Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 456 The Emperor's Resurrection Progress +1 (Subscribe)

Little Fulgrim's voice echoed in the cold, empty hall full of profane traces.

His eyes reflected berserk rage.

Like an eternal volcano in his heart, he was burning for the existence of these traitors.

Swear to clean up all rebellion in this world.

Make this your own redemptive journey.

Eidolon rose from his throne of bone and blasphemy.

Young Fulgrim was able to see the corrupt features of the traitor.

Swollen tentacles and fangs sprouted from Eidolon's face.

The body once forged by the great wisdom of the Emperor has become unrecognizable, full of traces of profanity.

The swollen body squeezed the purple armor.

Under the armor with human skin and skulls, dark things are constantly wriggling

All kinds of precious decorations hang from it.

Gives a luxurious feeling of nausea.

It's like decorating a fetid cesspit with rare gems and agates.

"Do you think Guilliman can really redeem you? There is no difference between him and his father, he is just a hypocritical liar." Aidolon said: "Although you are not my genetic father, you are flowing You have the same blood and the same genetic sequence as him. Don’t you have the slightest kindness and no recognition for us? Are you willing to fight for that shameful liar and kill us with a sharp blade? "

"Open your eyes, and listen with your ears to the echoes of the warp, all the living are howling the birth of the Fifth God. The Emperor departs, but Guilliman inherits the The ambition of a rotting corpse, to become a true master of death."

"Join the arms of the Lord of Pleasures, in endless orgies till the end of time, Guilliman is but a liar unworthy of allegiance, a cowardly wretch who must die in battle with the gods, he His head will be the goblet from which the blood god drinks his blood."

"Traitor, stop your foul language." Little Fulgrim roared like a giant cannon, blocking Eidolon's words back, "You don't even have the kindness of death, you only deserve To be tortured, to be spurned and reviled forever by the world. Eidolon, you are but a shameful traitor, a coward unable to yield to what is feared."

Adolon wanted to say something else.

But little Fulgrim didn't want to waste any more time.

He rushed forward, the sword in his hand smashing the lustful mortals and twisted corpses to pieces.

Turn the blazing rage into an unmatched offensive against the enemy.

A terrible blood trail appeared under his brutal offensive.

He killed in the name of the Holy Emperor Guilliman in exchange for the redemption of his bloodline.

"A pathetic copy, you are not as noble as my father." A huge, fat Slaanesh champion with a huge mouth screamed deafeningly: "Die, copy."

Little Fulgrim did not make any refutation.

He just jumped up and chopped off the opponent's hastily raised weapon with a powerful and heavy sword.

When the opponent's eyes widened in horror, he chopped off the opponent's head directly.

Zahariel also rushed out at this time.

The bolter in his hand kept firing.

Give little Fulgrim some support.

Bombs hit the lustful mortals, tearing their naked bodies to shreds.

A son of the emperor who rushed over was hit by two explosive bombs in a row, directly blowing up half of his head.

Cassar also rushed forward, and at the shouts of his battle brothers, he rushed towards the enemy.

The high-speed rotating chainsaw sword made a piercing sound.

He slashed with all his might on a flayed monster in armor.

Guys who turn to the God of Pleasure always have some twisted and perverted behavior.

Obviously, this is a guy who peels off all his skin and seeks pleasure.

Cassar was disgusted by this sort of thing.

To be honest, he didn't like such behavior.

Every time he saw these Emperor's Children doing all kinds of terrible things for pleasure, it always made him feel unspeakable disgust.

The high-speed rotating chain saw sliced ​​through the enemy's armor.

A stream of sparks shot out as the chainsaw gnawed at the ceramsite, falling on the blasphemy, setting it ablaze.

Cassar split it in two, and disgustingly mutated viscera flowed out of the torn gap.

Those fallen mortals died screaming in the battle of the superhuman warriors.

Some of them grew up in a corrupt world, and they were born with the imprint of the Dark God.

The souls of these wretches have long belonged to the dark gods.

When they die, they are taken captive to the Dark Realm, to be enslaved in unimaginable dark abysses until the end of time.

There are also some imperial civilians who were once captured and forced to sacrifice their souls to these damned traitors in order to live longer.

Nor do they deserve sympathy.

No matter the reason, betrayal is something that cannot be forgiven.

One's own weakness can also poison the entire race.

Little Fulgrim charged like a terrible beast.

