DC World

"Together we will serve God……"

Batman's eyes became brighter as he said this.

He had always been fighting alone, facing those dangerous criminals in Gotham alone.

Although he had the help of Gordon and others, their abilities were becoming increasingly limited in the face of more and more vicious criminals.

"It seems I have to form a team."

Just as Batman was thinking, Alfred's voice rang out.

"Master, you not only need to find those people, you also need to train the next generation"

"Excuse me, your body is already seriously damaged. If you don't find a successor, the name of Batman will soon disappear."

Listening to the words of the butler Alfred, Batman was silent.

Yes, this body is already full of holes.

If there is any accident again, Gotham City will be without Batman.

Thinking of this, Batman swallowed his saliva

"I understand Alfred, I will look for an apprentice in the meantime"

"I will teach him carefully, and hope he can continue to protect Gotham City in my place!"


Fruity Robo World

"If we unite, we will be God?" Lu Xiaoguo sniffed.

"You are right, as long as we unite together we can form a powerful god of war!" Cheng Liuxiang drew out his sword and said as he played with it.

"By then, no matter what the Dongfang Qiubai or the fruit processing factory is, as long as we unite together, we can destroy them all!"

"That's right!"

Pineapple Blowing Snow also took over the conversation,"As long as we unite, we can bring peace to the fruit world!"


Beast World

"Pioneer, look at how well it is said on the screen."

In the City of Time, Luo Luo earnestly persuaded the motorcycle man in front of him

"As long as you and Thunderbolt unite together, you can release combo skills, Flowing Shadow Lightning Flash"

"By then,"Zero, Zero, One, Seven, One, Seven" will be able to defeat the Tiger King in one fell swoop and restore peace to the City of Time."

Hearing Lolo's words, the Vanguard seemed hesitant.

He had been frightened by the Tiger King and his fighting spirit was gone.

But now looking at the screen, the level was facing a crisis like SCP001, and the Foundation did not choose to give up. What about him, the Vanguard?

Was he going to give up just because of the Tiger King?

In an instant, an unprecedented feeling suddenly emerged in the Vanguard's heart.

It was an extreme impulse!

""Alas," seeing the Vanguard sitting there in a daze, Luo Luo sighed helplessly and made a gesture to leave.

"Wait a minute!"

The vanguard stood up in a flash.

"Luoluo, are you sure that if Thunderbolt and I unite, we can defeat Tiger King?"

Luoluo nodded rapidly. The Vanguard took a deep breath,"Okay! Then I'll believe you this time!"


Happy Gray World

"You are right, as long as we unite together, we can defeat Big Gray Wolf!"Lazy Sheep raised his cane and said

"The village chief is right. As long as we sheep are united, Big Gray Wolf wants to eat sheep? Dream on!"

Pleasant Goat also echoed


The world of strangers.

Zhao Fangxu, the CEO of Nadutong Company, looked at the temporary workers in the conference room and sighed slightly.

"I know that you are all unruly people, and each of you has special skills."

"There are all kinds of quirks and incredible abilities"

"But these cannot help you complete the task."

Zhao Fangxu glanced at all the temporary workers and said earnestly

"The company brings you together here, on the one hand, to deal with possible accidents, and on the other hand, to hone you, and it is best for you to become a team."

"When the world is in real danger, you will be the company's last line of defense."

Listening to Zhao Fangxu's heartfelt words, the temporary workers couldn't help but be moved.

They all thought that temporary workers were just scapegoats for the company, but they didn't expect Zhao Fangxu to have such a heartfelt remark.

Zhang Chulan looked at the temporary workers and shook his head slightly.

It is absolutely impossible for these people to unite because of one sentence.

However, if they stand together, they are indeed a force that cannot be ignored.

Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao, and suddenly an idea popped up in his mind.

If Sister Baoer stood with these people, perhaps one day in the future, Sister Baoer would be protected.

"But how can we unite these temporary workers?"


Three-body World

"Professor Wang."

Chang Weisi fixed his eyes on Wang Miao.

"The Trisolarans are certainly much stronger than us humans on Earth, but we also have our advantages."

"And there is still a lot of time. I believe that as long as we humans unite together, we will definitely find a way to deal with it."

Wang Miao's eyes suddenly moistened.

"Yes, General Chang."

"I believe it, I totally believe it"

"United we will serve God"



【Popular Science, The Flesh of Hate, Yaldabaoth】


Pig World

"Adam Pers, isn't that the god who fought against the Broken God?"

