Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 227 Indomitable Crusade - Fifth Battle Group

Dante looked at this message, his eyes became serious.

Under such circumstances, who else would come to Baal to die? ?

"Who are they?" Dante sent a message to the Director of Astronomy.

After a while, the other party replied to him again.

"I don't know, I can only see the symbol of the golden double eagle. The interference from Tyron is too strong to see clearly."

"What is the size of the reinforcements?" Dante asked one of the most critical questions.

If one or two battle groups come, I'm afraid the situation will not get any improvement.

"My lord, I'm not sure if what I saw is real. The scale of that fleet is huge, unimaginably large, even larger than the few holy expeditions you launched in the past. This is ridiculous, I I’m not sure if it’s because of my mental problems. How could the current empire gather such a terrifying fleet. The raging subspace storm alone is already very severe, preventing most of the troops from gathering, how could there be a fleet A fleet of this size appears."

Dante frowned, Director of Star Language - Master Jaylen has served the Holy Blood Angels for many years and never made a mistake.

"Are you sure you saw such a large army?"

"Yes, my lord, I have confirmed it several times. But I still remain skeptical. Maybe it is a chaos conspiracy. The current situation of the empire is absolutely impossible to assemble such a huge fleet. This is unreasonable."

"I'll return immediately." Dante watched the receding bug swarm.

They dropped a lot of corpses, some of them huge, huge like hills.

There are also some very small, only the size of a human head.

They come in a wide variety and can be adapted to any combat situation.

Tyron will continue to learn from failures and come up with new tactics.

For this reason, human beings have repeatedly failed in the hands of Tyron.

They don't have Tyron's terrible learning ability.

Some laborers and mechanical priests walked out from the line of defense, and they needed to dispose of those corpses as soon as possible.

Prevent the next wave of Zerg from using those corpses to get past the human defenses.

Others wept as they disposed of the bodies of family members and friends.

Many people died, and the corpses lay in the trenches, which required special cleaning.

In such scorching weather, it only takes a day for the corpse to stink.

If it is not dealt with in time, it is very likely that a plague will break out due to the corpse.

Farther away on the battlefield, billows of smoke rose.

Some huge starship fragments fell on the wasteland and exploded, forming thick black smoke.

The fighter is hunting the Zerg with its scarred body.

The artillery fire continued to roar until the Zerg were out of the lethal range of the artillery fire.

The Tyranids suffered heavy casualties, and humans also paid a heavy price.

To tell the truth, Dante saw little hope of victory.

They are fighting a battle they are not destined to win.

He returned to Fort Angel.

Leading the blood-stained Guard of the Blood through the corridors flickering with lumen lights, past the suffering women and children.

They were terrified and restless, and could only hug their children tightly, seeking a little comfort.

There were also some people who silently prayed to the Emperor that the sad fate would not befall them.

Fort Angel accommodates the elderly who are not fit for battle and children under the age of ten.

Dante always felt a tinge of pain every time he saw those teenagers go out into battle with weapons taller than they were.

In this desperate time, people are also struggling in despair.

In the face of more and more terrifying crises, human beings are becoming more and more crazy.

The Director of Star Language - Master Jie Lun is waiting for him in the temporary Star Language Hall.

This place is not as gorgeous as the former Star Language Fortress, but it is enough.

A large number of machines are placed in the hall, and the tortured astropaths are still trying to send messages.

The skinny, hunched director of Star Language, Master Jaylen, stood at the control panel of the Star Language relay station holding a scepter made of solid wood.

It can be seen that the shadow of the warp has tortured him enough.

Just standing still made his face painful.

"Jaylen." Dante walked over, stood in front of the other party, and said.

Jaylen raised his head, his eyes were full of whites, he looked at the direction of Dante's words, and smiled.

There are only a handful of astropaths who can retain their visual ability, and Jaylen is not one of the lucky ones.

But he doesn't hate anything for it.

Perhaps it was another form of protection from the Emperor.

In these dark and hopeless times, it may be a blessing not to see the suffering of reality.

"My lord." Jaylen saluted Dante.

Dante looked around the temporary astronomical hall, and what he saw made him sad.

