Martial World

"It's just a little bit of wind and frost!"

"What a good sentence!"

"What difficulties and obstacles!"

"As long as I keep moving forward, it will only be a little bit of wind and frost!"

"You are indeed a ruthless person who can use the Spring and Autumn Cicada to sacrifice his life!"

At the moment when the soft words fell,

Lin Dong was inexplicably excited. He even rarely put down his cultivation and murmured to repeat what Fang Yuan said.

"You kid...Still have some vision"

"This guy is absolutely unimaginably cruel."

"The monks with higher cultivation than him suppressed him, and he was entangled in conspiracy and intrigue."

"My own methods don't seem to be able to solve the current predicament"

"Replaced by someone else"

"I don't know how long I will hesitate."

"But he hesitated only for a moment before he could immediately say,"It's just a little bit of wind and frost.""


It's not like Xiao Diao hasn't seen people who are in the same situation as Fang Yuan at the moment.

But those people either hesitated or complained to themselves

, asking the heavens why they were so unlucky.

But no one is like Fang Yuan.

When encountering problems, he immediately tried every possible way.

Even if he had no clue for the time being, he didn't complain! He just regarded those difficulties as the wind and frost blowing in his face. No matter how heavy the wind and frost were, they would melt away as soon as the sun came out!

In Fang Yuan's eyes, these conspiracies and tricks were probably the same!

"It's really amazing"

"Compared to the somewhat 'romantic' quote about the world in snow"

"As expected, I still prefer Fang Yuan’s words!"

"But a little bit of wind and frost"


"The main branch of the Lin family is like a giant to me now!"

"But one day they will know"

"In front of me, they are nothing but a bit of wind and frost!"

Lin Dong's eyes flashed with excitement. He stood up excitedly and wandered in the woods for a few steps. Then, he immediately tore off his clothes and started practicing with a more ruthless attitude than before! His situation is much better than Fang Yuan's current situation. Fang Yuan can ignore the enemy. So can he!


The world of finger-snapping

"Tsk, I don't know what it means"

"This kid is really good at bragging. His uncle and aunt are just so-so. This kid has 500 years of memory. If he can't kill these two guys, he will have lived in vain."

"What's the point of saying a little bit of wind and frost?"

"In my opinion, it's mostly pretense!"

Hei Huang was quite disdainful. He felt that Fang Yuan was just pretending.

If he could go back to the time when he was practicing, then the one sitting in the Heavenly Palace now would not be Ye Tiandi, but Hei Tiandi!

"It's easy to say"

"Doesn't cultivation require resources? Doesn't it require opportunities?"

"He was now heavily suppressed, almost blocking any chance of moving forward."

"in this case"

"How can you say this so lightly?"

"That’s enough to prove its value!"

"If you hadn't been picked up by the Wu Shi Emperor, would you have dared to say this when you were starving to death?"

Duan De snorted disdainfully. He showed his complete disdain for Hei Huang's"standing and talking" attitude.

"I support Master Duan this time!"

"Not everyone in that position can ignore the conspiracy and intrigue."

"This Fang Yuan is a ruthless man!"

Long Ma also came over to join in the fun.

At the end, he snorted provocatively at Hei Huang.

"I suddenly thought of an interesting thing"

"You say"

"We commented on Fang Yuan's seemingly casual remark."

"Even wanted to quarrel"

"Does this count as recognition of Fang Yuan?"

"If Fang Yuan knew, what would he say?"

At this moment,

Ye Tiandi suddenly said with a smile

"With his character..."

The Saint Prince's eyes lit up.

He imitated Fang Yuan's expression in the light curtain and stood up.

"Most likely they will just laugh it off."

"Then come the previous sentence"

"It's just a little bit of wind and frost!".......

Tomb of the Gods World

"Sorry, Dream Fairy"

"I lost my composure before I went down"

"Chen Nan, who was in the state of"heart demon", was finally"pacified" by Pi Zilong and Meng Ke'er.

At this time, Chen Nan, who was pulling the injured corner of his mouth and complaining in his heart, had to force a smile and thank Meng Ke'er.

Naturally, he was speechless.

"It's okay, it's just a little bit of wind and frost!"

However, before Meng Ke'er could speak, the flying dragon suddenly landed. He put his hands behind his back and tried to pretend to be indifferent. He raised the corners of his mouth and smiled contemptuously. With just one sentence, the serious Meng Ke'er couldn't help but laugh out loud.

""A little bit of frost! A little bit of frost!"

The baby dragon followed the rogue dragon's movements and shouted together.

"You xxx..."

"Could you please stop pretending like that?"

"Fang Yuan looks calm and relaxed, as peaceful as a lake."

"But you said this"

"I just feel like you are insulting others."

Chen Nan held his forehead helplessly.

He tried to stop Pi Zilong's crazy behavior.

"Are you slandering me?"

"It doesn't matter, it's just a little bit of wind and frost."

What Chen Nan didn't expect was that the ruffian dragon was still in that posture, just giving him a contemptuous look.

""Fuck you!"

At this moment,

Chen Nan clenched his fists tightly.

He tried his best to suppress his anger and not punch the rogue dragon.......

Gu World

"This evil villain was indeed not a good person back then!"

"You have transformed from a chess piece into a chess player on the chessboard. You must be very proud of yourself, Demon Lord Liantian!"


"Immediately publicize the unscrupulous means this evil villain used in the past!"

"Let everyone know"

"The so-called Heaven and Earth One Family Love Alliance is nothing but a disguise of that devil!"

"Don't believe it!"

In the heaven, Xingxiu's will appeared.

He gritted his teeth and looked at the scene in the sky.

He couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Speaking of doing evil,

Gu Masters never regard ordinary people as human beings, and humans look down on aliens.

From this perspective,

Fang Yuan's way of using any means to improve himself will not only not cause disgust, but will make many people"resonate"! Some people even regard Fang Yuan as an idol!

Especially this sentence"It's just a little bit of wind and frost".

Even Xingxiu had to admit that it was really"charming".

Too bewitching!

In order to prevent himself from seeing more and more unscrupulous Gu Immortals when facing Fang Yuan again, Xingxiu could only try his best to publicize the evil that Fang Yuan had done even if he knew that this move was just a drop in the bucket! At least, let those who are truly kind-hearted see Fang Yuan's true face!

"Lord Immortal!"

"Oh no!"

"The Gu Immortal of the Great Love Alliance of Heaven and Earth, following the order of the Great Love... Demon Lord Lian Tian"

"Publicize the story of Lian Tian Mo Zun appearing on the Golden Sentences video"

"Calling on all Gu Immortals to learn the spirit of the Heavenly Demon Lord!"

At this time, another Gu Immortal hurried over.

The news he told made Xingxiu laugh in anger.

"Fang Yuan, the devil"

"You really dare to say that!"


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