Turn the betrayers and blasphemy into broken corpses and pieces of meat scattered all over the place.

Nothing can stop him.

He killed the Emperor's Children warriors and mutant slaves who rushed up.

Eidolon took up his sword and faced the clone of his genetic father.

There was hatred and desire to take the head of little Fulgrim and please the dark god in his eyes.

He opened his mouth wide and let out a roar.

That terrible sound even formed a sound wave visible to the naked eye, shaking everything around, and the powerful force contained in it distorted the air.

The deadly sound waves vibrated on those human bodies, instantly dissociated them into molecular structures, and exploded into balls of blood mist.

A shield of glowing light projected from Fulgrim's armor.

Shields keep those deadly sound waves out.

No matter how Eidolon screamed, it was useless.

Little Fulgrim rushed up against the sound waves like a crazy beast.

Hit Aidolon's head with a thunderous punch.

The huge force caused his head to fall back.

The spiked helmet was dented.

Dark red blood mixed with the broken sharp fangs flew out of the mouth.

Several traitors, blessed by the God of Darkness, rushed forward, wanting to support their commander.

Little Fulgrim had no fear.

Even if he is just a replica, it is by no means an existence that these corrupt Emperor's Children can fight against.

He bumped his elbow into a charging traitor, smashing it straight into the face shield.

The ceramic steel mask was shattered by little Fulgrim's blow, and the broken fragments pierced the opponent's face.

The traitor also flew out directly.

At this moment, another person stretched out his arms and rushed over.

Little Fulgrim noticed that the guy's hands had mutated into claws made of pig iron.

It is another manifestation of the blessing of the God of Darkness.

This is the terrible thing about chaos.

Twisting those familiar things and endowing them with unimaginable brutal violence, destroying all good things in this world.

Little Fulgrim dodged the opponent's blow, then reached out and grabbed the opponent's wrist and twisted it violently. When the opponent screamed, he pulled the opponent's huge body forward violently.

The long sword with an arc shining in his hand pierced directly from the opponent's throat.

The sharp sword pierced out from the back of the head again.

There was also a smear of foul-smelling blood.

After finishing off the enemy, little Fulgrim lowered his head subconsciously, avoiding the chopping of a giant axe.

A Slaanesh champion let out an angry growl, and once again swung his ammunition-box-sized fist at him.

The heavy force exploded in the air.

After little Fulgrim dodged him, the opponent's fist directly smashed a big hole in the wall.

Pieces of steel and concrete collapsed.

The champion of Slaanesh's body was so swollen that even the rotting ceramite armor could not completely enclose it.

The calves alone are as huge as the breastplate of an ordinary space warrior.

Those tumor-like fats were about to wrap the armor in reverse.

Every step forward, there is a rumbling sound.

The champion of Slaanesh possessed a terrifying power that was unstoppable.

With one punch, steel and marble can be smashed to pieces.

After little Fulgrim dodged the opponent's punch, he chopped off the opponent's thick arm with a blow from bottom to top.

The opponent's cry of pain came to the ground with that terrifying fist of steel and flesh.

Little Fulgrim stabbed the opponent's chest with his sword.

Stirring the blade of the sword, the traitor's body was torn apart.

Then slice the blasphemous flesh upwards.

The splitting force field of the long sword and the violence of little Fulgrim quickly tore the upper body and head of the Slaanesh champion in two.

The incisions of the pottery steel turn red due to the high temperature.

Aidolon rushed up again, and was punched by him again, staggering back.

The opponent's helmet has been completely broken, revealing that disgusting face.

Little Fulgrim grabbed Eidolon's cloak, pulled him back again, then jumped up, and hit the opponent's chin with a knee.

There was a crisp bone cracking sound.

Aidolon let out a scream, stepped back a few steps, and knelt down on the ground limply because of the pain.

The broken head hung limply.

The last traitor who rushed over was holding up a Thunder Hammer that had been equipped with a disintegrating force field capable of tearing apart armor.

Little Fulgrim didn't turn his head, and directly stabbed the long sword in his hand backwards, right through the opponent's throat.

The Thunder Hammer in the opponent's hand just happened to be lifted up, and the jumping arc crackled, then went out and fell to the ground.

The heavy and huge body also fell down as little Fulgrim drew his sword.

Zahariel, Kasar and others also cleaned up all the enemies in the hall.

