Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 404 The Endless Family Played By The Imperial Army Between Applause (Subscribe)

"For the glory of the gods, for the glory of the tribe."

The whispers of the gods lingered in the ears of Aislin who was sitting on the Chaos steed.

The breath of chaos blew through his soul.

Sweet whispers promised him supreme power and destruction.

He hails from the Northern Wastes, so called by those who betray the honor of the gods.

It is connected to the kingdom of the gods - Chaos Wasteland.

Many warriors longing for glory and power have entered that dreadful place, seeking mighty weapons and the blessings of the gods.

Aislin also entered the Chaos Wasteland.

There, he fought and killed all the enemies, and finally entered the kingdom of the God of Slaughter, received the blessing of the Lord of Brass, and became a powerful Chaos Lord feared by the world.

This kind of life experience is impossible for most people.

Many unlucky people will die tragically under the claws of those mutant beasts on the first day they enter the Chaos Wasteland.

Aislin's ability to overcome many dangers and finally be blessed has fully demonstrated how terrifying his strength and courage are.

Such an achievement does not satisfy and stop him.

There are many legends in the northern wastes, and he is just one of them.

He yearns for more.

Donate more blood and souls to the God of Slaughter, and get more blessings and honors.

Those who turned their backs on the gods couldn't understand why some people threw themselves into the arms of the gods and exchanged their lives for such insignificant blessings and rewards.

I think that what you get from following the gods is completely unequal to what you pay.

Terrible mutation, crazy killing, the soul will be twisted under the gaze of the gods.

Under such circumstances, how could anyone give up a stable life and take the initiative to accept the blessings of the gods.

Aislin never bothered to explain himself.

Those who are ignorant and ignorant will turn a blind eye to the salvation of the gods, and only see the useless surface.

There is no point in arguing or defining light and dark.

Strength is the key to determine the future.

Those who fear the gods, hide and linger where there is no hope, and think they are righteous and light, are but foolish deceptions.

The gods are fair, there is no disgusting intrigue, only the law of power supremacy.

Those who forsake the gods live stubbornly within their pathetic realizations.

They have no idea how wonderful the freedom the gods have given them is.

Where the gods descend, even the air is sweet.

The gods will not discriminate against anyone, as long as you can show enough value, then he will give blessings.

Even if it is a woman, as long as she is cruel enough and strong enough, Khorne will regard her as his own warrior and give her blessings.

That is true freedom and equality.

Aislin never expected those who turned their backs on the gods to understand this.

After all, they have never even enjoyed real freedom.

Those idiots deserved everything they suffered.

What Aislin has to do is to uphold the will of the gods and spread despair and fear to every place.

Loot the wealth of those fools, and slaughter their family and friends.

To make them kneel before her, kiss her boots, and beg for the chance to be a slave.

Every time the army of chaos invades the world of order.

The tribal barbarians of the northern wastes are an integral part of the forces of Chaos.

They are the Marauders of Chaos that dwarves, elves, and men fear.

Those terrible barbarians were blessed with the blessings of the Chaos gods, and they had all kinds of terrible mutations.

With all kinds of weird limbs, wielding spiked flails and various giant axes and heavy swords to fight.

Their combat style can only be described as crazy.

Those guys have no respect for death.

I only hope that my bloody battle and desperate fight can get the attention of the gods.

The barbarian tribes of the Northern Wastes knew how to fight when they emerged from the womb of their slave mothers.

The cruelty of the gods is manifested from the moment they are born.

Tribes honor power.

Only strong and healthy babies can get food and live.

As long as there is a little problem, those weak and defective babies will be directly thrown into the wasteland by the tribesmen, where they will be torn apart by those terrifying beasts.

No matter how much the baby's mother cries.

Waste should die, this is an eternal law.

Everyday life in the tribe is battle.

Even children's toys are all kinds of weapons.

They will not be engaged in any production.

That's what a lowly slave should do.

In the name of the gods, they will fight tribes that believe in other gods, and plunder slaves and supplies from the homes of fools who dare to resist the rule of the gods.

The Chaos Lord-Aislin who was ordered to attack Cathay was also a barbarian warlord who grew up in the northern wasteland.

He worships the God of Slaughter who is in charge of courage and war.

Blessed by the Lord of Brass, he had vowed to use the heads of his enemies to pave a path of honor for the god of carnage, the symbol of courage and war.

