Warhammer Throne

Chapter 305: , The plight of the northern kingdom

? A dark ritual, this ritual is not only a strict gift from the **** of darkness, but also inevitably a vent of sex. Egil’s big tent was shaken in the fairy goddess temple on the small island of Landry. It took a few days to usher in the end.

There is no doubt that they will give birth to a child of darkness, and under the blessing of abuse, this child can be born in two months or less.

At present, Egil, the champion of the gods of horror, Chakoy, the chaos champion, Kvindev, the nephew of the chaos champion, Egil, and the chaos champion, Egil-Yar, gathered in the shrine that had been reduced to ruins, and discussed the next step. The trend.

"We will go south, we will kill any Bretons we see, we will destroy everything we see, until my child is born, I will celebrate me with the blood of countless southerners The birth of a son." Sitting on his black skull throne, Egil said to Chakoy, a chaos champion and chaos wizard: "But before that, I need to wait for the follow-up army to arrive here, Kovindev, tell me , How long will my army arrive?"

"There are about five days left." The chaos champion Kovindev put the big axe at his feet, his face was engraved with multiple oil paints and the mark of chaos, which is a symbol of his being a chaos champion.

"Then we will wait for a while." Egil decided to wait for the arrival of Skarlins' army.

There is no doubt that the five thousand barbarian armies around Agil are elite enough fighters, but Agil knows deeply that the barbarian fighters are brave, but it is an indisputable fact that they lack heavy siege weapons.

When the Chaos Mammoth of the North and the Chaos Hell Cannon of the Chaos Dwarf come to the front, it will be the end of the Southerners!


Dalheide, the Duke of Lyonace, also knew nothing about the north. Dalheide was in his own court and was devastated. The serfs in the north launched a riot and occupied the castle. He was still planning to prepare troops to regain lost ground. As for the coastline He didn't pay much attention to the news that Landry Island had temporarily lost it.

Duke Dalheide is still planning how to organize an army to suppress the serfs' rebellion.

At the same time, in the Knights of the Holy Grail branch in Curona, the Knight Commander of the Holy Grail Ulles got a dream from the fairy in the lake.

A huge barbarian army has landed in Landry!

After hearing the news, Ulles, who knew that the matter was serious, quickly got up.

At this time, the time was still early in the morning, and the sky was still dark. In the early hours of the morning, Kurona was very quiet, and there were no pedestrians on the street. Jules woke up from his sleep, he put his hands on his chest and gasped for breath.

"My lady...you handed me such a heavy responsibility...I must live up to my expectations." Jules murmured, and the quilt was pulled from his body, revealing that his whole body was covered with scars. body.

Jules touched his beard. He was several decades old, not young anymore.

A pair of white jade arms stretched out from his back and wrapped his arms around his neck: "What's the matter, my dear, don't sleep for a while?"

A beautiful woman in a tulle nightdress hugged him from behind the holy grail knight commander.

"I received the lady's oracle, Anna, I want to go into the palace to see Her Majesty Richard." Jules stretched out his hand and pressed it on the woman's hand. His burly body was displayed in front of the woman, and his eyes were dazzling. The light shines brightly in the room.

"Madam's oracle?!" This woman is Jules' lover Annara, the sister of Calade, Count of Galament in Bastogne. She immediately knew something was going on when she heard the oracle of a fairy in the lake. happen.

"It's an emergency, Anna, I'm going now, you can go to sleep." Jules got up and began to change clothes.

"No, madam's order is above all else, let me help you." Annara got up when she saw it, her eyes lit up with love, and she began to put on a full set of equipment for Jules.

A set of gorgeous plate armor comparable to a work of art was removed. Every inch of the surface of the armor has intricate details, pasted with ancient scriptures, and every detail is inlaid with exquisite silver crafts, a gleaming blue The colored cloak flared in the wind, the cloak was lined with soft top-grade fur, and the lace of the cloak was fixed on the chest by a large golden brooch in the shape of a holy grail.

After Annara wore countless prayer trinkets and holy objects on Ulles's body, she patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, you should go."

