Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 510 Calgar: The advantage is mine (for subscription)

Blood, pain and fear flowed into the warp.

The patterns of rituals and beliefs that are too ancient to be verified are pouring down, like water rushing into a collapsing dam, scouring everything along the way.

The Elder Prophet - Anvil stood on a platform covered by a protective cover, with infinite stars shining above his head.

The talisman gave off a faint radiance, keeping him calm amidst the frenzy.

"In the name of the Holy Emperor."

"In the name of the Holy Emperor."

on a giant platform.

Those bound aliens were escorted through the wide corridor like an assembly line.

They howled and wanted to beg for mercy.

But those demons in battle armor are so cruel that even women and children are unwilling to let them go.

To completely exterminate the race to which they belong.

Drive them to the icy machines and let them be devoured by those giant gears.

End all life with brutal mechanical killing and complete the ritual of sacrifice.

Billions of xenomorphs were driven to the altar and killed.

A huge amount of blood flowed down the pipeline and gathered on a double-headed eagle altar the size of a planet.

It is the eagle that hunts, it is the eagle that flies.

Everything in the world will succumb to its feet, and no one will be spared.

The double-headed eagle has become one of the most powerful symbols of the Warp.

If you pray to it, you will touch the unimaginable behemoth of the empire.

Intertwining their complicated fates, they are eventually dragged into the abyss or incinerated.

On the edge of the altar, the Anglican priests chanted the chants.

The well-trained Mechanicus priests used their means to kill the xenomorphs in batches, flooding the warp with their screams and blood.

A rift spanning countless light years was opened in the frantic sacrifice.

Death and despair penetrated to the heart of the Celestial Realm.

The surging etheric ocean covered the abyss, as if submerging the entire area, thus making the dam lose its due flood protection function.

As those guardians watched, the Empire came.

Like other worlds, it comes with destruction.

The darkness rolled in the sky, distorting the alien's perception of the world.

The frenzied ritual cut a horrific space-time scar.

Everything is preordained to its destiny.

Ships flowed in along the scars, and then flowed out from the Heaven Realm.

The supreme, divine light, all-knowing and all-powerful Emperor of the Empire blesses his warriors.

His glory guides the ships through the raging etheric oceans to their goal.

In the throne room of Macragge's Glory, Calgar gazes into the void from an observation point next to the throne room.

He saw the flagship of the Silver Skulls bombard the ground, and watched the soldiers walk out along the teleportation beam, bestowing death and end on those aliens.

The warriors of the Nova Chapter targeted the flying psychic ships.

The Raven Guard stalks the darkness, and the xenos die before they know it.

"The final moment." Calgar whispered, his expression grim.

Several people were thrown in the throne room, guarded by two personal guards, and the aliens whose whole body was restrained were also able to witness this scene.

Before they were captured, all of them were the supreme beings in the world.

The mantis-like face is a peerless power who entered the Tao with a sword.

The two-sleeved green snake killed the astonishingly talented Supreme Immortal Emperor with one move.

Enveloped in the Kingdom of Brilliance, as if surrounded by three thousand worlds, is the Empress of the Moth Clan.

Once realized the supreme secret technique, with one palm, the mountains and rivers were overturned, and the Taoist ancestor was also turned into pieces of scum.

Each of them has a great background, surpassing the Immortal Emperor, and is only the last step away from the final realm.

However, they are all detained now, witnessing the final collapse of their forces.

As the machines hummed, the aliens let out a final scream.

The surging life energy and the Dao fruit of countless years of practice are continuously drawn out by these machines singing the wonderful melody, transforming them into beams of destruction that contain their mighty power.

It is the pain and desperation of these guys that allows the fleet of the Empire to span the sky and the terrifying warp space storm.

The radiance that lingers in the flask is their life ray, and this light is mixed with energy to become the fuel of the engine.

This machine is the work of the sages of Fira.

He is a challenger, not some incompetent vying for power.

It is a pity that those powerful spiritual life forms are always killed directly.

The sages of Fira combined the mechanics and knowledge of the empire's many psykers.

Add to this the revelation of the Imperial Lighthouse of Atonement and the Sacrificial Ritual.

He created the machine, powered by life force and xenomorph psychic power.

Constantly extract the life force and the so-called fruit of practice of these aliens, and transform them into attacks or navigation that can work in the subspace.

As we all know, the universes currently conquered by the empire are found through the paths left by ancient civilizations.

Once lost the way, the ships of the empire may get lost in the vast etheric ocean, never to find any traces again.

The device created by the sages of Fira can use the aliens to build a lighthouse at the level of the heavens, allowing the target universe to shine in the vast ocean of ether.

This would be an important step in the cause of imperial conquest.

It is difficult to find a way of fast travel and instant communication between different universes.

Even if it deviates from the path left by ancient civilizations, it will not break the weak connection between the universes.

This technology is no less important than the various plans promoted by the Empire.

Unfortunately, it still needs more refinement before it can be applied.

Calga's ship is only a prototype machine, and the goal of the sacrifice is also very demanding. Only a practitioner who has reached the level of the Immortal Emperor can sacrifice.

