

If there is no rescue, it will die soon.

"help me."

Gabriel stood in front of the woman, raising his bolter.

"Shameful traitor,"

Then, swinging his chainsword, he bestowed mercy.

There is no need to rescue those traitors who have joined the Genestealer cult.

Their souls and genes have been polluted.

Even if this woman is saved, the other party will not have any gratitude, but will betray mankind again.

In that case, it is better to send him to die directly.

"A sad guy." Jess walked to Gabriel's side, looked at the fragmented body, and shook his head.

"There's no time for us to be sad." Gabriel lowered his voice and looked towards the distance of the ruins. "There are two paths now, Brother Wild Wolf. The first is to chase the orcs. They have withdrawn from the Hive City, and the gene stealers have caused them a lot of casualties. The second is to hunt down the gene stealers. They fled to the depths of the Hive City, where the structures are complex."

"As a friendly brother, you can choose one of them first."

"Wild wolves don't like to move in narrow places. We prefer to hunt in the wilderness, so that we can fully release our nature of freedom." Jess said, "For the sake of freedom and hunting, as a priest of wild wolves, I have thought carefully, Decided to choose option two."

Gabriel: .

Turning his head to look at the serious wolf priest.

I wonder if my allies have been polluted by chaos.

It doesn't look like a wolf's style either.

On the contrary, it is more like a special animal unique to ancient Terra, the husky.

"Don't wolves dislike moving in narrow places?" Gabriel asked puzzledly, suppressing the wild thoughts in his heart.

"But wolves are better at hunting down enemies in the dark, and your equipment won't be effective at the bottom of the narrow hive city. Moreover, the stealth and ambush abilities of those gene stealers cannot be underestimated." Jess revealed Smile, "Wild wolves are more experienced in this. We are predators who live in the dark, and you are sharp spears on the frontal battlefield."

Gabriel laughed too, and he hit the opponent's breastplate with his fist.

This is the gesture of the Iron Hand as a sign of friendship.

Gabriel was not hypocritical either, he took the Iron Hand warriors to chase the orcs.

As the Space Wolves said, the Iron Hands, who pursue mechanical perfection, do pay more attention to the frontal battlefield.

They have enough firepower and omnic support.

The Iron Hands are aboard a hovering gunship, and they will bring the Emperor's Wrath to those damned orcs.

The Wolves watched as the Iron Hands warriors departed, then turned and continued hunting the Genestealers.

Calgar, who was ordered to go to Vigilus for support, stood beside Regula, the mechanical sage.

At this time, he was standing on the observation platform of the Mechanical Ark.

"Is this the latest designed equipment?"

Calgar looked at the huge hangar in front of him, the new fighter plane caught by the mechanical arm, and asked puzzledly.

In his opinion, the fighter plane in front of him was ordinary and nothing special.

The design should be based on the design of the Valkyrie. The streamlined triangular body is completely different from the Stormbird and Thunderhawk and other gunships.

It seems that it has a more technological sense and has more characteristics of the interstellar era.

But Calgar is not the kind of person who pays attention to appearance.

In his worldview, practicality is more important than appearance.

Flowers are beautiful, but the ax is the key to everything.

Appearance can not determine the outcome of the battlefield, only the power of the weapon can determine the trend of victory in the battlefield.

"Yes, this is the latest design of the fighter plane. The relevant design drawings have been available for a long time. It's just that the reform and innovation will be targeted by the Martian Mechanicus, and these fighter planes have never been produced. The Imperial Regent dismissed the foundry general and abolished most of the technology. After the ban, I also built it. If possible, I hope that this fighter can enter the army of adults and conduct experiments to collect enough information.”

Regula said with a smug smile.

As a sage of radicals, Regula has always been annoyed by the pedantic Martian conservatives.

It was those regulations that made it difficult to innovate within the Mechanicus.

If you want to invent something, you need to get involved with STC in a roundabout way, otherwise you may bring disaster to yourself.

