Way of the Devil

Chapter 88: Actual combat two

"Jumping space??!" Lu Sheng eyelid jump, knowing that this is too powerful, resulting in a tearing space to produce a jump killing effect.

He quickly contracted his body and then slammed out.

boom! ! !

Numerous smolderings blasted in all directions with him as the center, and the surrounding space suddenly became unstable.

The nine-knife marks that had just disappeared were also disturbed, appearing at a distance of kilometers from the road.

The kilometer is the finger of the strong.

Lu Sheng didn't even have time to dodge, and he was hit by the first knife.

Hey! !

The white gold blade seemed to pass through the invisible body and directly fell into the body of the road, but did not leave any wounds.

However, at this time, Lu Sheng was completely stiff with the whole body and could not move.

Followed by the second, third, fourth

Until the ninth.

All nine knives broke into the body of the road.

He is stiff and still.

After a few seconds.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng’s entire body exploded from the inside and turned into countless golden flames flying in all directions.

Everything about him, his body, together with the soul of God, everything is completely destroyed by this destruction.

It took a few minutes.

The numerous golden flames in space quickly converge into a group, and the sea of ​​fire converges, condensing the body before Zhongyun.

This is a middle-aged scholar who looks very elegant. He is dressed in a white robe with a golden pattern on his face. It was only at this time that his face was ugly.

Cough and cough

He covered his mouth and a trace of golden blood oozes from his fingers.

"Hehe District, the younger generation actually dare to swear, I look at my price, it is fallen!" He looked at the dissipated road to win the body, could not help but whispered.

Unexpectedly, even if it is a genius, this trick is aimed at the horror of the soul, but also death.

"Red Moon Royal, have you seen it? This is the so-called genius under the field. A little guy with no knowledge, actually thought that the district has been practicing for hundreds of years, dare to compare with us? It is ridiculous!"

Red Moon Royal looked at him with no expression, and said nothing. Only a sorrow flashed in my eyes.

"What are you looking at? Why? Why do you want to look at me like this!?" Zhong Yun stepped back two steps, and left and right, and Lu Sheng’s body was completely burned, and there was no dust left.

Since there are no opponents, what is she looking at? What does that kind of eyesight look like? ?

He suddenly felt itchy on his face and couldn't help but reach out and touch it.

But what I touched on my hand was a squirming thing that was slippery and greasy.

He was shocked, and he pulled a handful of such things down and fixed his eyes.

Spread out in the palm of your hand, it is actually a purple tentacle. Even in his hand, these things squirmed like living things, and the mouth on the tentacles with the teeth like a saw, still biting the skin of his hand.

Zhong Yun's face twisted and he reached out to touch his eyes and nostrils. These two locations are constantly drilling out a large number of purple tentacles.


"Now do you still think that you really won?" Red Moon King repelled a few steps back, and a fan fan was covering his mouth and nose.

"I have already killed him." Zhong Yun said a word while growing a lot of tentacles.

Numerous viscous slippery greasy purple tentacles fell and slowly squirmed behind him, quickly condensing a fleshy human figure.

The unclear faces of the human figure gradually emerged as the outline of the road.

"Incorporate with me," a whisper of whisper came from behind Zhong Yun.

He was in a stiff state, and his body was filled with a lot of white gold flares because of the intense emotional fluctuations.

However, these fires are easily smothered by the tentacles, and they are extinguished in a blink of an eye.

"I" Zhong Yun still wants to say something, but it is too late.

There was a big purple whisker in his mouth. Countless tentacles begin to emerge from his eyes, nostrils, and ears, covering every part of his body.

In a twinkling of an eye, his whole person turned into a complete purple tentacle.

The Red Moon Lord looked far away. Just looking at this scene, I felt extremely disgusting. Although the genius of the wind is only a stalwart of the marginal sect, there is no real strong card.

But after all, it is also a veteran.

I did not expect to die in my own nest.

"Because the consumption is too large, has it been drilled? This kind of power is really "a sense of smoked and frowned, some taboos."

"And even the gods are annihilated and not dying, you will be hurt."

She stared at the purple tentacles in the distance, witnessing the other side gradually returning to normal color, and all the tentacles gradually fell into the skin and disappeared.

Soon, a familiar strong man appeared in front of her, and she was just a road winner with her.

"It’s really dangerous and almost died." Lu Sheng licked his lips, revealing a strange smile.

The taboo of the sensational smoke is also seen by him, but this does not prevent Lu Sheng from truly determining his current position of actual combat power.

"It seems that I really can't beat Zhong Yun, but although I can't beat him, but I fight, I still die."

