Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 444 The Memory of Gavill Loken (Subscribe)

The parents began to cry.

Father's body was trembling.

Mother was so frightened that her whole body went limp.

"Stop it," shouted Superman, "Please, don't do that."

"Of course, as long as you kill him, I'll stop." Bruce Wayne smiled, pointing at the howling clown, his grinning mouth showing teeth full of saliva.

Superman looked at the Joker, his eyes were eager.

He wanted Superman to kill him.

Death is at least a relief.

The lunatic didn't torture him physically, he just kept stimulating him with his subordinates and Harry.

again and again.

The Joker wasn't once a desperate man.

He lives in an ordinary family and has a humble job.

A clown who performs in a circus and entertains people.

And his mother was a woman driven mad by those dark days.

In those days, a man betrayed a woman, an old man betrayed a child, a wife betrayed a husband, and a son betrayed a father. Everyone lived in anxiety and despair.

His mother had been the lover of a big shot in Gotham City.

In order to protect himself, the other party tricked his mother into signing a plea.

Pushed everything on his mother, accusing her of deliberately seducing him.

That poor woman was almost beaten to death for being immoral.

Fortunately, she survived with a little sympathy after having a child.

The Joker grew up in such an environment.

He was born with uncontrollable gags and has always been discriminated against.

His mad mother was also a heavy burden to him.

But the clown is still alive and strong, trying to make his life better.

Until this society drove him into a lunatic.

He tried everything he could to find a home in Gotham, but the builder absconded with money, and the house he bought was never completed.

Not only did they lose all their money, but they were also forced to assume high debts.

The bank called him and threatened to sue him. His house should go to the builder, but the money he owed had to be paid back.

The boss asked for an all-round position, increased efficiency and reduced costs, and decided to lay off staff. The clown who has never known how to flatter was laid off.

The other party did not make any compensation to him, and bluntly let the clown sue.

The Joker was forced to take to the streets to see if he could perform, but Gotham law enforcement officers confiscated everything.

The reason is that it affects the image of Gotham City.

From the letter left by his mother, he accidentally learned that he might be the son of a big man in Gotham City. He went to recognize his relative with the last hope, but the other party mercilessly pointed out that he was just an adopted child. His mother was a delusional woman.

However, he found the love letter from the big man to his mother in his mother, explaining that it was the young and ignorant mother who took the initiative to hook up.

Seeing gangsters bullying girls, he acted bravely, but was sent to the police station and imprisoned.

The clown who was released from prison completely collapsed when he was riding the subway.

The three young men, furious at his uncontrolled gags, beat him up and yelled that my dad is the chief of the Gotham Police Department, how dare you laugh at me.

The clown who broke out completely shot and killed three people directly, and went on the road of no return.

Since then, Gotham City has lost a kind and cowardly good man, and has gained a Gotham Dark Lord who is eager to prove that everyone is a devil.

But the clown is only disappointed with human nature after all, eager to promote social change through violent means, telling everyone that there is no so-called hope in this world, and all superheroes are just liars.

He still has humanity and has his own logic and bottom line.

The cruelty of the other party has exceeded his imagination of human beings.

The parents, too, looked at Superman beggingly.

"Save her, please." The mother said tremblingly: "We spent all the money to fix her eyes. She is ten years old, but she has only seen the world for three days. She called out the first It's only been three days since I said "Mom."

The father knelt down.

He looked handsome, but he had an astonishing amount of gray hair.

His daughter who was born deaf and blind exhausted him.

In order to treat his daughter, he spent all his life savings and incurred heavy debts.

three days.

The days when she could see the light and call her father and mother were only three days.

ten years.

They persisted and worked hard for ten years, just to give their daughter a healthy life.

Let her be able to see the mountains and rivers of this world, the scenery of this world, and everything in this world to her heart's content.

Bruce Wayne laughed and stretched out his hand to the little girl. This time he used a little force, and his sharp nails scratched the girl's face, creating a terrible wound.

Bright red blood spurted out.

made her cry.

Shouting Dad, Mom hurts.

Superman looked at the desperate look of the family and said tremblingly.

"I agreed."

He picked up the iconic batarang.

The clown closed his eyes.

A weird smile appeared on Bruce Wayne's face.

"You're going to let them go." Superman looked at the guy with a pale face like a ghost.

Bruce Wayne nodded.

"I will, I will never break my promise."

In a cry of pain, Superman took the bat dart and slashed across the clown's throat.

Bright red blood spurted out.

Bruce Wayne let out a maniacal laugh.

In the next second, Harley, who was nailed to the wall, was entangled in a cloud of black mist, and roughly tore it off, like a doll was torn into pieces.

The clown, who still had the last trace of breath, looked at Harley who was scattered on the ground, his eyes widened, and then he fell down.