They walked to little Fulgrim's side and looked at Eduron who was kneeling on the ground, unable to resist.

"Are you going to kill him?" Zahariel raised the power long sword in his hand, the crackling force field covered the blade, and the surrounding air also turned into undetectable steam in tiny flashes.

Little Fulgrim shook his head.

"It would be too kind to give these damned traitors death. Give them to the empire, and send him out when the next exchange of supplies is made. Those people will find a suitable reason and bring them back to Terra."

Such is the sorrow of the Redeemer.

All the victories and honors they have won cannot be shown.

The mistakes of the past made them have to eat this bitter fruit.

There is no honor, no cheers and flowers, only responsibilities.

"Blow up here and completely destroy all traces of corruption." Little Fulgrim turned around and walked towards the door of the hall, "Then we can go to the next battlefield."

Zahariel and others stayed, executed the traitors, and took away the available supplies.

The empire will give them supplies and equipment through some hidden channels.

But that doesn't mean they don't lack anything.

Manpower, technical priests, etc., they have none.

Those fellows who serve Eidolon out of fear of death will serve them because of death.

It doesn't matter if they are loyal or not.

Just making sure they serve themselves is enough.

War burns in every corner of the Eye of Terror.

The struggle between the fifth god and the four gods is becoming increasingly fierce.

The demons who once stood high became refugees.

Wherever the imperial double-headed eagle banner goes, there is only killing and destruction.

The lion became his brother's minion, unscrupulously releasing all kinds of horrible things into the world protected by the four gods.

Carnage broke out in every demon world.

Real order is being restored to replace the chaos of the Warp.

The screams of demons echoed in the eerie void over there, full of despair and pain.

The Eye of Terror is no longer safe, and the brutality of the Empire has begun to unfold in this harmonious paradise.

The reckoning is carried out by the Lion, and he will never let any traitor or devil go.

Blood for blood is the lion's motto.

Garim is a forge world belonging to the Dark Mechanicum.

It was once a maiden world, transformed into the crone world after the Cataclysm, a horror paradise of demons and twisted and transformed Eldar remains.

After the rise of the Black Legion, Abaddon established his order in the Eye of Terror, manufacturing a large number of factories to support the eternal war.

Lucas Caron is in charge of overseeing the factory here, and is also the owner of Garim, the demonic industrial planet.

His duty is to provide enough weaponry and daemon engines for the Black Legion.

During the Thirteenth Crusade, the factories here were running day and night, delivering large quantities of armor and daemon engines to the Black Legion.

The fall of Cadia made Lucas Cuarón excited for a long time.

The expansion of the Eye of Terror represents that the sphere of influence of the dark gods is rapidly expanding.

They are winning the eternal battle.

The corpse emperor will eventually fail.

Lucas Cuarón's excitement didn't last long. With Guilliman's awakening, Chaos suffered a series of disastrous defeats.

Up to now, countless demons and believers of the gods think that Abaddon's laying down Cadia is a very stupid act.

Unless Cadia falls, Guilliman will not wake up.

If Guilliman does not wake up, the Emperor can only hold on by himself.

The chaotic side will always have the advantage and initiative.

Cadia fell, Guilliman awoke, and the rest of the Primarchs returned.

At the expense of himself, the emperor severely wounded the four gods in one fell swoop, buying precious time for Guilliman's development.

Abaddon was captured, and the spokesmen of the other gods were either captured or chopped to pieces.

Now, even the Eye of Terror is about to fall.

The tyrant Guilliman will rule every star, every atom.

On the core tower of the foundry, a dirty red robe was draped over Lucas Calon's bloated body covered with cable ports and steel implants.

There was no flesh and blood on his body.

Even his brain has been replaced by a complex logic operation device.

At this moment, he no longer looked like a living creature.

More like a weird machine.

Mechanical tentacles slipped from his robes.

Four pairs of mechanical limbs driven by pistons pushed Lucas Cuaron's bloated body with chaotic steps, rattling, as if they were about to break through the steel plate under their feet.

The mechanical prosthetic eye whirled slightly as his head turned.

Through the mechanical prosthetic eye, he can see everything within the horizon.

At a glance, there is an endless roaring factory.

They spit copious amounts of toxic fumes into the twisted, radiant atmosphere.

A large number of demon engines and various weapons and equipment are being produced urgently and sent to various designated areas.