To be honest, Regula felt that the reason why the rulers of Mars always emphasized the importance of STC was not to maintain the purity of human technology, but to ensure their own power.

Mars experienced the Great Crusade and was the Empire's first forge world.

During the Great Crusade, every STC discovered by the Imperial Expeditionary Force was assigned to Mars.

For this reason, Mars should have the most STC templates.

To maintain the special status of STC is to maintain the status of Mars.

After all, if a comprehensive scientific research is opened up, if some top talent appears, it will directly pull the technology of that planet to a level higher than that of Mars.

Then Mars will fall into a very embarrassing situation.

Claims to be the Holy Land of Mechanicum, but the technology is not the best.

In this way, the reputation of the Holy Land will surely be challenged.

Over time, the status of Mars will gradually decline, and in the end it may not even be able to maintain the status of the High Lords Council.

If a system centered on the STC template is established and all technologies are required to come from STC, then the status of Mars will be guaranteed.

After all, they have the most STC templates in all the foundry worlds in the galaxy, so their technology is also the most powerful.

In this way, the position of Mars is naturally protected.

Regula's suspicion was not groundless.

During the Beast War, the Martian gang blatantly violated the decision of the High Lords Council and transferred the orc battle moon to the dark void of the solar system without authorization to study it.

Alien Technology Prohibition Act?

Non-STC Tech Prohibition Act?

None of them complied.

Even if they don't follow their own rules, one can imagine their attitude.

"If you want to deploy troops, it must have enough value." Calgar said, "I can't see its value. If it is a simple fighter, the Valkyrie, Stormbird and other fighters have been verified for many years, and their performance is reliable. You can achieve better results with optimization, and there is no need to use brand new technology.”

"No, no, the positioning of this fighter is completely different from other fighters." Regula waved his hand and opened a holographic interface, "The empire's weapons and equipment have not been developed for a long time, and many equipment cannot meet the needs of the empire. For example, The moving speed of the Titan is too slow, and it must be delivered to the battlefield with the Titan transport ship to play a role."

"If the distance is too far, relying on the moving speed of the Titans, you can't count on them at all. Even the fastest Cerberus Titans or Knight Titans, it is difficult for them to ensure that their maneuvering speed can keep up with the firepower needs of the empire. For this reason, the Thunderbird, an amphibious air-ground integrated combat aircraft I designed, came in handy."

Following Regula's explanation, the holographic interface in front of him also slowly rotated.

"The Thunderbird fighter has two forms. The first is the aircraft form, which adopts the appearance design of the Valkyrie. It can reach the first cosmic speed at the fastest, that is, eight kilometers per second. This speed is enough in the atmosphere to travel at half Support the whole world within an hour, and carry out precise surgical strikes on the enemy. The second form is the walking mech form for land combat."

The holographic interface changed again, and the Thunderbird changed from a flying machine to a Titan biped walking mech.

"The fighter plane can transform in the air, and then land into a walking mech to provide fire support for land troops. The Thunderbird's firepower is not top-notch, it is only equipped with a plasma cannon, a chainsaw sword, and six miniature Missiles, and four rapid-fire machine guns."

"The Thunderbird fighter uses a lot of new technologies introduced by the Regent of the Empire. These new technologies are very powerful, especially in the area of ​​material science. The use of new and malleable materials makes the Thunderbird's performance even better than the original design. It can be perfect Adapting to the needs of integrated air-ground operations, the empire can strike the world within half an hour."

Regula's explanation made Calga show an interested expression.

If the Thunderbird can really realize the functions that Regula said, this will definitely be a historic change for the empire's military forces.

The improvement of the military strength of the empire is absolutely explosive.

"Can these functions really be realized? And is such a fast speed and the integration of air-ground combat a big burden on the driver?"

Calgar is not a military mediocrity. He knows that once the Thunderbird's many functions are realized, it will be of great help to the Empire's ground warfare.