"Why?" Superman yelled in despair, and he looked at the lunatic, "I obviously did what you asked."

"I said I would let them go, but I didn't say how!!" Bruce Wayne said cruelly, "Didn't I let her out of the wall?"

"Asshole." The kind-hearted Superman had never had such a strong killing intent, and he looked at the other party with tearing eyes.

Superman's hatred made Bruce Wayne even more excited.

He grabbed the poor woman and tore her into pieces amid the screams of her husband and daughter.

The bright red blood splashed in the dim light and landed on Superman's resolute face.

His lips were trembling.

Tears flowed uncontrollably from the corners of his eyes.

When Bruce Wayne was trying to kill the man, there was a booming sound.

"The beast is inside, stop him. Old Constantine, you go over there and guard the other exit. You, and you also go there, and this time we must catch him."

The sound came from outside.

A trace of fear appeared on Bruce Wayne's distorted face, and he recognized the voices of those people from the familiar words.

Here comes the vile and shameless bastards.

Bruce Wayne didn't dare to waste time, but he still waved his claws to cut the little girl into pieces, so that the poor man could feel the despair of losing his wife and daughter.

The man slammed into him and blocked the claw for his daughter.

Bruce Wayne slashed open the man's back and spine with one paw, and five shocking wounds appeared on the poor man's back, and the intestines and heart inside could be clearly seen.

Bruce Wayne gave a cruel smile, and looked at the little girl who was dazed and suffering so much pain that she could no longer speak with vicious eyes, and then turned into a black mist and fled.

The little girl knelt among the corpses of her parents scattered all over the floor. The bright red blood stained the beautiful princess dress.

The great pain caused her brain to shut down.

A moment later, she let out a scream of pain and despair.

Enduring the pain, Superman forcibly pulled out the kryptonite nails nailed into his body, tried his best to crawl over, and held the little girl in his arms, preventing her from seeing the scene of despair.

Looking at the messy slaughterhouse, the tragic death of the clown, Harley, and the poor people who were abused, and the couple who did nothing wrong and tried their best to survive.

For the first time Superman let out a pained, anguished scream at his own impotence.

He is called his own child.

Think that this man in red armor will lead them to build a beautiful utopia.

Establish a new world where everyone is equal and technology is advanced.

son of the people.

What a beautiful title.

But now, he watched the other party slaughter with his own eyes and was powerless to stop it.

Watching a child's parents being torn to shreds with little to do.

The sound of fierce fighting came from outside, as well as angry shouts, and Bruce Wayne cursed angrily.

After a while, several people ran in, some men and some women.

"That bastard killed again."

"It's not bad. Last time, this guy roasted those people alive and forced others to eat them."

"It's getting crazy, it's a pity this guy is too cunning."

"Stop talking about this, take them out first, and let someone deal with the corpses and survivors here." Constantine stopped the conversation of the rest of the team and asked them to do things.

Superman, the little girl, and a few gang members who survived were taken out.

In the past, the superman who always had a smile on his face and a straight chest, and was excitedly called the son of the people, seemed to have passed through adolescence, entered middle age, and aged a lot at once.

There was no smile on that handsome, handsome face, and it had gone through a lot of vicissitudes, and became taciturn.

The little girl was also in a daze, her eyes no longer had the brilliance they had before.

"What's your name?" Old Constantine asked with concern.

The little girl raised her head and looked blankly at old Constantine with eyes red from crying.

She had only just seen what the world was like.

Only then did I learn how to say the words father and mother.

Old Constantine repeated it several times.

She stumbled and said her name.


Superman picked up the little girl.

"I'll take her to the hospital for a checkup, and bandage the wound on her face by the way."

After leaving this sentence, he flew directly into the sky.

Constantine watched him leave without any thought of stopping him.

The good-natured Superman is dead.

That lunatic had left him with indelible psychological scars, allowing him to watch those people die while he was helpless.

"Continue to look for that guy. This time, we must try to kill him." Constantine withdrew his eyes and looked at the members of the team, "There are also some changes in the infiltration work against the parallel universe No. 03512, justice The League is gone, and the remaining Supermen probably won't be a hindrance to us anymore. We need to move faster."

The other Constantine nodded, expressing his understanding.

They turned and left to hunt down the crazy Bruce Wayne, or to continue their previous infiltration plan.

Consciousness came too quickly and intensely.

Opening his eyes suddenly, his vision flooded with stinging light.

When you breathe in, you can feel the smell of rust.

He coughed, curled up like a baby, desperately grabbing every breath of air like a drowning man.

After a while, everything in the eyes became clear.

His senses, sight, hearing, smell and touch are slowly coming back under his control.

The cold touch came from under his body, and he waited for a while before standing up, looking around blankly.

This is a desolate plain.

All kinds of weird and ominous lights rolled in the gray sky.

Scenes of terrifying scenes emerged in the sky.

