Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 208 The Emperor's Fragment (Subscribe)

Lorgar looked at Ahriman.

Obviously, the other party's words made him fall into a brief confusion.

"Against Guilliman?"

"Yes, he is entering the Eye of Terror." Ahriman said, "Under his control, the empire is rising rapidly. We must take action to control the situation. You don't want to be approached by him to take revenge one day, right? Lord of the Word Bearers."

It was not difficult to persuade Lorgar to join the anti-Guilliman alliance.

During the Great Crusade, Guilliman burned the Perfect City, and the Emperor forced them to kneel before the Ultramarines and admit their mistakes.

In the early days of the Horus Rebellion, Lorgar burned the world of Calth and took revenge on the five hundred worlds of Ultramar, causing countless casualties.

The blood feud between the two sides has long been irreconcilable.

Throughout the ten thousand years of the Empire, the Ultramarines have considered the Word Bearers their number one enemy.

As long as they hear news of the presence of the Word Bearers, they will go there and suppress them by any means.

It's never over unless one side is completely down.

Once Guilliman rises, Lorgar's fate can be imagined.

Ahriman explained to Lorgar what Guilliman had accomplished over the years.

The empire is growing fast.

All kinds of high-tech creations emerge in endlessly.

Guilliman's expeditionary force swept away all political enemies and aliens who opposed him.

His power has reached the peak of the empire in ten thousand years.

Unless the Emperor awakens, no one can shake his power.

Even the return of the faithful Primarch.

Ahriman didn't waste much time, and Lorgar nodded, expressing his position.

"I agree, and I will call the Word Bearers into battle as you speak."

"This is the best." Ahriman smiled. Up to now, the alliance team that killed Guilliman has grown very strong.

If nothing else, Guilliman could not escape.

The Eye of Terror will be his burial place.

After discussing cooperation and some details, Ahriman sent Lorgar back to his cathedral.

Ahriman ordered his own fleet to leave, and he was going to prepare a ceremony.

He knew that Guilliman had defeated Angron once.

After sleeping for thousands of years, Guilliman's power has become extremely terrifying due to some unknown reasons.

If they are not careful, their plan may capsize this time.

In order to be safe, some precautionary measures are necessary.

The big net full of fangs is ready.

The gears of fate have turned, and no one can resist the mighty power of fate.

With the efforts of the gods and people, Guilliman will surely fall into the Eye of Terror.

Angron roared in anger, his heavy body ran on the ground, every step made the ground tremble.

He was blindly looking for Lorgar's trace, yelling that Lorgar was a coward.

He didn't leave with anger until he confirmed that Lorgar was not on this planet.

But Angron will not give up revenge.

Anyone who dares to play with Nukelia's free gladiator soul will die.

His rage whipped up a storm.

The bloodservant passes on his will to those World Eaters who are also governed by the blood god's eternal wrath.

The bond between the World Eaters and the Primarch was not severed, but instead strengthened over time.

For a long time, Angron fought alone.

But the Blood God is not only the God of Slaughter, but also the God of War.

Every big devil has their legion.

Angron was no exception. His obsession with the soul of the free gladiator in Nukelia allowed his reason to briefly suppress the pain of the Butcher's Nail.

Ten thousand years later, Angron summoned them again in a different way.

He vowed to make the Word Bearers and Lorgar pay.

The blood god's wild laughter resounded throughout the subspace.

Angron's pure anger made the Blood God feel a long-lost joy.

The blood god is hungry for more kills.

Magnificent fleets travel through the webway.

The scale is large enough to make everyone who sees tremble with fear.

No force can stop such a fleet! !

In the webway lurks countless lifeless beings.

Howling, they rushed out of the mist, trying to break through the protection of Geller's field with their weapons or claws.

But their strength is very weak in the face of this exquisite creation of human technology.

No matter what they do, it is difficult to break through the mysterious barrier.

If it is an old-fashioned ship of the empire, it may be possible for them to find some gaps and invade the interior of the cabin.

But now, every ship in the empire has undergone a comprehensive transformation and upgrade, with a stable energy supply system and redundant backup.

In this case, it is not a simple matter to break through the protection of the imperial ships.

They can only watch the imperial ships pass by in front of them, but they are helpless.

The imperial ships are not without any action.

After all, the place they are in is the webway rather than the real warp space, and the interference power of the laws of physics is still very strong.

When the tide of magic is large enough to block the way, the artillery systems of many imperial ships will be activated.

Countless light beams and missiles spewed out, carrying out rounds of covering attacks on it.

The demons, clad in red hides or brass clips, howled and cursed, flicking the saliva from their mouths.

With inhuman strength, they move their anti-joint legs.

Sweeping from the gray fog-filled webway like a tide.

They drag great axes and swords forged of primordial metal, engraved with runes.

And the imperial ships will spew out a firepower net composed of light beams, and the terrifying light beams will vaporize the bodies of those monsters in an instant, causing them to die in howling.

