Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 300 Destroying Necrons (Subscribe)

Dax holds the wine glass.

Under the reflection of the candlelight, the dark red wine was like blood.

The smile on his face slowly froze because of the noble scholar's words.

"A thousand years?" Dax repeated in an unbelievable tone, "You're not kidding me?"

"Yes, a thousand years have passed." The noble scholar nodded firmly, "I don't need to lie to you, wait a minute, there are some things that can prove what I said."

He got up from his seat and walked out quickly.

After a while, he walked back again.

He was holding a thick book with gilt fonts on the surface.

He put the tablecloth on the table, and carefully placed the books on it.

"This is a history book, a record of part of the history of the empire, and the history of the Manred period is also recorded here."

Turning to the page that recorded the Battle of Roaring Mountain, the noble scholar showed the book to these travelers from other universes.

"Man Ruide led the army to win the victory over the Ratmen. Because of this battle, he won domestic support and became the emperor."

Dax walked to the side of the noble scholar.

He lowered his head to read the words in the book.

After a few minutes, Dax finished watching.

When he raised his head, he was in a daze.

There was an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

He has been lost in another universe for more than ten years.

But I don't want to come back, everything has changed beyond recognition.

Mandry repelled the Ratmen and thwarted the Ratmen's vicious plot to rule the surface world.

Therefore, he won the support of other electors and became emperor.

More than thirty years later, Menred was killed by a Ratman assassin, ending his rule.

After Manderri, the Empire went through many events.

Now the empire can also be said to be in turmoil, the power of chaos is constantly increasing, the Skaven ratmen are making a comeback, the vampire army is eyeing, and the undead are attacking.

The others looked at each other and did not disturb Dax who fell into silence.

They can somewhat understand each other's feelings.

The human empire has a vast territory. When a soldier sets off from his homeland, it means that he has given up everything in the past.

Compared with the human empire that occupies the entire galaxy, the multiverse is more vast.

The short life of a mortal is like dust in front of the multiverse, not worth mentioning.

A hundred years, or even hundreds of years of life, in front of the mighty power of time and space, cannot resist at all, and can only be forced to accept those helpless realities.

Dax's mind is considered strong, otherwise he would not have been able to become a witcher in the misty world and live for so long.

He has been out of touch with this world for so long.

Any changes are normal.

He never thought that after he came back, the world would remain the same as it was when he left.

It's just that thousands of years have passed in a blink of an eye, which is unacceptable to him.

The noble scholar took the books back carefully.

For him, knowledge is everything, and books that record knowledge are even more precious than gold and silver.

Call the servant to put the book back in the study.

The noble scholar sat back in his seat and enjoyed the dinner in front of him.

"I don't know what is the purpose of your coming to this world??" The noble scholar asked, "Is there anything I can do to help you? If you don't mind, please let me join your team. My ability is not bad. , Master some sword skills and magic, and the understanding of this world can also serve as your guide."

Valyrian stared at the noble scholar, feeling the same fanaticism as Martian's group from his fiery eyes.

Such a person is willing to give his all for knowledge.

"Then tell us something about the world," Valyrian said. "We don't know anything about the world, so we can't decide what to do next?"

"It's a small matter." The noble scholar didn't have any embarrassment. For him, the exploration of knowledge was above all else.

Dax did not participate in the ensuing conversation.

Knowing that he has been away for a thousand years, he is not very interested in understanding the history of this world.

A thousand years is enough to change a lot of things.

The acquaintances he knew would have been corpses in the grave long ago.

The same as the entire different universe exploration team.

He is no longer a traveler returning home, but a seeker.

There is no home, what a shitty home.

Dax walked out of the mansion of the noble scholar and walked towards the distant villages and towns.

After leaving for a thousand years, he wanted to see what kind of changes had taken place in this world.

Has the country he fought for become better than before?

When he actually entered the village, he was disappointed.

The streets are full of mud and frozen sludge, and the houses on both sides are desolate and dilapidated.

The residents of the town were all yellow and thin, with dull eyes and shabby clothes.

The merchants were shouting with their goods, but their business was not good.

Occasionally a lord's army passed through the crowd, and they had no military look or sympathy.

