Way of the Devil

Chapter 800: Relic II

Coming back from Qingzong, Lu Sheng had a mind-thinking into the research transfer method.

He used to have magical spells like activation in the Austrian-French world, and he also activated a portal and let him catch the strong ones he needed.

So for the transmission matrix, Lu Sheng’s understanding of it is almost thorough.

After a few days of hard work, Lu Sheng finally worked with Banshang to arrange a special transmission array that would maximize the stability of the world.

Then use this transmission matrix as the core template, large-scale re-engraving, and then distribute the re-encoded transmission array to a large number of major cities in the instant.

After doing all this, Lu Sheng re-opened the advent of the Faction and drilled into it.

Of course, this time, he is not going to the small world, but to another place.

In a dark, fuzzy space.

Lu Sheng flew out of nowhere and shot towards the depths of the space.

The red mist drifted slowly, I don’t know how long it flew, and suddenly the fog in front of it slowly emerged as a huge battle fort.

The whole battlehouse was broken, and the entire gyro-shaped body was full of tears and peeling, and some places even lost a large piece.

After Lu Sheng saw the battle, he speeded up and quickly flew down to the entrance at the side and slowly walked into it.

Walking along the entrance, and by the glimmer of the jewels, Lu Sheng quickly arrived at the Battle Hall in the middle of the War Fort, where all the servants who followed him from the Austrian law world were preserved.

To know that this Shadow Wars Fortress accommodates a large number of gods who follow Lu Sheng, the colorful dragons, and the top three triads, and the evil spirits who swear allegiance to Lu Sheng.

Any one of them will come out and be absolutely strong.

Such a force, if it really can come to all walks of life, is definitely a great help to Lu Sheng.

Checking the life status of many servants in the West, Lu Sheng did not find any anomalies. In this space, time has stopped flowing. The time axis here is completely independent, or there is no concept of time.

So all the creatures in the battle castle are completely in a state of stagnation.

Only when you are completely self-contained, you can move in and out freely.

"If it doesn't work, it can also be used as a temporary space to temporarily pull in the people on the instant star."

Lu Sheng’s action began to arrange the transmission array here, but the transmission matrix here can only be driven by the power of his body.

Any energy spar is in a state of stagnation here, and there is absolutely no way to use it.

The only thing that can flow is the energy of the road.

Arranged for the formation, Lu Sheng began to simply repair the entire battle.

When the time is at rest, no matter how long he spends, after going out, it is the moment when he comes in.

So he can arrange more here here.

The repair of the War Fortress took a road victory of more than ten days. He used the smoldering to directly smelt the entire battle castle completely, plugging all the gaps in the surface, and then using some of the warships themselves. A highly compatible material that covers the upper layer after melting.

This way the entire battlefield will soon be completely renewed.

After handling all of this, Lu Sheng was determined to start looking at the space.

When the grass rushed in, I didn’t have time to look at it, and I rushed back to the demon world.

Now that we want to use this as a real home base, we must thoroughly understand the life and threat of this space.

Lu Sheng left the battle fort and flew out in a direction.

hiss! !

The low yellow gas broke through the air and continued to stir in this quiet space.

Lu Sheng was wrapped in a dark yellow halo, flying at full speed in one direction of space.

The War Fortress grew from small to small and smaller and smaller, until the outline was completely invisible.

Lu Sheng's eyes glanced at the surrounding state, and the divine spirit spreads to the maximum extent, scanning all the surrounding conditions.

His current spiritual power, if fully divergent, can spread over a range of tens of millions of cubic meters.

If you just cover the plane, he can cover a planet as big as it is, but to detect the stereo direction, all the places up and down, left and right, can not leak, this difficulty is too great.

Tens of millions of cubic meters, it sounds great, but in fact, it is the diameter range of more than two hundred meters of horizontal and vertical.

In this ball of more than 200 meters in diameter, Lu Sheng can even be accurate to the quark level, monitoring all possible problems.

But bigger will not work. Larger, although the surface layer can be roughly detected, the accuracy of this layer is not achieved.

Lu Sheng doesn't need such a wide range of tests. What he needs now is to thoroughly understand what the state of the space is all about. Roughly detected, he detected it and found only some dust and water. Nothing else.

All the way to fly, the front still can not see the end.

Lu Sheng recalled the situation here when he first came in. There is some suspicion in my heart.

But at this time, the flight detection, he really confirmed this.

"This space is expanding." Finally, he slowly stopped. In front of a red mist, he reached out and touched it gently.

Behind the red mist is a layer of ice-cold smooth film like glass.

Lu Sheng used a little force, the film was not moving, extremely hard.

He looked around, on the right side of the diagonal, with a deep red mist, and there was something vaguely inside the fog.

Lu Sheng’s heart moved, speeding up and approaching, close to the red fog.

Hey, he rushed directly into the red mist and covered his body.

The red mist that tumbling constantly rushed beside the road, and it was very thick at first, then quickly faded and faded.

Hey! !

Suddenly, the surrounding fog suddenly dissipated, and the road was suddenly open and clear, as if it rushed into another space.

The top of the head is a gray sky, no clouds, no sun, only a dark gray.

At the foot is a vast black and gray city.

The city is very weird. Looking down from the sky, it is like a pile of garbage piled up together.