The God of Slaughter is an angry and fickle god, but he is absolutely fair.

As long as Aislin can bring him enough blood and war, he will not be stingy with blessings.

The Eternal Chosen has reappeared in that lost city that is older than humans.

The disaster of annihilation is about to come to this world.

At the request of the gods, countless warriors gathered under the command of the Eternal God's Chosen, hoping to follow him to fight in all directions.

A wave of unprecedented destruction will sweep the world.

The day of destruction is counting down.

The attack on Cathay is only a small part of it.

Bigger action has already begun.

The Eternal God's Choice is ready to destroy the world.

Sitting on the back of the Chaos Warhorse, Aislin looked at the majestic city wall mixed with the power of the Dragon Emperor.

A warrior in brass armor and covered in human skin stood behind him.

Each is accompanied by a team of bloodthirsty Killerspawn and a few skinned hounds on ropes, ready to rush out at any time.

Heads hang from their banners.

Aislin ruled over a huge tribe in the northern wastes.

He has 40,000 warriors under his command, as well as countless slaves.

For this war, he brought them all out.

If you want to break the long wall of Cathay, you must have enough troops.

Of course, his strength alone is not enough.

In this team, there are also the conspiracy wizards who believe in the Lord of Change and the Void Warband of the Prince of Pleasure.

They are each ruled by a Chaos Lord.

The Conspiracy Sorcerers are made up of mages and demon priests.

They can use the power of chaos to unleash various powerful spells.

Not only can it summon rock golems, but it can also distort the earth, change the landscape, and create favorable terrain for the Chaos army.

The number of conspiracy wizards is small, but their combat power cannot be underestimated.

Those fanatical priests and mages can fight against enemies several times.

Most of the Void One warbands are knights who ride gender-specific centaurs or beasts.

Mounts are equipped with various instruments of torture, and they seek pleasure from pain.

Their team is also the craziest.

Slaves were pierced with rusty hooks and spikes, and whipped by overseers, screaming in agony with every step they took.

The dark red blood dripped on the ground, dyeing a scarlet road.

Some knights even had sex with unrecognizable slaves who screamed until they fainted during the march.

Use this madness to sacrifice to their god.

These three teams are the main force to attack Cathay this time, and other forces also provided more or less support.

There are a huge number of spiky chariots dragged by the twisted horses eroded by chaos rumbling forward, and the slaves and the defeated who are fixed on them let out miserable screams.

These hell chariots are the absolute nightmare of fools foolish enough to rebel against the rule of the gods.

The hell horse is covered with thick steel plate armor, and the spiked hoof can easily smash the head, and use the mouth with fangs to crush the flesh and blood of the enemy.

The steel sickles and spikes fixed on the wheels and the car body shone with a dazzling cold light.

Once it rushes into the enemy's line, it is a cruel massacre.

The body covered in spikes and spikes will crush enemies before it escapes.

Let the enemy really feel called a nightmare rushing into reality.

Warriors on chariots are even more terrifying.

They use their sharp knives and barbed whips to maim or kill enemies who try to get close.

The battle formation formed by the gathering of those terrifying chariots is unstoppable. Once they are thrown into the battlefield, it will be the enemy's nightmare.

Behind the chariot, there are altars for offering sacrifices to the gods.

Tribes often carried shrines or altars to the gods as they marched to battle.

They wage war in the name of the gods, offering sacrifices to the Ruinous Powers directly on the battlefield.

The styles of the altars are different. If you know the gods, you can tell the gods that the altars belong to at a glance.

The altar where the God of Slaughter sacrifices is often made of bones, decorated with brass and blades around it, and the heads of valuable enemies are piled up, and corpses are also placed.

Blood will continuously flow from the corpses on the altar.

The altar is dragged by those mutated behemoths in heavy armor, and it is also a terrible siege weapon while offering sacrifices.

The God of Slaughter doesn't care if his altar is used as a weapon.

All He cares about is whether more blood can be shed.

The altar of the Prince of Pleasure is often very luxurious, piled up with all kinds of precious spices and silk, and has an almost cloying aroma and sweetness.

And loyal to the Prince of Pleasure, the skin and heart that are willing to be skinned and boned by believers.

Sometimes, there will be naked, plump priestesses dancing seduction dances in front of the altar.