"Thunderbird adopts deep immersive neural control to realize the real integration of man and machine, so that they can control the Thunderbird fighter as they like, and complete transformation and combat tasks."

"My lord, I once again request you to list the Thunderbird as combat equipment. Any weapon equipment needs an experiment process. Only in this way can we collect enough parameters. It can't stay in the laboratory all the time. That would be of no use to the empire." Useless."

Calgar looked at the Thunderbird fighter jet, and then at Regula who looked expectant.

After the reforms of the Imperial Regency, the Mechanicus gained more technological and scientific powers, but they were also deprived of most of their military power.

The Mechanical Skitarii have been incorporated into the Imperial military management system and no longer accept orders from the Sages.

That's why Regula needed to reach an agreement with Calgar to test the Thunderbirds on a large scale to collect data.

Although he controlled the mechanical ark, his right to military action has been deprived.

"There is still half a month left before Vigilante, how many Thunderbirds can you take out before reaching Vigilante?" Calgar looked at Regula and asked.

"Twenty-four have been produced so far, and it is expected to produce another forty-eight before reaching Vigilus." Regula's mechanical arm slid the holographic screen, which displayed Thunderbird's production line.

The Mechanical Ark has a large reserve of strategic materials and can self-sufficiently produce most of the empire's weapons and equipment.

Regula is bound to win the quantitative production of Thunderbird.

For his own invention and innovation, he has full confidence.

After receiving the latest material technology provided by the Regent of the Empire, he has two hundred percent confidence.

He transformed the production line early on, allowing a large number of machine slaves and labor slaves to produce related accessories.

At that time, as long as it is assembled, it can be put into use.

"I will assign some of the pilots to you. There is still half a month left. I hope you can adapt them to Thunderbird fighters as soon as possible. If you can succeed, it will be of great significance to the Imperial Army."

Calgar told Regula that he agreed to the other party's proposal to test weapons on Vigilus.

"You will not be disappointed, my lord."

Regula suppressed the excitement in his heart and said.

Along with the distortion of the void, streams of blasphemous rays of light from the warp spewed out from the cracks.

Battleships full of chaotic atmosphere poured out of it.

These ships did not have Geller's field activated, which resulted in their warships being severely distorted.

The surface of the hull is covered with densely packed skeletons and corpses, as well as various flesh and blood and strangely spreading shadows.

This Chaos fleet is huge.

The leader is the messenger of the apocalypse who was put on the kill list by the imperial navy.

It was a ship with a huge eye on the prow.

That blood-colored eye swiveled in the void as the battleship moved.

Full of extreme malice.

Just looking at it makes people palpitate and tremble.

It feels like my soul will be swallowed up.

The owner of this ship is Harkon the Starreaver.

It was he who made Vigilante's proclamation.

Now, he has come to fulfill his promise.

Harkon the Starreaver is chosen by the four gods and the mouthpiece of Abaddon.

Before Abaddon founded the Black Legion, he served the man who would destroy the Imperium.

Harken's status in the Black Legion is not low, commanding a large-scale chaos force, conquering one world after another for Abaddon.

He would often thrust a spear into the surface of a planet to announce the death of the world.

Before Abaddon's army arrives, Harkon will lead the vanguard, sowing chaos and fear in the enemy's positions, weakening the enemy's defenses and destroying the opponent's command center and supply center.

Harkon would often unleash massacres, breaking the will of those who resisted and enslaving mortals as slaves to the Black Legion.

"How's the situation?" Harken sat on his own throne and asked in a low voice.

"Everything is going well, our fleet has assembled." The captain next to him responded to the master he served.

Due to prolonged exposure to the Warp, many within the Black Legion have mutated.

The captain of the Apocalypse is no exception.

His face has turned into wriggling pink flesh, his eyes have turned into yellow-brown snake pupils, and his mouth is protruding. When he opens his mouth, he can see the sharp fangs. All have to be torn apart.

The fingers became slender, like flexible tentacles, and the bones of the body seemed to disappear, limp.

