Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 73 Be lenient with them

Opal frowned. Years of experience in fighting the Emperor's enemies made him well aware of the cunning and viciousness of the aliens.

The previous tunnels had flickering lumen lights, but the tunnels here are completely dark, and there is a problem at first sight.

Opal raised his bolter and aimed at the source of the sound and the source of the light.

Servos in the helmet hummed, and the helmet's display panel simulated ballistics.

As long as he pulls the trigger, the explosive bullet in the chamber will be fired, killing the target, or even blowing it to pieces.

Just when he was about to pull the trigger.

A skinny man walked out of the darkness trembling with a miner's lamp filled with inert gas and designed in the shape of a portable kerosene lamp.

Seeing the warrior in power armor hiding in the shadows, the man trembled in fright.

Seeing the caliber in the other party's hand that was thicker than his own wrist, he was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground.

"Compatriots?" Opal was stunned for a moment, then put down the mask of his helmet, revealing a resolute face with a hideous wound.


Seeing the face under the helmet, the man was stunned for a moment, unable to believe what he saw.

Surprise appeared on his face, followed by deep fear.

Opal keenly sensed something was wrong.

"Run!" the man yelled.

At this time, in the depths of the dark tunnel, a bright plasma light emerged, followed by a wave of heat.

Eight consecutive basketball-sized plasma light spheres shot out from the depths of the tunnel, swift as lightning.

"Look for cover." Opal yelled, pulling the trembling man by the hand to hide in a sunken earth pit.

The plasma ball passed through the air, and there was a faint smell of ozone.

The air is broken down by the ions, forming ozone.

Opal lay tightly on the ground, a high temperature warning came from the sensor module on his back.

Once hit, the ball of plasma is powerful enough to melt ceramic alloys.

After Opal saw a comrade's signal rune flash a few times, it turned red, and then disappeared from the team's communication channel.

He looked towards the position of that comrade-in-arms, and the standard power armor made of ceramic alloy was directly penetrated and melted into molten iron.

The broken body fell to the ground and twitched unconsciously.

Opal's heart welled up with sadness.

The voices of other team members came from the communication.

"No, Dukes."

"Poor Ducos, may he return to the Emperor's arms."

"Damn greenskin."

Everyone grieves for their lost companions.

"Pay the price, Greenskin."

Opal let go of the man in his hand, roared and stood up.

He raised his bolter and fired at the enemy's position.

He has been in battle for a hundred and twenty years, and his companions who entered the Chapter have been recalled by the Emperor, but he is still fighting.

The fire of vengeance made Opal's hand holding the gun extremely stable.

With a century of combat experience, he can easily determine the position of the enemy.

Other fighters fired after him.

After a moment of intense firefighting, the tunnel calmed down again.

Opal walked over and saw three damaged double-track plasma cannons fired in parallel, as well as the corpses of several orcs.

"These sinister guys, every alien is despicable."

Opal angrily kicked the corpse of the orc who had lost all signs of life.

After venting his anger, he walked back to where he was just now, to see how the man he rescued was doing.

The man behaved well, was coerced into being used as bait, and did not betray the Holy Emperor.

After walking back, he found that the man was also dead. The gravel that was accidentally knocked up during the battle pierced his eyes and killed him.

Ordinary human life is so vulnerable to such a battlefield.

Any piece of rubble that is insignificant to Primaris Space Marines can kill them.

"May your soul be able to go to the emperor's throne." Opal knelt down and prayed for the man, then stood up,

"Keep going."

After walking a further distance, the dark tunnel reappeared with faint light.

They came to the gathering place of human beings.

A large number of mining machines are still running, making a booming sound.

There are also some humans digging with primitive tools such as iron pickaxes.

What they ate was a kind of half-plant and half-meat provided by the orcs, and what they drank was the sewage in the mine.

There are still a large number of human snow-white skulls left in the gathering place, and it is obvious that they are all humans who died here.

"In the name of the Holy Emperor, we need you to send a representative to talk to us."

Opal walked towards those trembling people, and his tall steel body looked down at the crowd trembling with fear.

"The Emperor's Angel." An old man with gray hair came out.

The old man's old face was covered with wrinkles, and the clothes on his body were so worn out that they were equivalent to strips of cloth.

Opal looked at the other party, a trace of pity emerged in his heart.

"Is everyone here?"

"Yes, my lord, are you here to save us?" The old man asked in a terrified and humble tone, stroking his thick-boned palm with only a layer of skin left.

"We are recovering the galaxies taken by the orcs, and you are one of them." Opal said.

"Are we saved? Did the Holy Emperor take pity on our suffering and send salvation?" said the old man.

"The Lord of Ultramar has awakened, and he is leading the army to recover the lost world of the empire." Opal talked about the situation of the expedition, and then asked, "What's your name?"

"Darrence, Emperor's Angel, my name is Danrence." The old man said tremblingly.

Opal said, "Very well, Danluns, you have become the temporary leader. The orcs on the surface have not been cleaned up. We need an orbital bombing to clean up the orcs on the entire planet. You go to organize those people and let them They took precautions to avoid casualties."

Denrence nodded, turned to the ragged survivors, and spoke the Emperor's Angel's order.

"Thanks to the Emperor, they are here at last."

"Didn't they come to save us? Didn't they bring clean food and water?"

"I'm dying, can't they put other things aside and save me first?"

"Are they really here to save us? Or are they going to execute us all. Put us together and kill us, so that history can be easily erased."

Some of the survivors looked with joy, some with anger, and some with doubts.

For twenty years they lived in despair and darkness.

The Empire ignored it.

It is undoubtedly a betrayal of them.

After the galaxy was occupied by orcs, they were driven into the tunnels to mine.

Every day, those bastards, orc boys beat them with whips and make them work.

Long-term labor left them bruised and skinny.

The situation is dire for both men and women.

But now, when they met the Emperor's Angel, they were naturally shocked and frightened.

Reminiscent of the many rumors I have heard before, in order to cover up the scandal of their own mistakes, the imperial politicians executed extinction orders on some planets.

It was the poor wretches they were afraid of themselves.

The primordial space marines' facial features were extremely keen, and every word and deed of the survivors was captured by them.

Even if those people lowered their voices, they could still hear them clearly.

Opal did not pay much attention and care about this.

He opened the mission communication panel and said on the public channel: "The mission of the first action team is completed, and the targets have all been confirmed to enter the underground tunnel."

"These guys have no gratitude." A comrade in arms shook his head when he heard the survivors' comments, his tone was full of frustration and anger.

They sacrificed their companions to save them, only to be looked upon with suspicion and suspicion.

"Be tolerant to them, they have suffered so much that they can no longer tell the good from the bad." Opal picked up the weapon, glanced at the flickering tunnel, and said, "Get ready to fight, we have to beware of those green skins Enter the tunnel."

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