Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 376 Production workshop of regular props (for subscription)

As the capital planet of the Wotan Alliance, Thorian's prosperity and prosperity are second to none.

It is surrounded by a densely populated, industrialized world.

Together, they form an extremely prosperous world group.

Sorian is the center of this bustling world group, and also the hub of the waterways leading to those worlds.

There are countless ships in the void, and a large number of ships arrive and leave every second.

Bustling, like a school of fish.

There is no end to the rows of buildings on the ground.

The ground has long been engulfed by increasingly complex man-made structures.

Even at the highest point, the horizon cannot be seen.

You can only see endless buildings, tall and majestic.

No green, no plants and no soil.

Some small black spots can be seen in the distant sky.

That is a large number of airships and spaceships taking off and landing in the port.

All the materials and resources from all over the place were transported to the planet Sorian.

Planet Sorian is an administrative planet, responsible for handling the daily affairs of the Wotan Alliance.

It does not have much production capacity.

Very dependent on other worlds for food and various daily necessities.

The most important building on the planet Thorian is nothing more than the Parliament Building.

This is the center of power.

All affairs of the Wotan Alliance are subject to parliamentary supervision.

The parliament building is located in the center of the city, with a circular structure at the top, and the sky blue dome is pleasing to the eye, like a beautiful work of art, standing among the high-rise buildings that are purely focused on efficiency.

The interior of the parliament building is spacious and imposing, and the rotunda has designed rows of event podiums for the many senators of the Mota Alliance on different levels.

All are disc-shaped, with some seats fixed.

On it sat the senators and their assistants.

They represent their respective forces.

There are also some seats floating around, and the MPs above are expressing their opinions loudly.

Various matters of the Wotan Alliance are decided in their hands.

The man's speech sparked a murmured discussion among the participants in the meeting.

For a while, there was a turmoil of voices, and hundreds of voices echoed in the venue.

There were those who were very staunch in their support of the war, fighting to defend their hard-earned homelands, to drive out their fellow ghouls from the galaxy, and to secure their interests and survival in the Andromeda Nebula.

Some people also suggested that it might be possible to discuss and send a diplomatic team to communicate with the enemy before deciding on the next step.

The heavyweight force of the Wotan Alliance, Corinne Gonkin, the representative of the Kronos military group dominated by dwarves, stood up from the platform to which they belonged.

The essence of the Wotan Alliance is a collection of various large forces,

It's like a government composed of super enterprises and chambers of commerce.

The Kronos military group has invested a lot in military industry and the army, and they have the most powerful military industry production line and source of soldiers in the Federation.

This military group is also the most active force for external expansion.

Their behavior style is also very violent, and they have all kinds of powerful technologies.

He often shows off his force to those aliens and even other forces in the alliance.

If a war is launched, they will undoubtedly be the biggest winners.

The alliance's main weapon production lines and shipyards are in their hands.

War is suffering for most people, but it is a rare opportunity to make money for arms dealers.

Corinne Gonkin's voice announced to other meeting members through the intercom on the floating platform.

"We must defend our homeland, or the evil spirits from hell will take it away and leave it in ruins, and everything we have worked so hard to create will be wiped out."

"They were born in the same blood as us. Is it too arbitrary to start a war rashly? I ask for peace talks and communication." Another congressman refuted the representative of the Kronos military group, "Maybe the situation is not so bad that that Now that there are many internal conflicts in the alliance, we should not increase the burden on the people."

"Don't be so indecisive. Only by taking strong measures can we win this victory. Realize that they are no longer our compatriots, but a group of evil spirits wearing human skin. Chaos God will never let them escape The palm of your own hand. Are you going to tell me that they have a savior who can fight against evil gods?? Please, Mr. Patin, this universe is not a fairy tale."

"If we start a war rashly, eager to destroy and conquer, and use our barbarism to prove our strength, then what is the difference between us and the creatures manipulated by chaos." The member called Patin said: "Humans The interests of the people should be the top priority in all matters, and this should not be changed or questioned in any way."

"Warning against our corrupted counterparts is to ensure the interests of mankind." Said the congressman representing the forces of Cronus.

"I don't think so." Mr. Patin said, "We can't talk about war lightly, unless it is absolutely necessary."