He insisted that the astropaths continue to send messages, despite the untold suffering that the presence of the Tyranids caused these poor gifted beings.

But Dante still ordered them to send messages without sleep, so as to penetrate the shadow of the subspace.

These astropaths connected themselves to the nutritional pipeline and worked continuously for twenty-four hours, just to complete Dante's task.

They united and sang with all their might in the Warp, conveying the plight of the Baal galaxy.

The price is terrible.

Astropaths fought against the shadows of the warp, were driven insane, and then executed by the Sons of Sanguinius standing guard.

This is a helpless thing.

Every astropath who cannot protect himself is a source of disaster.

Their defenseless spirit paves the way for a demonic invasion.

Killing them is the best option.

"This is the analyzed information. The fleet is looking for Baal, and the shadow of the subspace is blocking everything. They can't find their way, and they can't see Baal." Jaylen opened a data window, which shows some information about the subspace. information.

A fleet beyond Dante's imagination is sailing in the warp.

Divine power sheltered them and allowed them to sail through the storm.

However, the power of the Great Devourer cannot be underestimated. Even if it is only the shadow formed by the Leviathan fleet, it also covers a large area of ​​the subspace.

In that chaotic dimension of nothingness, any slight deviation is light-years away.

The fleet is looking for a way, calling to the shadows again and again, looking for coordinates and a way.

"This is Barr's hope. If we can make them pass through the shadows, then we have a chance to win." Dante said to Master Jaylen.

Master Jaylen nodded, "Yes, as long as they can come, there is hope for Baal. But they can't find Baal, just like the storm fleet can't find the port, they need a light. When they look When the light comes, they will know that Baal is there, and they will be able to enter the real universe and appear near Baal accurately."

"Is there any way to provide them with coordinates?" Dante asked Master Jaylen.

Jaylen hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.

"There is a way, but this way is very dangerous. The blood god's servants are spying on us, but if we use them skillfully, we can also use them to achieve our goals."

Dante looked at Jay, and his tone became serious.

"any solution?"

"Let the devil howl." Master Jaylen paused for a moment before continuing.

"The astropaths are dead and wounded, the chorus can no longer pass through the shadow of the subspace, and it is impossible to provide the coordinates of Baal for that fleet. But the inanimate can. When they howl, the strange fluctuations will echo, form alternative coordinates."

"All it takes is a bait, a spirit that glows in the warp, and the dead gather like fish so they can be seen."

Under the mask of Sanguinius, Dante once again appears sad.

Perhaps it was the kindness of Sanguinius that was passed down through the blood to each of his offspring.

He knew what Jay wanted to do.

"At that time, you have to kill me, my lord. Otherwise, those monsters will follow my soul, occupy my body, and then enter the real universe."

Master Jaylen stared at Dante, but he quickly looked away.

His tone was very flat, as if what he was facing was not death, not the end, but to eat and go for a walk.

"I will," Dante said.

"Thank you." Jaylen nodded in respect.

He walked to his psionic seat.

Two mechanical priests in red robes have already adjusted the equipment for him.

Obviously, this is the way he came up with early on.

However, he had to seek permission from the lord Dante before he could do it.

The psionic amplifier was humming.

The connection between the feeding tube and the nerve shunt has also been cleaned.

Jay lay down on it, and set the sensor cushion to the most suitable angle.

"Perhaps I should help you, Master Jaylen." Another star talker with bloody eyes reached out and groped in the air. His soul had been wounded, and even the light of his soul was hard to see.

"No, Gino, you have to survive. One bait is enough."

Jaylen let those mechanical priests play with his withered body.

Plug those splitters and plugs into the interface.

"I can still help, turn on the psychic damper, I can help you." Gino said with blood and tears, "Don't do this, Master Jay, you will die."

"Everyone will die, sooner or later, but they will all come eventually. You can already be alone, Gino." Jaylen said, "The Blood Angels need an astropath to live, if I fail, There are other ways they can try to provide coordinates for that Imperial fleet."

The last cable was inserted into Master Jay's body.

He looked at Dante and Gino, as well as the servants and mechanical priests who served him.

"Goodbye, everyone, bless you, may the light of Sanguinius protect you forever."

Jaylen pressed the start button, and the force field protected him from outside interference.

