Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 244 Return of the Falcon (for Subscription)

The vast vaulted hall echoed with the roar of the law enforcement officers.

Angrily rebuked every soldier who spoke, telling them to keep quiet.

They maintain their majesty in this way.

Fierce glances swept across, as if to eat those soldiers who wanted to be unruly.

Several soldiers were caught by them, they took a few sticks, and then threw them back into the team.

But Andy, who has a hot temper, doesn't have much opinion on this.

She didn't bother to stand up for those idiots, it was useless and would only cause more trouble.

It is very likely that the entire team will be sent to the battlefield to die again.

Besides, one cannot resent the harshness of those law enforcement officers.

Any slack can have disastrous consequences.

For the supernatural plagues spread by the Plague God.

The detection measures of the imperial forces are unprecedentedly strict.

The aisles are full of detection instruments.

In addition to the test of blood and flesh genes, there are also various tests on the soul level.

The requirement is to eliminate the possibility of corruption from all aspects.

Soldiers withdrawn from the battlefield were already exhausted.

The same is true of Andy, her strong muscles are sore from the long battle, and now she just wants to relax and continue to fight the enemy.

If you ignore the few scars on her face, Andy's appearance is still very good.

Strong, well-proportioned figure is full of explosive beauty.

What the firm eyes reveal is completely different from those delicate girls.

If other beautiful girls are compared to beautiful flowers, then Andy is a thorny rose with thorns.

Andy had a relationship.

It turns out that, for someone like her, affection brings nothing but pain.

This world is not a love story where girls moan without illness.

She watched as the person she loved the most was impaled by the enemy with a flagpole, and watched the boy who said he would marry her choke to death on his own blood.

After that time, she no longer dreamed of any feelings.

Even if it is alcohol, it is just a simple desire to vent.

She wouldn't even ask the other party's name, she was too lazy to know, and didn't want to know.

After walking out of the channel, hundreds of suspension trains have already stopped at the station.

The heat emitted by the roaring engine made Andy feel a rare warmth.

The Panduo galaxy has been shrouded in dark clouds for many years, and the temperature is very low. Even with the protection of the military uniform, it still makes her feel cold.

The train opened its doors and waited for the retreating soldiers, preparing to send them to different rest areas.

Andy and her troops were crammed into the same car.

Workers in protective gear guide them to their compartments.

After different troops board the carriages, the station will carry out disinfection and air purification procedures again.

This is not discrimination, but for safety reasons.

No one can imagine how the minions of the plague god will erode human beings.

Any caution is allowed.

The train passes through a wide variety of forest-like ecological gardens, intricate underground stone wall tunnels, and residential areas lined with high-rise buildings.

Soldiers would have felt transported to another planet if they hadn't been told they were on a Celestial-class battleship.

Ultramar was the first place to accept the industrial reform of the Empire's regency. Its technological and industrial levels were extremely high, and it naturally had Celestial-class warships.

There are many models of celestial-class warships, such as the Colossus of Punishment, Angel of Peace, Emperor's Wrath, etc. In addition to being loaded with terrifying star-destroying weapons, these celestial-class warships have also become the logistics base of the Imperial Fleet.

Celestial-class battleships are generally made of fine gold, high-density alloys, and materials such as marble, and have huge energy supply piles and propellers.

The smallest celestial-class battleship has a diameter of hundreds of kilometers and even has its own gravity. It can be said that it is an out-and-out mobile world.

Except for the space required by the energy system and weapon system, the Celestial-class warship still has a lot of free space.

With the increase of wars in the empire, the imperial star army and the imperial navy have been drifting in the void for a long time, and some of them even have no chance to land on the surface for a lifetime.

This is a problem that will inevitably arise when the human empire moves towards the void and gains hegemony over the galaxy.

Human society is a society with extremely fine division of labor and cooperation.

Long-term depression on the ship without any relaxation will inevitably lead to problems.

