Warm Dragon

Chapter 204 Black Gold Pig

Russell took over the task of following the Thunder Beast to pull a cart to escort the goods. Before leaving, he unexpectedly met Lord Dave.

"Madam's letter was sent ahead of time with the caravan, and then I took a few pigherders with me to set off, so it was two days later than the letter."

After arriving at the manor's courtyard, Lord Dave said with a smile: "Lord Baron Davis, I am very interested in the black pigs in your territory. The golden black pork of our Golden Fields is famous throughout the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy, but in the end It’s a pity that it’s not cultured animal meat.”

No matter how delicious ordinary pork is, it is just a food that fills the stomach.

However, the meat of cultured beasts is an indispensable nutritional supplement for knights, and the value of the two is very different.

"Now there is an opportunity to change the breed of golden black pigs." Russell laughed.

"Indeed, this is a great hope, so Lord Baron Davis asked me to come over with several pig shepherds and ten newly adult golden black sows to participate in the breeding of new varieties of jet-black pigs."

The several pig shepherds brought by Lord Dave are all serf technicians in pig breeding.

After drinking a cup of tea, Russell and Lord Dave went to the Black Pig Farm to let the pig husbandry technicians see the Black Pigs in person.

Got to the place.

Several pig husbandry technicians immediately surrounded the black pig. The size of the black pig was almost the same as that of an adult golden black pig. The golden black piglet of its mother was only two-thirds of its size, but it was still No more than an adult pig.

"Mr. Brown, are the jet-black pigs and these golden black piglets the same batch?" The pig farmer asked Mr. Brown, the pig farmer of the jet-black pig farm.

Mr. Brown immediately responded: "Yes, these are the cubs of this golden black sow, but they have been kept separately."

"Tsk, tsk, they are siblings from the same mother, but the difference between the two is too big." A pig farmer technician praised, "Look at this jet-black piglet. This strong physique is even stronger than a wild boar, especially this pig. Mao, it pokes my hand like a steel needle!”

"The pig whip is also very big, and there are two big cows. It is definitely easy to breed. It seems that it will become a new breed of Yuan beast, which is very promising!"

"Look at the teeth, and then calculate the time, there is still more than half a month to reach adulthood." Another pig farmer technician calculated, "During this period, it cannot be exposed to the golden black sow too early, and it must be trained well to strengthen its breeding. ability."

"Yes, that's the truth."

"You need to exercise more and spend at least one or two hours every day to drive it away, but the pig needs to eat less food. Look at the food in the pig's trough. It's too much and too fine. If it doesn't work, you have to feed it some miscellaneous food. "

The pig farmers and technicians gathered around the black pigs and discussed the pig breeding plan.

Mr. Brown was a little at a loss. Although he was a pig farmer at the Black Pig Farm, he really couldn't compare to these pig farmers and technicians in raising pigs.

Fortunately, Russell said: "Mr. Brown, these pig farm technicians will live here next. The pig farm dormitory here has also been built. You are responsible for arranging the accommodation for the pig farm technicians, and also let the pig farm apprentices, One person serves a swineherd technician and learns knowledge along the way.”

There are several young men working as apprentices on the pig farm.

These are all arrangements Russell had made long ago. In the future, the expansion of the pig farm will require a large number of pig workers.

Now is the time for the pig farm apprentices to learn skills from the pig husbandry technicians who came from the Golden Fields.

Lord Dave also smiled and said: "You guys are here to cultivate jet-black pigs, don't be stingy in pig-raising skills, and train more apprentices in the pig farm."

"Yes, Mr. Dave." The swineherd technicians responded.

"Oh, by the way, Sir Russell, Lord Baron Davis also asked me to discuss something with you."

"Please say."

"My lord thinks that the name of the black pig is not nice enough. If the black pig is really successfully cultivated, he hopes to reflect its excellent bloodline from the golden black pig. So if possible, he hopes to change the name of the black pig to the black pig."

"Wugen Pig?" Russell frowned.

I don't think this name is any better than the sooty black pig I named myself. This jet-black pig in the pigsty is completely black. It is clearly called a jet-black pig and it belongs to Xindaya.


After all, Baron Davis is his uncle, and he hopes that the black pig can reflect the blood of the golden black pig, so changing its name to black pig does not seem to be unacceptable.

After all, the jet black pig really comes from the bloodline of the golden black pig.

So after thinking for a while, he nodded and agreed: "Okay."

"Haha, thank you."

"You're welcome, it's just a pig." Russell didn't care about this detail.

"My lord has said that these ten golden black sows will be given to you directly. Thank you for discovering the cultivation of Yuan beast Wujin pig." Lord Dave continued, "Of course, my lord also has a small request. From now on, these ten The golden black sow has given birth, and Golden Peak Castle wants half of the cubs.”

"Reasonable, okay."

Nobles, even if they are relatives, must first consider interests. Baron Davis sent ten golden black pigs to help him cultivate the black gold pig breed.

Naturally, Russell also needs to repay the favor and share half of the Wujin pig cubs.

But he also suggested: "These pig herders, I hope they can stay in the territory for a longer period of time and teach the apprentices how to raise pigs and breed them. By the way, they know how to breed pigs. I hope to teach the apprentices how to breed pigs."

Pig breeding involves castrating pigs and cutting off their testicles and ovaries.

Pigs will not get fat if they are not castrated. After castration, they can focus on eating, drinking and sleeping, and will no longer be in heat and restless, and then they will grow fatter and fatter.

Moreover, if boars are not castrated, their meat will have a foul smell when they grow up, which is difficult to eat.

"No problem." Lord Dave agreed immediately, "It is difficult for piglets to resist freezing on the road. Let's do this. These pig farmers can live in your territory until this batch of black gold piglets grow up, and then they will come back with you."


The matter about the black gold pigs was decided.

Charles and others were naturally responsible for the details. Russell and Lord Dave walked around the territory, but did not stay at the Black Waist Snake Manor.

Instead, they went to the Fluorescent Castle with Russell to attend the dinner.

Russell also needed to follow the caravan to the snowfield to escort a thunder beast cart, so he took Eric, Holmes, and the follower he had just recruited, the big stupid bear Grove, to the Fluorescent Castle and waited for the trip.

The team came to the tall arch of the Fluorescent Castle.

Russell and Lord Dave led the way, talking and laughing as they passed through the archway.

Eric led the golden and silver wolfhound Kevin and hurried on his way, but Howls and Big Bear Grove behind him seemed particularly excited.

Howls was born a serf. He eloped with his wife in his early years and fled to the Valley of the Glowing River, where he has been living in the cave. It was a great pleasure to see such a magnificent castle so close from the future, and he would have to stay here tonight.

As for Big Bear Grove, his expression was complicated. The Fluorescent Castle reminded him of his life in the manor in the Volcanic Oasis.

However, the memory only flashed by and did not stay in his mind for long.

He was a person who could go with the flow. He could live in the Volcanic Oasis and in the Savage Cave. Of course, now that he was recruited by Russell and started a new life, he would also live his current life steadily.

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