Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 378 Abaddon With Nowhere To Escape (Subscribe)

Dorn stared at the corrupted ship.

Watching it appear inexplicably, and watching it being dragged into the depths of the warp again by the turbulent etheric ocean currents, being pulled closer to the terrifying abyss that echoed with terrifying grins.

There is nothing special about a boat like that, there are many of them.

For the purpose of scientific research, the empire salvaged some abandoned ships.

Inside are corrupted beings that inhabit the dark recesses of the ship.

Howling with hunger and thirst, they would attack the imperial researchers boarding the ship like crazy, trying to tear all living creatures to shreds and tear them into pieces.

Every time those ships are salvaged, extreme care is required.

No one knows what's inside those ships.

Those ancient civilizations also had their glory.

No one knows what horrors the dead Wise Men will leave in their ships.

Many ships have lost power, just drifting aimlessly like that, waiting to be completely destroyed one day and become the embers of civilization.

There are also some ships that will become regular props, mobile ghost ships, floating in the warp like that, they will find new universes, and become weird legends of those creatures.

They will always be waiting, waiting to be guided back to the real universe one day by those stupid and arrogant people.

There are also some ships whose systems are intact and still functioning.

The intelligent control system that lost its owner is still maintaining the integrity of the ship and protecting the database that carries everything in civilization.

They float forever, waiting for a certain lucky person to inherit the achievements of a civilization.

In that way, civilization can be passed on.

The subspace is so special, don't doubt what kind of weird things will happen in it.

Nothing is impossible.

Everything is possible.

Subspace can stretch a ship from a second ago to a scale of tens of millions of years, causing it to decay and collapse quickly.

It can also keep a ship in its original shape.

The Empire got some information from those salvaged ships.

From it, a story about the destruction of the universe and the destruction of thousands of races was pieced together.

Chaos has invaded this world, erasing all reason and order, and spreading death and destruction to every world.

When the last sane life dies in despair, the universe is also destroyed.

Those civilizations have struggled and worked hard.

They had a lot of victories and then lost in the end.

What Dorn saw from that ship was a tragedy.

The tragic history of struggle that continues for hundreds of millions of years.

That ship was one of a thousand tragedies.

One race after another was exhausted in the confrontation with the evil that devoured the entire universe.

Those civilizations rose and fell, only to be reduced to the embers of Chaos' manipulation.

The empire has struggled for a long time.

Many victories have been followed by greater fear and insecurity.

The more the empire develops, the more desperate its people of insight become.

The tentacles of chaos are everywhere, and they lurk in the mind of every intelligent life.

Subtly changing everything.

Countless civilizations have been fooled and captive.

Treated as food without knowing it, on the contrary, they are complacent, proud of the tiny crumbs left by the gods of chaos, and think they are superior to others.

They ignored the screams of their own kind, lost themselves in the abyss of desire, and became more and more crazy.

Knowing nothing about the imminent destruction, he could only foolishly and blindly make a so-called wise decision according to his short-sightedness, and then suffer until everything is irreversible.

Don took a deep breath.

Blood flowed violently in his majestic body.

Air travels to and from his lungs at several times the speed of an ordinary person.

The breath rolled up seemed to carry the power of the tide.

Taking deep breaths again and again calmed his heart down.

Donne worked hard to suppress the emotions in his heart, not to let confusion and fear take root in his heart.

Fighting against chaos is destined to be a career that he will complete in his life.

He couldn't be overwhelmed by those horrible futures.

In order to win this victory, they have paid too much, and there is no turning back.

His father has fallen, and his soul has been broken into countless pieces, scattered in the universe, and it is still unknown whether he can be resurrected.

He knows a lot of people are working on it.

The cost is great, but the results are very little, and the progress is so slow that people can't do anything.

Bearing the expectations of hundreds of millions of souls, his brother moved forward with difficulty and made choices cautiously.

Dorn saw Guilliman's vulnerability.

The three Primaris warriors were tight-lipped and did not disclose anything about the injury of the Holy Emperor

However, the wisdom of a Primarch cannot be underestimated.

The blood stained on the armor is so bright, it is definitely not possessed by corrupted creatures.

The sacred aura contained in it can only be possessed by a person like the Holy Emperor.

Obviously, in the battle with the evil god of the alien universe, Guilliman, the emperor, was injured, and he was seriously injured.