If the fleet stays in a certain world to rest, it is very likely that the fighter plane will be delayed.

There have been many instances in the past where indulgent soldiers have the potential to cause conflict between Imperial forces and planetary governments.

It is necessary to build a unique resting place exclusively for imperial troops.

At this time, the free space of the Celestial-class battleship was brought into play.

Huge, celestial-class warships like a small world can better adapt to this interstellar-level division of labor.

Only a simple environmental modification is required, and the celestial-class warship can become the best place for the imperial troops to rest.

The space of the celestial-class battleship is large enough, and it is no different from living on the surface.

Imperial forces don't need to spend time and energy finding worlds to rest.

There is also no need to worry about the crew members experiencing deep space claustrophobia during long-term space voyages.

Let the empire have more powerful deep space combat capabilities and long-distance combat capabilities.

The train sent the retreating troops to the designated rest area.

At the station in the residential area, complete the final testing procedure.

Andy and the others walked out of the station. The scene full of life made everyone feel very cordial, and comforted their hearts tensed by the war.

Andy asked everyone to find their own residence, or go to eat something, and then focus on reporting once every morning.

During their time on the battlefield, they didn't get a good night's sleep, nor did they get a good meal.

They could only sleep in the muddy and dirty trenches, and even the food they ate was nutritional supplements. After eating for three months, in the end, eating became one of the tortures.

Naturally, after resting, there will be no more training.

The rest area is very huge, with various high-rise buildings everywhere, and even commercial shops, just like a city built on the surface.

In a restaurant, Andy and his three adjutants took their food and sat around a table.

A floating dynamic information window appeared in front of them.

After entering their biometrics, they get information matching their permissions.

With the emergence of the divine brain and its widespread popularity, the thinker array has powerful computing power.

It is enough to allow human beings to enter the super information age again and provide them with massive data.

Of course, the divine brain is not the same as previous intelligence.

The intelligence in the past is that human beings use chips and circuits to create brand-new intelligent life.

The divine brain just expands the capabilities of human beings again.

The controllers of the divine brain are all human beings.

Only those who are absolutely loyal to the empire will be elected as the head of the god brain after death.

Just like the Titans, the test of the divine brain is not the loyalty of the intelligence, but the loyalty of the user.

Andy and several adjutants were eating while watching the news from the Imperial Daily.

The vastness of the galaxy and the laws of physics limit human communication.

In the past, human beings could only rely on the astronomical communication of psykers, which was very backward.

It often takes decades to get a reply.

Nowadays, with the development of imperial technology.

The construction of the lighthouse gave the empire other means of communication besides psychic energy, and also promoted the exchange of information.

With the development of technology and Guilliman's orders, the Imperial Daily quickly became a common newspaper organization for all planets.

Responsible for publicizing the victories of the empire's war zones and conveying the will of Terra.

Of course, a lot of news is not instant.

There is a delay of one year, or even two or three years.

"The Gothic fleet has achieved a strategic victory in the eastern part of the galaxy. The enemy fleet was in a panic and fled to deep space. Currently the Gothic fleet is chasing the remnants of the enemy. The head of the Gothic fleet will definitely wipe out the enemy completely and let those Xiaoxiao, who betrayed the empire, understands what human anger is."

"The leader of the Imperial Fists, Vladimir, successfully rescued the Satyr galaxy from the dark side of the empire, wiped out a chaotic army that claimed to be the Lord of the Night, and executed 1,600 human traitors who intended to surrender to the enemy. The enemy is in Satyr The special galaxy has committed unimaginable crimes, causing 3.4 million casualties, and the estimated property loss has reached 70 trillion. The state religion has intervened, and they will perform prayer ceremonies for the dead and guide them to the kingdom of the Holy Emperor. "

"The connection between the Valf galaxy and the empire has been cut off, and it is suspected that alien forces-space undead are invading. Terra said that it has ordered the reorganized Star Knights to lead the Black Angels, the Golden Sons, and the Covenant. The guards, as well as the Order of the Titans, and the Knights form a crusade team. Once verified, we will launch a strike against the alien forces."