From those eyes, we can see their attitude.

To them, the ragged, bony peasants were just a bunch of dumb dumb, brutes to be conquered.

This is a backward and desolate world.

Compared with a great empire that can span the universe.

Everything here looks so unbearable.

Dax walked towards a tavern.

It was very noisy there, mercenaries and people with little money were looking for excitement there.

The smell of low-quality ale mixed with the smell of male and female hormones filled the bar.

The scantily clad woman doesn't mind trading her body for something to eat.

This is a woman's innate advantage.

Dax chose a place to sit quietly, gathering information from the conversations of those people.

Those drunks talk a lot of big things, but if they know how to analyze, they can find some truth and understanding of the world from these big words.

Brutal lords rule the ignorant people, extracting enough taxes from them to maintain a luxurious life.

As for the life and death of those poor ghosts, they don't care.

Years of civil war have overdrawn the country's potential.

Cruel races such as vampires, ratmen, and dark elves are constantly invading the human kingdom, plundering and killing countless towns.

The dead crawled out of their graves and attacked the living with claws and teeth.

This world is dying, and the tentacles of the evil god have covered every corner of this world.

Dax wasted hours eavesdropping on the current state of the world from the traveling mercenaries.

Those messages can't help but make him a little bored.

The world is getting worse and worse.

Could it be that this world will be controlled by the gods like the misty world in the near future? ?

Recalling those twisted monsters in the mist, Dax felt a little gloomy in his heart.

Such a world can only be described as terrifying.

Dax walked out of the tavern, ready to return to the mansion of the noble scholar.

He walks through the crowd.

The people all looked at him in awe.

"Have pity on me, my lord knight."

Wearing shabby clothes, with disheveled hair, his face was smudged with a mixture of dust and water, a skinny man who looked like a bamboo pole ran in front of Dax.

Dax was wearing the mechanical armor of the Empire and had a huge sword in his hand. It was not unusual for the other party to recognize him as a knight.

For these untouchables who live as humble as dust, there is no difference between the knight armor etched with magic patterns and the mechanical armor that uses energy to maintain operation.

Neither of them knew each other.

"What do you want?" Dax took a step back vigilantly, and put his hand on his long sword.

"I ask for your help, noble lord." The man said again: "My village was attacked by the Skaven. They crawled out of the ground and dragged the living people in for food."

"For this kind of thing, you should go to the lord." Dax said, "The lord is the one responsible for this kind of thing."

"No, the lord refused to send troops." The man showed pain. "He said that the taxes paid by the village are too little. I have nowhere to go, Lord Knight, please show mercy."

After examining the other party and confirming that he was not lying, Dax relaxed his vigilance a little.

"I can't make a decision on this matter, but I'm willing to take you to someone who can make a decision." Dax thought about the badness of this world, and perhaps with the power of the empire, he could reshape the world.

The empire has been able to span different universes, and it is the strongest force Dax has ever seen, bar none.

Of course, this has to be based on their willingness.

Perhaps the crying of the man in front of him could make those imperial envoys feel some sympathy.

Valyrian in the noble mansion listened to the scholar's introduction to the world.

Race, power, geography and great events that have happened.

The deeds of Sigmar, the founding emperor of the Empire, aroused his suspicions.

The opponent fought against the forces from chaos, and created various powerful individuals.

This performance is in line with the emperor's characteristics.

Fragmentation however doesn't show any feedback.

It wasn't until the scholars talked about the Cathay Dynasty in the east, and the Dragon Emperor who was hidden in Cathay and possessed the power comparable to a god, that the fragments responded.

It gave Valyrian visions of soaring golden dragons fighting the gods.

The Emperor's Fragment should be in the east, on the mysterious Dragon Emperor.

Collecting debris is not an easy job.

Those fragments were scattered in many universes, falling with the vast etheric ocean.

Inspired by the fragments, Valyrian decided to find a chance to go to the East.

The civilization of this world is too low-level, and there are not many enemies who can fight against them. The empire should be able to easily establish an outpost here.

After the scholar finished his introduction about this world, Dax walked in with that poor man.

The other party behaved extremely cautiously.