Those warriors who have obtained the head of the enemy and completed the test will have a certain opportunity to have fun with the priests in various cruel and torture ways on the altar of the Prince of Pleasure, and prove their piety in this way under the eyes of everyone.

The altar of the Plague God is filthy, with all kinds of filthy entrails and an unbelievable number of parasites, flies and rotten stains that carry the plague.

The altar of the Lord of Change is relatively normal compared to the other three.

Basically, they are all polished by crystals that exude brilliant light.

On the altar are the skulls of failed schemers or mages.

Then came the team of Chaos Dwarves.

The Chaos Dwarves' mastery of steam mechanics far exceeds that of their god-defying counterparts.

In the Chaos Wastes and the Northern Wastes, the steam machines of the Chaos Dwarves dig beneath the ground like creeping rotten fruit.

Using their talents, the Chaos Dwarves established a terrifying kingdom under the dark and deep underground.

They drove huge tunnel excavators and borers and excavated underground day and night.

The sides of the steel machines were rusted from blood.

Every once in a while, they will sacrifice a large number of slaves in exchange for the protection of the Chaos Gods.

In that huge underground kingdom, all kinds of large machines are roaring day and night.

With the collision and explosion between the steel.

The loud voice resounded through the earth.

Chaos dwarves prefer steel, fire, and steam, and despise the weakness of flesh and blood.

They are an important trump card for Aislin, the Chaos army, to break the long wall.

Those who use steam locomotives to drag those steel giants will let Cathay know the power of Chaos.

Let them understand that a new age has come.

All creatures will surrender at the feet of the gods.

Chaos dwarves combine evil magic and iron creations,

They possess all kinds of deadly creations.

A fragment cannon that hurls deadly fragments in a barrage of death.

A lava cannon that shoots lava projectiles or sprays high-temperature flames.

Each of those cannons is unique, forged by the demon blacksmiths of the Chaos Dwarves, and is a symbol of their honor and status.

In addition, there are rocket launchers, mortars and many other artillery.

Once released, even a magnificent city will collapse.

The team stretched for several kilometers and was huge.

These people are as eager as Aislin to destroy the long wall of Cathay and bring destruction to those sons of the east who know nothing.

Burned their exquisite palaces with fire, and piled up the heads of men, women, old people, and children in the burning city.

When he was close enough to Changyuan, Aislin saw those Kongming spaceships that disgusted him flying out of the territory of Cathay.

Those guys are big trouble.

The reason why every attack on Cathay failed.

Those Kongming spaceships occupy a large part of the reason.

They unleash artillery fire and bombs from the sky, disrupting the rear of Chaos armies.

Once the formation is chaotic, Cathay's cavalry and infantry will join forces to attack.

Attacking from both sides, no matter how powerful the Chaos army is, it will collapse, and in the end it will have no choice but to retreat.

Countless followers of Chaos were cut down by the Cathay army.

What's more, Cathay still has dragons.

Different from western dragons.

Cathay's dragon is slender and has no wings.

But they are just as scary.

Cathay's dragons are also able to fly without wings.

They are also covered with thick scales stronger than steel.

The hard claws can easily tear apart the armor blessed by the Chaos Gods.

From the mouth can spew out terrible flames full of divine power.

Their horns can also unleash terrifying thunderbolts.

But this time Aislin has confidence, they already have enough anti-air power.

The Sorcerers of the Conspiracy brought troops capable of flying through the air.

Those transformed wizard warriors piloted round flying saucers carved with countless runes and shining with strange light.

Can release a series of terrible spells through witchcraft.

When close enough, the Chaos Dwarves pulled the Hellcannon out.

Arranged in front of the formation, ready to bombard the tall city wall.

Those giant cannons were cold and heavy, and when they moved, they left traces on the ground.

Aisling looked at those giant cannons and dwarf rockets, he could no longer imagine that there was nothing that could stop them from breaking through the long wall with the honor of the gods and turning the prosperous Cathay into scorched earth.

Anticipation and excitement surged in his heart.

Destruction always brought him unimaginable excitement.

For the destruction of good, people will get distorted satisfaction.

It's as if people always like to watch the innocent and cute girl next door finally become black and evil under the abuse of the perverted uncle.

Unfortunately, fate did not favor Aislin and his companions.

They longed to present a feast to the supreme gods.

Soon, they will understand that they have been abandoned by the gods.