Other voices also disappeared.

When walking in the Warp, these additional mechanisms are necessary to overcome the red scars and resist the harmful effects of the shadow of the warp.

The booster arrays of these relay stations can increase the user's power and soul strength in the warp, and can also provide certain protection for the astropaths.

Jaylen didn't expect these things to protect him.

He only hoped that the mechanics would improve his chances.

Let him guide that fleet through the shadows of the Warp, and assist the Sons of Sanguinius in their victory.

He knew exactly what was in store for him.

Jalen has served the Blood Angels for many years.

Already familiar with the subspace,

The Empyrean opened his heart to him.

Hell awaits him.

Today's subspace has become very scary,

The shadows created a deathly silence, and even demons had difficulty moving in the shadows.

For humans, it is even more depressing.

Pain is felt just by stepping into the shadows.

In the subspace, Jayun released his protective measures.

Let your soul become brighter in the subspace.

At this moment, he was like a bait for cutting his own wrist and attracting sharks.

"Come on, devour me." Jaylen muttered silently in his heart, "Despicable lifeless."

Only by attracting those living beings can there be a chance to create waves that attract the attention of the imperial fleet.

After releasing the protection, Jaylen felt as if his soul was being twisted by a knife, which was very painful.

Those horrible things are eating away at his soul.

An evil voice cries out for Chaos' thirst for human blood and soul.

The death scream of the world washes over the fabric of reality.

That which had died in the dawn of man took form in the warp, becoming abominable monsters.

The monsters saw Jaylen and were attracted by his spirit.

They swam to him from all over.

There was a piercing scream and a hungry growl.

Death, fear, screaming.

They sound like beasts, crazy beasts.

They can't wait to tear that glowing soul apart.

Countless crazy fragments flashed across Jay's cognition.

The distorted storm blew up the information in those chaotic time and space into countless fragments, making them shred and become unexplorable.

In the warp, only fear and death are the most real.

These two are the prime movers of chaos.

Soon, the first evil existence caught Jaylen, like a hunter catching his prey.

Jaylen let out a miserable scream, and he used all his strength to resist the opponent.

Then came the second, third, fourth.


Not even the shadows of the warp could stop their hunt.

They overwhelm Jalen.

Master Xingyu cried out in pain.

He should flee so he can live.

But he didn't give up, nor did he run away.

Following the fluctuation caused by the gathering of the living, Jaylen could feel a pure existence approaching him.

a divine being.

A holy force is stirring.

Perhaps a blessed astronomical choir, or perhaps some powerful force of faith.

The light illuminates the shadows.

Not as good as the Astro Torch, but equally pure.

The monsters howled and fled the area illuminated by the light.

Not so much.

It's almost time to lock on to his position.

Jaylen was in great pain, his soul was shattered, but he still lifted the last protection.

The demon devoured his core, delivering a fatal blow to him like a cheetah biting its prey's throat.

That light shone on his broken soul too.

"Thank goodness we found you."

A voice sounded.

Jaylen, dying, had no way to respond, and he let out his last scream.

The demon entered his body along his soul.

In the real universe, Jay kept howling from the moment he entered the subspace.

And these voices were pushed to a climax with the sentence "He is coming." Then they stopped.

Jaylen lay in the Xingyu machine like mud.

The priests turned off the force field.

Dante looked at the dead Jaylen sadly.

After a while, Jaylen opened his eyes again, his teeth became sharp, and his face was crawling, reshaping his appearance.

Bone spurs protrude from the body.

The chin made a clicking sound, the eyeballs flowed in the eye sockets, and the white turned into pure black or blood red, and it kept changing. More than one demon was vying for the body of the deceased.

"May you rest in peace." Dante drew out a short sword and pierced Jaylen's throat, reciting the poems of the emperor and Sanguinius, bestowing peace on the other side.

"Did he succeed?" asked a holy blood guard next to him.

"We'll find out soon." Dante withdrew his dagger and watched Jaylen's body regain its calm.

"Continue to observe the subspace." Dante turned and walked out after leaving these words. "If we can get assistance, maybe we can persist long enough, and then we have a chance of victory."

The pain and anger on Dante's face is real.

