Warm Dragon

Chapter 171 The Mysterious Librarian

In the carriage, Mrs. Meryl called Russell in and gave him some advice, telling him not to indulge himself in the next month.

"Your aunt is the Grand Duke's aunt, you must not be disrespectful in front of her, it will affect your relationship with the Grand Duke in the future... Your elder brother has made a mistake, I don't want to hear the news that you have made a mistake."

"Don't worry, mother, have some confidence in me." Russell smiled.

"Your elder brother also reassured me, but who knows what he did behind the scenes, anyway, you must always remember not to bring shame to the family."


After his mother finished her advice, Russell said, "Father, mother, I also have something to discuss with you."

"Go ahead." Baron Roman said.

"The orders for the Yulong cigar named by my grandfather are very popular, so I plan to produce a batch of Yulong cigars as soon as possible and then sell them to the outside world. First, it will make up for the industry that is not making enough money in the territory, and second, it will maintain the reputation of Yulong cigars."

With the prestige of Earl Merlin, the reputation of Yulong cigars has spread now, and it will definitely cause a period of enthusiasm.

But if Yulong cigars cannot enter the market for a long time, this enthusiasm will soon cool down.


If someone with a keen sense of smell gets there first, then Russell's efforts will be purely for others.

Baron Roman became interested: "How do you plan to produce it?"

He also likes Yulong cigars, not because of how delicious Yulong cigars are, but because Russell's saying "Knights burn the beauty of their lives" makes him feel very cool. It's time to distinguish himself from ordinary people in smoking.

"I don't produce, father." Russell smiled, "I only move... I plan to let Fluorescent Castle take charge of the production, and I will be responsible for promoting the brand of Yulong cigars and selling Yulong cigars."

There is nothing much to say about the production and sales of cigars.

It's not something that requires technical content.

Baron Roman said, "You are good at doing business. You let Fluorescent Castle do all the hard work, and you are only responsible for collecting money?"

"Father, you are wrong to think so. Although I didn't do much hard work, Yulong cigars are my idea, and I spread the reputation. At present, the nobles of the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame will definitely only buy Yulong cigars."

"What you said makes sense, but Fluorescent Castle can't help you work for free." Baron Roman said, "You have to share half of the profits to subsidize the channel costs of Fluorescent Castle."

"Too exaggerated, father!"

"Channels are more important than anything else, son, you should see the efforts of the family. Many knights die on the snowfield every year."

"I can let cousin Mel help me produce."

"Why, are you going to switch to your grandfather and come to Sanchahekou as a vassal?" Baron Roman stared into Russell's eyes.

Faced with his father's rogue behavior, Russell could only compromise: "Okay, I can subsidize the channel fees, but I can only take out a quarter of the profit."

"One third."


The father and son reached an agreement, and then Baron Roman stretched out his hand and shook hands with Russell in Russell's slightly surprised eyes.

Then he said lightly: "You are an adult, Russell, and adults are destined to be full of the smell of money. As a lord and a manor knight, the family will protect you, but at the same time they will also collect taxes from you."

Russell raised his eyebrows and exclaimed: "Father, you are not saying that I have to pay you commercial taxes for selling Yulong cigars?"

"Yulong cigars are commodities, so they should be taxed."

"I have compensated the family for the channel fees."

"Channel fees are channel fees, and commercial taxes are commercial taxes. Unless you organize a caravan yourself, I can be exempted from it. Your channel fee. "

"I should have negotiated with my eldest brother, father."

"Then he would have asked for more than I want, Russell." Baron Roman narrowed his eyes and laughed proudly, "I am your father, believe me, I have fatherly love for you, and fatherly love has helped you support the business of Yulong cigars."

Mrs. Meryl, who had been smiling and watching the father and son bargaining, smiled and said something for Russell: "Okay, dear, Russell has just come of age, don't discourage his drive... exempt the first year of commercial taxes."

"This is your motherly love." Baron Roman smiled.

"Father, mother, please make Yulong cigars after returning to the territory." Russell prepared to get off the carriage.

"Don't worry, I will arrange for all tobacco farmers in the territory to switch to making Yulong cigars."

"For the production process, please find the court elder Hans in my territory, who was the former foreman of the manor. He knows how to make cigars."

"Okay, get off." Baron Roman waved his hand, got out of the carriage, and rode on the fantasy beast Nightmare Ghost Horse, "Mel, Russell, let's see you off here. The road ahead is long, and we will have to send you out of the estuary plain."

"Then uncle and aunt, have a good trip." Meller stopped his horse.

Russell also stopped his horse and stood at the intersection with Mel, watching his parents' convoy slowly disappear from sight.

After a long time.

Meller turned his horse's head and said to Russell: "Next, the entire Sanchakou will only be accompanied by you and me."

"Cousin, what are your plans next?" Russell asked with a smile.

"Stay quiet for a day today. Tomorrow, I will take you around the entire Sancha River Estuary to experience the different geographical features from the Youguang Valley." Mel said, and then added mysteriously, "Of course, there are also different customs and practices."

"Before leaving, my mother repeatedly told me not to make the same mistake as Roland. Cousin, please don't frame me."

"Don't worry, Sanchahekou is my territory. I am most familiar with the local customs and practices here. Can I harm you, or do you not trust me?"

"Then I look forward to appreciating different local customs and practices."

"Haha, that's right, let's go!"

The two of them galloped one after the other, and the members of the Knight Guard behind them rode their horses to keep up and protect the safety of the two.

Behind Russell's warhorse, there followed the Red-Eyed Rat King, who had been eating and drinking for several consecutive days and was about to become a ball. These days, the rats really lived a fairy life. The food at Bluebird Castle was several levels higher than that at the Black-Waisted Snake Manor.

"Red Eye, don't dawdle, keep up!"


The Red-Eyed Rat King used all his strength to barely keep up with the galloping warhorse. If he was a little fatter, he would have to cast the magic-bloodthirsty flash to hurry on.

Return to Bluebird Castle.

Because cousin Mel had no plans today, Russell hid in the castle's library and read the materials to his heart's content.

It must be said that Bluebird Castle is more profound than Fluorescent Castle. The library can basically be regarded as a library. The bookshelves are stacked high in rows, and the books on the top layer need a long ladder to reach.

"Master Russell, what kind of books do you need? You can tell the old man and let me find them for you."

The administrator of the library is a white-haired old man.

But he is not dressed as a servant. He wears work clothes with several pockets and a pipe in his mouth.

Usually servants dare not smoke in the castle. If they want to smoke, they can only hide in the servants' lounge.

And Russell also noticed that the administrator had a badge like a scepter on his chest.

"Scholar's Medal?" Russell recognized the badge. It was the Scholar's Medal issued by the Red Castle to the polymath, which was equivalent to an identity certificate.

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