When the golden Daedra fell under the fire of the Chaos Dwarves, so did death and destruction.

A flag with a golden double-headed eagle tattooed on it fell from the sky with the sound of howling wind.

The Chaos Lord, who led the Void Warband and was blessed by the gods, who was using his tentacles to torture the female slaves, was directly pierced and nailed to the ground.

It was as if a god of war stood in his divine kingdom, and the thrown spear turned into a meteor, and finally pierced his enemy.

Of all the warriors of the mortal world, the Chaos Lords are the most feared beings.

They are so powerful that they are like gods walking among mortals.

Dressed in terrifying baroque armor, decorated with various heads and skins.

In front of them, the chaotic champions looked very short, and could even be said to be like weak children.

Every Chaos Lord has survived a long and arduous path.

The road is littered with broken silks sacrificed to its ambitions and other rivals of the lord's defeat.

They are irresistible and powerful fighters.

Possesses the astonishing strength of a troll and the cunning and agility of a viper.

They have the blessings of the gods, they are the gods of death who slaughter cities and countries, and they are legends created by blood and violence.

The Chaos Lord of the Void One warband died without even seeing his enemies.

The female slave tortured by the Chaos Lord let out a horrified cry.

Up close she watched the hideous, slimy tentacled Chaos Lord pinned to the ground, burning to ashes.

The golden double-headed eagle banner unfurled in front of her, hunting in the air.

Some Chaos Warriors find him pathetic.

After walking so far, he died without even having to fight.


But Aislin, who witnessed the arrival of the golden demon god, thought that guy was lucky.

The Chaos Lord died a happy death while enjoying himself.

Without the torture of broken faith and hopelessness for a survivor like him.

Just imagine, they trek along with hundreds of thousands of troops blessed by the gods, ambitiously preparing for a shocking war, but they were slaughtered in a very short time.

What a mockery of their faith.

"In the name of the Holy Emperor, in the name of the Great Emperor."

The metal pole of the banner was nailed to the bloated body of the Chaos Lord, and the golden double-headed eagle banner flew in the air.

The absolutely cold, absolutely rational roar also resounded through the battlefield, heralding the arrival of death.

A golden figure fell from the sky.

Valyrian was the earliest Custodian who set off with the cross-universe exploration team, and he did not receive the most advanced fourth original casting upgrade.

Only received the second Primaris upgrade.

But he himself is a destructive entity cast by the emperor using the golden age technology, and he is blessed with two original casting upgrades and emperor fragments.

How could a group of barbaric natives who were only blessed by the gods of chaos be his opponents! !

When he landed from a high altitude, the huge impact force knocked off the servants of Chaos next to him.

Following his will, the weapon in his hand was covered with a faint blue arc.

A massacre that was enough to make many Chaos minions desperate began.

Miaoying stood on the Kongming spaceship, watching the screaming battlefield.

She is thankful that she did not act recklessly and regard the other party as an enemy

Otherwise, she is very likely to provoke an unimaginably powerful enemy for Cathay.

After receiving the report from the soldiers at the banquet, Miaoying put on her armor and was ready to go out.

Such a huge chaotic team is coming.

It is bound to be a long and fierce battle.

Valyrian also put on his golden armor, and took a crew with him, intending to go with Wonder Shadow and help her.

Miaoying allowed him to go along with him in order to show him the strength of the Cathay army and let him restrain his arrogance.

However, on the battlefield, the situation completely deviated from Miaoying's control.

When Valyrian boarded the long wall, he jumped directly from the majestic city wall that cut off the eastern prairie, and landed in the enemy formation several miles away.

Holding the halberd covered with electric current, sweep the enemy army.

She couldn't see how many enemies were killed, nor how they were killed.

The steel cannons and steam trains of the Chaos Dwarves were overturned and chopped into steam-breathing scrap iron.

Mighty Chaos champions and champions were hacked to the ground like wild dogs.

too fast.

Incredibly fast.

There is no fairness whatsoever.

This is a massacre.

The massacre of hundreds of thousands of chaotic minions by a demon god.

Those servants of Chaos died one after another.

There is no dignity, no honor.

They were killed like ants.

Wei Jing's craziest storyteller would dare not tell such incredible plots.

The Cathay general next to Miaoying also fell silent.

The massacre in front of him is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Under the body covered with golden armor, there is the body of a god.

