After hearing Xi Yu's explanation, Xi Zhi was a little stunned.

The thing in front of me looks like a bow, but the parts and other things on it are somewhat complicated.

The Han plow was straight and long, but the thing in front of me seemed somewhat short and curved.

He felt that his younger brother seemed to have some uncanny skills.

Noticing the strange look in Xi Zhicai's eyes, Xi Yu did not continue to explain.

The curved shaft plow he made is just a prototype at the moment, and a plow has not yet been added.

Just add a plow to this thing and try it, and you will know its usefulness.

Xi Zhi took a second look and realized that since his parents passed away, he couldn't control his younger brother at all.

Now he was watching the other party fiddle with it, but he didn't care.

The wine in the stove is almost warm.

Xi Zhicai carefully took out the wine from the stove, then held the wine pot with tongs and slowly poured a glass into the wine cup.

Heat rises.

Smelling the aroma of the wine, Xi Zhicai's eyes narrowed.

Since entering Cao Ying, he has not had a drink for a long time except by his lord's side.

At the moment, taking advantage of the winter, my brother is not blocking him from drinking.

What a pleasure.

Seeing Xi Zhicai's satisfied look, Xi Yu just smiled.

Xi Zhicai is a good drinker. This guy and Guo Jia are both the same.

The two of them were addicted to alcohol, and if it weren't for his presence, the other would probably be holding a wine bottle all day long.

However, it is winter now.

Xi Zhicai's body is no longer as weak as it was in history, and he is more relaxed about drinking.

The snow outside the hall is still falling.

While the two brothers were busy working on their own, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the house.

The two actor brothers lived by themselves. Except for an old servant, there was no one else in the house.

The two brothers didn't want any maids or anything like that.

Xi Yu doesn't like it, but Xi Zhicai doesn't care.

This guy took advantage of Xi Yu not paying attention and ran somewhere secretly.

Changyi County's brothel drama Zhicai is already familiar with this guy.

When there was a knock on the door, the actor's old servant hurriedly opened the door.

When the brothers heard someone visiting, they put down their things at the same time and started walking out of the lobby.

At this time, the old servant had already led the person who knocked on the door into the yard.

"Zhicai, Fengyi, didn't I disturb you?"

It was Cao Cao who came, followed by Xun Yu and Cao Hong.

Xi Yu was not surprised that Cao Cao came, but he was a little surprised that Cao Hong also came.

Although the previous events have been revealed, there has been little communication between the two in the past six months.

Even if they met during the discussion, they just nodded to each other!

Now that Cao Cao is leading the other party, it is quite surprising.

"What's the trouble? I just didn't expect the lord to come at this time!"

Xi Zhicai took the initiative to lead Cao Cao and others into the back hall.

"My lord, I came here this time to discuss something?"

After entering the back hall, Xi Zhi asked subconsciously.

Hearing this, Cao Cao waved his hand: "It's winter, there are so many things!"

"Isn't it getting cold? A cow froze to death in Lian's camp two days ago. I thought Fengyi likes beef, so I asked Zi Lian to bring the cow over!"

After Yanzhou was pacified, most of the generals of the Cao family led troops to guard various places in Yanzhou. In Changyi County, only the drama brothers and Xun Yu are now there.

It's normal for Cao Cao to come over.

However, the idea of ​​freezing a cow to death sounds a bit unbelievable.

Xi Zhicai on the side stared, while Xun Yu drooped his eyebrows with an expression on his face.

Cao Hong's face was dark and expressionless. As soon as Cao Cao spoke, the guy turned his head and went out to have the cow brought in.

In addition to a cow, there was also some miscellaneous food.

"Zhicai, you are not kind. Why are you hiding at home drinking alone without calling me!"

Looking into the back hall and looking at the wine pot still on the stove, Cao Cao couldn't help but make a joke.

Hearing this, Xi Zhi grinned.

"My lord, you also know that I am a good drinker. For a few days, Fengyi finally allowed me to drink."

"This is just this amount of wine. If I call my lord, I won't have to drink it!"

Xi Zhicai smiled carelessly.

Cao Cao turned to look at Xi Yu and smacked his lips: "Fengyi, can I drink today?"

"What are you talking about, my lord? You can drink whatever you want today!"

Xi Yu was a little speechless. There was a lot of wine carried into the yard.

The other party brought Cao Hong here because he wanted to take the initiative to resolve the previous matter, so he naturally wouldn't care.

"Hey, what is this thing?"

While Cao Cao was greeting people to move drinks and other things into the back hall, Xun Yu walked to Qu Yuuli on his own.

He just entered the back hall and noticed something strange at first glance.

After thinking about it for a while, I felt a little confused, so I asked Xi Yu.

Seeing Xun Yu's curiosity, Cao Cao and Cao Hong also looked over.

In the lobby, the people brought by Cao Cao and even the tables and stoves were ready.

Seeing Xun Yu asking questions, Xi Yu couldn't help but explain before Xi Yu could speak.

"Wen Ruo, this is something Fengyi made himself. It's said to be a kind of plow!"


Xun Yu was in a daze, just like when Xi Zhi got Xi Yu's response just now.

No matter how you look at the things in front of you, they are a bit weird.

Cao Cao's curiosity was also aroused at this time, and he walked to the edge and followed him to look at it.

"Is this a plow?"

"Yes, this thing is exactly a plow!"

Xi Yu explained aloud, and then seeing that everyone was still a little confused, he continued to explain.

"My lord, now my big man's plow is straight and long. To operate it, two oxen are needed to drive it side by side, and one person is needed to hold the plow behind, which is quite laborious!"

"I wanted to improve the plow, and today I finally made it."

"This thing does not require the power of two oxen. It only needs one ox or one person to pull it, and one person to hold the plow. It is not only more labor-saving, but also can rotate freely, making it easier to plow the land."

"If this plow can be used on a large scale during spring plowing, we can cultivate more fertile farmland in Yanzhou!"

When Xi Yu finished speaking, not only Cao Cao, but also Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu beside him were a little surprised.

Xi Zhicai had never heard his brother explain so much to him just now.

As soon as he heard it, he immediately understood that if what his brother said was true, how much help this thing would be to the entire Cao camp.

Xun Yu also had some associations.

When Cao Cao next to him raised his head, he looked directly at Xi Yu.

"Do you really mean what Fengyi just said?"


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