"A cult organization named Hand of the Black Purple was discovered in the Gadiz galaxy. The local law enforcement officials decisively destroyed the lair of the cult organization. At present, the principal culprit in this case was executed on the spot, and the other accomplices were sentenced to ignorance according to their crimes. etc. The Imperial Daily exhorts the world to stay away from cults and cherish life. Believe in the emperor and live a happy life.”

"The empire will carry out a new round of 50-year campaign to wipe out traitors. All local law enforcement agencies need to follow up to crack down on various heresy ideas and clean up illegal organizations. Try to achieve it. If there are heresies, heresies will be wiped out, and if there are no heresies, there will be no heresies. Traitors, if there are no traitors, we will fight against illegal organizations. We will strive to eradicate all evil and create a harmonious empire."

"Armageddon is tight on the battlefield. According to the information provided by the witnesses on the battlefield, the orc warlord named Bonebreaker is evolving, and there is a high possibility that an orc emperor will appear. Terra said that it has sent a beheading team to snipe that An orc warlord."

The volume of news is huge and covers every theater of war.

Andy watched the news while eating.

"There are more and more battlefields." An adjutant frowned and said, "The empire is still opening up battlefields. Will it be unbearable if this continues?"

"The war is not up to us." Andy said casually: "It is impossible for the empire to sit back and watch the enemy invade and remain indifferent. A counterattack is necessary."

"Boss, you are quite right. Besides, these wars have already occurred before, and now it is only because of the development of information exchange that they are put on the military network for us to discuss."

"When do you say this plague war will end." The adjutant looked at Andy and asked in a low voice.

"At the moment, it will take a long time. The enemy has continuously received all kinds of support from the Ghoul Stars. Unless the Ghoul Stars are completely eliminated, this war will have to continue. Don't think about it. So long-term, when we set foot on the battleship, the future is already doomed."

Hearing what Andy said, several adjutants looked at each other, and then bowed their heads to eat.

War was destined to run through their lives, the sons of Sarah.

The life that ordinary people are tired of will be the happiness that they cannot get.

There is only war in this galaxy.


"I really don't understand why those idiots are so stupid to be captured by Guilliman."

Mortarion looked at the image of smoke projected by the wriggling mycelium of flesh and blood in front of him, and said in a sullen tone.

At the tip of the Endurance's rotten conning tower, Mortarion was holding a council using warp sorcery.

Participating is undoubtedly the plague demon-Kugas.

Son of the past, Lord of the Destroyer Hive - Typhus.

They are the main force in this plague war.

The loving father wishes them to spread more plagues.

"Your brother has become extremely powerful, and no one can defeat him in the frontal battle." Typhons' grumpy voice sounded, "We have to be prepared, he is likely to return to Ultramar to dominate the battle. "

A billowing, sickly light formed the image of Typhus in the smoke.

A Plague Warrior in a helmet, a horn protruding from the forehead of his misshapen cavalry-style Terminator armor.

Flesh, fat and bones infected with multiple plagues were partially fused with thick armor.

Ossified tubes that appear and disappear rise from the back of the skull.

As he spoke, there was a buzzing sound from hell, and those plague-carrying bee swarms crawled in and out of his body, which was extremely frightening.

"Then he will die here." Mortarion rubbed the handle of the scythe in his hand, and said darkly, "He will die under the torment of the plague."

"Stop dreaming, father of genes, if you are still so arrogant, the one who will be killed and captured is definitely you. We have to face up to the threat posed by Guilliman. A brief peace, and Guilliman is rising as the arch-enemy."

Typhus was not at all polite, and the contempt in his words was palpable.

It's just so obvious that Mortarion can't beat Guilliman.