Aislin's hands were shaking while sitting on the Chaos Steed.

From birth to now, he felt fear for the first time.

The warrior blessed by the Chaos Gods died meaninglessly in front of that golden figure.

They couldn't do any harm to it.

Before he could react, he had been cut into several pieces.

The dreaded daemon was emotionless.

In this grand killing, the other party did not have any joy.

There is only a ruthless slash.

The gods do not like such wars.

No hustle and bustle of emotion.

Craving without desire.

Only the cold pursuit of the goal.

Neither benevolence nor hatred exists for such beings.

The Chaos Dwarves were destroyed along with their creations.

Before their cannons had time to function, they were reduced to pieces.

Covered in armor, dwarf warriors and their slaves were reduced to unrecognizable shards of flesh in just a few breaths.

They were torn apart without mercy.

Shards of steel flew through the air along with the shattered limbs of the dwarves.

The Sorcerers of the Conspiracy seek to use their sorcery to change the tide of battle.

They screamed piercingly and cast spells in rage.

However, every flame and thunder they released was strangely extinguished in front of the opponent's golden armor.

It was as if some invisible force blocked the magic and disintegrated the etheric winds.

Those wizards tried their best, and the only thing they managed was to attract the attention of the golden demon god.

After that guy slashed a mutated terrifying blood beast, he turned his target to them.

The wizards of the Cabal greeted their own demise with screams.

Like a lion rushing into a flock of sheep, that golden figure directly rushed into the ranks of the Conspiracy Wizards against those terrible witchcraft.

Rows of wizards and slaves were cut in two with a single blow.

The altar of the Lord of Change was also shattered in the battle.

There were dead bodies and screams everywhere.

The mighty, blessed Lord of Chaos wanted to unleash a terrible spell.

The speed of the opponent is much faster than him.

The halberd easily chopped off his head, allowing the gathered magic power to dissipate in the air.

Aislin witnessed the collapse of this mighty Chaos army in a very short time.

The slaves they had enslaved and tortured picked up the fallen weapons to avenge their masters with barbed whips.

After the golden demon god beheaded the Chaos Lord of the conspiracy wizard group, he looked at Aislin.

The mighty Lord of Chaos, patron of the God of Blood and Courage, made a subconscious decision that violated his beliefs.

He steered his mount, turned around and fled.

The cold, terrifying eyes of the golden demon god froze his blood.

It was as if he was the next rice plant to be harvested.

He was not afraid of death, but such a meaningless sacrifice made him unacceptable.

Aisling fled.

Like a coward.

The blood god's roar echoed in his ears.

Outraged by his behavior.

Valyrian slaughtered as hard as he could.

Yet hundreds of thousands of people are scattered over several kilometers.

No matter how fast he kills, there are bound to be fish that slip through the net.

To be honest, it might be better to leave such killings to the Titans or fighter groups.

Their weapons can easily reduce everything within kilometers to ash.

Custodians and Primaris warriors were created to take out powerful individuals, or as raiding troops to pry open enemy strongholds.

Their battlefield positioning has never been used to deal with these ordinary people.

Valyrian did not pursue the fleeing Chaos Lord.

He didn't even go after any of the fleeing minions of Chaos, nor did he lay his hands on those who knelt and surrendered.

When this chaotic army left countless corpses and fled to the distance in embarrassment.

Valyrian's goal had been achieved.

He firmly believed that this demonstration would make Cathay realize what they were facing.

Everything they have experienced before is just a small fight.

Only by joining the Human Empire can we survive in the face of the real Chaos Wave.

Only then can we fight against the terrifying dark truth of the universe.

Universe 01.

The Empire's first interstellar outpost.

Twilight was old, and Galileo, who was about to die, stood on the balcony from the ward, looking at the majestic city.

Several of his friends were by his side.

Several big figures of the empire in universe 01 also stood in the room, listening to the old miner's last words, and accompanied him through the last part of the journey.

The ward is very large, like a palace.

Various advanced medical instruments are placed in the ward.

But no one cared about these, people all showed grief, feeling sad for the departure of another imperial hero.

Time is the most ruthless thing in this world.

It buried countless heroes.

Galileo left no heirs.

The seeds of the soulless were implanted in his body, and ordinary people would be naturally afraid of him.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult for him to find a suitable partner of the opposite sex and raise offspring with him.

But he didn't have any dissatisfaction.