Mr. Mihu adjusted his glasses and said in a deep voice:"If the Broken God is so powerful, then this Adam Pers must not be weak."


Holy Lord World

"Meat, what kind of meat? Is it time for dinner?"Lasu opened his eyes dazedly.

""Ah? Is it time for dinner?" Ah Fen stood up slowly and yawned.

Zhou also looked like he had just woken up.

Walon, who was standing aside, had a few black lines on his forehead.

How could these three of his men be so useless!

"You guys, either eat or sleep!"

"The spell won't go away���, now I don’t even watch the screen!"

"Cheer up, asshole!"


Super Beast Armed World

"Ah Fei, is this god related to meat?"Miao Tiaojun couldn't help but feel a little scared.

He had just had a barbecue at noon, and now his stomach was full of meat.

Now that he knew this god was related to meat, he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Hearing Miao Tiaojun's words, Huo Linfei nodded,"I guess it should be relative to the Broken God. One is mechanical and the other is physical."

"Don't worry, little fat boy, he doesn't care about the meat in your belly."

At the same time, in the coffin of Xuanming,

Hades looked at the screen with his eyes slightly narrowed.

"An existence that is on par with the Broken God?"

"What are his abilities?"


【Popular Science, Yadaba】

【Yaldabaoth, also known as the God of Flesh and Blood, the Old God, the Devourer, the God Eater, Nuwa, the Demiurge, the Dragon in the Brass Cage, Samael Sacras】

【The God of Flesh and Blood, as the name suggests, is the supreme creator of flesh and blood and chaos, and is hostile to the Broken God, who represents machinery and order.】

【It is said to have originated from the lightless void far beyond the multiverse, feeding on gods and stars and spitting out life.】

【Life is a natural byproduct of the God Eater's existence, blindly guided by intelligence, and its spread is almost the same as embryonic seed.】

【However, the God of Flesh and Blood is also a blind and foolish being, and is driven only by instinct. He is accompanied by six alien entity leaders.】

【Yaldabaoth is the supreme creator of flesh and chaos, hostile to the Broken God, who represents machinery and order.】

【It originates from the lightless void far beyond the multiverse, feeding on gods and stars and spitting out life.】

【Its violence and distortion are beyond human comprehension, spanning the universe and all realities plus every iteration】

【Omnipresent in time and space throughout the multiverse, and capable of destroying all dimensions and cosmic realities within it】

【Vampires, werewolves, zombies and all other flesh and blood life originated from him.】


X-Men World

"Logan, the life of werewolves actually originated from Yaldabaoth? Doesn't that mean Yaldabaoth is your father?" Jean asked curiously.


"Jean, you know, Wolverine is just my nickname, I'm not a werewolf."Logan said seriously.


Jean patted Logan's shoulder and laughed.

"I'm kidding, Logan. Don't be so serious."


Super Beast Armed World

"All flesh and blood life originated from him? Doesn't that mean that even I originated from him?"

Pluto was a little bit unbelievable.

Watching a short video, can you find your ancestor?

Is this a pleasant surprise, or an unexpected recognition of your ancestor?

"Since he is the ancestor of all weakened beings, why does he still want to oppose the Broken God?"

Just now in the introduction of the Broken God, it was clearly stated that the Broken God fought with Yaldabaoth in order to protect all living beings.

In other words, Yaldabaoth actually wanted to destroy all living beings.

But Yaldabaoth is actually the ancestor of all living beings, so why does he still want to destroy all living beings?


American comic world.

Seeing this, Dr. Banner's eyes widened.

"Wait! In other words, Yaldabaoth is actually the ancestor of our human race?!"

Just now everyone thought that the Broken God was a good god, and he died together with Yaldabaoth in order to protect all living beings.

But now you tell me that Yaldabaoth is actually the ancestor of our human race?!

After all this fuss, the Broken God is actually our enemy?

"Dr. Banner, maybe things are not as simple as you think."

Tony stroked his chin and said in a deep voice:"Yaldabaoth is indeed the ancestor of flesh and blood, but he may also be the enemy of us humans."

"After all, the video title says"Flesh of Hate""

"Maybe Yaldabaoth's goal is to devour us humans."

When these words came out, everyone took a deep breath.

The crisis of the Broken God has not been resolved yet, and now Yaldabaoth has come.

The human world is full of disasters!