Dark Mechanic Priests and fleeing warbands are fortifying each area.

These people are going to turn Garim into a giant fortress.

A fortress of traps that drained the blood of the Empire.

Lucas Caron's identity can be traced back to the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy.

He was the Director of Manufacturing of the most powerful Forge Temple on Mars - Mendes III.

Mendes III is the former general of Mars, and it is owned by Karbo, who created the Dark Mechanicus.

Like Karbo, he was loyal to Horus and jointly launched a series of wars against the loyalists of Mars.

Forced the Loyalists to flee Mars.

After Horus came to the solar system, he participated in the siege of Terra.

After the Horus Heresy ended, he fled into the Eye of Terror and established his own dark forces.

That idiot Karbo had been captured by the Empire in an attempt to liberate the Nether Dragon, and sent to the Apostle of Atonement to suffer.

Lucas Caron, however, is still active in the Eye of Fear relying on his own caution and timidity.

Of course, this activity can't last long.

The Lion is waging war on the Eye of Terror in an attempt to heal the sores of this real universe.

Destruction is counting down, once the countdown is over, Lucas Caron will also usher in his own trial.

It is worth mentioning that Lucas Cuaron has also created many powerful intelligent killing robots.

One of the most famous creations should be the cardboard model of war robots.

The cardboard robot has banned AI technology, is equipped with various extinct weapons, and is cold and cruel.

Has caused a lot of carnage in the Martian Civil War.

The robot also hunted down Dalia, the guardian of the seal of the Nether Dragon.

At that time, Dalia had not yet obtained the power of the Guardian.

She helped the master of Magma City, Ms. Corell Zeta of the loyal faction, complete the Aksha Reader.

This reader is capable of transcribing various lost lore from the Warp.

Ms. Corell Zeta wants to use this to recast the glory of mankind and push human civilization to a new level.

However, it was destroyed by Lucas Caron and other traitors. Under the attack of several Titan legions, the Aksha Reader was destroyed.

In a desperate cry, Ms. Corell Zeta destroyed all her masterpieces to prevent them from falling into the hands of traitors.

The Loyalist dies after setting the city to self-destruct.

Lucas Caron knew what an unforgivable crime he had committed.

For the slaughter of loyalists, the enslavement of Mars, the destruction of Terra, and the betrayal of human beings, he is destined to get the purest revenge.

The probability of Lion Ryan letting him go is infinitely close to zero.

Looking at the demon foundry that was billowing black smoke.

Towering manufacturing plants, refineries, slave rest areas, mechanical workshops and assembly hangars cover every inch of land as far as the eye can see, shrouding the entire world under steel.

Countless slave laborers were bound to their production posts, working day and night.

Move the steel blessed by the gods, build, repair, and assemble a variety of autonomous robots and chariots.

Monks and priests with blasphemous runes carved on their bodies are devoted to the assembly and maintenance of complex circuits, the fusion of steel and demons, or the installation and debugging of various twisted mythical machines.

Various components that exude a chaotic eight-pointed star are scattered around the walls, assembly tables and other places.

Lucas Caron threw all the resources he had into the factory, hoping to get enough war machines to fight against the possible brutal destruction of the empire.

In any case, he will not give in easily.

"The number of fleeing demons is increasing, and the flames of war ignited by the empire are advancing towards us, and will burn here soon." Lucas Caron said to himself: "Our situation is getting more and more critical. "

He stood by the window of the high tower, watching the steaming demon engines equipped with various terrifying weapons coming out of the factories that were emitting black smoke.

They gathered together and moved towards the originally set defensive positions.

These demonic vehicles are all terrifying things forged by using the technology and power of the warp, combined with steel.

Possesses terrifying lethality.

"The minions of the fifth god are unstoppable, and only the four great powers of chaos can fight against it. We are nothing but the dust of the gears of the times, and we are powerless to change anything."

A hoarse, ethereal voice came from the dark shadows.

When the weird shadows are speaking, they will squirm as the light changes, just like living things.

When Lucas Cuarón entered the Eye of Terror, he made an alliance with a demon.

They share the Garim world.

The demon offered him shelter, and he sacrificed the captured captives to him.

In the Eye of Terror, equivalent exchange also exists.

Whether you hang out with the emperor or believe in the Four Gods, you have to pay for things.

If you don't have money, you have to exchange it for something equivalent.

