If it is a star that naturally reaches the end of life, at the end of its life, the hydrogen element in its core region has often been burned out.

In this case, the hydrogen element in the shell will collapse inward under the action of uncontrolled thermonuclear fusion.

The extreme high temperature and high pressure will slowly form a degenerate substance of hydrogen elements.

Finally become a red giant!!

At this stage, the size of the star will become several ~ ten times larger.

However, the energy level - there will be a significant drop.

It looks spectacular, but the sum of energy is not as good as the stars in their youth.

The star bomb is completely different.

Interfered by technological means, stars go through their lives in extreme time.

Most of the hydrogen elements in the star's interior simply do not have time to react.

They will break free of the plasma along with the explosion and fly out of the corona layer!!

Imagine tens of millions of degrees Celsius of material sweeping across a star system at nearly one-tenth the speed of light.

What does that picture look like??


No, it's more suffocating than the most terrifying hell in legends!!

One second it was a cold purgatory of minus 270 degrees, and the next second it became a scorching furnace of hundreds of cubic degrees Celsius.

This period is also accompanied by gamma-ray bursts that far exceed the tolerance limit of all substances!!

The leader of the Necromancer could only watch his fleet turn into a cloud of mist in more than ten seconds.

Then under the wrapping of the energy shock wave, it disappeared without a trace!!

Without solving those automatic defense weapons, you can't get supplies.

If you solve it, you will have to face the star bomb again!!

This is undoubtedly a dead end.

Forced to help, the Necromancer finally chose the least efficient treatment plan.

"Detonate those stars from a distance with a psionic cannon for me!!"

Since it is dangerous to approach the star, then not to get close.

Detonate it one step ahead.

It then collects some material blown out by the energy shock wave at the periphery of the star system.

This is inefficient, albeit inefficient.

But it can also make a little difference!!

It works better than nothing!

"Damn humans, I must make you all into adults!!"

In addition to being angry, the leader of the Necromancer also deduced an important piece of information.

The Terrans of the Rondo Galaxy have definitely not developed to the peak of 7 stars.

Otherwise, where do you need to do so many tricks?

Directly pressing the army can crush them all to death!!

The Empire over there.

See that the star bomb cannot bring more casualties to the necromancers.

Xia Feng decisively ordered the war.

He will not give the enemy time to rest.

With orders to every legion, every battleship.

The real war, it's begun!!

Both sides are civilizations with civilization levels reaching the late 7-star stage, and both concentrate the power of the entire large galaxy.

The war entered the High Dynasty from the very beginning.

Take the clan unit with the void as the background.

The two sides engage in an undying-level battle!!

Countless electromagnetic artillery shells, high-energy laser beams, space bombs, etc. are fired at each other in the void.

In the violent energy wave, spatial fluctuations fluctuate in all corners of the battlefield.

That's the Imperial warriors fighting the Necromancers!!

On the battlefield of this intensity, the real role of the mecha comes into play.

As a half-energy, half-material life form, the individual cultivation of the necromancer race is obviously much higher than that of the human race.

In this case, the Imperial warriors can only barely fight it with the blessing of the mecha.

Both have their pros and cons.

Although the Necromancer is strong individually, its own strength is naturally more reliable than relying on external objects.

But this tactic, which is obviously transcendental, has a common drawback:

Small number!!

The number of Necromancer warriors is significantly smaller than that of Terran warriors.

Can you 1 dozen 3??

Then I'll go with 4 together!!

The tactics of the sea of people directly pile you to death.

As long as you can win, no one cares about losses.

The commanders on the side of the empire knew very well that if they lost, then it meant that everyone had to die.

No, it should be better to live than to die!

The Necromancers have the habit of raising humans as domestic animals!!

The thought of one's own descendants may be like animals, and the daily task is to eat, sleep, reproduce, and finally wait for slaughter.

The eyes of the fighters began to be bloodshot!!

Facing that kind of future, they would rather die in battle!

And the Necromancer side.

The significance of this battle is similar.

If you win, you can have a new place to live.

Lost, the race is exterminated!!

In order to live, they also do not hesitate to live or die!!

Fast forward 10 days.

Asking for flowers.........

At this moment, if someone is looking at the battlefield from a distance.

It can be clearly seen that a band of light has appeared in the originally dark void of the universe.

Above the band of light, "there are countless flashes of light every second."

And then disappear!!

Behind this splendor, there are countless lives!!

In just 10 days, the losses on the side of the empire reached a staggering 500 million!!

An average of 50 million people die every day!!

In other words, the empire that integrates all human forces can bear this loss.

In other words, any of the top forces before would have collapsed long ago at this time!!

Imperial rear.

All citizens had spontaneously stopped all entertainment activities at this time.

They are either working for the front-line battlefield.

Or just look up at the stars every day and pray silently.

Under the propaganda of the empire, everyone knows that this war is different from the past.

It is not a fight for a certain force, for a certain careerist.

But for all of them!

Fight for the continuation of the race!!

Terrans swear not to be slaves!!

At this moment, the whole empire is closely united.

Many people who originally did not recognize the empire, especially those who were psychics.

They also came out of the deep mountains and old forests.


For the sake of yourself, for future generations, this battle must be won !!

Xia Feng also did not expect that the empire spent several years to complete the collector's heart project.

In just a few days, it has been automatically achieved!!

For a time, the strength of the imperial army soared by 20% in a short time!!

Especially the mecha legion, directly increased by 3 times.

If ordinary warriors use mecha, they must use human sea tactics to compete with the necromancers.

Then the psychic pilots a special model of mecha, and can completely go one-on-one with the necromancer!!

Don't underestimate this small change.

When its base is enlarged to hundreds of millions, it is enough to change the situation on the battlefield!!

On the second day of the battle with a large number of psionics, the losses on the side of the necromancer began to rise slowly.

Some gifted psychics even have the strength to destroy battleships alone!!

However, the reaction of the Necromancer side was not slow.

Sensing that something was wrong, they also began to drop high-level warriors!!

Strength minimum 6 stars! Small table!.

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