A lot has been sacrificed to protect Baal.

But he didn't know how much sacrifice he would have to make to end this war.

I hope that the support army is really as strong as Master Jay said.

Kabanda was roaring.

His troops travel between the two worlds.

The mysterious gear that created the world flew past him.

Inside those non-existent machines, the inner secrets of the universe are revealed to these servants of the Blood God.

Tzeentch's demons would curse Kabandar for a dozen eternities for what he saw.

Kekabanda doesn't care about knowledge, those mysterious things are of no value to him.

The infinite mysteries of the heavens and universes swirl and emerge before those who do not know how to appreciate them.

Mephiston's sniping had some effect, the gate was twisted and the passage became unstable.

Kabanda was sent to Bawei.

When he appeared in the real universe, the tumbling energy of chaos spread unstoppably in the sky like burning plutonium.

The power of the subspace supports Kabanda, allowing him to move freely in reality.

Of course, this doesn't come for free.

He had to sacrifice enough kills for his master to stay in the real world, or be kicked back into the warp.

This is the iron law of reality and subspace

The laws of physics deny the existence of demons.

Everything in reality will find a way to expel the devil.

They are not welcome.

In order for Kabanda to be active in reality, he must make an exchange and sacrifice enough kills for his master.

An unprecedented war has begun.

The sky is burning.

The demons turned into meteorites and fell to the surface.

Every blow fell among the insect swarm, setting off bursts of terrifying shocks.

Kabanda's troops fell into the swarm.

The moment the demons appeared, the Zerg regarded them as one of the hunting targets.

A worm-sacred creature titan fired directly at Kabanda, trying to use the parasite in his hand to execute Kabanda and his minions.

Kabanda roared back, hungry for more fight and blood.

As Baal's satellite, the battle situation is more intense than Baal's main star.

In front of the defense line of Fury Vigilance Fort, a large number of Zerg creatures fell on the barren plain.

The defensive artillery was still roaring, and the ground was shaken by both the swarm and the artillery fire.

The dust in the fort fell down.

Countless Tyrons charged forward one after another.

They have no fear, the Hive Mind controls them.

In order to break the defenses of the angels, Tyron used biological cannons and bug saint titans.

They are attacking against the crazy firepower of humans.

The Zerg built towering biological towers near the battlefield.

Made of black chitin, it is connected to the biological mothership in outer space like straws.

Those biological towers are actually pipelines.

Zerg will devour everything, including oxygen, water, and all organic matter, or things that can be digested with their powerful stomach juices.

From the inside of the security fortress, there are countless monsters entrenched on the void shield.

The swarm of insects stretched from the fortress to the horizon. Looking up, it was so dark that it seemed that there was no end in sight.

Joel, the leader of the Blood Knights, howled a few times, like a beast.

He led his guard through a group of Gaunts and killed them all, leaving the broken bodies lying at their feet.

"Retreat to the fortress," Joel yelled to his warriors.

Most of the people obeyed this order silently, but two warriors ignored his order and broke away from the team and rushed towards Tyron.

"Traitors, you will be punished."

"Unforgivable, traitors."

Shouting, the two warriors charged towards the swarm.

Black Rage finally brought them to their knees.

Endless visions washed over their minds, making him think he was back in the siege of Terra.

Joel became even angrier.

He removed a gargoyle, broke its limbs, and pulled out its head alive.

Seeing the two out-of-control fighters disappear into the swarm, Joel can only bless them, hoping that they can return to the embrace of Sanguinius.

Of course, Joel doesn't hold out much hope for that.

They are the accursed warband.

Many years ago, they were declared traitors by the High Lords of the Empire.

The Blood Knight has always denied such allegations.

But they couldn't explain the indiscriminate slaughter of both the enemy and us in many battles, so they could only bear the name of traitors all the time.

But they have always been loyal, but they are easily dominated by black rage.

Rejected by the empire, they can only perform their duties silently and fight alone in the dark.

They will intervene when the war is lost, and leave silently when it is over.

Jol does not deny their chapter's crimes.

To suppress the Black Rage, they satiate their blood thirst with the blood of innocents.

This kind of thing is not once, but many times, and even institutionalized.