The quarrel between the two also aroused discussions among other members of parliament and power representatives.

Noisy voices sounded from all directions.

Everyone is talking, everyone is talking.



Members of Parliament argued endlessly and refused to give in to each other.

In the end, the delegates all stood up, from whispering to shouting, and the waves of voices kept rising louder and louder.

Until the chief deliberator presiding over the parliament kept shouting.

"Order, order, keep order."

Many congressmen fell silent.

Another floating platform on which a representative of a heavyweight force flew out.

"The Star Walker Trade Alliance supports the war proposal. We must not compromise. Whether those of the same kind are our compatriots or not, war is inevitable." The congressman shouted, "Even if they get rid of the evil god's control, so what Listen to them, they call themselves an empire, put billions of lives under the control of a dictator, do we have to accept that fate?"

"If we don't want to join the so-called empire, what will they do? Will they let us go like this? No, they will find a way to conquer us, ask us to compromise and submit, let us kneel before their emperor, so Just thinking about it makes people feel sad, isn't this worth fighting for?"

The representative of the Star Walker Trade Union blushed, and the words he said were even more provocative.

With this short speech, he made the entire parliament seething.

The whole room was shouting to vote.

Determining the future in a democratic way.

There was no doubt that the war bill was finally passed.

The Wotan Alliance will wage war on those galactic kin.

The voices of Representative Patin and others who want peaceful talks are too weak.

No one wants to hear their opinion.

Everyone is like a crow that has seen carrion, swarming towards the quagmire of war, eager to share some carrion in it.

"They are all crazy." Councilor Patin said to his colleagues next to him: "We don't know what happened to the Milky Way, there has been no news for almost 20,000 years, who knows if those terrible things are still there? They are laying hands on their own people for a disaster they are not even sure about."

Another councilor shook his head, sighing and sad.

"Those guys are unwilling to give their long-lost compatriots even a chance to explain, and stubbornly believe that war is the best medicine."

"Their worries are not unreasonable." Another colleague said: "More importantly, there are many contradictions within the alliance, and many forces hope to divert internal contradictions through war."

"Conflicts within the alliance should be resolved within the alliance, rather than diverted by setting up external enemies. Such an approach cannot divert conflicts, but just cover them up." MP Patin said: "I have a hunch that the parliament will act like this Absolutely will regret it."

"Let's talk about it at that time." The colleague said: "At least from the current point of view, launching a war has united the various forces that were originally divided."

The introduction of the war bill has excited many forces.

The quality of Andromeda far exceeds that of the Milky Way, but the available resources are much less than that of the Milky Way.

There are strong radiation zones everywhere where there is no way to survive.

Those strong radiation areas are difficult to deal with, and can only be fought against with heavy protective clothing.

However, as long as there are a few mistakes.

Exposure to those places for five or six seconds can have disastrous consequences.

It will immediately lead to the collapse of flesh and blood, loss of control of cell tissue, and eventually death.

The development of the Wotan Alliance has reached its upper limit.

0.001% of the big business owners and trade alliance executives hold 200% of the wealth of the Wotan Alliance.

There are many humans and dwarves in the Wotan Alliance who are carrying loans, and their assets are all negative.

Even cloned dwarves have to bear a loan.

The resources that created him didn't come out of thin air.

They were all loaned to him by commercial organizations.

will be calculated with interest.

It needs to be paid back.

The economic indicators of the Wotan Union have stagnated all year round, and may even retreat.

All kinds of contradictions and conflicts have become extremely acute.

From time to time there will be large-scale rebellions.

More importantly, the core database they once took away has also suffered a crisis.

The running speed is getting slower and slower, and there is already a possibility of crashing.

So many contradictions have made the alliance crumbling.

A large proportion of dwarves and humans are also deeply tired of the intrigue of the council, and believe that the council cannot guarantee their power.

At one time, he proposed to end the Wotan Alliance and open up the territory alone.

For this reason, in the eyes of many people, starting a war against the same kind of galaxy is a matter of all benefits and no harm.

It can make the military production line work, stimulate the vigorous development of the economy, and allow people to have an enemy to fight against together.

War is the easiest way to create the illusion of crowds.

Even the beggars who can't eat in the Wotan Alliance will be proud of the victory of the Alliance Army.