Don didn't know what happened.

But he has a hunch.

In that decisive battle, the subjects of the Empire were only one step away from losing Guilliman.

Guilliman was not the invulnerable, omnipotent god that his followers believed.

He will get hurt.

will die too.

This is what worries Dorn, his brother carries too much.

Guilliman appears omnipotent.

Where he appeared, the people had tacitly won, the enemy would lose, and any problems would be resolved in the hands of the Holy Emperor.

That burden was too heavy to allow Guilliman to show any weakness.

Guilliman's strength is the source of confidence and spiritual support for the people of the empire.

If even the Holy Emperor will fail, how can they have the courage to fight against the indescribable evil and monsters.

This is also the reason why Dawn didn't express his guess.

He never told anyone about his guesses.

Guilliman needs to stay strong, needs to look invincible.

Lane probably knew about it too.

The male lion also possesses extraordinary wisdom and the ability to see through everything.

But Don was not worried that Ryan would spread the word.

Lions are the most secretive of all Primarchs.

That is the instinct of the sons of Caliban, just like people can breathe through their noses, it has been engraved into their genes.

The lion also knows why Guilliman hides his injury! !

"No matter how long it lasts, it will end." Evelyn said: "You have created an unprecedented miracle, unified the galaxy, and are about to repair the Eye of Terror. This will be the closest we order creatures have come to success, even if Even the Old Sages will not be better than you."

"I hope." Don said indifferently.

The hand covered with armor pressed the shielding switch of the porthole.

With a hasty sound, the hydraulic device slowly lowered the heavy steel plate, covering the weird void.

Those terrifying scenes could not shake Donne's powerful heart in the slightest.

However, he couldn't keep looking.

Those scenes are also really disgusting.

At this time, the sound of ticking came.

A hovering cherub flapped its silver-white metal wings and flew towards where he was.

Its eyes emit red light, scanning everything in its path.

When the light touched Dawn's majestic body, it stopped, suspended in the air.

A man's voice came from a brass sounder sewn into place in the mechanical throat.

"Master Dorne, we still have 16 minutes to reach the Beta PE72 galaxy, which is a war zone, do you need to hold a strategy meeting for you?"

Don frowned.

The other party did not identify himself, but he still recognized from the voice that it was the voice of the captain in charge of the ship.

With each word spoken, the cherub's metal jaw opens and closes.

When he finished speaking, he suspended there silently, waiting for Don's reply.

"I'll go over right away, enter the relevant information into the master control database, and build a battlefield model for me." Don said: "Don't need any redundant descriptions, as long as the data and the parameters of the planet, others are not needed."


After leaving these words, the cherub turned and flew away, returning to the shrine where he had been, standing beside the icon of the Emperor and the Holy Emperor.

The message has been transmitted to the strategy room through the ship's communication network.

No cherubs are needed to deliver.

Using cherubs to communicate is only a religious act.

Even though Guilliman denied it countless times, the people of the empire have already regarded him as a god more noble than the emperor by default.

Religion is the source of rot.

If there is no firewall, faith is poison wrapped in honey, which will eventually poison human beings themselves.

With the firewall in place, it really doesn't matter whether religion exists or not.

Guilliman, who is in charge of the Mechanical Throne, would have absorbed all human emotions, preventing the warp creatures from continuing to feed on human emotions.

Guilliman can only guide and admonish religion, let the parliament firmly control the development direction of religion, and guide it to develop while ensuring the interests of the empire.

It is not advisable to attack religion in a blind way, and it is very likely that what happened to that idiot Lorgar will happen again.

A group of people are always looking for something to believe in.

When the Emperor turned them down, they turned to the gods.

Perfect City is an example.

Guilliman took away Lorgar's Holy Word, and he was the creator of the Propaganda State Religion.

It's really shameless to do that.

But it is a very stupid thing to say honesty, benevolence, and kindness to Chaos traitors.

Dorn supported Guilliman and spoke publicly, acknowledging that Guilliman was the founder of the state religion.

And Lorgar is just a traitor who is despicable and shameless, trying to steal his brother's achievements.

Dawn glanced thoughtfully at Evelyn who was standing beside her.

The alliance between humans and the Eldar is well known.

The gods of the Eldar clan kneel down to the emperor, such a thing is enough to make every citizen of the empire proud of it.