Facing a group of people wearing weird armor, the man was so nervous that he didn't know which foot to take first.

The Mechanical Priest's inlaid mechanical prosthetic limbs made him so nervous that his tongue got stuck.

Fortunately, Dax, who had brought him in, did not let him speak, but conveyed the matter to Valyrian himself.

"We can use this opportunity to gain the support of the people. In that case, it will be beneficial for us to carry out our work in this world. The power of the Skaven ratmen will not be very strong, otherwise they will definitely swallow up the entire village, not like this little by little Take away the living."

Valyrian was silent for a moment, then nodded.

The east holds the fragments of the Emperor.

But before going to the east, you have to make preparations.

Although the civilization of this world is backward, it is not without the ability to fight back at all.

The guy who holds the emperor's shards can't be sure whether he is an enemy or a friend.

Those guys in the foggy world are a good example.

Building an outpost first and then exploring outside is the best option.

Webway Stronghold.

Dorne walked through the archway to a wide high bridge, and he looked into the depths of the fog-shrouded webway.

The progress of the webway project has been very smooth.

Armed with arcane weapons and anti-warp force field devices, the demon's power is weakened to the extreme.

In the webway, he was almost breathless under the oppression of the empire.

A little further on is the lost city of wonders of the Eldar.

The City of Miracles is an important webway node leading to the imperial capital world - Terra.

Thousands of years ago, the Ten Thousand Brothers and the Sisters of Silence expanded outward with the help of the City of Miracles.

Had Magnus not broken the Emperor's protection, humans would have completed the construction of the Webway 10,000 years ago, freeing them from the grip of the gods.

It was Magnus' stupidity that resulted in the Emperor being forced to sit on the Golden Throne, unable to lead the Loyalists against Horus' Rebellion.

The Battle of the Solar System and the Battle of Terra are nothing but derivatives of the Webway War.

The City of Miracles has witnessed the ambitions of the human emperor, and also witnessed the end of human failure.

"Crossing here, you can see the webway built by humans. As long as you control the city of miracles, humans will no longer need the golden throne to protect Terra."

Another voice came, it was the voice of Evelyn, the prophet of the spirit race-the leader of the death army.

"This is relief. The fact that Terra was captured by demons is like the sword of Damocles on the head of a human being. No one dares to take it lightly." Dawn said: "My father paid a heavy price for this. Souls have become the fuel for this seal."

"It will be over soon, and you will truly get rid of the gods." There was a hint of complexity in Evelyn's tone.

Word had reached her of the destruction of the Comoros.

Except for a small number of Dark Eldar who joined the Death Army, Comoros can be said to have been completely destroyed.

Human forces broke the seal on the Gate of Cain and let Slaanesh's minions inside.

For the Eldar, that was undoubtedly the worst possible outcome.

For Comoros, Evelyn doesn't have a little affection.

She had been captured there once and knew how horrible that place was.

I'm afraid hell is much better than there.

That is the out-and-out devil's lair.

"The success of the Webway is not only the liberation of human beings, but also yours." Dorn looked at Ifrane and said lightly: "You are equally qualified to use the Webway, this is the content of the old covenant, the empire Will not break faith."

Evelyn smiled, "I can still trust the character of the Primarch."

Donne looked into the distance, and a light curtain popped out.

The fleet commander appeared inside the light curtain.

"Master Dorn, we are ready."

Dawn nodded, "Let's get started, take back the City of Miracles, and end this nightmare that haunts Terra."


Dorn's orders were conveyed to each captain through a complex communication network, and the large-scale fleet was guided to the depths of the webway.

After tens of thousands of years, human beings returned to the ancient battlefield.

The difference lies in one point.

Thousands of years ago, humans were on the defensive.

Ten thousand years later, human beings are on the offensive side.

The suspended celestial-class battleships are like giant fortresses, continuously releasing the units in them.

Countless Imperial Star Forces and intelligent control units flooded into the battlefield like a tide.

Raising the battle flag, the Primaris warriors shouted the names of humans and emperors, and rushed towards the enemy with weapons in hand.

Dorn also joined the battle himself, armed in hand.