The Eye of Terror does not have a unified currency.

Those warbands traded for slaves or captives.

Some will be used as hands and experiments in the foundry, and some will be sacrificed to the demon.

Of course, there are some guys who will shout that labor and management just invest in Chaos for the sake of buying things without paying, and now they have to pay for it. Isn’t this Chaos investing in vain?

Needless to say the ending of those unlucky ones.

Lucas Cuaron is not a vegetarian either.

Don't think about taking away the weapons and equipment he produced if you don't give the barter.

"We can't beat the lions, but they don't want to take everything from me so easily, I will."

Lucas Caron hadn't finished speaking yet.

The loud siren came out like a flood, drowning his voice.

The dark tower full of traces of corruption is shrouded in blood-red light.

The image screen that pops up shows countless warships with the double-headed eagle emblem of the empire appearing within the detection range of Garim's world.

The dark brooder combined with the demon became confused due to its huge data volume, and error codes appeared.

The connected gargoyle screamed and fell into a paralysis.

Alarms echoed across an industrial area the size of a mountain.

Through the rustling of trumpets to the lower levels of Chaos Hive.

Those humble slaves with the chaotic eight-pointed star symbol carved on their bodies and faces raised their heads blankly.

Those grotesque demons, born from the most terrifying nightmares and twisted thoughts, all trembled involuntarily.

Some nightmare entities and high-level dark priests who could look up to the sky all showed expressions of fear.

This will be a time of reckoning.

This will be an era of destruction.

The gods contend, and only fire and ashes remain.

Fear appeared on Lucas Caron's face.

The grand hymn echoed in the void, and spread to every corner of Garim's world along a certain strange space.

Prayers to the gods were suppressed.

The whispers were also replaced by the imperial chant full of sacred atmosphere.

"The vast, infinite universe

The Emperor's Light protects us

We are holy warriors

we come for purification

let the flag fly

let's light the fire

for holy

for purification

vast infinite universe

The Emperor's Light Bless Us

we are destruction

we are faith

we fight for all mankind

for the lord of mankind

That wisdom; that light.


That sonorous chant poisoned every inch of the Eye of Terror.

Let those malevolent beings who possess the entity make the sound of pain.

The huge lighthouse installed on the holy ship of the state church erupted with extremely strong brilliance, resisting the malice of the Eye of Terror, and correcting time and space to its original appearance.

Tens of thousands of fanatics were linked together, singing tirelessly.

Use their pious hearts to guide the glory of the Holy Emperor.

Those armored warriors are ready to bring destruction upon their foes.

Only killing, only death, no forgiveness, no mercy.

They were so fanatical, so excited, they couldn't wait to destroy their enemies, sending a terrible death to every enemy who dared to stand against the Empire.

Countless demons cry for it, and countless traitors tremble for it.

They fear the coming war.

The fear of being destroyed by the terrifying minions of the newborn god.

This is a battle between gods and gods.

"For the Holy Emperor."

"For the Holy Emperor."

"Kill 'em, kill 'em."

"Victory, victory."

Similar voices kept ringing, echoing horribly in the Warp.

The defense of the void orbit persisted for thirty minutes, and then fell into silence, turning into pieces.

Those ships were also completely destroyed.

Not one escaped.

Death and destruction are vividly interpreted in Empire.

When the outer shell was peeled off, beams of light piercing the sky fell from the clouds, connecting the imperial battleship and the surface.

The first ones to appear from the beams of light were the gods of war, giant titans with a height of seventy to eighty meters, or even more than one hundred meters, taking heavy steps.

The huge titan weapon sprayed out beams of destructive light, destroying all the dark and profane buildings.

The pinnacle of human art of destruction, these behemoths exist only to kill.

Its design concept is infused with all human imagination and talent for the act of destruction.

The imperial double-headed eagle gleamed in the light of cannon fire.

The thunderous roar vented their monstrous killing intent.

The loudspeakers repeated their killing chants without a break.

Without heeding, these warlike creatures marched through the dark and desecrated cities, destroying vast industrial installations and roaring factory furnaces.

When Lucas Caron was designing, he didn't reserve a path for the Titans to walk at all.

But the empire doesn't care about this, the giant artillery can easily blast a path, or use a huge body to press a path.

The Titan Legion has no concern for all life on this demonic industrial planet.

They only care about whether the world will be purified.