After all, the arrogance of those pointy ears is well known.

Can make their gods kneel and declare surrender to the emperor of mankind.

It is tantamount to letting the people of the empire have a kind of happiness similar to conquering the sexy and hot, black silk short skirt, beautiful and charming, protruding front and back, and arrogant and rude female boss with a variety of styles.

But Donne is not a common man controlled by emotion.

Those illusory honors and victories did not move him in the slightest.

Reason always occupied his mind.

As the ancient survivors, the Spirit Race will never be willing to be a vassal race of humans.

Even if the Spirit Race has already declined to such an extent, it must not be ignored.

Anyone who underestimates the Eldar will eventually reap the consequences.

"What's the matter, my lord?" Evelyn asked.

"It's okay." Don turned around and walked towards the strategic command room, "Let's go, we still have a few battles to fight."

Dorne's location is in the ship's tower.

It doesn't take long to get to the strategy room.

Just walk to the elevator and use the elevator to go down.

Once on the corridor, they left the soundproof area.

Then came the roar of the ship.

The roar of the reactor and engine was transmitted along the hull structure to the crew's ears.

This is unavoidable.

Sound travels through solids.

It is impossible for the empire to make every area soundproof, that would be too expensive.

Limited resources should be spent on firepower and hull robustness, not comfort.

The consideration of war is always lethality rather than comfort.

The strategy room was as busy as ever.

The staff used data cables to connect themselves to the main control center of the ship, reviewing every data and indicator to ensure that there would be no mistakes in the operation of the ship.

There are files and data pads all over the desktop.

The servo skull was flying in the air, dragging its long mechanical tentacles, sending files or authorization data boards to the designated target.

The center of the strategy room is occupied by a huge holographic projection.

Staff have entered the relevant data into the contemplators.

In the cone of light, galaxies rotate.

Planets are spherical, moons are dots, and the asteroid belt is represented by halos.

Detailed data about celestial objects is hidden within glowing icons that can be expanded with a simple tap.

The mechanical priest dragged the scarlet robe and walked back and forth around the large holographic projector.

Or debug the machine or talk to each other in mechanical secret language.

Dorn walked to the side of the projection, overlooking his kingdom like a god.

He has the same talents as the Primarch of the Iron Warriors, Perturabo.

They are good at finding weaknesses in data and gleaning information about them.

The projected light reflected the golden double-headed eagle emblem on the Dorne armor.

And cast shadows over his eye sockets and cheeks.

His whole body exudes a calm temperament, like the tranquility in the eye of a storm.

It took him a few seconds to review the data information in the projection, quickly analyzing the military strength of the empire and the threat level of the enemy.

"Report to me about the situation on the battlefield." Dorn looked at the military intelligence commander in uniform and said.

The other party nodded, holding a data pad for instant calculation in his hand.

"There are three planets in the Beta PE72 galaxy, two of which are gas planets, which have been distorted. There is an earth-like planet-Beta PE72-1, which is the main target of the empire's raids. There are currently three battle groups in total, thirty Star Corps, and Two knight orders, one nun order, 2,000 state church priests and 40,000 state church fanatics have joined the battle. There is a celestial-class battleship located in the outer ring orbit of the galaxy, three light-hours away from the battlefield , providing logistical support."

"It's just that the current situation is not optimistic. The local chaos creatures are very stubborn. Several attempts by the imperial forces to deploy anti-subspace anchors have failed. So far, only a logistics supply base has been established on Beta PE72-1. It failed to establish a perfect anti-subspace force field.”

Imperial forces are conquering the Beta PE72 galaxy in the name of the Holy Emperor, trying to take a galaxy back from the hands of the Chaos creatures and place it under the rule of the Holy Emperor.

The war strategy of the foggy universe is generally very simple.

Chaos creatures have not established any large-scale forces, like stragglers.

The imperial forces only need to expel the local Chaos creatures, establish an anchor point, build a protective barrier, and allow humans to establish a colonial city in that place.

Donne listened to the report while swiping the floating interface to read more information.

The entire universe has been corrupted by Chaos, into the etheric ocean of the Warp.

Those celestial bodies were also distorted by that indescribable force.

Planet Beta PE72-1 looks like a writhing mass of flesh.