Sometimes, fleets pass through abandoned cities of the Eldar in the webway.

There are countless demons entrenched on the towering sculptures of the spirit gods and the complex and huge spiritual bone buildings.

When the fleet arrived, the demons that had been entrenched in the cities of the Eldar raced out, and were smashed to pieces by the Imperial fleet.

Even those ancient cities were devastated, and under the destructive attack, the buildings collapsed, and the smoke and fog mixed together.

Wreckage and shattered demonic bodies are everywhere.

Those monsters roared in impotent anger, and uttered all kinds of vicious curses.

But they were helpless, they could only watch the human fleet pass through the webway, leaving behind the wreckage of demons all over the place, and then drove away.

Inside the Glory of Macragge, Guilliman, who was the Regent of the Empire, was sitting in his strategy room.

Feel the tragic battlefield outside through the data.

The fog became thicker, and the interference from the subspace made many instruments unable to function normally.

But relying on primitive operations, human beings still rely on the power of weapons to suppress the demons in the webway.

Before entering the webway, Guilliman had fully upgraded his fleet, making full use of Perturabo's firepower theory in the past, and striving to deal 200% overflow damage to every enemy.

Let those demons know what is arrogant and what is cruel.

Natas also stood beside him, and the magic in his hands outlined a complex webway map.

Webways are not fixed.

It changes all the time.

If one does not master special secret techniques, it is difficult to find the exact path in the intricate webway.

Natas immersed himself in the complex changes of the webway, followed the guidance of his ancestors, and found the path he needed.

The complex webway is like a mess of lines, they are mixed together and messy.

They are changing all the time, endlessly, and will never be the same.

No one can remember them completely by memory.

Natas didn't try to fight it savagely, but let go of his mental defenses and let it merge with himself.

Countless threads stretched into the depths of the mist, and no one could see their end.

Relying on instinct, Natas went deep along one of them.

His soul instantly crossed infinite time and space, and went back to those ancient histories.

A glorious city was built by countless sages at the beginning of the establishment of the Eldar Empire.

Countless lore was collected from all parts of the Eldar Empire, edited into books and stored in those ancient crystal temples.

That city has gone through endless years, from obscurity to the pearl of the empire, and finally slowly declined again, no one will remember it.

In the last days it became the last dwelling of the remnants of the old days.

Most of the Eldar have forgotten the city that stores countless knowledge.

Those guys lost themselves in the indulgence, and they have long forgotten that knowledge is the foundation of their existence.

Ultimately, they are consumed by the horrors of their own fall.

That city, too, did not escape a terrible fate.

When Natas saw that the many library buildings were attacked by a terrible aether storm.

Howling in desperation and pain, erstwhile compatriots turned into hideous monsters.

Natas felt a painful emotion in his heart, so strong that it almost suffocated him.

When Natas sheds a tear for the suffering of his former people, he is recognized.

Under the guidance of the ancestors, Natas saw a clear path from the chaotic webway.

The intricacies of the webway were hidden at that moment, and the right path glowed in his soul thinking.

"I found it." Natas raised his head and said with a sob.

"Then take us there." Guilliman smiled, and opened the holographic strategy map with a wave of his hand, the faint projected light reflected on Natas's face, "Take us there, in that case, our journey this time will be completed gone."

"Drop your arms or die."

Titus stared at the demon hunter in front of him, put his finger on the trigger of the bolter, and said in a flat tone.

The original peaceful coexistence was broken.

With the order from New York City, the demon hunter decided to act first.

They invited each other to a banquet, and then took the opportunity to attack the Imperial Exploration Team.

The plan was perfect.

If it can be successfully implemented, it will be a bloody dinner party for victory.

But they underestimated the prudence and force of the imperial exploration team.

Their schemes are extremely ridiculous in the face of absolute power.

Not only failed to control those foreigners, but also got himself into trouble.

It took less than half an hour for the entire town to be completely controlled by the empire.

The demon hunter team was broken up and could only fight on their own.

This puts them at a greater disadvantage.

"This is our territory, you are just intruders." The demon hunter with a weapon looked at Titus in front of him and said angrily, "You are just lowly aborigines, do you know who I am? I am A time traveler, even you, a native, wants me to be captured without a fight."

I have already time-traveled, why do I still have to live so aggrieved! !

Everything is not going well! !

In my previous life, I was overwhelmed by mortgages, car loans, and all kinds of superior guys.

After traveling to this world, I still have to engage in such a dangerous job of hunting demons! !

You have to act according to the face of the Church of the Lord of Suffering.

Before crossing, they were at the bottom of society, but after crossing, they are still the group who are played with.

How aggrieved this is! !

Traveling through is simply a waste of time! !

"Whatever humans belong to should be the territory of the empire, and you should also be the people of the empire." Titus said calmly, "In the name of the holy regent Lord Guilliman, I will give you one last chance to lay down your arms or die."

Looking at the muzzle of the big gun in the opponent's hand, the demon hunter looked left and right, and he didn't have any companions anymore.