【Six commanders were assigned to carry out his missions. Their names were: Zhurong, Gonggong, Taotie, Taowu, Qiongqi, and Hun Dun.】

【In Sarkic belief, Yaldabaoth is the guiding force of the universe, the Devourer of Gods, and the source of all life.】

【However, this god is blind and exists only on instinct.】

【Unlike Mekhanites, the original Sarkicists do not believe in this god, and see themselves as living parasites on this god's wounds..........】

【Although they use its power, they do not believe in or respect it, and even think it is corrupt..........】

【The original Sarkic sect believed in the founder of Sarkicism: Grand Karcist Ion, and believed that they could also become gods like Grand Karcist Ion.】

【In the Snake Story, Pangu split the original universe and created the place where the gods fought. Among them, Mekhane and Yaldabaoth created humans together, but later they fought in the abyss for a thousand years, which led to the destruction of Fuxi.】

【Now, He has been imprisoned in the silver net, but the world tree of the multiverse is still threatened by it. If the power of the Dragon Mother is finally released, the situation will be overturned and fall to the flesh and blood. Everything that the followers of Mecha have achieved so far will be lost in an instant. All reality will be completely distorted in front of Yaldabaoth and degenerate into a hell of carnal desires.】

【A plain of fire and bones, a sea of horror and corpses, a feast of mud, excrement, and corpses, a universe born of stillbirths in the abyss, the coming of the Archon will create a festering void, and the shadows among the stars will devour the last night like a cancer.】


The Three-Body World.

Everyone gasped as they watched the hellish scene of mountains of corpses and seas of blood on the screen.

"Oh my god, what is that? Isn't he the ancestor of us humans? Why did he do this?"

"Hum, what ancestors? Yaldabaoth is an evil god. He will never treat us humans as his sons."

"Horrible, it's really horrible.���Need to stop it"


Fruity Robo World

"It's really scary! Compared to him, the Broken God is too good!" Pineapple Blowing Snow said with emotion

"Oh, that blood and flesh, so disgusting!" Li Huashi felt her stomach churning.

"Yes, it seems that this Arabos is an evil god."Cheng Liuxiang said seriously.

Lu Xiaoguo beside him breathed a sigh of relief,"Fortunately, we are not flesh and blood, we are fruits."

"Even if they are separated, it is just the peel and the juice."

Hearing this, the abbot gave a thumbs up.

"What a great idea, isn't this genius?!"


Doraemon World

""Wow, Doraemon is so scary, why don't you turn us all into robots?" Suneo hugged Doraemon's thigh and said

"Doraemon, as long as we become robots, that god won't absorb us."Nobita did the same thing and hugged Doraemon's other leg. Doraemon held his forehead with one hand and sighed helplessly.

"Don't be afraid, Yaldabaoth is not coming"

"Even if you come, as long as I have my props, I can transform you into robots in an instant."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.


Doraemon changed the subject,"If you become robots, you might be absorbed by the Broken God."

Hearing this, everyone opened their mouths wide.

Suddenly they didn't know what to do.

When they had a physical body, they would be absorbed by Yaldabaoth, and when they became robots, they would be absorbed by the Broken God again.

It was a dilemma!


【Check out the five supreme divinities of the Foundation! 2.3】

【Fourth place! 2.3】



American comic world

"A stag? A deer? Tony said incredulously.

"No way, a deer can be the supreme god?" Thor laughed dumbly.

"I wonder what abilities this deer has. Is it stronger than the Broken God and Yaldabaoth?"Captain America raised his eyebrows.

Although no one said it, they all thought that it was a bit too far-fetched that a deer could be the Supreme God.

The two Supreme Gods before were both so high-ranking. One was in charge of the machinery and electronics between the universe, and the other was the ancestor of all flesh and blood.

Now a deer appeared and was said to be the Supreme God?!

This made everyone feel it was a fantasy.

At the same time, the center of the universe


"I am dying of laughter, how can a deer be the supreme deity?!"

"This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

The Life Tribunal shook his head.

He really couldn't figure out what kind of ability a deer had to be rated as the Supreme God.


Holy Lord World

"What a joke, a deer can be the supreme god?!"

The Holy Lord's tone was full of disdain.

He, the Holy Lord, is a dragon, the most precious animal in the world.

He, the Holy Lord, is not the supreme god, how can a deer be the supreme god?

Stop joking!


Tang San World

"A deer? He really���"It's a good match!"

Tang San picked his nose without grace, his eyes full of disdain

"I have come this far and killed countless deer for meat."

"Even if he is some magical deer, I don’t think he is the supreme deity!"


The sheep are curiously looking at the screen.

There are also deer on the green grassland. So they are curious, what is the difference between this supreme divine stag and ordinary deer?.

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