The whole continent grinned open like a mouth, revealing huge fangs like mountain peaks, and it looked like it was smiling.

The planet is bursting with many colors, with rotten violet and disgusting oil green being the most common.

Those colors sometimes wave and ripple like the surface of a lake.

All kinds of grotesque structures stand on the surface of the planet. Those lines change between curved and straight lines, and they are concave and convex at the same time. They are completely opposite, completely contradictory, and incomprehensible.

The geometry of those structures is insane.

Angles mixed with angles.

Those things are a mockery of the rules of physics.

It shouldn't have been there.

But emerges from the distortion of the subspace.

Just looking at those things will corrupt the heart.

Let its sanity gradually collapse, and eventually become a member of the chaotic creatures.

Fortunately, Guilliman's will protected them even across the universe.

To allow the combatants of the Empire to look directly at those horrors without going mad.

The stars of the Beta PE72 galaxy are not doing very well either.

The star that should have undergone violent nuclear fusion reactions and released high-frequency radiation is now strangely black.

It was streaked with crimson like a hateful, bloodshot eye embedded in the void.

"This kind of corruption is much more terrifying than the Eye of Terror." Evelyn said in a low voice, "This universe has completely lost its mind and turned into a pus-smelling corpse."

"The situation in this place is like this. We have to recover this place under the protection of the Holy Emperor. This place should belong to the material world instead of the warp space where those chaotic creatures are raging."

"It's all warp creation, and we have to clean it up before we can colonize this place."

Several high-level people participating in the meeting are discussing.

Don was silent.

He kept looking at the distorted beta PE72 galaxy.

Thinking about your next plan

It is necessary to repair the webway, repair the firewall, repair the lighthouse, and repair the interface crystal wall to keep the creatures of the subspace out.

There is a lot to do.

It would be too much of a burden to simply transport resources from the empire.

To develop the resources of this universe, one cannot rely solely on the mainland of the empire. ,

A colony without economic returns and the ability to be independent cannot operate for long.

Donne had a plan in mind, only with the help of Corax.

He knew that his brother, who was good at stealth combat, was currently in charge of domesticating those demons for use by the empire.

Demons can be tamed to become intelligence-gathering Imperial spies.

There seems to be nothing wrong with being used as a coolie.

He wants those Chaos creatures to work hard and build a wall to block themselves.

The battle on the Beta PE72 system has been going on for months.

For O'Neill of the Executioner Squad, he has been hacking and killing from beginning to end, and the number of those damned Chaos creatures is endless.

When one chaotic creature is cut down, ten chaotic creatures will rush out.

And their task is to chop and chop endlessly until all the chaotic creatures in their sights are chopped.

The Imperial Heart and new armor embedded with miniature fusion plasma reactors endowed Executioners with inexhaustible strength.

As long as the fuel is not used up, they can fight until they die or run out of energy.

Both are improbable things.

When they are in crisis, the armor's emergency teleporter transports them to a safe base or a Celestial-class warship for healing and armor repairs.

After the treatment is completed, they will be sent to the battlefield again.

O'Neill was assigned to the second planet in a Beta PE72 galaxy, and his task was to stick to Mars and the gang of mechanical guys to complete their work.

Those Martian mechs are going to build a statue of the Holy Emperor, an anti-subspace force field device and a lighthouse.

Only these three things can allow the empire to establish an anchor point for this galaxy and put those planets under the control of the empire.

Those chaotic creatures have keen intuition, and once humans show the idea of ​​establishing a colony, their offensive will increase.

All kinds of devices of human beings must be destroyed at all costs to prevent human beings from taking their "homeland".

In a sense, the creatures of chaos are more like a righteous act to defend their homeland.

Empires are like invading bandits.

The problem is that the line between justice and injustice is always blurred.

Anyone can find their own justification.

"For the Holy Emperor," a knight standing next to O'Neill yelled through his megaphone.

Like the Titan mechs, the mechas owned by the knights have also undergone earth-shaking changes.

It adopts a streamlined design that imitates the human body, and is equipped with various miniaturized Titan weapons and power weapons. It has high performance and high maneuverability.

It is suitable for large-scale and large-scale urban battles, and it can also effectively damage the opponent's small and medium-sized targets and provide fire support for ground troops.

The neural connection device allows the knights to control the mecha with their own will, making the mecha their second body.