Harken nodded, watching the enemy appearing on the screen in front of him, and smiled.

"We have to work quickly, otherwise the Warmaster arrives, and we haven't done it yet, but we will be punished."

"Don't worry, soon, their naval power is too weak to be a threat at all. Although they have been supplemented by some battleships, they are not a concept at all compared with our team." The captain tapped his finger Tap on the screen to call up the defense map of Vigilance Void.

Vigilante was not the front line of the battlefield before. For this reason, it did not build too many defensive space stations, nor did it build a complete void defense system.

"Kill them, dedicate this planet to the great Lord Abaddon, and let those who believe in the corpse emperor know that this is the era of Warlord Abaddon, and their stubborn resistance will only bring destruction to themselves,"

Haken the Star Capturer said firmly.

"Understood, my lord, this planet will soon become your trophy." The captain said loudly.

Vigilante's naval fleet is in no way comparable to the Chaos fleet in terms of size or firepower.

If you want to win with military literacy, it will be very funny.

Harken and the others are old antiques that have lived for a long time.

The captain served Harken during the first expedition.

In terms of tactics, and in terms of age, the fleet loyal to the corpse emperor is just a hairless kid.

Even if the cooperation between the Chaos fleet was not perfect, the captain of the Apocalypse quickly tore apart the empire's navy and destroyed those defensive space stations that were unwilling to surrender.

Soon, the outer orbit of Vigilus fell into the hands of Harken the Startaker.

Their arrival has encouraged the Chaos War Gang and various Chaos sects that were originally active on Vigilus.

Harken thought that this planet would soon surrender, but who would have thought that the Iron Hand came too fast, the governor of the planet who was just about to kneel down and surrender resolutely persuaded him, and transformed into a loyal servant of the emperor again.

After that, a large number of space fighters came to form a larger support team.

The Chaos warriors who had landed as force to intimidate the local dignitaries were suppressed, and even wiped out for a time.

Realizing that Haken, who cannot use intimidation to make Vigilante surrender, can only do it himself.

He didn't want to be treated like trash by Abaddon.

If that's the case, life would really be worse than death.

Abaddon would show no mercy to a waste.

"Start the airborne, it's time to let those guys know the consequences of disobedience to the Great Marauder, let the whole world burn, and present a precious gift to the great god and the great warmaster."

Harken opened his arms and shouted at the roaring Black Legion fighters.

All the soldiers of the Black Legion let out excited shouts.

They walked to Hellclaw, and with the help of the fallen members of Mechanicum, they entered the cabin and prepared to land on the air.

After reaching a certain distance, Apocalypse throws out a large number of Hellclaw Drop Pods.

Drop pods fall on cities unshielded by warp storms.

These places use shields powered by psionic technology.

The aether leak caused by the warp storm has shaken the foundations of these shields.

Let these spiritual energy shields all be paralyzed.

Those airborne pods fell heavily on the ground like bolides, making a booming impact, causing dense cracks to appear on the ground.

The city made a rumbling sound, and a large number of buildings collapsed under such a terrifying impact, turning into ruins amidst the smoke and screams.

Under the horrified eyes of those citizens, the hatch of Hellclaw was bounced open with the hiss of high-pressure gas.

Warriors in heavy armor adorned with spikes and skulls swarmed out of it.

And those demons followed closely behind, following the hosts of the real universe and appearing in the city.

Seeing the traitors and those demons, the citizens screamed in terror, then turned around and fled into the distance.

The soldiers of the Black Legion all showed cruel smiles.

These stupid guys who are loyal to the corpse emperor should be completely cleaned up.

Use countless deaths to let the entire empire know one thing.

Now, it is the era of Abaddon.

Those who follow the war will live, and those who oppose the war will die.

Vigilante dared not accept the ultimatum of the Marauder, that is to kill himself.

So what if the Iron Hands and those warbands come to support! !

In front of the Warmaster, these warbands are nothing but small trash that can be easily destroyed.

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