It needs to be more perfect to dig out the value of the huge biological mine of Alien in the Heavens.

When the empire conquers those universes, not only will it be able to obtain a large amount of resources and a wider living space, but it will also capture the aliens of extraordinary civilizations and use them as biological mines.

Amidst the screams of those mighty xenos, fuel was pumped into the Empire's engine systems.

There was a rumble from the stern.

Getting closer and closer, like a huge engine pushing forward.

A tremor ran through the hull, growing stronger as if the tremor had passed through the interior of the structure.

All the machinery was humming, and these sounds merged into the many constant hums of the ship's systems, and became part of it, drowning out the warning voices of the crew.

The Glory of Macragge sprayed out a ray of brilliance, covering all ships within a certain range.

Prevent them from being thrown into the subspace due to the interference of the heavenly world.

The doomsday device is not fully functional yet.

The Heavenly Dao of the Heaven Realm is still active.

Heaven, Gaia, cosmic consciousness and other things are collectively referred to as pan-consciousness.

Practitioners generally believe in the existence of Heaven and Dao.

This subconscious warp reverberation works as well.

It also becomes the will of the planet, the will of the universe and so on.

The way of heaven is the same thing.

The general consciousness of heaven and heaven will inevitably launch a counterattack against intruders who may destroy itself.

The souls and life abilities of those top-notch aliens that have been extracted can just be able to camouflage the ships, allowing them to easily enter other areas of the heavenly world.

The tail flames spewed out from the rear of the hull, and people felt a slight push on their chests.

The Glory of Macragge entered a state of acceleration.

The other ships also accelerated one after another, rushing to the deeper part of the Celestial Realm.

There is no hope for Tianyuan's defenders.

They were cut off from the rest of the Celestial Realm.

Calgar didn't want to waste time strangling those guys.

Now his main goal is to smash the upper world, the most important core of the entire extraordinary civilization, which is called the plateau by those aliens.

There is the transformation hub, the key to the existence of the worlds.

It is also the key to the prosperity of extraordinary civilization.

Completely destroy the foundation of this extraordinary civilization.

At that time, it will be a complete massacre to meet these aliens.


On the vast city wall, the orc emperor Ufo is killing on the battlefield.

His body is as huge as a steel mountain towering into the clouds.

Equipped with all kinds of terrifying weapons on his body, sparks erupted from the rough steel jaw in the friction, and deafening roars came from the half-mechanical, half-flesh throat.

He swung the heavy weapon, leaving nothing but blood and wreckage in his path.

Orc warlords and orc leaders were scattered around him.

They were all howling with excitement for this grand killing.

A real dragon was torn apart by several orc warlords.

Amidst desolate screams, the immortal dragon's body was torn apart abruptly.

The dragon's blood, which contained terrifying power, splashed out, shining brightly with psychic brilliance.

If there are creatures who can obtain these dragon blood, they must be reborn and obtain the dragon blood talent.

Now it is wasted carelessly, scattered on the ground.

A dragon god covered with golden scales was also beheaded, his rotten wings were cut off, and black blood flowed out.

The decapitated body quickly decayed, exuding an ominous and weird aura.

Members of the mask organization, which gathered many arrogances, watched in horror as countless strong men fell.

Those blood fell on the ground, breeding countless rare elixir.

Any one is priceless, and it can provoke countless Tianjiao to fight and break up.

Now on this battlefield, it can be seen everywhere.

Too many strong men died, and their blood containing aura was poured on the ground, quickly giving birth to those elixir.

It's a pity that these elixirs were ruthlessly trampled on, and the empire didn't care about these supreme medicines that could regenerate the soul and make the blood more pure.

Countless corpses fell to the ground.

There are many immortal kings and immortal emperors among them.

Laws and their Dao fruits escaped from the corpses that lost their spirituality and gathered into forbidden places.

But these forbidden places were quickly destroyed, destroyed by Imperial artillery fire and those who wanted to live, and covered with new corpses.

The surviving powerhouses of all the Great Realms gathered in the Celestial Realm.

Here in Tianyuan, the immortal king is not as good as a dog, and the immortal emperor walks everywhere.

All of them are supremely powerful.

But now it keeps falling, and the corpses are piled up like a mountain.

The powerhouses who had been bursting with self-confidence because of their aura soared before also collapsed at this time.

They also want to fight back, enter each other's homeland, and take bloody revenge on them.

Now that the fantasy dream is shattered, I realize that my strength and superiority are just like the moon in a mirror, which will be shattered at the first touch.

The terrifying battlefield completely collapsed the so-called invincible Dao heart in the hearts of these mask organization members.

In the long time and space of time and space, even the immortal emperor will usher in his own end.

What kind of arrogance are they! !

They are just dust and waves in the vast river of time, destined to fade away and be silent.

The orc emperor Ufo kept roaring.

Under the protection of the WAAAAAAGH force field and Imperial technology, he can be said to be invincible.

Punching aliens, kicking evil monsters.

Many orcs gathered into an overwhelming wave, sweeping everything.

There are also a large number of legions of the empire, all of which poured out, killing blood everywhere, and the army was defeated.