The battle-crying knight fought a wriggling monster.

The guy was covered in flicking tentacles and snorkels pumping dirty water.

Only one tawny eye.

The monster was very ferocious. Amidst strange howls, it slammed the knight mech with its tentacles and limbs.

Its limbs whipped and danced wildly, and the heavy sonic boom echoed in the stale and foul-smelling air.

That terrifying force is enough to smash ordinary people into pieces.

The knight mecha uses the shield to deal with the opponent.

The ripples from the shield kept fluctuating, but there was no sign of breaking it.

O'Neill hacked to death the chaotic creature that was close to him. That guy was like a clay figurine that was constantly flowing with muddy water, sticky.

Those disgusting monsters always have various appearances.

The monster died howling under O'Neill's tomahawk.

After scanning the surrounding area, Olney decided to assist the knight in strangling the hideous tentacle monster.

He raised his bolter and pulled the trigger.

The bullets in the bolt gun are specially made, adding materials that restrain Chaos creatures.

Each shot inflicts massive casualties on those hideous creatures.

Under O'Neill's attack, the monster screamed horribly.

The tawny, hate-filled eyes looked at O'Neill, and a tentacle stretched out, slapping the air, trying to kill O'Neill.

O'Neill used the heart of the empire to launch a teleport and left the original position.

The tentacle fell with the sound of howling wind, and with the sound of booming, it smashed a deep pit on the rotten surface, right where O'Neill was standing just now.

The monster let out a strange roar.

I can't understand it, but I can feel the anger and killing intent in it.

The monster really wanted to kill O'Neill.

The intruder's bolters hurt too much.

It squirmed its body, and its big eyes turned around, looking for signs of O'Neill.

But while the monster was distracted from dealing with the Primaris warrior, the knight took his chance.

The mechanical arm covered with smooth armor is very dexterous, just like the hands of a knight can make various complex movements.

The mech reached out and pulled the power spear from its back, activating it.

The dynamic field opened with the discontented murmur of the awakened machine spirit.

The jumping electric light filled the spear with a terrifying aura.

The knight jumped up, seized the opportunity, turned on the propeller from a high place, and with the help of gravity and the thrust released by the propeller, they rushed down in one shock force, piercing the opponent's big eye with the spear middle.

With one blow, the opponent's entire body was pierced, and the body pierced into the rotting ground.

The power field shredded the matter that made up the opponent's body, splitting it into the most basic particles.

The monster waving its tentacles let out a mournful howl.

Disgusting yellow liquid sprayed out from where the spear pierced.

The huge body of the monster fell down like that.

It sizzled and turned into steam and flowing pus at an extremely fast speed.

"The target has been killed." The knight shouted: "All glory to the Holy Emperor."

O'Neill hadn't had time to say anything.

Another giant tentacle with a distorted face and various knots rushed out of the mist.

It slammed into the knight's shield.

The huge impact made him take a few steps back before he could barely stand.

More monster howls came from the mist.

It seems that a huge herd is approaching.

The ground also trembled slightly.

Some monstrous giant monsters came out of the mist.

They should be of the same race.

It looked scrawny, covered in very shriveled, mummified flesh.

The color of the body surface is like some kind of rusted metal.

Limbs are disproportionately long and thin.

The arms were as long as the legs, and ended in the same five equally bony hands, which ended in hands.

The neck is long and thin, connected to a huge mouth full of fangs, and there are no other facial features.

The tongue is very long and thin, making a hissing sound in the air.

Those monsters were hundreds of meters high, and every step made the ground tremble.

Hundreds of giant lasers and missiles were released from the artillery position behind O'Neill.

Cut through the fog.

Bombarded on the monster's body.

A faint halo emerged, blocking all the long-range attacks of the empire.

The missile exploded in front of the halo, setting off a huge air wave, engulfing everything and sending it flying.

The flying O'Neill also had to temporarily avoid the impact of the air waves and landed on the ground again.

"Another brand new monster, these damned monsters with big mouths."

The voices of other battle brothers rang through the comms.

"Sage, have you done it?" O'Neill raised his bolt gun and shot at the monsters.

The knight next to him also ran.

The heavy mech moved flexibly in the gaps of the monster group, using the power spear in his hand to pick up those guys.

The sound of wailing and screaming was endless.