His life has been enough.

"I am ready to return to the arms of the Holy Emperor," Galileo said.

Hearing this, everyone in the room showed a sad look.

As the first group to open up interstellar tunnels, and to work in that dangerous environment until now, Galileo's experience is the empire's precious wealth.

The many opinions he put forward allowed many miners to survive in dangerous tunnels, and also reduced a lot of losses for the empire.

The successful construction of the interstellar tunnel is largely due to the miners.

Galileo, who participated in the opening of the first cross-universe tunnel and has survived, is even more talented as an imperial strategist.

Many dangerous areas that appeared during construction were basically led by Galileo.

His name is destined to be remembered.

He is the hero of the empire.

He is also a hero of mankind.

The Manifest Destiny to rule over diversity has never come from a certain person.

It was created by countless human sacrifices.

There was the sound of heavy footsteps, and several armored Astartes entered the room.

Everyone showed expressions of astonishment, and the characters who appeared next made them even more incredible.

Dorn came in from behind the Astartes.

He looked travel-stained, with a tired look on his face, obviously squeezed out of his busy schedule.

"Lord Dorn."

"Lord Dorn."

Several officials saluted him.

Don waved his hand, counting it as his own response, and looked at the doctor beside him.

"How is it going?"

"The soul has already shown signs of corruption. You should not continue to undergo life-extending surgery. Before the soul corruption expands, you should send it back to the realm of the Holy Emperor to sleep." The doctor said in a respectful tone: "All the implants have been closed, and his vitality is failing. , the body will fall into real death at any time."

There was a trace of reluctance on Don's face.

Entering the slumber in the realm of the Holy Emperor is also equivalent to death in the past.

It takes a long time for the soul to recover from the wear and tear of the real universe.

Galileo, who works in the inter-universe tunnel, is more risky and needs to sleep for a longer time.

"On behalf of the people of the empire, I would like to express my gratitude to you, Galileo." Dorn approached Galileo, and said in a deep voice: "You have worked for the empire for centuries, and you are a hero of the empire and mankind. I will Write a letter to the Holy Emperor, asking him to confer the title of hero on you, and there should be a statue of you in the Hero Square of the solar system."

"I have never killed an enemy, how can I become a hero." Galileo was flattered and waved his hands again and again.

The Hero Squares of the solar system are all the heroes of the Empire who are sung.

Only people like Dante and Calgar who are admired by the world, or people like Tirian who made great contributions to the empire and saved mankind from civil war, will have sculptures standing on them.

Galileo never thought he had any right to have his own sculpture in Heroes' Square.

He was just a miner at the beginning, and after living a long time, he took up some management positions in the Transverse Development Management Department and participated in meetings.

If you didn't go to battle to kill the enemy, didn't turn the tide, and saved the empire from danger, what qualifications did you have to become a hero of the entire empire.

"The Empire isn't just one battlefield." Dorn whispered, "You've proven your worth, Galileo. You've fought for so long with a mortal body in the Transverse Tunnel."

Transverse tunnels are dug in the depths of the warp.

It is equivalent to working under the eyes of the gods.

Galileo fought all his life for the inter-universe tunnel. Even though he was just a miner, he still showed his brilliance.

If such a person is not a hero, then what kind of person is a hero?

Those warriors who hold swords and fight on the battlefield are heroes.

Those ordinary people who burn themselves out for the advancement of mankind are also heroes.

Hearing Donne's words, Galileo smiled.

He never thought he would receive such an honor.

Under everyone's gaze, Galileo closed his eyes and ushered in his own death.

His life was not wonderful, but it was fulfilling enough.

As an ordinary person, he witnessed the first step of the empire towards the heavens.

When countless years later, those descendants will regard cross-universe travel as the norm.

Witnessing the huge and magnificent interstellar tunnel that is enough to pass through the stars, curiosity often emerges in the hearts of those descendants.

What kind of sacrifices did the ancestors of mankind pay to open up such a road under such difficult conditions.

What a bunch of people they are! !

Why have the courage to complete such a great cause! !

Don watched Galileo leave.

Another Imperial hero who has dedicated his life to the cause of the Holy Emperor.

He sighed softly.

As the Primarch, he knew very well that the long-awaited redemption that mankind longed for was in the distant future, and the long journey of the Empire would eventually consume generation after generation.