Mortarion looked at Typhons with anger in his eyes, and said in a gloomy tone: "Then how do you think we should face Guilliman? Flee back to the garden of the loving father? Or hide to the edge of the galaxy?? This It's a war, and we're going to meet Guilliman anyway, and kill him."

"Then just work harder to complete your task, my lord. We have to settle the war before Guilliman returns, otherwise we will all be defeated by him. Lorgar, Perturabo, Fu Grim and Magnus all failed, they were easily defeated by your brothers, and some of them were imprisoned and sent back to Terra, where they became the laughing stock of the mortals of Terra." Typhons Said: "According to the great father's plan, we have to keep it simple. You have been delayed for too long in the Pandor galaxy. If the resistance there is too strong, then you should go around and spread the plague in other places and spread the great father's blood." the Gospel."

"This is my plan," growled Mortarion. "You don't need to teach me how, Typhus. My plan will do honor to the Great Father, who trusts in our will and initiative, I will use my abilities to please my loving father."

"You won't succeed." Typhons said mockingly, looking around the Perseverance's conning tower, shaking his head. "You are always blinded by the past, and wherever you go, you always try to transform this place into Babarus. The past is gone, and we can never go back. Embrace change, embrace chaos, and let go of the useless Let us submerge Ultramar in disease as much as possible, this is the advantage of chaos, we will always be the one to attack, the enemy can only suffer silently, and finally collapse."

Mortarion flung his hands and spread his great wings. "I am transformed. This is my reward from a loving father. I have been transformed into a terrible image. I have become death itself."

"You don't really believe in this power, and you didn't pay any price for this power. The corpse king created you and used you as a tool of war. Nurgle just regarded you as the spoils he deserved. Without me , you will never find the path to enlightenment. Without me, you will have nothing. You will die, and your soul will be scattered in the warp, becoming food for those monsters. I have fought hard and gained the attention and appreciation of the great father .I was his herald by will and self-effort, and what have you done to win his favor."

"Restrain your arrogance, Typhus." Mortarion's tone was menacing.

"Don't make such useless threats, you dare not do anything to me. Your time has passed, and I will no longer obey your orders as in the past. I have received the favor of Nurgle, and I will die The guard was given to the God of Plague, not you. You are his trophy, and I am his champion, and that is the difference." Typhus stared at the angry Mortarion, and said nonchalantly, "If you really want to To defeat Guilliman, give up your arrogance and embrace the power of the Father with all your heart. Don't give Guilliman a chance to come back against you, try to crush Ultramar, destroy it completely, and make it a part of the garden."

With that, Typhus cut off the communication.

The part of the mycelium of flesh and blood that supported him twitched, and then turned into rancid slime.

"Damn bastard." Mortarion snarled at the place where Typhons disappeared, and after a while, he looked in Kugas' direction, "Are you going to oppose me too?"

"I stand with you, the favored son of the great father." Kugas said: "You are eager to defeat Guilliman, and I hope to be redeemed. Our purpose is the same."

The way of thinking of demons is completely different from that of humans.

It is difficult for human beings to understand the mind of demons, nor understand the use of those grotesque things they do.

A demon's motives are also inexplicable to other demons.

Kugas is different. It is tormented by its own guilt, and it wants to make up for the sin of drinking the pot of plague soup cooked by its loving father.

Mortarion could understand the pain.

He, too, has been tormented by this pain.

"Your plan has worked. The dead walk through the worlds we have polluted, and the hard workers are gathering strength to try to rebel against their rulers." Kugas said: "The active believers on the agricultural planet have put the plague on Once inside the grain, as long as you eat the grain, the plague will lurk in it, and it only needs a simple ritual to induce it."

Mortarion nodded. "How's the plague on Guilliman?"

"It's progressing very well. Every best pathogen in the galaxy has contributed to the birth of this new plague. There has never been such a good thing." Kugas' tone became fanatical, "It will be as you expect So destructive, this is the most perfect plague, enough to kill a demigod, contain the Primarch. Completely corrupt the empire he tried to rebuild, when he is overwhelmed by despair, we will attack, Then kill him completely."