The beggars would puff out their chests proudly and shout, "I am proud to be a member of the Wotan League."

War is the best medicine, which can make people forget their pain.

Planet Velo.

The agricultural planet of the Wotan Alliance.

If the temperature in the morning is considered hot, then at noon, the star-facing planet Velo will become the furnace of hell.

Heat visible to the naked eye rises, distorting the air.

Wesker is manipulating the harvesting machine and is harvesting the huge wheat field.

This is his harvest for the whole year.

Next year's living expenses, seeds, and fertilizers are all in it.

The harvesting machine was very heavy, and it used the old anti-gravity levitation magnetic plate to provide the power of suspension, and the two nozzles on the back provided the forward thrust.

In the sweltering cockpit, Wesker was completely wet.

"Fuck, his uncle, this broken machine." Wesker cursed in a low voice.

In fact, these machines have automatic harvesting capabilities.

Yet the meditator built into it has been broken.

There was no way a farmer like Wesker could afford a brooder.

For this, he can only do it manually.

Unless he is willing to take on a loan.

A loan that he will have to repay over thirty or forty years.

Use one-third of your income to repay other people's interest and principal.

The Chamber of Commerce was more than happy to lend the money to Wesker, and even encouraged him to borrow it.

If he couldn't pay it back, the Chamber of Commerce would take away the Thinker he had bought on loan and put it up for auction, and the money would be used to fill the hole, and he would continue to pay back the rest.

Wesker eventually chose to operate the harvesting machines himself.

He already has a loan on his back.

In order to buy this barren land and the machinery to develop it, his parents borrowed a sum of money, and it took the whole family to repay it for more than three hundred years before it could be fully repaid.

It's only the second generation here.

Wesker estimates that he will have to wait until his grandson's generation to pay it off.

The premise is that he has a son.

If there is no son, once he cannot work and cannot repay the loan and interest, then nothing needs to be said.

The machine roared.

Wesker had to work hard to get out of this terrible furnace hell as quickly as possible.

He couldn't figure out what his parents thought.

Borrowing such a large sum of money just to become a farmer! !

It took a sip of cold ale to free his soul from this dreadful hell.

There was a louder roar.

That sound drowned out the sound of the harvesting robots.

A huge shadow appeared.

Covers everything on the surface.

Wesker's attention was drawn.

He poked his head out and saw a huge alliance ship in the sky.

The ship crossed mountains and rivers and headed for a city called Shiloh.

There is a huge airport there.

Ships can berth there.

The top of the ship was covered with all kinds of weapons, the steel was towering, and the dark muzzle made people fearful and uneasy.

It is like a giant fort installed on a steel mountain. It is very magnificent and can be called a majestic miracle.

Wesker's eyes showed surprise and uneasiness.

He had never seen warships at his age, the only ones he had seen were merchant ships used to transport goods and taxes.

Each planet pays a fee to the Chamber of Commerce or trade organization to which they belong.

The Wotan Alliance is a capital country through and through.

Council members are made up of the most powerful merchants and business owners.

Every planet has a clear belonging.

People are still free.

The problem is that the water, land, air, sunlight, etc. on the planet are all owned by the Enterprise Chamber of Commerce.

To get these things, you have to buy them.

If you buy it, you have to participate in the work and create value for enterprises and chambers of commerce.

Everyone has to work in order to survive.

Those who cannot work will be abandoned.

Whether it's a dwarf or a human, it's the same fate.

Dwarves are even worse, many of them are created using cloning technology.

Once the interests of enterprises and chambers of commerce cannot be satisfied, they will be discarded cleanly and new ones will be made.

The moment they stepped out of the cloning machine, they were in debt, and they had to pay back the cost of making them.

Wesker has lived in such a social environment for a long time.

To be honest, he's used to it.

I don't think there is anything wrong with living like this.

This is the tradition left by the great Wotan alliance.

A way of life condensed through the wisdom of countless ancestors.

It can make the Wotan Alliance stronger.

Thinking of this, Wesker also felt a little proud.

This is the confidence of the people of the Wotan Alliance.

Their civilization has gone through tens of thousands of years, and it can be regarded as a long civilization.

However, there should be some problems.

Alliance warships never made it to Velo, much less the spaceport on the surface.

Something seems to be wrong.