"Marshal, you should leave immediately, the corps on the flanks are trying their best to cover, and they will create an opportunity for you to evacuate." The adjutant said,

"No matter how legendary a hero is, he will meet his own end."

Hawk, who was watching the holographic projection in front of him, said calmly: "They want to win this war by attacking the commander's position, order the flanks to continue attacking, and the empire will win this battle."

The war in the No. 02 universe has been heated up.

The human empire broke the wall of origin and occupied several parallel universes in succession. However, in the parallel universe No. 045, they encountered stubborn resistance.

Those superheroes who thought they were defending their homeland united against the rule of the Empire.

They are indifferent to the truth revealed by the Empire, and stubbornly believe that the Empire is the invader.

Even though the empire keeps telling them that the entire universe is just a captive existence.

They all think their family, their friends are real, their past, their lovers are real too.

Then this world is real.

The empire is the lie, the invader.

They want to unite together to defeat the invaders, liberate those enslaved and deceived by the empire, and rebuild their beautiful homeland.

Primaris forces of the Empire have been sent against a Legion of Overseers.

If superheroes are regarded as captive poultry, then the Overwatch Corps is undoubtedly the farmers in charge of captivity.

The two are not on the same level at all.

Titus had to lead the original warriors to deal with them.

Solving the battle of superheroes can only be handed over to Hawke and others.

The power of superheroes should not be underestimated. Whether it is the Sandman of the parallel universe No. 045 as the leader, Superman No. 043, Dr. Fate No. 048, Dr. Manhattan No. 066, etc., they all have powerful power.

The problem is that they're not really an army.

Fighting alone, each of them has outstanding abilities.

Battles at the inter-galaxy level are a great test of the commander's strategic thinking ability and strategic command ability.

Expecting a group of superheroes who seek superiority over mortals to fight this level of warfare is like asking a hunk to go to war.

Relying on his own strategy, Hawke easily sent them into his encirclement and blocked them on the creation star of the parallel universe No. 107.

Many superheroes keep winning battles and find themselves losing the war.

When they realized that they had nowhere to go, they gathered together like desperate wild dogs, trying to attack Hawke's position, forcing the opponent to move the flanks away, giving them a chance to escape.

"Marshal, you are more important than the victory of this war." The adjutant said: "Those enemies are nothing more than youngsters, they won't be around for long."

"I'm old," Hawke said calmly. "When I made this strategy and played it again, I discovered the problem. How could I make such a simple mistake and put myself in danger. So I went for a checkup and they said my soul was worn out and that despite all the technology, I would keep making mistakes."

"One strategic mistake can't explain anything, my lord." The adjutant said: "You don't need to be too entangled."

"I have made mistakes in dealing with these rubbish. If I command a large-scale battle, wouldn't I make mistakes!!" Hawke looked at his adjutant, "The different time flow rates of this universe have exacerbated my aging. It has only been more than ten years, but I have already experienced one hundred and fifty years of fighting in Universe 02."

The inter-universe tunnel connects the universes together, knowing the existence of each other.

It's as if two countries have established diplomatic relations, and after they have trade relations, their currencies can be exchanged.

The time scale can be unified, but the time flow rate cannot be unified.

Time flows faster in some places, and slower in others.

In addition to the influence of the subspace, the space-time structure of each universe, and some individuals have the power of time, all of which lead to the difference in the time flow rate of each universe.

In some places, the time flow rate has reached an astonishing 1:100, or even more.

When the big rift tore apart the Milky Way, it also caused the inconsistency of the flow of time.

Some planets have been fighting for more than a hundred years, and some planets have only passed a few days.

In fact, there is no big rift, and time will be affected by gravity.

It's as if the time flow of neutron stars is much slower than that of other planets.

"Let the flanking corps continue to attack. If they can be eliminated, at least more than fifty parallel universes will no longer have the power to resist the empire, which will allow the empire to gain a firm foothold in the No. 02 universe."

"Do you really want to do this!! Even if you can no longer continue to command operations, you can still retreat."

"I don't want to return to the embrace of the Holy Emperor with disgrace, and I don't want to make a big mistake in a major battle in the future, leading to the failure of the entire battle, and I don't want to die on the hospital bed. This is the best ending. I will wipe out these Against the bugs of the Empire, and to a not so bad end."

ps: I overslept last night, so I didn't update the second chapter.

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