Joel didn't know if the Holy Father could accept such a blood knight again.

He doesn't know the answer.

Joel and others retreated to the fort.

The Blood Knights made their way with their bolters.

The rhythmic sound of hammering, accompanied by spent shell casings raining down at your feet, forms a song of destruction.

It's a measure of Space Marine discipline.

Every monster was shattered by the bombs, and the mutilated corpses were scattered on the ground, trampled by their steel boots, and turned into disgusting slime.

Empty clips ejected from the smoking chamber, and fresh clips snapped into place, ready for the next attack.

Joel looked up at the sky, and a new wave of spore sacs fell like raindrops, very dense, blocking all light.

All troops are retreating, retreating to the security fort, and continuing to fight with the help of void shields.

The Blood Knights are the last batch. They want to prevent the Zerg from chasing and killing other troops, avoiding a complete collapse and a mass flight.

A desperate cry came.

Joel followed the voice and looked over.

A lone guard was firing a lasgun at the Tyranids that were chasing him.

His companions had died in battle.

He was the only one still struggling to survive.

He is brave.

Even in deep despair, he is still trying to survive.

Joel didn't hesitate at all, he raised his gun to shoot at those monsters, and the chainsaw sword in his hand also spun at high speed, making a whining sound.

Several monsters were smashed to pieces by the bombs, and one was decapitated by his chainsword.

The guard showed a hint of gratitude, and he turned and ran towards the fort.

The blood knights retreated while fighting.

The heavy door closed after they entered.

The roaring Zerg were also kept out.

Inside the fort, people were running about, and some officers were trying to maintain their troops, leading them to their designated positions.

Joel suppressed his anger, and he used the elevator to climb to the highest point of the Fort of Vigilance.

A large number of machines are buzzing, and all the data is collected here and processed by them.

Joel glanced at the screen a few times before looking away.

The Tyranid devouring of Bhavan has begun.

The air was flowing towards those towering bio-spires, the air was thinning, and the final stages of engulfment were in progress.

Soon, the air will be swallowed up, and the fighter plane that uses air as power will not be able to take off.

Looking out from the top of the fort, you can clearly see the end of the world.

The devouring ship with huge tentacles and mouthparts fell from the sky, piercing the roots into the ground, devouring all organic matter.

Digesters are scattered across the surface like bright gems.

The forest was devoured, and the beasts that lived in the desert were also killed, thrown into the digester to dissolve, and then sucked by the pipe to the ship suspended in the outer sky.

The whole world is being eaten alive.

"It can't be defended here anymore," said Seth, the leader of the Flesh Tearers who arrived one step earlier than Jor. "I have ordered the voidships to be ready. We are withdrawing to Baal, where the final battle will take place."

Joel nodded, but did not refute.

He knew Seth was right.

The air is thinning.

Now is the last chance to evacuate Bawei.

At this time, a huge shock came from outside.

Everyone looked out the window and saw the lit sky.

Outside the purple mask of the void shield, meteors are falling at high speed.

The sky is burning.

The breath of the devil flows, distorting reality.

Kabanda appeared in the swarm, and his roar made everyone feel deafening pain.

The frenzied Tyranid hive was in a panic.

Many Zerg races were torn apart by the falling demons in the first wave of impact, and the bug swarm suffered heavy casualties for a while.

Many others were burned by the blood fire of the subspace, making shrill screams.

Soon, the Tyranid hive regrouped.

They attacked the vigilant fortress and the demons at the same time.

"Devil." Joel roared, his suppressed anger almost lost control the moment he saw the devil.

Kabanda didn't get his prize.

This is not the main star of Baal, but Baalwei.

There are enough sons of Sanguinius gathered there, if they can come to Baal.

He will let the Sons of Sanguinius lose control and finally embrace the Blood God.

But he was still very excited, his desire for fighting surpassed his desire to subdue soldiers.

The ground trembled, the rock formations cracked, and ravines appeared on the surface.

The skulls of the creatures that died on the battlefield were all attracted and piled up into a big Jingguan.

The demons were fighting excitedly, even if they were Zerg, they didn't care.

The war the blood god needs.

It doesn't matter who the opponent is.

As long as the war is brutal enough and the fighting is crazy enough, He will be happy.