"We have to get out of here." Said the fire creature who once led the formation of the mask organization.

The surviving Mask members nodded.

It is useless to stay in Tianyuan any longer.

If this barrier is lost, what will greet all living beings will be a terrible massacre.

It's useless to stay here.

The identity background of this organization is very special, even if they are on the front line, they still get the protection of an immortal emperor.

The Immortal Emperor used a special secret treasure of the Immortal King level to open the void and let them escape.

Their strength is too poor to attract the attention of the enemy.

A powerhouse above the Immortal King level will be stopped as long as he tears the void with his hands, and will be dragged into the battlefield again.

Only some weak ones can escape.

They can't change anything, and they don't pose any threat to the empire. They can be left behind and resolved slowly.

Members of the Mask Organization used the Immortal King-level secret treasure to cross the void and wanted to return to a safe zone, but found that the entire Heaven Realm was shrouded in flames of war.

Those huge cities were even more tragic than Tianyuan, with corpses strewn across the fields, corpses piled up like mountains, blood and ruins everywhere.

The destruction of the Heaven Realm is a foregone conclusion.

What makes them even more desperate is that the Dharma-ending Era has begun to invade the Celestial Realm.

Not only did all the previously skyrocketing powers fall, but their realms kept falling.

The Immortal King-level secret treasure was also washed away by the wave of doomsday, constantly losing its brilliance, and finally became dim and completely disintegrated during a shuttle flight.

In the Dharma-ending era, the extraordinary is eternally silent, and myths do not exist.

Even if the empire does not kill them, many races will be extinct.

The few surviving members of the mask organization lingered beside the ruins, the despair in their hearts was revealed on their faces without any concealment.

They are very clear that in this extraordinary and dead era where myths do not appear, it is impossible for them who are lost here to find their clansmen again, and it is impossible for them to get out of this vast mountain forest.

These young Tianjiao who were once young and frivolous, with a heart higher than the sky, who thought that everything in the world could be solved by them, only now realized how cruel the reality is.

The Fire Clan creatures, who had completely lost hope, finally climbed up the nearest high mountain and looked into the distance.

It picked up the immortal sword that had lost its brilliance, and placed it around its neck.

The fairy sword is his adult gift, bestowed by the elders of the family.

Back then, the ancestral land of the Fire Clan was full of guests, people from all clans came to congratulate him on his coming of age.

And it is also high-spirited, claiming to be the first-rate figure in the world of heaven.

They made friends with Tianjiao of all ethnic groups, and finally took the lead in establishing the Mask Organization.

Now the dream is broken.

"The sky is gone, the earth is gone, and all living beings will die."

The fire creature swiped violently, and the blood containing the essence of the fire spewed out.

Its body fell from the edge of the cliff, only the last words echoed in the valley.

The members of the mask organization who were still thinking about how to leave at the end watched the corpses of the fire creatures fall from the sky, their faces were horrified, and the last light completely disappeared.

It's a pity that no living beings will care, and no living beings will know what happened in this desolate mountain forest.

The heavens are vast and boundless, and all living beings are as insignificant as a speck of dust.

"You shouldn't have done that!!" The Eldar Prophet Anvil dissuaded Calgar, who was the final commander, on the Glory of Macragge, "Time is on our side."

Nothing can stop the Empire.

Cities were destroyed and turned into ruins.

The world of heaven has become a place of death shrouded in war,

The final plateau was also breached.

The nine supreme beings did the last thing, pushing out the secret realm with countless arrogance.

Empire came too fast.

Before this secret realm played its intended role, the empire smashed through the Heaven Realm.

Even the plateau could not resist for long before it was broken.

This secret realm is useless.

They joined hands to push it into the eternal spiritual world, letting it drift with the tide of the spiritual world.

Leave a seed for this extraordinary civilization.

Dense numbers of warships enveloped the plateau, and carried out the final massacre on the survivors who fled here.

The screams mixed with the sound of guns echoed in this ancient land.

Only the last mottled ancient temple remains there.

Calgar plans to lead the raid himself and slay the so-called Guardians.

Several other senior generals and mechanical sages also spoke to dissuade them.

After all, as long as you continue to wait and wait for the doomsday device to strengthen the curtain of reality and illusion, you can easily win.

"They can't turn the tide." Calga said in a deep voice: "The final judgment of these thieves will be delivered by me, and a second delay will deepen my guilt towards the Holy Emperor."

Emperor Supreme.

Guilliman was checking the news from the expedition fleet going to the depths of the starry sky.

The expansion of the expedition fleet is going well, and the empire's territory is expanding at an unprecedented speed.

However, there are also some problems.

They encountered a main army of Zerg that had just devoured a local galaxy cluster.

The scale is exaggerated to horror.

The shadow of the nest formed by the main force of the Zerg was so strong that even the Imperial Astronomical Torch could not illuminate it. The psykers protected by various equipment almost burned their brains just by looking at it.

It is countless times more terrifying than the several Zerg fleets that invaded the Milky Way before.

"A bunch of crap." Guilliman muttered.

At this time, a voice sounded.

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