Thousands of slaves and demons scatter before the advancing titan like ants to a charging herd.

Daemons screamed and were crushed, their essence thrown into the Warp, to be revived a long time later.

Those demons who dare to enter the interior of the Titan will be completely destroyed, and the burning fire of faith will burn the essence and body of those demons to ashes.

The small knight mechas and the primordial space fighters in battle armor let out various roars.

They slay in the name of the Holy Emperor, their battle cries echoing horribly through the blasphemous buildings.

When the demons and traitors saw those guys with the double-headed eagle emblem on their bodies, their emotions were exactly the same as those of the human civilians when they saw them.

Fear and despair make them almost unable to breathe.

Of course, most demons don't need to breathe either.

The fuel pipeline was crushed by the advancing Titan, explosions sounded, and flames shot out.

The billowing black smoke is like a few black marks carved on the sky.

Fire from fortifications near the fort and factory exploded across the titan's void shield, sending a cascade of ripples.

But that's pointless.

Defensive firepower simply cannot penetrate a titan's defenses.

At best, some ground troops following the titans suffered casualties.

But those casualties can be said to be insignificant compared to the achievements of the Titans.

This move failed to achieve the expected results, but instead made those forts and fortifications targeted by the Titans' drivers.

They unleashed waves of missiles, targeting any forts and fortifications that dared attack them.

Several majestic, hundred-meter-high fortresses were destroyed and disappeared into ever-expanding mushroom clouds.

Terrible artillery fire fell on the defenders, tearing everything apart.

Some daemon engines staggered towards the battlefield, only to disappear under the bombardment of blinding waves of blazing energy.

They burst out in profusion of sparks, screaming destruction.

Roaring triumphantly from their megaphones, the titans of the Empire charged into the city to slaughter.

The high temperature melted through everything, swept across, leaving traces of vaporized steel on the ground.

The chaos of traitors and demons was destroyed, destroyed under the ravages of the power of the stars.

They slaughtered like birds of prey, muzzle flashes flashing, their horns screaming in murderous ecstasy.

Lucas Cuarón watched his city fall.

A city on the verge of collapse, the hives and factories outside are in ruins.

Everything he had painstakingly built over ten thousand years was ruthlessly destroyed by the Empire.

Hard-earned defenses are useless.

It was completely destroyed by the Empire in just a few minutes.

A communication signal was connected to Lucas Caron's channel.

After opening it, the face of Lion Ryan appeared on the screen.

He only said one word.

"Blood for blood, traitors."

Before Lucas Caron could say anything, the other party had already cut off all the signals.

"He's so arrogant that it's unimaginable." The demon that reached an agreement with Lucas Caron stepped out of the shadows.

It is Bloodlord-Yarnok, Hellbringer, an abomination born of the distant past.

The evil thing that made countless civilizations fear and countless worlds burned.

Its body is extremely strong, with a height of seven or eight meters, giving people a huge sense of oppression.

The lower body is bent backward like a goat's hoof.

He is bound by huge chains engraved with profane runes, and holds a two-handed battle axe.

The horns were burning with raging black flames.

"They want to easily take over this world. I will let them know what Yanok's anger is."

Yannock and Lucas Cuarón have formed an alliance.

To protect the world is also to protect its interests.

Without steady offerings and offerings, it is likely to collapse, dissipate, and become nourishment for other demons.

Yanok walked out with boundless anger.

The whole world will tremble under his wrath.

Both Lion and Guilliman will witness Yanok's wrath.

A bright beam of light lit up the clouds, pierced through the crumbling shield, and landed on the tower where Lucas Cuaron was.

A huge explosion tore through half of the tower.

A tide of molten concrete and metal poured down the tower.

A mushroom-shaped flame ignited and then dissipated.

A large area of ​​buildings collapsed, and the place where the ground was hit was glowing with heat.

There were more screams from the surviving demons and slaves.

Rows of cathars fell, their half-mechanical, half-metal bodies twitching.

Lucas Caron lay prone on the ground, his body suffered various damages, but it did not hinder his normal movement.

A giant smoking horn was not far away from him.

If I'm not mistaken, it's the horn of Yanok that I just said I want to show Lion and Guilliman a little bit more.

Lucas Caron looked at the location where the demon stepped out, and it had already turned into a steaming ruin.

Everything was vaporized into the most basic atoms by that beam.

