Looking through other exercises?

Many freshmen looked at each other in confusion after hearing this, and even the faces of the instructors showed confusion. They couldn't understand how this thing could be used as a reward for the leader?

You know, the people staying here now, including Sugu, are all freshmen who have just entered school.

They have just acquired their own skills. The most important thing now is to understand the skills thoroughly and become familiar with them.

Allowing him to read other exercises collected by the school may sound like an unimaginable reward, but for a new student who has just entered the Searching for Me Realm, it is more like tasteless food and a pity to throw away. Not to mention that it will not bring any improvement to the students, if people with insufficient talent browse through it randomly, they may confuse the daily circulation routes of the exercises that are finally engraved in the body.

It can be said that this thing is harmful but useless. Why should this be given to the leader of this year's freshman competition?

Many people with a keen political sense are already thinking about this matter silently in their minds. When these people's eyes glanced at the several school directors behind Xiang Chengzi, they suddenly understood something, and it suddenly dawned on them.

Sugu's edge is too strong this year. Someone in the top management must be hoping to suppress him. So after this pile of generous rewards, I specially added this one.

After figuring this out, they looked at Sugu again. I saw that his head was slightly lowered at the moment, and the expression on his face was obscured by the scattered hair.

"I guess this kid felt upset because of this incident."

Seeing this, some of the freshmen immediately had a smile on their lips, with a look of gloating on their faces.

There are two kinds of people in this world who are the most hated, one is the person around you who is a little better than you, and the other is the stranger who is much better than you.

And Sugu obviously belongs to the latter.

Even if he didn't do anything evil, many students in the same grade who were far behind him would be happy for this freshman martial arts leader who surpassed all others to suffer defeat.


Among the school directors, the woman in gorgeous clothes let out a breath.

She had an idea that came up when she was chatting with Instructor Lan Qing. She replaced the one hundred Enlightenment Pills that were originally planned for Sugu to increase the speed of learning combat skills with looking at the school's exercises.

Now looking at Sugu's slightly lowered head, she felt relieved. If Nariko really asked that bastard that his life was going too smoothly, she would really feel uncomfortable.

"Anyway, the first few awards given to you are enough to stop others' mouths." She thought with a slight snort.

But just as these people were staring at Sugu's figure, their thoughts were wandering.

With his own efforts, Sugu finally suppressed the crazy raised corners of his mouth without being seen by others. It was okay, and his expression was managed very successfully.

"My "Wanxiang Tianyuan Gong" has not been completely perfected. What I lack most now is the jade from other mountains."

"Looking through other exercises...this unexpected prize just solved my urgent need!"

Sugu raised his lowered head again. Among the crowd, he caught sight of Lan Qing, an old man with a kind face, winking at him.

It seemed that he was behind this incident. No wonder, there are no such coincidences in this world. If this prize is proposed alone, it would be too abrupt, and 80% of the time it will be rejected by the school board of directors.

Presuming that they would pass in the end, the old man and Nariko asked the principal to worry about it.

Feeling the kindness radiated by the other party, Sugu felt warm in his heart, and he said silently in his heart: "Thank you."

Nariko asked that all the prizes distributed by the school to Sugu had been explained. The next step was to see if Sugu had a master-disciple relationship with the instructors.

But when he glanced around, the instructors of Xingkong Martial Arts University had hungry eyes. I secretly said something bad, and then quickly added this sentence:

"Please also ask instructors who want to recruit students to pay attention to their etiquette and demeanor. Our Starry Sky Martial Arts University is a serious university, and it is not allowed to force students to become teachers."

But it's too late.

Those instructors could no longer hold back any longer. They could no longer satisfy them by inviting Sugu from a distance. Someone directly used body and combat skills to appear next to Sugu.

"Sugu, please follow me. I promise that I will fight for whatever martial arts resources you want in the future."

"Sugu, don't listen to him. I can give you whatever he can! And I have a granddaughter in her prime who is just right for you!"

"A bunch of old guys are so shameless and are using all kinds of seduction. Sugu, look at me. Don't you think that following a beautiful mentor will make your life a lot more comfortable in the next four years?"

"Look at me, I can do anything."


With this year's incredible awards, Sugu will definitely not be short of martial arts qualifications during this period. It would be difficult to attract him by directly proposing material conditions.

As a result, these mentors began to move to lower moral levels and began to drag themselves down.

Those ordinary students looked at the instructors who were not necessarily jealous of them when they begged to be their disciples, and now they were licking their dogs around Sugu. Such a strong sense of contrast made the corners of their mouths twitch and their minds wander in a myriad of ways.

Damn it, how can the gap between people be so big?

Su Gu was pushed around by the surging crowd. Seeing more and more school mentors gathered around him, he showed a bitter smile on his face.

Just as he was thinking about what kind of words to refuse so as not to offend people as much as possible.

An old but steady voice sounded.

"Su Gu, are you willing to become my disciple and study martial arts with me?"

Lan Qing walked slowly towards Su Gu.

As soon as he said his words, it seemed like there was a kind of magic. The mentors who had just surrounded Su Gu and competed for him took the initiative to make way.

Those mentors looked at Lan Qing in surprise, then looked at Su Gu, with a bitter smile on their lips, and took the initiative to withdraw from this competition.

What Lan Qing could give Su Gu was much more than what they could give. Not to mention the resources he had in Xingwu University, let's talk about the two students at the scene, General Yin was a federal general, and Cheng Ziwen was the president of Xingwu University.

Just talking about these two connections, ordinary mentors like them can't compare, so why stay here and humiliate themselves.

Those students who are still here, including Feng Yan, all showed surprised eyes.

As a treasure-level mentor of Starry Sky Martial Arts University, Lan Qing said about 20 years ago that he would no longer accept any disciples. I didn't expect to see him make an exception today.

"It's worthy of Brother Su." Feng Yan murmured.

Lan Qing stared at Su Gu quietly, and slowly said:

"I once said that I was old and would close the door and never accept disciples again. But I have to say that you are too good, so I can't help but think about it."

"Don't worry, this is just an invitation from an old man who is eager to hunt, and there will be no conditions attached. You are an excellent warrior, and you are not bad-hearted. I will help you with your things no matter what."

After hearing this, Su Gu was silent. Those things were naturally seen by the old man, the things about his skills.

The other party directly stated that no matter what the result this time was, he would help him continue to cover it up. He was grateful for the words that helped him eliminate his worries.

For a moment, he almost really wanted to agree to this old man who had helped him.

But the slight heartbeat in his heart was quickly suppressed by reason.

"I'm sorry, old man. Studying with a teacher is not suitable for me. I have four years in college and I want to practice hard alone."

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