Jules nodded silently.

When the sky was light, the Knight Commander of the Holy Grail relied on the privileges of the head of the Kurona branch of the Knights of the Holy Grail to forcibly enter the palace.

An hour later, the Royal Palace of Curona, the restaurant.

The dining table, which is more than ten meters long, is covered with a clean white tablecloth, on which bread and breakfast are placed, as well as honey and cheese.

The gray-haired Richard was dressed in casual clothes. He took up hot milk and said to the holy grail knight sitting next to him: "Jules, you shouldn't have bothered me at this time."

The old king coughed a few times. During this time, he did not sleep well. Even though the king could sleep on the softest bed in the entire kingdom with feather pillows imported from the high elves, Richard kept going back and forth at night. In addition, this may be due to old age, or it may also be because of a series of recent events, tossing and turning in the bottom of my heart.

At the beginning of the year, there was a great political upsurge caused by the defeat of Casfan, several weeks of tug-of-war, followed by serf riots and a large number of fugitive slaves, and even the serfs rebelled openly and occupied the castle.

These things made Richard feel exhausted, and the king worked hard to bond the precarious relationship within the kingdom, which was not only for the knight and the serf, but also for the knight and the knight.

"I'm sorry, my majesty, but the lady has sent an oracle. A huge army of barbarians has landed on Landry Island. They have slaughtered thousands of people and destroyed the lady's temple. We must immediately organize an army of knights to reinforce the Principality of Lyonasse, otherwise the army of Your Excellency Dahlheide will not be enough to fight against this terrible Chaos army. Madam told me that this time the enemy is stronger than ever." Jules did not have much. Then, he went straight to the subject, and the Knight Commander of the Holy Grail put down his knife and fork and said to Richard.

"Ding!" Richard's hand trembled, and the silver fork fell to the ground.

"Why... why do bad things always appear together?" Richard's face was sad and angry: "Chaos scum... I really will look for opportunities, the kingdom is weak now, Ulles, do you know?"

"I understand." Ulles is not ignorant of the political situation, on the contrary, he is very clear about the current dilemma facing the Knight Kingdom.

"You understand...you understand, you don't understand, dear Ulles, lady's holy grail knight commander, the northern kingdom suffered heavy losses in this serf riot, and the law and order are unstable. I need a lot of troops to maintain law and order, and now you But I want to take them away." Richard shook his head, and the king slowly said to Ulles: "Do you know how much impact this will have?"

"My Majesty, we have no choice. The invasion of Chaos must be contained. We must face the enemy head-on!" Ulles's eyes were full of vigor, and he looked directly at Richard with determination: "Your Majesty, Chaos is the kingdom of knights. The enemy, they must be eliminated first, otherwise the entire kingdom will fall into flames and countless people will be slaughtered!"

"I don't need you to remind me, I know what is the priority, and I know which enemies are the strong enemies that the kingdom really needs to pay attention to!" Richard retorted a little violently. The king picked up the silver knife and fork and placed it firmly. On the desktop: "The threat from Chaos has been told by my father since I was a three-year-old child!"

"...Your Majesty, I was impolite." Jules was surprised at the way Richard was angry. He immediately realized his impoliteness and quickly apologized.

Richard pursed his lips, his eyes closed, his body seemed to be shaking with anger, and he tried to restrain his emotions.

Ulles looked serious, his posture exuded pious light like the sun, he came with the will of the goddess, he will fulfill his loyalty and obligation to the lady, he is waiting for the king's answer.

"Ulles, sending troops is not that simple... I said that the kingdom is weak now, and the prolonged riots have made public order very unstable. If I announce that the army will be called because of the invasion of chaos, it will definitely make people panic at this point. ...The number of knights and the number of troops in Kurona has dropped to the lowest point in nearly two decades." Richard took a deep breath, and then said: "Moreover, there is another important problem, that is, the food in the granary. Not much anymore."