Mortarion smiled, "In the name of the Sevenfold Way, we will destroy Guilliman, and then the entire galaxy will be a great and loving father."

The conversation didn't last very long.

After analyzing the details of the plan, the two sides ended the conversation.

Mortarion was in a good mood. As long as the plan was successful, Guilliman would surely die even if he had superpowers.

But the thought of Typhons made him angry.

That damned traitor led his legion to destruction.

Now, he still dares to call himself a hero and ignore him, the Primarch.

Mortarion swore secretly that when this war was over, it would make that damned fool look good.

He walked across the slimy floor and stood in front of a huge clockwork.

There is a huge dome inside, depicting various mysterious symbols.

A prisoner in the form of a soul, like an ionized light ball, was imprisoned inside, making a mournful sound.

"Father, another beautiful day," said Mortarion.

The prisoner's eyes showed terrible hatred.

Mortarion enjoyed the look, and it made him even happier.

After the failure of the Horus Rebellion, Mortarion, who entered the Eye of Terror, began to hunt down his adoptive father. After spending a thousand years, he successfully captured the soul of his adoptive father.

For the past, the regret of not being able to defeat his adoptive father filled his heart with anger and unwillingness.

Only through this kind of torture can he gain peace of mind.

"Don't be afraid of being alone anymore. Soon, you will get a new prisoner and cellmate." Mortarion said darkly: "You will definitely get along well with him."

Falcons fly in the sky that no one can reach, chasing the unfettered freedom.

Until the moment of death, he will be willing to be covered by mud and return to the world of nothingness.

No one knows how long the war has passed.

Chaghatai was nearly overwhelmed by the intense self-blame that the Emperor had almost died.

The moment the Emperor fell, all the lies of the past were no longer important.

Lies conceal truths that corrupt humanity.

The Emperor has tried to do his best, only to fail.

He was in Terra, but he didn't board the Vengeful Spirit with the Emperor, which was something he could never forgive himself in his life.

The former Falcon was burdened with unshakable guilt, and in the long years, he only wanted to atone for his sins.

After chasing the Dark Eldar into the Webway, he never returned to the Empire.

Without the guidance of the Emperor, who can guarantee to lead mankind on the right path? ?

Chagatai didn't think he could take on such a heavy responsibility.

Maybe Guilliman could, but he fell at Thessala.

Wounded by Fulgrim, he can only lie in the stasis field like the Emperor.

Death is always only the last second.

People thought Jaghatai Khan was dead.

After all, no one has heard of him for ten thousand years.

No one knows that this proud falcon has already awakened its essence in battle.

Has been wandering in the subspace, hunting the demons of the subspace.

Those tough human souls were drawn to him and became his warriors and servants, forming a sizable army.

Their will is strong and tenacious, as indestructible as steel.

Like a pack of wild wolves on the wild plains, they harvest demons.

The existence of the subspace is very special, and everything from the past will remain here.

The splendid buildings of ancient civilizations are located throughout the Warp.

Those lands belonged to the forgotten gods.

The magnificent palace complex lined with thousand-meter-high statues is the remnant of an ancient civilization.

An ancient being whose name has long been forgotten lurks here.

Jaghatai led his falcons to attack here, and he came for those trapped souls.

The emotions and souls of beings are the foundation of the Warp.

Most human souls travel to the realm of the Emperor after death.

But the invasion of the devil and the weird conspiracy will make some human souls lost.

It is these problems that Chagatai wants to solve.

He was trying to make up for the guilt of not being able to accompany the Emperor to the Vengeful Spirit.

Use the blade in your hand to snatch the souls taken away by demons.

The battle was very fierce.

The blades of his subordinates sliced ​​across the bodies of those demons, causing them to crumble with screams.

Jaghatai, on the other hand, walked into the depths of the palace and fought an ancient being.