Cannon fire roared, and sirens blared across the webway.

The city of miracles has been reduced to a den of demons, and countless demons occupy this city where a war once broke out.

Here, they overwhelmed the human defenders and shattered human dreams of getting rid of them.

The demonic tide was extremely turbulent, pouring out like a flood that broke a bank.

The gods know what this battle represents.

Once it fails, it means that human beings will be freed.

The living are driven into battle.

The fight between the two sides became fierce within a few breaths.

Each demon is unique,

They are born from all kinds of weird, indescribable and terrifying nightmares.

No real life is willing to face these horrific monsters.

If it weren't for the protection of the firewall and the advanced protective equipment of the empire, those human soldiers would be corrupted by demons at the first sight and transformed into abominable monsters.

The air in the webway was filled with the sound of metal and iron clashing and the heat that could incinerate everything.

Followed by the stench of demon corpses and their rotten blood.

Maddened demons screamed piercingly and brandished cursed weapons.

Grand Marshal of the Black Templar - Amariqi also entered the battlefield.

The black sword in his hand released the brilliance of the anti-magic field.

"For the Emperor, for humanity." He uttered a battle cry, followed by the other Primaris warriors.

Where he walked, the ground was covered with demon corpses, and the stench was almost poisonous.

When Dorn started hosting the webway project, he had already entered the webway battlefield, and countless demons fell in front of him.

The Gray Knights, led by the Great Mentor Manjago, are also attacking fiercely, just a little in front of Amarić.

They are all elites against the demons, and the entire offensive is directed at them.

The artillery fire continued to bombard the city of miracles, and the huge titans and heavy tanks poured plasma and shells non-stop.

The knights activated the spears in their hands, turned on the maximum horsepower, and launched charges again and again, harvesting the life of the enemy just like the ancient knight system.

The machine slaves advance under the control of the combat program. Once they are knocked down, they will start the self-destruction program, causing heavy damage to the demon.

The demons in Miracle City are not completely disorderly, they have demon cannons and war machines like titans.

The abandoned city walls were rebuilt by demonic sorcery, and the wriggling flesh eliminated most of the power of the empire's long-range artillery fire.

Casualties on both sides are rising sharply.

Groups of soldiers fell.

A large number of fighter jets were blown to pieces, and the flying debris covered the streets.

The knights broke through the outer defenses of the city of miracles.

Their powered lances tore through walls of squirming flesh and remaining bone, opening the way for follow-on troops.

However, they also paid a price.

Huge meteorites burning with flames were projected from the city, exploding the shield of the mecha, and the armor was also burned to bubbles.

"Empire shall prevail."

As soon as a knight uttered his last voice, he was burned to ashes by the demon fire.

None of the first knights to strike had the honor of entering the City of Miracles.

The knight who escaped the impact of the meteorite was also ignited by the blazing demon fire, and turned into fly ash in an instant.

Hundreds of knight mechas smoked, piled up on the vast tunnel, and fell on the piles of demon corpses.

"For the Empire."

"For the empire."

An infantry unit composed of Primaris warriors rushed into the city holding the double eagle banner and the banner of the chapter.

Imperial tank formations also crushed resistance along the way, opening the way for the Astra Militarum.

Fighting broke out inside every bridge and building.

The Eldar also invested their own troops.

The soldiers of the Death Army and the theater troupe walked on the battlefield like ghosts, their swordsmanship was like dancing, full of cruel beauty of killing, and they helped those human soldiers who were in trouble.

Dorne charged at the front line, and the anger of the stubborn stone of the empire made the demons terrified.

"We have returned, demons, bear the anger that has accumulated for thousands of years." Dawn roared loudly, and the other original cast warriors also roared.

The demons along the way were torn apart by this team, and Dorn's long sword slashed all.

No monster can be his opponent. With the sword swung, every enemy falls down.

Those twisted monsters were harvested by him like weeds on the side of the road.

The huge fleet also began to release attacks, crushing the crazy tide.

Brilliant blue and white streaks pierced through the fog and landed on the magnificent City of Miracles, extremely dazzling, igniting everything along the way.

Tens of thousands, no one dared to look directly at those beams.

