We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 25 Cao Cao: Ayu, how about you give this man to me!

It's hard to imagine what it would be like if the man in front of me went into battle to kill the enemy.

Come to think of it, it must be like the ghosts and gods of ancient times.

Cao Cao was so excited that he couldn't look away from Dian Wei.

On the side, Xi Yu heard Cao Cao's doubts about the word "eilai" and subconsciously looked up at him.

"Dian Wei's calligraphy is my own!"

Of course, you, Boss Cao, should have obtained this word yourself, but now you have no chance.

Looking at the intense look in Cao Cao's eyes, Xi Yu seemed not to notice it and didn't care at all.

You are watching, but Dian Wei cannot give it to you.

"Is there something wrong with that man?"

Bao Xin asked from the side. It was really the figure of Dian Wei walking back and forth at the door just now that attracted so much attention.

However, when the three of them looked at Dian Wei, the latter began to stand upright at the door.

Xi Yu only took one look and knew what Dian Wei was thinking.

This guy already said he was hungry on the way back!

At this moment, he was just waiting for me to call him to eat!

For the past month, he and Dian Wei had been eating together, and sometimes they even competed with each other about who ate more.

Dian Wei has long been used to it.

At this time, it was lunch time, and Dian Wei was so carefree that he could hang around outside the door, just waiting for him to call him to eat!

"It's nothing, it's just that my guard has a big appetite. It's time for us to eat. He should be waiting for me to eat together!"


The expressions of Cao Cao and Bao Xin changed at the same time.

Just eating?

That’s easy to say! Without worrying about Xi Yu, Cao Cao directly waved to Dian Wei outside the door: "That man, come in quickly!"

"Sir, go and prepare the meal!"

As soon as Cao Cao opened his mouth, Dian Wei outside the door naturally heard it. He subconsciously glanced at Xi Yu, saw the latter nodding in agreement, and quickly entered the back hall in two or three steps.

"Sit down, sit down!"

Cao Cao excitedly asked Dian Wei to sit down, and even wanted him to sit with him on the same crime.

However, Dian Wei sat beside Xi Yu, just like the two of them usually did.

The attendants on the side quickly helped Dian Wei prepare tables and dried fruits.

The latter didn't have any scruples. He reached out and picked up the dried fruits from the table and stuffed them into his mouth.

Seeing this situation, Cao Cao became even more delighted.

What a good guy!

It's boring to say this, but he is the perfect candidate to be his bodyguard.

What a blessing it would be for him to have such a warrior guarding him!

Soon, the men brought all the meals.

After Dian Wei saw this scene, he subconsciously looked at Xi Yu. He didn't care about Cao Cao and Bao Xin beside him. The meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

Xiyu laughed and ignored it.

Is this guy still preparing to compete with me on how fast he can cook like before?

"Ah Yu!"

Cao Cao looked at Dian Wei, turned his head and suddenly shouted softly towards Xi Yu.

This sound made Xiyu feel a little bad.

Normally, only Xi Zhi would call him such a name. It was normal for Boss Cao to understand, but he didn't expect that this guy would suddenly call him so affectionately.

This really makes one's hair stand on end.

Cao Cao could call him like this, and the meaning was too obvious. This guy just wanted to take Dian Wei away from him.

Xi Yu turned his head and looked at Cao Cao, bowed his hands, and spoke with great solemnity.

"Master, what's the matter?"

"Ayu, there is no need to be so formal. Today is a private meeting. I am older. If you want, you can just call me brother!"

After he finished speaking, Cao Cao glanced at Dian Wei again: "Ayu, how about you give this man to me as a guard?"

Cao Cao spoke directly, without any concealment in his eyes.

Hearing this, the corner of Xi Yu's mouth twitched: "My lord, I have a good guard, and there are so many powerful generals at my side. Why do you want to take my guard away from me?"

"My lord, you know, I am just a scribe. Now I am patrolling the fields in Yanzhou. If there are no guards by my side, what should I do if I encounter bandits?"

? ? ?


You say you are a scribe yourself and yet you run into bandits?

If those bandits encounter you, they may be in trouble for eight lifetimes.

The corners of Cao Cao's mouth twitched, and Bao Xin beside him couldn't help but cover his mouth.

This dedication is really straightforward!

It was obvious that Xi Yu did not want to give up Dian Wei to Cao Cao at all. Even Bao Xin himself could see this, and the former could naturally understand it.

Hearing the rejection in Xi Yu's words, Cao Cao opened his mouth and no longer knew how to speak.

As the lord, if he continues to beg, he will be at a disadvantage.

He turned his head, but Dianwei seemed to be fine at this moment and had already started to enjoy his meal happily.

Even eating is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Bao Xin smiled and said, "Fengyi, I'm looking for you today because I want to give you something!"


Xi Yu was a little confused when he heard Bao Xin suddenly speak.

Give something, what to give?

While thinking, Xi Yu somewhat understood why Bao Xin came over with Cao Cao at this time.

Thinking about it, the other party came to find him.

But, was it because of his previous life-saving grace that he gave me the gift?

Seeing Xi Yu's confused look, Bao Xin waved towards the door.

Soon, two men came in carrying a long box that was more than one foot long.

The long box in front of me looks like it is made of jujube wood.

However, this thing was over a foot long, and Xiyu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw it.

Something that would take a box over a foot long to hold.

The box is long and narrow. If it were a few minutes shorter, it might be able to contain some paintings and calligraphy.

But something is wrong with being so long!

Before Xi Yu could speak, Bao Xin stood up, walked to the long box and opened it casually.

The next moment, a weapon with a cold light appeared directly in front of the four people.

As soon as this thing appeared, even Dian Wei beside him raised his eyes.

Weapons, as a soldier, who doesn't care!

Xiyu's brows jumped wildly.

Good guy, weapons, this guy Bao Xin came here to give him weapons?

"Fengyi, let's see if this weapon is handy?"

Bao Xin had a smile on his lips, and when he finished speaking, Cao Cao also looked at Xi Yu.

If Xi Yu accepts this weapon, it means that the other party has much less resistance to the matter of military commanders.

With such a magic weapon in hand, can he really endure not to fight in the future?

Cao Cao raised his eyes and looked at it. At this moment, Xi Yu wanted to refuse, but when his eyes fell on the long weapon, he couldn't help but subconsciously look at it.

For a man, weapons are still very attractive.

What's more, Xi Yu has no resistance at all to the divine weapons.

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