Even though he was a time traveler, he was so powerless in the face of these damned natives.

Their weapons hit the opponent's body but were blocked by an invisible force field, and they couldn't even break through the opponent's armor defense.

But if he surrenders, the power of the contract will bind him again, and he will inevitably be punished with death.


Give it a go and turn your bike into a motorcycle.

The traverser jumped up with a killing intent.

Titus pulled the trigger, and the explosive bomb roared out, hitting the opponent's body but did not bring any killing effect.

Instead, the opponent turned into black mist in the air and dissipated in the air.

Being able to become a demon hunter means mastering a certain extraordinary ability.

Shadow stealth is the extraordinary ability mastered by this traverser.

It can turn him into a shadow, hide in a special space, and wait for an opportunity to attack the enemy.

This extraordinary ability is very useful.

In previous battles, he used this extraordinary ability to kill many enemies.

Unfortunately, this time he met Titus.

Fighting mutants and psykers was also part of Titus' mission during his long service.

Ordinary people would think that Chaofan is extremely powerful, and that only Chaofan can kill Chaofan.

Just like humans in the feudal era would regard starships as gods, thinking that only gods would possess such power.

But in the eyes of Titus, everything is traceable.

After obtaining the Emperor's Angel Engine, it became extremely easy to deal with these individuals who possess extraordinary abilities.

Titus stood on the spot, holding his breath, using his keen senses to feel the atmosphere around him.

Then, the power sword in his hand slashed towards a place.

Accompanied by a strong piercing sound, several streaks of blood shot out in the air.

The demon hunter who turned into a black mist was pierced by a sword, and his body was split in two.

The invisibility effect is broken.

The man looked at his body that was pierced and bleeding profusely in disbelief.

His shadow stealth was broken like this! !

How did the other party do it! !

Obviously it never happened before.

"I gave you a chance, idiot." Titus walked in front of the opponent, "Your stubbornness is inappropriate."

The whole town was quickly brought under control.

Compared with those traversers, the Imperial Expeditionary Team has a stronger advantage in force.

All members of the church were beheaded, and the demon hunters who surrendered were also brought under control.

"From today, this small town will become part of the empire, and the glory of the emperor will protect you."

In the square in the center of the town, Saint Celestine said.

Her image is very sacred, the white wings and handsome appearance behind her make her look like a legendary angel.

The ragged townspeople were powerless to resist the change.

They could not defeat Primaris warriors born for war.

Resistance will only make the killing come faster.

In fact, controlling the town is an inevitable thing.

Even if New York City did not attack, Celestine and the others would look for a suitable opportunity to take control of the town.

After deliberation, the imperial advance team who had figured out some rules of the world decided to turn the town into an outpost of imperial colonization.

During this period of time, after exploration, they have discovered that this small town is located in an area extremely rich in minerals, with a large amount of minerals within a range of 100 kilometers.

With the help of technology, these minerals can be transformed into various weapons and equipment, quickly increasing their strength in this world.

The mechanical priest quickly took out the design blueprint for transforming the town.

Those who did not submit soon met their tragic fate.

In the Empire, death is not the most terrible punishment.

Mechanic priests have enough means to enslave a creature who will not submit.

Those who are not willing to obey ushered in their ascent.

The memory in their minds was emptied, and the machine slave program was implanted, making these guys the most reliable workers.

Even those who died, the same is true.

Their bodies were sewn together, spliced ​​with steel and cables, enabling them to contribute to the cause of the Empire.

Relying on their powerful combat power, the advance team of the empire began to clear the surrounding fog creatures.

For the locals, the extremely scary, weird fog creatures are not worth mentioning in front of them.

There is nothing strange about the rotting corpses and monsters and the eerie whispers that echo in people's ears.

They are all just manifestations of the overflow of chaos power.

The mechanical priests quickly took out the design drawings and began to build the empire's first outpost colony in a different universe.

They have a complete knowledge reserve, just like the old STC standard construction template, they can build a colony from scratch.

Large roaring factories and food factories were established, and the townspeople were either sent into the factories or armed as soldiers.

They need more people.

The mechanical priest proposed the use of cloning technology, but was directly rejected by Celestine. The mechanical priest was only allowed to clone various brains and mechanical servants, and he was not allowed to clone humans with complete emotions.

Celestine's authority made the mechanical priests only look at other towns, and they decided to launch a war to teach those idiots who tried to fight against the empire and search for enough people.

Soon, several towns fell and their populations were filled with factories and armies.

News spread to New York City that a larger-scale war was being brewed.

With the escalation of the situation, the imperial advance team is busy. They need to fight for the interests of the empire and extend the will of the great regent to this world.

Valyrian, who was the Custodian, did not participate, he had always acted alone.

Secretly investigating things about the Lord of Suffering.

All the captured believers were interrogated by him, and several casualties were caused.

Sometimes, he would also sneak into those uncontrolled towns to collect the other party's secret files.

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