Each one caused a deafening explosion, and each one hit the demon tide with a thunderous force, shaking the whole city.

The inanimate people fell down in pieces, and there were a large number of casualties in the crazy wave.

Some of the demons convulsed in pain, tormented by the released electrical energy.

Some demons howled, ignited by the fire of the stars like moving torches.

The will of mankind is unstoppable, even the gods have to retreat for it.

The mighty Primaris warriors crushed every resistance the demons raised, crushing their bodies with their weapons.

A demon burning with black flames rushed out of the City of Miracles. It was extremely huge, like an emperor-level Titan.

"Damn humans." The demon roared angrily, "You have offended the great."

Before the devil could finish his words, he let out a painful sound.

"Just die, demon, you don't need to say your name." Dawn's indifferent voice echoed, his body was glowing, becoming as huge as the other party.

Primarch power is anything but simple.

Each is a son of God, which is why Horus, after passing the trials deep in the warp, was able to gain strength enough to fight the Emperor.

They are perfect containers for seeds with unlimited potential.

In the long ten thousand years, Dorn has already learned how to use this power.

The webway stirred up a storm, and black thunder burst into the air.

Both individuals possess enormous power, enough to easily destroy a world.

In a sense, they are gods.

The demon roared with rage, it was born in the ancient past and has lived for endless ages.

How dare a race that existed for less than a fraction of its lifespan dare to be so arrogant.

Black flames burn in the demon's eyes, and the destruction and malice contained in them are enough to drive mortals into madness and kill them instantly.

The power of the etheric ocean is constantly oppressing, the webway is shaking, and the top becomes transparent, revealing those terrifying scenes that are so weird that they can drive the world crazy.

The majestic giant hand as large as a mountain and the twisted monster that only appeared in the dreams of crazy people peeped at everything in the webway through the small window, just like someone approached the bottle mouth and observed the insects inside with his eyes.

Donne didn't care about the situation. He had seen worse things.

In the depths of the subspace, those indescribable and strange pictures are enough to drive all creatures crazy.

The two powerful beings started a battle.

That terrifying scene is like the battle of the gods in the mythological records.

The confrontation between the weapons of the two sides, each collision will release a strong shock wave, enough to wipe out life on the entire planet.

The demon punched Dawn in the chest, and the battle armor containing the most advanced skills of the empire cracked under the impact of the mighty force of the planet.

In response, Dorn reached out and grabbed the demon's flaming wings, ripping them off.

The battle between the two has surpassed the limits of mortals.

Each blow will cause a huge reverberation, shaking the entire webway.

It didn't last long, however.

After Dorn returned to the empire, he received the enhancement of the most advanced technology of the empire, and possessed a sacred body beyond the ordinary.

Coupled with his subspace essence, there are very few enemies who can defeat him in the real universe.

Even in the face of those star gods, he may not be at a disadvantage.

What's more, it's just these inanimate people who got a body.

Dorn's long sword finally pierced the demon's chest, causing him to scream in despair.

The huge body staggered a few steps before falling down with a deafening sound.

The defeat of the Black Flame Demon announced a change in the battle situation in the City of Miracles, and it also announced that human beings will win the final victory.

Amarich knocked down a monster covered in rough red animal skin, and shot another monster with anti-joint limbs.

He and his team rushed to the front line, shuttled through those complicated streets, and killed every monster they saw.

Some of the monsters muttered Gothic, which made Amariche even more disgusted.

"Despair, pain, failure," they cry, "blue sun, rise, destroy."

Amariki heard the fear in it.

They are afraid of their ultimate fate.

Amarich showed no mercy for their fear, and the only answer to these monsters was his black sword and the blessed heavy bolters of his comrades.

He grabbed a twisted monster, and the black sword in his hand pierced the opponent's chest, breaking it open.

The demon was chopped into pieces, and the half-shattered head trembled on the ground, howling in despair.

Amariqi stepped on it directly.

After finishing off the opponent, he raised his black sword and stepped forward.

In the mist came the sound of wheels, metal wheels crushing the ground of the spirit bone.

A mottled, ancient bronze chariot rushed over from the other end of the street.