Wesker watched the battleship fly to Shiloh, and then continued to work hard, otherwise there would be no way to complete today's workload.

He has to work hard, and after finishing the farm work, he has to work a job to repay the loan.

If there is no way to repay the loan, the controller of Planet Velo - the Deep Rock Mining Guild will definitely take away their land without mercy.

All their things will also be auctioned to compensate for the loss of their land to the Weskers for cultivation.

He has to work hard so that life can get sweeter and sweeter.

Wesker didn't complete his harvesting task until the sun went down.

He parked the harvesting machine in the hangar, set safety measures, and drove to the tavern.

There were not many people in the tavern.

Just a few laborers at the end of the day and a few waitresses wearing bad perfume.

Those who drank loudly talked about their meager knowledge, trying to win the attention of others.

Those people talk about everything.

From astronomy and geography to league history to the latest policy.

They pretend to know a lot, but in fact they also know some superficial knowledge, showing off the crappy theoretical knowledge they have read from the communication network or street stall literature.

Occasionally when talking, there will be disagreements and quarrels, and even fight.

Wesker ordered a glass of wine.

Sitting at the long table and talking to the bartender about what happened today.

Accidentally learned about the implementation of the war bill from the other party.

"War is about to start." The bartender said: "The news of the galaxy invaders came from the frontier planet. The adults in the council think that those guys have no way to save them, and they must be cleaned to protect the alliance itself."

"That ship is here for conscription, and every world provides enough soldiers. I heard that the parliament allocated a large sum of money as a war fund."

"It's time to change your destiny." A man next to him raised his wine glass and said, "This time the conscription allowance is unprecedentedly high. As long as you come back after working for ten years, you will be a rich man."

"It's really high. Many people want to be soldiers. They are fed up with this kind of life and think that being a soldier is their only way out." The bartender said: "It's a pity that the number of recruits is limited. I can't even do it."

"Aren't they afraid of death?" Wesker said.

"Death? Just a bunch of bugs running out of the galaxy!! The Wotan Alliance has not suffered a devastating blow. Our technology has crushed all the aliens. If they were not honest and chose to spend money to buy peace, they would have been killed by now." It was wiped out. The galaxy is full of crises, even if those people are not corrupted, they don’t have much time to develop technology. According to some gossip, those guys still use old-fashioned warships from 20,000 to 30,000 years ago.”

"Beating them is an easy task. Many people think that this conscription is just a welfare distribution. We will win easily and drive those kind back to their shitholes, and even follow the way they came Go attack them. Let them know how powerful the Wotan Alliance is."

All the people talked a lot, thinking that the Wotan Alliance will definitely defeat all enemies.

Speaking of the mighty military strength of the alliance, they all showed pride, proud of the army of the alliance.

It's as if those troops listened to them.

Will protect their property and safety.

Of course, as long as the interests of business owners and chambers of commerce are not offended, those troops will generally protect them.

After all, they also pay taxes.

But if they can't pay the loan owed to the chamber of commerce or the enterprise.

The Union army soldiers would definitely beat them up without a trace of temper.

Let these idiots obediently hand over all their assets, and then go to be a beggar waiting to die.

If they offended the dignified business owners and representatives of the chamber of commerce, the soldiers broke through their doors, entered their homes, and pointed guns at the heads of their wives and children.

As long as they resist, they will be dealt with as enemies against the alliance.

If they do not resist, they will be sent to prison and their property will be confiscated.

Some people will also talk about the welfare conditions for this conscription.

Such benefits are definitely beyond the reach of ordinary workers and farmers.

Those enterprises have powerful computers, and through model calculations, the income of workers and farmers is limited to a level where they cannot starve to death or make a fortune.

Taxes are fixed.

However, the pricing power of those fertilizers and seeds is all in the hands of the other party.

Workers and farmers have nothing to do but toil till they die.

Wesker was also a little tempted.

"Perhaps, I should find some ways to go to the battlefield with a gun on my shoulders. Find some fun in my boring life and live a different life."

After the Battle of Cadia.

The troops of the empire continued to go to universes 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, and 06 along the inter-universe tunnel, and started the inter-universe colonial war.

The main enemy of Universe 01 is Chaos Creatures.

This battlefield is also the most difficult.