"One hour and twenty-three minutes."

The voice of the sage is very mechanical, and there is no emotion at all.

"We can't last that long."

The knight was sent flying.

The big mouth monster seems to control some kind of space confinement ability.

The knight failed to manipulate his mecha, and used teleportation to escape before the opponent's slender arm arrived.

The mecha shell made of neutron-star-density material dented in that heavy blow.

The huge body of the mecha was also knocked into the air and fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

O'Neill estimated that the blow that sent the knight's mech flying would have at least hundreds of thousands of tons of power, combined with the ability to confine it in space, it would be unsolvable.

If it weren't for the layer of neutron star material covered on the outer layer of the knight mech, it might be smashed to pieces by just the blow just now.

Another roar came from the artillery positions.

When conventional weapons failed, artillerymen switched to other types of attack.

Black hole shells exploded in the air one after another.

Form black holes that swallow all light one by one.

There were also some fragmented dimensional shells that exploded among the monsters, and different dimensional transformations tore apart the bodies of those chaotic creatures, twisting them into pieces.

The chant of the Anglican priest followed closely behind.

During their chanting, Guilliman's icon continued to burst into intense radiance, comforting the soldiers of the Empire and causing the creatures of Chaos to scream in pain.

Those weird monsters with big mouths were not affected.

They are still moving forward, making all kinds of weird noises from their mouths.

"For the Holy Emperor."



"data error."

They repeated the battle cries that the imperial soldiers used to make, very messy and irregular.

When the name of the Holy Emperor was shouted from the mouths of those monsters, every combatant of the Empire felt offended.

Their faith was thus violated by those monsters, which is an intolerable evil.

O'Neill activated his flying ability again, jumped up, and rushed into the sky.

The bolter in his hand kept shooting at the opponent's mouth full of fangs.

However, the special explosive bombs that can usually cause a lot of damage to chaotic creatures have no reaction when they hit those monsters with big mouths.

The explosive bombs exploded on those monsters, but failed to leave a single wound.

O'Neill activated the chainsaw sword in his hand, and the subatomic sharp saw blade spun at high speed.

Such a chainsaw sword is enough to cut through the protective barrier created by strong interaction force, and steel is no different from tofu in front of it.

O'Neill rushed towards the enemy, dodged the opponent's swaying limbs with a flicker, appeared next to the opponent's slender neck, and slashed down with his sword.

It seems to be cut into rubber, soft and soft.

Relying on the sharpness of the subatomic saw blade, O'Neill still easily sliced ​​through the opponent's body.

In the next second, the opponent's wound healed strangely.

Almost at the moment of incision, the wound recovered like this.

Before O'Neill could react to the monster's amazing healing ability, he felt as if his flight was stuck in a quagmire.

I wanted to launch a teleport to escape, but also found that the response of the heart of the empire was much slower than before.

Space is blocked.

More calculations are required to escape.

The long and thin hand waved over, knocking O'Neal away like a mosquito.

The heavy force was like being placed between two battleships, and then the other side turned on all the engines to squeeze.

The armor dented in.

The machine spirit screamed in pain.

The auxiliary system icons projected into the eyes all showed red indicators.

O'Neill was knocked away several kilometers like a cannonball, and then crashed into the ground, making a big crater.

Even after three times of original cast strengthening, O'Neill felt that he had broken several bones.

It hurts to move a little.

Those chaotic creatures howled and rushed forward, biting his feet and hands, trying to tear them into pieces.

"Mission failed."

O'Neill didn't want to admit it, but he knew it was the truth.

Those weird mouth monsters won.

They have to have the means to deal with those guys before they can launch the next offensive.

O'Neill just wanted to order the imperial troops to withdraw to the base and give up this mission.

Intense flashes of light continued to appear on the battlefield.

A group of Eldar warriors appeared not far from O'Neill.

Their fighting posture is like dancers, gracefully moving their deadly dance steps among the crazy and chaotic monsters.

The arcane weapon in his hand shone with psionic brilliance.

Each swing disembowels a monster.

What surprised O'Neill was far from this. In the center of the battlefield, there was an earth-shattering roar.

A strong giant appeared in front of those monsters with big mouths.

His body shape is almost the same as those big mouth monsters, and he is also hundreds of meters high, with terrifying spiritual flames burning all over his body.