These old-fashioned tangs are indeed extremely powerful. But they have no way to deal with the evil power of the evil gods.

Their power is ineffective in the power of evil spirits, just as he first arrived in the world of evil spirits, and his earth's atmosphere could not be done even by connecting evil spirits.

From the beginning, he quietly used the Thousand Gods and the Devil of the Wind to plant his tentacles into the air around Zhongyun.

When he was exhausted, the ultra-miniature tentacles would sneak into the body and sneak into the body.

As for his own safety.

As a sacred demon, there is also a divine power and a thousand gods are not dead. Even if the soul is destroyed, he can easily regenerate again.

However, at his current level, it is no longer completely undead. As long as someone can kill him seventy-two thousand times in an hour, he can completely break the undead recovery system of the gods and evil spirits.

Therefore, Lu Sheng felt that he should still be more cautious. Like today, he finally stopped being killed by Zhong Yunda and instantly died once. It should not be at all.

If Zhong Yun seizes the opportunity, takes the opportunity to kill him and kills him hundreds of times in one breath, then he is really dangerous.

After all, he will be able to resurrect a total of 720,000 times.

For the strength of these old monsters, Lu Sheng will never be underestimated.

The mind is thinking so much, he also really pays attention to these three old brands of the powerful.

"It seems that there are still two games that are hard."

"Now, what are you going to do?" The Red Moon Lord was slightly closer, and asked in a voice.

"Although I died once, but I swallowed the body of Zhong Yun, I barely made up for it." Lu Sheng looked at the two remaining broken planets.

The rest were all killed when he and Zhong Yun fought.

The remaining two are relatively complete, that is, there is a huge pothole on the surface. It looks like a bitten potato.

"There are at least tens of billions of intelligent creatures on the top, how about? Is it better to sell it to my Red Moon?"

"In exchange, the proposal that you said you want to sleep with me, now," Lu Sheng proposed.

"Before I was talking about playing, in fact, my real thoughts are still for you. After all, one more powerful person on the side can increase your safety factor, isn't it? So they will not be besieged two." Red Moon Royal’s mouth was pumping, and he quickly interrupted him.

Lu Sheng took a breath and looked at her.

"Okay," he just smothered, feeling that his strength is still worse than these old-fashioned singularities. He also intended to play with the sensational smoke to see if the water can increase his own cultivation.

However, it seems that there is no way to achieve it now.

"The two planets, I am asking for two ordinary source crystal mines, how?"

"Yes." Lu Sheng didn't know how the value was, but if he got back from the pit, he would kill him if he couldn't beat it anyway. When you sell it again, someone is willing to pay a good price.

After experimenting with the effect of evil spirits, he is simply a big killer nemesis for these evil spirits that have not seen the evil spirits.

Before they could find a way to attack evil spirits, he was not afraid of any illusory.

"Let's go, go to the next place." Lu Sheng turned and walked to the distant concealed spaceship.

Under the guardianship of the power of the Red Moon, the flying ship was still safe and sound, and even the block was not lost.

The sensation sighed and flew to the spaceship behind him.

Originally, there was a slight trade-off in her heart, and it was completely pressed at this time.

Originally, she and Zi Yue agreed that to see who wins this time, if the road wins, they will help the three to suppress the road victory.

If Lu Sheng wins, then realize the promise and help him to fight.

I just didn't expect that it would be the result in the end. I originally thought that Zhong Yun would be invincible, and it would be no problem to withdraw the whole body.


Tens of thousands of years of hard work were destroyed.


Zhengkang smoked and looked at Lu Sheng’s back, recalling the sinister scene of evil and strangeness, and her heart was also slightly worried.

She has not seen a similar situational technique, but it is impossible for those techniques to have an effect on a meditation.

But now the situation is that Zhongyuntangtang, an old-fashioned singer, clearly won the game, but he was only a careless person, and he died in the dark.

"This battle I won is upright, the next battle, naturally they have to lose their convictions." Lu Sheng took the hand and stood in the distance, looking at the distance, from the fact that there is a master class,

"So I feel that my brother, trouble to help me fight against the Qing dynasty patriarch Yuan Qingyi.

After three days, I will kiss the main star of the Qing Dynasty and settle down! If she is still unwilling to surrender the murderer, then let's talk about life and death. ”

The positive smoked noodles pumped out, forced to hold back the desire of the spit, or nodded.

"Well, I will help you pass the letter."

The two finally looked at the distance and fell into a dark solar system. They turned into the spaceship and flew towards the distance, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

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