The sky turned into a terrifying sea.

Occasionally there are some terrible, unimaginably huge giants showing their limbs.

Eyeballs as huge as the moon, tentacles bigger than mountains.

They floated and floated in a sea of ​​gray, ominous light beyond the sky.

Gray clouds and blood-colored mist occasionally form a terrifying, malicious face.

A gust of wind blows across the wasteland.

There is a gentle voice in the wind.



That voice kept echoing.


"who I am?"

"Where am I?"

"What should I do?"

The man looked at his strong hands, and silent confusion emerged in his heart.

Why is he here?

There is no memory that belongs to him, and his mind is completely empty.

With no direction, no clues, he was just thrown here.

"I'm supposed to be a fighter?" The man looked at his strong hands.

These hands are full of strength.

The strong body is also full of strength.

It's like having infinite power.

But he still doesn't know anything about his identity.

The only thing that was certain was that he had no clue.

There is nothing on his body that can indicate his identity.

Without armor and weapons to protect yourself.

No food, no water, no supplies of any kind could help her survive.

Whispers still echoed in the air.



The man gets a little enlightenment from the voice in the air.

He found a way forward.

The man didn't know how long he walked, and he didn't see anything useful.

Along the way, there are only those weird bones.

In addition, there is only an endless grassland left.

The wilderness is endless, with no end in sight.

Desolate, lonely.

After an unknown amount of time passed, he entered a desolate ruin.

Walk among piles of stone statues and skeletons.

Here, he saw a weird eight-pointed star pattern that made him extremely disgusted.

When he was puzzled by the undisguised hatred that emerged in his heart.

He spat it out subconsciously.

As if that word was poison.


Some memories came to his mind.

A bloody mouth full of fangs, a traitor with red eyes, a burning sky and earth, and endless piles of dead people.

A pagan who has no idea that he has been reduced to those strange things in the warp.

Men hate it.

Somehow, a sword appeared in his hand.

The hilt of the sword was shaped like a golden skull, and a red gemstone was embedded in the gauntlet.

When he got the sword, a name also appeared in his mind.

Gavel Loken.

The man was incomparably certain that this was his name.

Holding the long sword in his hand tightly, countless fighting skills emerged from his mind.

He becomes stronger.

Garviel Loken swung his sword and chopped into pieces the boulders carved with eight-pointed stars.

"Filth," he growled at the ruins.

Maybe his actions offended something.

Horrible monsters stalk the ruins, occasionally seen flashing by with their scarlet eyes.

Men have no fear.

Holding a sword to watch out for monsters in the ruins.

"I should be wearing a suit of armor."

Gavill Loken thought in his heart.

He felt he was armored.

A set of armor with a golden double-headed eagle on the chest quietly appeared on his body.

A monster rushed over.

It has three human heads, the body of a wolf, and the sharp claws seem to be cast from molten iron, exuding a palpitating and terrifying aura.

Relying on his instinct, Garviel Loken brandished his sword and attacked swiftly.

The monster's head was cut off in an instant, leaving a blurry trail made of dirt in the air.

The demon's corpse turned to black ash in the air and dissipated with the wind.

The same goes for other demons.

They are not Garviel Loken's opponents.

However, those monsters seem to have no end.

Killed one, there was a second, a third, a fourth.

The fiery anger brought about by the battle burned in Garviel Loken's chest.

Those memories also kept appearing in his mind.

"Welcome to the Luna Wolf, Loken."

"For the emperor, for the wolf god."

"You have a story, and I want to help you tell it to the world."

"Loken, we cannot betray what we have fought for."

"Abadon, why are you doing this?"

"You are the Shadow Moon Wolf, wake up, Loken."

"The galaxy is already on fire. What else can we lose? Loken, the peace the Emperor once created is gone."

"We are friends, Loken."

Memories keep coming.

The great dream is broken.

Humanity has been kicked into the abyss by Horus.

Despair enveloped the whole world.

Gavill Loken's tears flowed down his face.

Why is he still here?

Is the Horus Rebellion still going on?

Garviel Loken desperately slashed and killed those demons, trying to get more memories.

Even though those memories were full of bitter sweetness and sorrowful pain, Garviel Loken still longed for insight into the truth of all these.

But those demons are endless, killing more and more.

But the recovery of memory slowed down, staying at the moment when Horus invaded Terra.

Realized that he had fought to the death and could not get the rest of the memory.

He can be here.

It was by no means intended for him to die here.

He has a greater mission to accomplish.

The premise is that he must survive.

Gavel Loken made a wise choice.

After hacking a demon, with the help of the armor's servos, he turned and ran into the wasteland.

He is going to find all the memories back.

The memory that belongs to Garviel Loken.

PS: Sorry, I still can’t get more out. I don’t know how those people can get tens of thousands of words a day.

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