With a rumbling sound, it ran over the corpses and mechanical wreckage left over from thousands of years ago.

The strong and powerful figure waved a long whip, whipping and driving several monsters, causing them to gallop across the street dragging their chariots.

It's an echo of the Bronze Age wars of humanity.

Amariqi squatted down, activated the energy shield, and prepared to resist the opponent's impact.

A burst of thunder shot out, and the chariot was thrown flying on the spot, and the demons holding various ancient weapons on it were also thrown to the ground.

The Grand Master of the Gray Knights, Manjago, came out from the side with his team, and executed the demon driving the chariot.

Other Gray Knights execute other demons.

Those guys died screaming like a human.

Amariqi didn't care that the opponent took away his prey, but called his team to continue advancing.

In the sky, Imperial gunships are also fighting fiercely with winged demons, preventing them from breaking through the blockade.

After the big demon was killed, the demons obviously lost the courage to continue fighting.

Demon-killing weapons for humans have become popular.

When the inanimate is killed, it is very likely that it will not be able to escape back to the warp to wait for resurrection, but will be completely destroyed.

Many demons are symbols of madness, born of extreme emotions, but that doesn't mean they're not wise.

Continue to stick to the city of miracles, and the only fate waiting for them is the tragic fate of returning to nothingness.

The empire's troops are endless, and no one knows how many troops there are in those magnificent celestial-class warships.

When the idea of ​​not being able to stick to it appeared in the minds of the demons, it was as if it had taken root, and they couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

Humans become terrible in their hearts.

No matter how hard they try, humans harvest them as easily as mowing grass.

This is a desperate war.

What used to be the despair of human beings is now their despair.

The flames of war rage, and demons fight desperately within the ever-shrinking circle of the Empire.

The corpse fell to the ground, and the essence of the soul was completely destroyed by the demon-killing weapon.

Can't even respawn in the warp.

After a fierce battle, the final control of Miracle City fell into the hands of humans.

The mechanical slaves of Mechanicum gathered those corpses for harmless disposal.

Don was not in a hurry to celebrate his achievements, but ordered the construction troops to immediately repair and fortify the city of miracles.

The Battle of the City of Miracles is over, and the next task is to take back the section of the webway built by the Mechanicus 10,000 years ago.

With that webway taken, it doesn't matter if the Golden Throne exists or not.

The previous role of the Golden Throne was to keep the Emperor alive and to protect the seal of the Webway.

In order to prevent the birth of the god emperor and prevent the fall of mankind, the emperor resolutely chose to crash into the four gods, his soul was turned into fragments, and his body also disappeared.

This function of keeping the Emperor alive has disappeared, and its only use now is to keep the seal of the webway.

That traitor, Magnus, was being drained like a battery, keeping the webway sealed.

Donne naturally would not feel sorry for the torture that traitor was suffering.

What he is worried about is that the function of the Golden Throne is continuously failing. Before the Golden Throne fails completely, the Webway must be regained. Otherwise, Terra will be torn apart by the pouring warp energy and become a new Eye of Terror and a large rift. .

That is undoubtedly the most desperate ending for human beings.

Truth Invincible is a celestial-class warship.

Many expeditionary officers headed by Ryan gathered here, including the generals of the Star Guard, the heads of different battle groups, the leaders of the Knights, the big nun and so on.

In front of them was the spoils taken from the Necromancer-Tarassin.

This trophy was so special that Ryan didn't dare to handle it without authorization.

That's the Fulgrim clone.

The opponent is still locked in the stasis field.

It stands to reason that Fulgrim is a traitor, so his clone should naturally be considered a traitor as well.

But according to Fabius, the clone has absolute loyalty to the empire, and once wanted to lead the emperor's son to surrender to the empire.

For this reason, Fulgrim's clones hold special significance.

There is a limit to being able to use this as a breakthrough point to promote the power of the gods.

It can also prove that the power of the gods will distort people's cognition, thus making people loyal to the gods.

In this way, it can better show the legitimacy of the empire, and the various measures to guard against subspace creatures are reasonable, in order to prevent people's free will from being distorted by the gods.