Even though it was far away, O'Neill could recognize that the giant was the Primarch of the Imperial Fist - Lord Dorn.

The other party released his essence.

Primarchs were born to kill gods.

The essence of each is extremely powerful, able to fight against those immortal monsters.

A Primarch himself descends upon the battlefield.

O'Neill suddenly felt extremely excited in his heart.

If the executioners led by him can be traced back, they are also a subgroup of the Imperial Fist, and they can also be regarded as the sons of Dorne.

The origin of the Executioner can be traced back to the Great Crusade.

Fafnir Lane, then Captain of the Fists of the Empire, was the leader of the first Executioners Chapter.

Fafnir Lann had participated in the Great Crusade, and later participated in the Solar War, defending Pluto with Sigismund, and served as the commander of the First Sphere Fleet.

After Horus used the power of the subspace gods to break through the line of defense, he returned to Terra and participated in the battle to defend Terra, leading 18,000 Imperial Fist fighters and a large number of non-legion soldiers in charge of the Lions Gate Airport. defense.

It was eventually besieged by rebel forces led by traitors such as Keorg, Kahn and Abaddon.

In the end it was Sigismund who rescued him from the siege of the rebels.

After the Horus Heresy, the Legion split.

He was split out during the third founding of the army and established the Executioner Warband.

A Primarch enters the battlefield, and nothing can stop him unless the Chaos Gods or those Daemon Primarchs do it themselves.

This universe has lost its value, and the Chaos God who once invaded this universe has already put his attention on other places, so how can he care about the battle on a planet.

The Daemon Primarch has now been captured back to Terra.

Besides, those guys have no way, and it is impossible to cross a universe to help a group of insignificant Chaos creatures.

A monster with a big mouth was held down by Dawn, and the opponent's head was blown off with a punch.

The huge monster's body was grabbed by strong hands, and then pulled violently, the monster's entire body collapsed.

The remaining monsters with big mouths did not change anything.

One of the monsters with a big mouth released other attacks, releasing terrifying sound waves from its mouth full of fangs.

But Dawn punched it into the mouth, and directly penetrated the tough body.

In a few howls, the monster just fell down like that.

Numerous imperial troops swarmed up, and the weapons in their hands kept chopping at the opponent's body until it was chopped into pieces.

When Dorne appeared on the battlefield, the situation on the battlefield had already turned to the side of the human empire.

Amidst howls of despair, the tide of crazy monsters gradually thinned out, and some monsters turned around and fled.

Their homes have been taken away by those humans.

It is useless to continue fighting.

Under Dorn's protection, the Mechanicum completed the construction of the lighthouse, the statue of Guilliman and the anti-warp device.

An invisible force field quickly enveloped the entire planet.

Howling, the monsters disintegrated into a searing ball of electric discharge, driven back into the warp by the restored natural iron.

The mechanical priest and many imperial workers were sent down.

They operate huge machinery and equipment to consolidate the victory as quickly as possible.

The construction of barrier facilities and fortifications further enhanced the control of the empire, forming a virtuous circle of sustainable operation.

At Dorn's request, the imperial forces captured several Chaos creatures who seemed to have both strength and IQ on the line.

At the same time, Dawn also sent someone to contact Corax, planning to ask the other party to help him form a demon labor team.

The vast, colorful and strange void.

Abaddon, Bashtor and others fell into a bitter battle.

The Empire won the Battle of Cadia, but did not stop, and sent troops to hunt them down, trying to end the legend of the Great Marauder once and for all.

Abaddon had made all the preparations, but he still underestimated the strength of the empire.

The Gray Knights and the Black Templar have been hunting him down.

Needless to say the former, the Gray Knights have a natural hatred for all demons and traitors, not to mention the co-choice of the four gods like Abaddon.

The Black Templars plan to avenge their first Grand Marshal, Sigismund.

Originally regarded as a pawn, Calgar, who stabbed the cancerous legion severely, also built a line of defense that cut off the subspace road to the Eye of Terror and prohibited all subspace navigation.

Abaddon was undoubtedly blocked.

Behind them were the Black Templar and the Gray Knight, and in front was Calgar, who hated him so much that he had already made a cage and was about to stuff him into it and transport him to Terra.

It can be described as a wolf before a tiger.

A desperate situation within a desperate situation.

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