That's how the demon was killed.

Before it could show its horrors to the Imperium, it came to an end just like that, thrown back into the Warp to be resurrected.

Of course, if it didn't get enough food, the resurrection time would be unimaginably long.

Low-Earth orbit of the demonic industrial planet Garim.

A battleship floats here.

[The high-energy reading target has been cleared. 】

[The bird divination instrument reported that the target reading did not appear again. The target has been completely destroyed. 】

The sound of the broadcast made the ship's operation team cheer.

"That guy is definitely a big devil, otherwise how could he have such a high reading." A man in the uniform of a major general said excitedly: "Our name can definitely be written in the navy's textbooks, thousands of miles away, one blow Execute a big demon, who else can do it?"

"Victory, long live Captain Auxerre."

"Captain Auxerre dares to recognize the empire as the second, and no one dares to recognize the number one."

"Captain Auxerre is awesome."

Auxerre, who was sitting on the throne, also couldn't hide his excitement.

He was very young, and he was the captain of a battleship when he was only in his thirties.

One can imagine how powerful his talent is.

As long as it can be confirmed that what he just killed was a demon, he is very likely to become the captain of a Celestial Class battleship before the age of sixty.

In that case, he will become a big man who can command an entire fleet.

"All glory goes to the Holy Emperor." Auxerre said modestly.

His words made everyone on the bridge cheer even louder.

Truth Invincible is a celestial-class warship.

Ryan surveyed the battle situation.

Continuous explosions were mixed with the screams of demons and traitors before they died.

Nothing new.

Victory is preordained.

Yet another battle that shouldn't be described in detail.

The Empire's anti-subspace installation will be set up on this planet to repair it.

The range of Eye of Terror has been further reduced.

With a little more time, he could heal the sores of this real universe.

That would be a staged victory in the war against the gods.

Completely erase the gods' greatest source of interference with the real universe.

The realms and avatars they build in this universe will also fall to their weakest state ever.

At that time, it is time to launch a big counterattack.

The troops of the empire will directly attack the domain of the four gods.

Give them back all the pain they have given to humans.

A tooth for a tooth, blood for blood.

Cathay Empire.

Wei Jing.

"Are you so impatient to get going?"

Miaoying, dressed in court clothes, stood on the balcony of the palace, looking at the bustling Weijing night scene.

Standing next to her was Valyrian, and it was obvious that the words were addressed to Valyrian.

Miaoying's figure is as alluring as ever.

The loose court garments are made of the finest silks and are finished by the most outstanding artisans in Cathay.

Miaoying does not look cumbersome when worn on the body, but brings out a touch of nobility that is different from the valiant and heroic.

As the daughter of the Dragon Emperor, she was born a bright pearl destined to steal everyone's attention.

"I have completed the most important task of this trip, and the next thing will be communicated with you by the imperial envoy. If you are lucky, you may have the opportunity to go to Terra and discuss the future of this world with the Holy Emperor in person." Valyrian stood beside Wonderful Shadow, without his gold armor.

It would be disrespectful to attend Dragon Emperor's banquet wearing armor, so he attended in casual clothes.

From another world destroyed by Chaos, the Dragon Emperor wields unimaginable power.

He is well aware of the threat of Chaos, and he has no difficulty in the request of Valyrian, the emissary of the empire who can become an ally.

He took out from the temple the piece of mysterious object obtained from the sky.

That mysterious thing is extremely powerful and possesses terrifying restraint against demons.

A thousand years ago, when he was traveling in the outer space, he suddenly appeared and destroyed all the chaotic evil things along the way.

The Dragon Emperor managed to intercept the mysterious thing and put it in the temple to warm up, ready to be used as a trump card against chaos.

Now that Valyrian came to the door, he absolutely did not intend to forcefully leave this fragment behind.

And after hearing the emperor's story, the Dragon Emperor was also greatly moved.

To such an extent for his own people and race.

Throughout the world, it is difficult to find a single person.

"Then I wish you success, Valyrian." Miao Ying said: "The Emperor's Fragment has great power. Not only can it kill the evil creatures of Chaos, but it can also give people various powers, which will inevitably arouse greed. With the coveting of evil people and the blocking of chaotic monsters, your journey is destined to be extremely dangerous."

"Nothing will stop me," said Valyrian firmly. "I will find all the fragments, whatever the cost, and call the Master back."

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