Warm Dragon

Chapter 200 Bamboo Elf Bug


Russell saw a small patch of plants inside and outside the yard of old Charlie's house, and immediately recognized that it was bamboo, and it was not a tree but a grass.

"Sir, do you know this strange tree?" Charles asked.

"This is not a strange tree, it's just a special kind of grass." Russell smiled and walked towards the small bamboo forest.

If you ask what plant Russell likes most, it is undoubtedly bamboo. When he lived on Earth, he would go back to his hometown every weekend. For no other reason, it was just to see a small bamboo forest planted in his hometown and hide in the bamboo forest to blow the wind.

Of course, it's just a favorite.

It's not to the point of "I would rather eat without meat than live without bamboo".

But it was indeed a pleasant surprise for Russell to find bamboo in the Valley of the Light, or the Black-waisted Snake Manor.

What's more gratifying is that when he touched the bamboo, he could feel it carefully and found that the bamboo in the entire bamboo forest exuded a faint, imperceptible magical breath. Not just one bamboo, but all bamboo.

Charles soon discovered this problem and widened his eyes in surprise: "Sir, these bamboos are all Cordyceps. How many Cordyceps are there?"

"Don't think too much." Russell shook his head and said, "These are not individual bamboos, but a bamboo forest is just a bamboo. The roots of the bamboo spread underground, and these bamboos all grow from one root."

There are three types of bamboos: clumping type, scattered type and mixed type.

And the bamboo in front of us is undoubtedly a scattered type of bamboo. The underground stems will extend outward to form bamboo whips, and then bamboo shoots will grow from the bamboo whips, and the bamboo shoots will grow into bamboo. It seems that each bamboo grows alone, but in fact they are all bamboos.

"Strange!" Charles exclaimed.

"Hurry up and look for it, see if you can find the bamboo fairy worm." Russell ordered.

Everyone looked together, and soon found a green fairy worm that was slightly longer and thicker than a finger at the roots of several bamboos next to each other in the center of the bamboo forest. There were rings on its body, and it lay leisurely on a dead leaf.

"Found it, sir!"


Russell laughed and squatted beside the bamboo root, then took the jade powder from the knight and sprinkled a little on the dead leaves.

The bamboo elf worm instantly smelled the jade powder and began to wriggle slowly, licking the jade powder in small bites.

When it was licking vigorously, a finger suddenly stretched out and was bitten lightly by it, and a few drops of blood oozed out, mixed with the jade powder and swallowed into its stomach.

In an instant.

The power of the contract was completed in a mysterious way with the help of blood.

A moment later, the bamboo elf worm forgot to lick the jade powder, but raised its upper body, and looked along the finger with sesame-sized eyes. Seeing Russell with a faint smile, the young heart suddenly felt kind.

"Come on, little guy." Russell waved.

The bamboo elf worm immediately climbed into Russell's hand, still raised its upper body, and looked at Russell curiously.

"Congratulations, sir, you got a fairy bug!" Charles shouted loudly when he saw this.

The people around woke up as if from a dream, followed the formation, and flattered Russell wildly, saying "dragon watching" and "praise the master".

Only old Charlie, after praising the master, whispered with a worried look: "How did this strange tree turn into a cordyceps? Can I still live in my yard and house? I dare not cut the cordyceps, or the master will whip me to death."

However, old Charlie was still worried.

Russell had already patted the bamboo fairy bug lightly, and then whispered: "Little guy, put away the cordyceps, let's go home!"

The bamboo fairy bug turned its head and gently opened its mouth.

In an instant, all the bamboos in this small bamboo forest began to shake, and the bamboo shoots and bamboo poles all began to shrink, and then the surface began to shake. In the end, such a bamboo forest turned into a slender bamboo rice and fell into the mouth of the bamboo fairy bug.

"It's amazing. There are so many bamboos, but there is only one Cordyceps sinensis." Charles exclaimed to himself.

Russell had already climbed onto his horse. Before leaving, he waved his hand and said, "Who discovered the bamboo?"

Old Charlie, who was happy that the Cordyceps sinensis was taken away and he could grow vegetables in his yard again, did not react. The village chief Black Pete behind him immediately kicked him lightly, and then smiled at Russell with a cheeky face: "Master, it's him, Old Charlie!"

Charles also added: "It was indeed Old Charlie. He came to the temporary office to find me and found the bamboo Cordyceps sinensis."

"Very good, Old Charlie, you have made a contribution to discovering the bamboo." Russell smiled slightly, "Reward, reward a gold coin directly!"

"Ah!" Old Charlie shouted and was stunned on the spot.

Not to mention Old Charlie, even the serfs watching around were all stunned by Russell's generosity.

One gold coin!

One hundred silver coins, ten thousand copper coins!

The reward money Old Charlie received at one time was more than the reward money Russell gave to the serfs of the entire manor during the festival!

"Anyone who discovers a magical creature and reports it to the office in time will definitely receive a generous reward." Russell rode on the back of his warhorse, overlooking the shocked serfs of the manor, and said loudly, "This is my promise to you, Russell Fluorescent Mushroom, your lord."

After that.

Ignoring the reactions of the serfs, he left Wheat Village with his knights and followers.

Charles was left to deal with the follow-up issues.

"Sir, did the master really give me a gold coin?" Old Charlie had not recovered from the shock just now.

Charles smiled and said, "What the lord said is of course true, old Charlie, you are rich."

"Ah, praise the master, praise the master, the master will definitely be able to ride a dragon soon!" Old Charlie knelt directly on the ground, knelt in the direction where Russell left, and then stood up and bowed to Charles, "Thank you, sir, thank you for helping me, if it weren't for you, I..."

Old Charlie's family also came over with courage and thanked Charles one after another.

At this time, the village chief Black Pete came over with a shameless face: "Sir, I stopped Old Charlie from cutting bamboo. You see... Should I tell the lord, hehe, I am not loyal to the lord, hehe..."

"Really." Charles narrowed his eyes and said happily, "So, the lord has to reward you with money?"

"Hehe, just a little bit, just a little bit." Black Pete rubbed his palms.

"Just a little bit!" Charles frowned and glared at Black Pete fiercely. "As the village chief, why don't you help Old Charlie solve the problem of bamboo spreading and encroaching on houses and vegetable gardens? What are the responsibilities of the village chief? Can't you remember?"

"Ah, I..." Black Pete panicked.

"I think you can no longer bear the responsibilities of the village chief, Black Pete. I now announce as the clerk that you will stop your position as village chief. I will investigate your actions in the past few months and then decide on your punishment!"

After that, Charles no longer paid attention to the sad-looking Black Pete.

He told Old Charlie's family to go to the temporary office in the afternoon to collect the reward money, and then arranged for the clerk to notify all the residents of Xiaomai Village to come to the temporary office in the afternoon. He wanted to personally ask Black Pete, the village chief, about his actions in the past few months.

Then, he got on his horse and returned to the temporary office to work.

Only Black Pete was left, sitting in the yard of Old Charlie's house, wanting to cry but not having tears.

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