I don't know how long I have been fighting.

That ancient existence was pierced into the chest by his sword.

Amidst the opponent's scream of resentment, the strange figure collapsed and became countless fragments.

It swore to return, seize Jaghatai's soul, and torture him.

Chagatai was indifferent to this, he stepped into the depths of the palace.

The human souls imprisoned by that ancient existence gather here.

He broke open the cage, freed the dying souls, and set them free to the Emperor's realm.

After finishing all this, Chagatai just wanted to turn around and leave.

But he saw a skinny old man standing at the place where the monster fell down just now.

The old man was wearing a robe, hiding his appearance under the robe.

Chagatai frowned slightly, put his hand on the hilt of his sword, and made a gesture of guard.

"You are full of wariness towards me." The old man said: "I am your father, your monarch, such behavior is not loyalty."

"I'm not sure who you are, a lord of mankind who is still trying to make a comeback, or a god-emperor who is ready to join forces with the gods." Chagatai whispered.

"Is there any difference between the two?" said the old man.

"I am the general of the former, and I am the enemy of the latter." Chagatai said calmly.

The old man's eyes fixed on Chahetai, even after thousands of years, those eyes are still as bright as jewels, without any fading.

Pursue freedom and hope, like a falcon flying high, facing the terrifying high altitude, even in the face of madness and heavy rain, there will be no compromise at all.

"You've wasted enough time here, it's time to go back, your brother needs you," said the old man.

"To be clear, who needs me?" Chagatai asked.

But the old man didn't give him an answer, turned and left.

The figure dissipated in the broken palace.

As the monster was defeated by Chagatai, the palace complex formed by the emotions of lost civilization creatures also collapsed, turning into pure primordial chaotic energy.

Those ancient existences composed of echoes from the past were also gods who were aloof and sought after by countless believers.

However, as time goes by.

No matter how powerful a civilization is, it will decline and be destroyed.

Those gods who were born with the help of civilized creatures will also be forgotten and reduced to pieces with the passage of time.

Looking at the broken palace, Chagatai felt a trace of sadness in his heart.

Will humans have this day too? ?

Civilization collapsed, genocide was exterminated, empires were a thing of the past, and even the name of the emperor was no longer known.

But soon, he suppressed the thought in his heart.

No one knows how things will develop in the future.

The only thing he can do is grasp the present.

Chagatai frowned slightly.

He couldn't figure out why he wanted to return to the empire.

Could it be that something happened?

After thinking for a moment, Chagatai gave up and continued to think about this matter.

There is too little information, and he has no way to make a guess.

However, he has been away from the empire for so long, maybe it is time to go back and have a look.

"My lord, we are leaving." A soldier ran in and said to Chagatai, "This place is collapsing. If we don't leave, we may be thrown into the turbulence of the subspace."

"Go, go back." Chagatai walked outside.

"Where are you going?" the soldier asked subconsciously.

"Empire." Chagatai said without turning his head.

[Alarm, abnormal ether energy overflow is found, please deal with it in time. 】

[Alarm, it is found that there is an abnormality in the detection data of the staff, please deal with it in time. 】

[Alarm, unreal biological invasion is found, please deal with it in time. 】

Loud sirens resounded throughout the command room.

The originally cold light has now turned into scarlet blood.

The protective machines let out an overwhelmed groan.

The Anglican priests and psykers were all screaming.

The staff sat in front of the console with terrified expressions, performing various operations.

The machine gun roared, and the dense firepower instantly covered the dangerous place.

The knights rushed towards the twisted monster with plodding steps.

The recruited soldiers were ready to fight and rushed to the glowing gate.

Donne stared at the screen. At this moment, he understood why the emperor stayed in the imperial palace during the Great Expedition 10,000 years ago.

Once the network channel project is launched, the resistance encountered is unimaginable.

Human beings are the best plaything and food of the gods.

They would never let humans out of the Warp so easily.

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