Even those terrifying monsters are active in the void, as long as they relax a little, they will attract the invasion of the enemy and cause huge casualties.

Relying on a variety of anti-subspace technologies, the empire is still winning victories, forcing the enemy back into the subspace, reshaping the rules and order of reality, and establishing magnificent cities and fortresses.

After escaping from the Cadia battlefield, Dawn also came to Universe 01.

Colonizing across universes is no easy task.

Especially in a universe that has suffered severe corruption, rebuilding order is even more difficult.

Donne's task is to design various fortress cities, which can not only ensure the comfort of life of the people of the empire, but also ensure their safety, so that they will not be captured again by the biological clock of chaos.

There is also a more important mission, which is to ensure that the base of universe 01 can stably produce and supply the props needed by other universe natives

Such a building not only requires advanced technology, but also requires all kinds of incredible witchcraft.

A group of Eldar and subspace research technical experts followed him into the No. 01 universe from the original universe.

Every captured planet must erect an anti-warp space barrier, only in this way can the results of their war be guaranteed.

Dorne stands in a fortress on the front line.

The empire has seized a territory with a diameter of 35 light years in universe 01, and tens of thousands of planets have fallen into the hands of the empire.

Of course, seizing territory is only incidental, and more importantly, weakening chaos and weakening the enemy.

Letting Chaos continue to erode the universe will make them stronger and stronger.

To do this, the Empire must rob Chaos of those universes.

Of course, the current size of the empire is too weak.

Not even a complete universe could be captured.

But the mentality of forging ahead is indispensable.

Universe 01 paid a lot, but also gained a lot.

When recovering various planets and reshaping the order of reality, it is easy to dig out some special rule products.

Those rule products are the remnants of the powerful civilizations and individuals in this universe, formed after a long period of precipitation.

Like coal and oil buried in the ground.

has undergone a long evolution.

is an alternative resource.

That's why the props for natives of other universes come from universe 01.

The production of those regular creations here has unique conditions.

Dorn and his bodyguard stroll through a giant factory in Universe 01.

It is responsible for the production of regular products of dolls.

"We recently launched a series of regular props called the Rabbit series, which are specially provided to the natives of other universes. At present, universe 03 has sent a large number of orders. With this series, we should be able to reach 60% of the order this year. Five indicators of economic growth."

A supervisor with half of his body embedded in machinery introduced their unique products to Don.

The reality rules of universe 01 have been broken.

Time and space are fractured in many areas.

If it weren't for the large number of maintenance devices built with imperial technology, I'm afraid it would soon be lost in the subspace.

It is half the effort to produce other technological creations, but it is twice the effort to produce these weird items.

Dawn picked up a blue rabbit doll.

The doll's data automatically appeared in front of him.

[Baron Bunny (Minor Disaster Level)]

[After throwing it out, it will form a huge Baron Bunny, attracting the hatred and attacks of the enemies present, the effective time depends on the degree of resentment towards the privilege in the opponent's heart]

[There is a group of bunnies living in the beautiful radish homeland. They were dissatisfied with the cruel exploitation of the privileged class and set off a wave of resistance. The rabbits shouted that the princes and generals should be kind, and they want to launch a liquidation against all privileged classes. As the old rulers, the Tutu nobles naturally became the target of hatred. And the noble rabbits also hate those rabbits who dare to resist themselves, thinking that they have betrayed the great homeland]

[Hint: The more oppressed an individual is, the more he will hate the doll. If the opponent is in the oppressive class, it will have a certain resistance to the doll. The higher the status, the higher the resistance. 】

[Tip: It is recommended to exchange the entire series. The noble rabbit can be used for the oppressed. The higher the title, the greater the hatred it will attract. Can the red revolutionary rabbit be used for oppressors? The lower the level, the greater the hatred it attracts. It is recommended to use it in combination and use it according to the actual situation. 】

Donne took a look and put it down.

"Are the natives of other universes very keen on such props?"

"Yes, Lord Primarch, and such props have strong adaptability in each universe, even if the rules of the universe are slightly different, they can be perfectly adapted, and there will be no rejection." The director said: "The current series It is the best seller, and we secretly set the number and time of scrapping to ensure that the natives will continue to exchange for this powerful item, making them the most powerful force for the empire to conquer their universe."

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