Belief in the gods is not free will, but the distorted will of the gods.

With the promotion of the citizen system terminal, all kinds of ideas will inevitably flourish, and there will inevitably be followers of the evil god of chaos who will confuse right and wrong.

A Fulgrim clone loyal to the empire can make the people of the empire hate the gods more and unite with the empire.

Ryan looked at the clone, and said after a while: "All senior officers involved in this matter must accept the ideological seal, and no discussion of any form is allowed."

"Except for the record files sent to Terra's main database, other related files are directly deleted. Before the matter is finalized, any discussion is illegal."

Ryan's words were very firm, and no one was allowed to refute.

After talking about the Fulgrim clones, Ryan talked about the Necromancer campaign.

It is well known that the empire supported the Sothai dynasty.

Necrons that have lost their ability to reproduce are an excellent expendable ally.

As long as King Sotai gets the final control agreement, the entire space undead will fall under the control of the empire.

The relationship between the two clans was not maintained solely by the covenant, King Sotai was also forced to hand over his control core to express his loyalty.

King Sotai knew that the Nether Dragon and Guilliman had reached a cooperative relationship, and the resistance of the Necrons was meaningless.

Many of their cutting-edge technologies come from the star gods.

Now the star god, the Nether Dragon, who controls the most technology, is on the side of humans, and the Silent King will win with a mallet.

Human beings are well aware of the warships, defense protocols, and various weapons of the Necrons, and have taken targeted measures.

If this battle is not fought, it is doomed to lose.

Ryan's job now is to finish the finishing touches, and the failure of the Necrons is already doomed.

Unless their technicians can immediately integrate that knowledge and launch brand new technological creations.

Sixty million years of deep sleep have plunged the entire race into a wave of dementia.

Many overlords have become mindless metal puppets, and those slightly inferior tomb technicians with knowledge of civilization are even worse.

There are countless cases of memory loss and data loss.

The dynasties that can recover intact are only the lucky ones, and more dynasties are silently destroyed in the changes and failure crises of the universe.

The revived dynasties are fighting each other in their own way.

Things like this make it almost impossible to rebuild the scientific research system of the Necrons.

A civilized scientific research system requires massive resources and the full cooperation of the entire race.

The more advanced the technology, the more complicated the division of labor and cooperation required.

A space undead without a real ruler has no way to complete such a complicated division of labor and cooperation.

They are the afterglow of the setting sun that is about to fall, very bright, but the ending is already doomed.

Ryan sat on the main seat, listening to the plans of the generals.

"Currently the most powerful forces of the Necrons in the Space, among them is the King of Silence who belonged to the supreme ruler of the Necrons of the Space and the head of the Three Saints Council. He holds the most powerful Menek Dynasty in his hands, followed by the Sotek Dynasty. The Storm King, apart from these two, the most terrifying of them all is the Bone Kingdom, a force made up of mutated skinners."

"These forces are gradually uniting among them, mainly the King of Silence and the King of Storms, trying to use the parliamentary system to eliminate internal differences, unify the forces of the space undead, and seek to gather strength to fight against the empire. For this reason, my opinion is to first destroy these courageous dynasties, and then use force to bring other weak dynasties to their knees."

"The Storm King and the Silent King are two threats that must be dealt with. As long as they are dealt with, the Necrons will lose coordination and become chaotic again."

A female captain stepped forward, "I am a little confused about this plan. The King of Silence is guarded by the Menek Dynasty, and it has a huge appeal, which can call other dynasties to help. No matter if you send a large army or a small team, if you want to solve him Both are very difficult things. Both kings have the courage and strength to unify the space undead. If we succeed in solving one but fail to solve the other, the surviving king will inevitably unify the entire space Undead, and unite them in the name of revenge, I am afraid that we will face a united space undead force, and the difficulty will be a hundred times that of the present."

"I suggest not to use any quick solution to the battle, but to use our advantages to fight a war of attrition and gradually encroach on the territories controlled by the Necrons. The parliamentary system can be described as cumbersome when used during wars, and the dynasties must have no way Reaching mutual aid, on the contrary, will cause mutual suspicion because of failure, leading to failure of cooperation.”

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