In many places, a sharp spike and sharp corners protrude from the slant, and all the buildings are made of metal and black boulders.

A few subtle corners can see the ancient traces of the long years.

Lu Sheng took a deep breath, there is actually air here, but the ingredients inside are a kind of cold substance that is very poisonous to ordinary people.

"A dead world? Perhaps the legacy of this space."

If I didn't guess wrong, this space should be a new time and space that was born again after the destruction of the universe.

This film may be the product of civilization left in the last era. ”

Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and looked at the yellow gas. It quickly condensed into a yellow crystal ball in midair, suspended in midair and began to release the orange glow.

He then swooped down and flew to the huge black city on the ground.


A stream of air as he dive, slowly landed to wash away the black dust on the ground.

Lu Sheng slowly stood in the middle of a courtyard, with a round arched tall stone door on the left and an open-air passage leading to the dark and deep building inside.

He walked over to the front door and reached out and pushed it gently.


The stone gate was slowly pushed open.

A cold air flow slowly dispersed as the door opened.

Behind the door is an empty auditorium with a large number of carved and monster statues on the wall.

The auditorium is facing the direction of the gate, a spacious staircase that extends upwards.

There is no illumination around, only the sky-filled ceiling projects a few gray columns.

Lu Sheng noticed that there seemed to be something flickering on the right side of the ladder. What seems to be a grayish halo.

He blinked and slowly approached forward.

Hey! !

Suddenly a black sickle fell from the top of the head.

Lu Sheng raised his hand violently.

clang! !

The arm and the sickle collided together, and the powder of black dust was blasted off and scattered everywhere.

The black sickle disappeared again.

Lu Sheng had a back pull and quickly avoided another giant sickle that fell from the left side.

After the sickle fell into the air, it broke into the ground, but it was like an illusion. It did not touch the entity at all, and disappeared from the air.

"Looking for death!" Lu Sheng reached out and grabbed it. The arm swells a lot of gas, forming giant claws outside its skin, grabbing it around the cockroach.

Hey! ! !

Four consecutive sounds were heard, and four black smokes were blasted out of the air. The white light not far away also disappeared automatically.

Everything is back to calm again.

"There is no trace of my soul even." Lu Sheng squinted around and accelerated his steps toward the ladder.

All the way down the stairs to the second floor.

A huge silver-white cross stands quietly across the stairs.

The cross is full of blood, the edges are worn with old traces, and some things like sacrifices are placed on the ground.

Lu Sheng looked at the cross and looked to the left and right.

There are dark square cloisters on both sides, and there are densely closed doors on both sides of the cloister. It seems that there are many rooms.

One of the room doors has a paper-like sheet attached to it.

Lu Sheng slowly walked over and walked closer. He saw the room with the paper hanging. The door was hidden, revealing a gap and seeing it inside.

In the room in the crevice, the curtain was standing with a woman in a white dress and a long blond hair. She was facing away from him and looked at the window.

Lu Sheng looked at the woman's back and reached for the paper to pull it down.

I wrote a line of words with a slender handwriting above, but the language used in the language is not readable.

Put away the paper, Lu Sheng looked up again, but saw the woman at the curtain was gone.

He frowned, took the paper out again, and carefully looked at the material on the top.

"It seems to be some sort of cortex."

Suddenly, Lu Sheng took the heart and took the paper, gently poked a hole in the center, and then looked at the room from the small hole in the middle.

Sure enough, looking out from the small hole, the woman in the room still stood in the window, the wind blowing in from the window, constantly raising her skirt.

What is seen through the paper is different?

If Lu Sheng had some enlightenment, he paused and began to hold the paper and slowly viewed it in other directions.

Looking into the depths of the corridor, he saw a little girl in a black skirt, standing quietly at the end of the cloister and looking at himself.

The little girl had long hair with a shawl, her eyes were dark, her skin was pale, and she looked far away. A little bit of light transmitted from the room on both sides illumined her, but it added a bit of death.

Lu Sheng put down the paper, and there was nothing in the corridor.

Picking up the paper again, the little girl in the cloister didn't know when he had reached the position where he had only three doors. He is very close and very close.

Putting down the paper again, you can't see anything in front of you, and the soul can't sense anything.

Silenced, Lu Sheng picked up the paper again and looked out from the hole.

The little girl has stood in front of herself and slowly looked up at herself. The cracked skin is close enough to make anyone feel guilty.

Lu Sheng suddenly moved slightly, holding the paper to look at the room, the door of the room did not know when it was pulled open, the white skirt woman is also standing in the doorway, the gray-black eyes quietly looked at himself.

Suddenly, a slight smile appeared on the woman's face.

what! ! !

In a sharp horror scream, Lu Sheng passed through the hole and saw that the woman and the little girl swooped at him at about the same time.

ten minutes later.

Lu Sheng dragged a rope in one hand, and behind the rope was a large and a small two stunned white girl.

The two were covered in blood, their eyes closed, and there was still a look of extreme fear on their faces, as if they had seen some kind of terrible sight before the coma. There are traces of battered fractures around the waist and limbs.

"It should be here." Lu Sheng looked at the symbols on the paper. According to the clue he just got, the writing on the top is actually a kind of symbol. If you find the room corresponding to the symbol, you can get a certain degree about it. clue.

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