Jules nodded cautiously. A lot of the food just harvested in the north was looted or burned by the insurgents before it was turned over. Even if it was already collected, the wages of the workers dispatched by the merchants of Marienburg must be paid. The serfs would have to pay more for their own harvesting.

Public security is unstable, the number of troops is insufficient, and food reserves are low. If the current knight kingdom is to assemble an army of knights, it will face panic and low morale. The level of public security that has just recovered may have to undergo a severe test.

However, just like Richard said, the king also knows the threat of Chaos. Facing the invasion of Chaos in the north, the king must respond to the call of the fairy in the lake and send reinforcements.

After a long silence, Richard told Ulles all the difficulties he was facing. The Knight Commander of the Holy Grail is not that kind of foolish fool. Ulles thought for a while and said to the king: "My Majesty... we can Asking the dukes of the south for help, the political situation in the south is relatively stable, whether it is His Excellency Bohemond of Bastogne, or His Excellency Francois of Winford, and other dukes, their territories are politically stable. We will stay prosperous for a long time and we have spare capacity to support us."

"Hey, I understand. At the time of the enemy, personal grievances and internal affairs views are thrown aside in advance. The most important thing to fight against chaos is unity." Richard slowly nodded: "I will write to the South to request troops and supplies. Assistance."

"...Assemble the army! Jules! In any case, we can't let Chaos set foot on the land of the goddess!" Richard stood up, and his old body seemed to burst into a vague figure of the former glory: "I will Assemble an army in the name of the king, and this army will be handed over to you for command. You can take as much food as you can in the granary."

"I have only one request from you, Jules, to bring the victory back."

"Yes!" Ulles stood up proudly. He looked up at Richard, then turned and left the palace.

Richard looked at the sound of Jules leaving and nodded.

"The land of the goddess will never allow chaos and scum to trample on!"

The king hastily finished his meal, came to his throne room, and began to write a letter. In the letter, he asked the dukes in the south for help. Several letters were sent to Bohemond, François, and Baudric respectively. , Theodoric... and Ryan.

After writing a few letters, Richard picked up the parchment. He took out the quill pen and dipped it with ink, but quickly put it down again, looking at the plea for help written on the parchment, with a wry smile.

The quill was repeatedly picked up, put down, picked up, and put down. The trembling fingers and the changing look on Richard's face told of the king's struggle.

From an emotional point of view, the king did not want to write a letter of help. This is a blow to his personal prestige and the royal power, but Bretania is different from the empire. In the empire, powerful electors can directly Ignore the emperor’s order, whether it is reasonable or not.

In Bretania, although the dukes of [biqugex.info] also enjoy independent status, under the spirit of chivalry and devotion to the fairies in the lake, Richard knows that if he writes for help, the South The dukes of Russia must respond.

The king silently raised his head and looked back. The portraits of the previous knight kings were behind him, watching him, the first knight king "unified" Arthur, the second knight king "reckless" Lewis, the third knight king" "White Death" Guillaume, the fourth generation of knight king "Greenskin Killer" Ron, the fifth generation of knight king "young" Louis, the sixth generation of knight king "the strong" Philip... until his last knight king , The "tyrant" John II who was brutally pulled off the throne by the holy grail knight led by the lake **** witch.

Both John I and John II were denied the throne of knights by the nymph of the lake. Therefore, in official records, Richard is the ninth knight king of Brittany, and his last knight king is Rose The portraits of Knight Taylor, John I, and John II were all erased, leaving a white frame.

"Hey, the hardest word in the world to write is his own name." Richard suddenly sneered. He took a deep breath, grabbed the pen's right hand with his trembling left hand, and finally wrote the name down. .

"Come here, send these letters to the Holy Grail Cathedral!"



It took more time to gather the army than Jules imagined. It took a week or even longer for the army of knights to gather more than half of them in Kurona. The three thousand knights and twenty thousand troops that Jules envisioned were only now assembled. There were two thousand knights and over 13 thousand people.

He now understands why Richard is so worried about this.

"Can't wait any longer! Call the army!" I want to chat with more like-minded people "", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Reading Literature", chats about life, and finds friends~

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