Crowds of demons turned into meteorites and fell.

They attack the Zerg.

A mass murder begins.

Kabanda cheered for the kill, his deafening roar resounding through the world.

The Son of Sanguinius fell into a dark rage.

Seth struggled to suppress the unending anger.

Reason will collapse at any time, and we must leave here as soon as possible.

He heard the sound of a transport plane.

Here they come.

"My lord, please board the ship as soon as possible. The war in the void is very bad, and the Zerg will soon seize the dominance of Tianyu." The driver said in the communication.

"Let your subordinates board the ship, and we will evacuate Baweiyi." Seth wanted to grab Joel.

Joel raised his head to look at Seth, his eyes were red and his fangs became terrifying, like a real vampire.

"I can't go, Seth. The Blood Knights Chapter is over, and the arrival of Kabanda has declared our destruction. We have been manipulated by the black rage. If I live, I can only become an eternal hungry monster, this is the end of the blood knight's battle journey, I want to die as a warrior, not a monster."

"It shouldn't be like this," Seth said sadly, "Maybe the relic of Sanguinius can help you, and the Blood Knights can continue."

"No, it's too late. A few years ago, the Blood Knights should have been destroyed, and we chose a wrong path. At that time, many brothers were controlled by the black rage, and we tried to suppress it with blood thirst Black Rage. For too long, we have relied on the blood of innocents to save ourselves. Countless times, we have told ourselves that we were doing the right thing, that we were fighting for a greater cause. Sacrifice a few lives, let most It is worthwhile to gain a future with life. Even if we are declared traitors by the empire, we have no regrets at all, we firmly believe that we are loyal."

Joel looked at Seth, the last trace of reason was fading in his red eyes.

"What is wrong is wrong, we succumb to blood thirst. The blood has cursed us, the Blood Knights have become monsters, and returning to Baal will only bring more terrible things. Seth, the Blood Knights will serve you Buy time, get out of here, go back to Baal, and fight with Dante there."

"Tell Dante, and please tell all the warbands who are prejudiced against us, if they can survive this battle, don't repeat our mistakes. The devil wants to make us submit, and give us as slaves to his master , but they will not succeed. The Blood Knights will fight to the end, and though we fall into eternal rage, we will never fall into their trap, goodness still surges in the hearts of every Son of Sanguinius, That is the noble quality that springs from our Holy Father."

"My lord, the void line of defense has been breached, we need to hurry up." The voice of the pilot came again.

Seth shook his head, then turned and walked towards the drop platform.

He used his communications to give the order to all troops to retreat.

Joel growled, and he turned and walked outside the tower.

Other fighters followed.

They climbed out of the fort and went to the battlefield.

Some mortals also stayed.

In this battle, death has become commonplace.

Even if they evacuated, the chances of surviving would not be great.

They chose to buy time for Seth and others.

Some of the soldiers who remained awake chose to leave here to go to the battlefield that needed them more.

Joel led into that savage hellscape with a warrior already in disarray, unable to hold himself any longer.

Tyron and the demons fought crazily.

The Hive Mind drives countless Tyranids towards the Inanimate while devouring the entire world.

Those huge bony and fleshy structures devoured all the resources of the planet, turning it into a barren and rocky planet.

Daemons enjoyed the kill, and the influence of the Warp continued to grow.

The ground is cracking, and hot magma is rolling out, as red as blood, devouring all the Zerg buildings.

There are countless skulls piled up on the plain, and Jingguans are formed under the devil's butcher's knife.

Like the Blood Knights and other out-of-control Sons of Sanguinius, their sanity is no longer able to execute any tactics,

Joel, too, succumbed to his black rage.

The death scene of Sanguinius reappeared again and again, making him even more insane.

All traitors should die, all traitors should die.

Those enemies of man deserve to die.

Joel gave up thinking, letting his rage overwhelm him.

Crazy, he killed through Tyranids and demons, beheading every demon and Tyranid Zerg that dared to stand in the way.

He rushed in front of Kabanda and roared angrily.

"Fight me, Kabanda."

Kabanda, who killed a Bug Saint Titan, looked at Joel, and a smile appeared on his red-skinned face.

He spread his scarlet wings, raised the weapon in his hand, and declared his strength to the battlefield.

"A lovely little angel, Joel. I will fight you, though you are not a Primarch."

Kabanda raised his weapon and took a fighting stance.

His whip twitched back and forth in hypnotic swings.

Demonic whispers rang in Joel's ears.

A bloody, violent sound bewitched Joel to succumb to rage, fighting in endless rage for eternity.

"No, in the name of my Holy Father, I will never give in. Our anger is different, Kabanda, your anger is for destruction, but mine is for protection." Joel roared, he He raised his weapon and rushed towards the Angel's Scourge.


The ships of the Angels have suffered an unimaginable attack.

They attack from all directions.

A large group of biological ships surrounded the imperial ship, like a mountain river surrounded by boulders, rushing violently, trying to drag it into the turbulent river and crush it.

The number of Imperial ships is not enough to stop the bug swarm.

They can only form nails that fight alone.

Do everything possible to slow down the pace of the Zerg fleet.

Share the pressure of the ground forces.

The fleet is divided into small teams to fight as much as possible, moving in and out of the swarm like a sharp sword.

This tactic is very effective. They quickly attack and retreat, and have achieved many good kill records.

However, the number of bug swarms was too terrifying.

The blade of the sharp sword is curled, and the blade is blunted.

They are getting weaker and weaker.

One Imperial ship after another was lost in the innumerable swarms.

The light of the explosion shone like a star.

Deep space mines, torpedoes, and missile silos were all triggered.

Weapon platforms burn in the void, cracked wreckage riven.

The metal debris flew into deep space in the inertia of the explosion.

The war in Tianyu is heading for failure.

Son of Sanguinius is about to fail.

The leader of the Glory of the Angels, Flodak, walked towards the bridge one by one.

His battle armor was badly damaged, and the cables inside were already exposed.

The bolter has also been lost.

The only thing in his hand is a chainsaw sword.

Behind him are the corpses of his battle-brother and the Zerg creatures that invaded the interior of the battleship.

Blocked the entire corridor.

The history of the Glory of Angels has come to an end.

everything is over.

He had brought the last five companies, four hundred and fifty fighters, and now two-thirds of them were dead.

The remaining third were on the verge of fury, about to spiral out of control.

In addition to these, there are two Dreadnoughts and more than two dozen recruits in the home monastery.

But such personnel are no longer enough to rebuild the Glory of Angels.

Flodak is very clear that after this battle, the Glory of Angels will be removed from the battle group.

"My lord." The captain sent a message, "We are being targeted by the Tyranids, and there are hundreds of biological ships hunting us."

"Take them away from Baal, and lead the beasts to dance in the dark void." Flodak said with a smile. "We are the sons of the proud Sanguinius, and we will fight to the last."

"Understood." The captain withdrew his gaze from the limping Flodak, ordered the battleship to turn, and took the Tyranid creatures chasing the Eternal Essence to other places.

Flodak offered a final prayer for his fate.

The boarding warning sounded, and Tyron launched a gang fight again.

He dragged his body, which had not yet been healed, ready to rush to the place where he invaded to continue fighting.

"To the glory of Sanguinius," Frodak shouted.

The other fighters also raised their weapons in response.

At this time, a voice sounded in all communications, and it was repeated continuously.

"In the name of the Holy Emperor and Regent, this is the fifth battle group of the Indomitable Expedition. We have been ordered to come to Baal for support. I am the leader of the Imperial Fists and the leader of the fifth battle group, Vladimi."

"Now, in the name of the commander of the fifth battle group, I order all imperial ships to stay away from the swarm, and the extermination strike is about to launch. Repeat, all imperial ships stay away from the swarm, and the extermination strike is about to launch."

The sudden sound made everyone fall into consternation.

Many captains looked at a loss.

Did not understand the meaning of this command.

It wasn't until they saw those giant ships that were as magnificent as satellites appearing in the outer space of the Baal galaxy, and the flickering light illuminated the endless void, that they could understand why the other party wanted them to stay away from the swarm.

Many captains panicked and let the power room send all the power into the engine, speeding up and fleeing the battlefield, avoiding the impact of the coming extinction blow.

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