Kanda star.

As a 4-star civilization, the Kandarians have a mysterious obsession with the environment.

Although they have entered the interstellar universe, they still maintain this love.

Under the careful care of the Kanda people, their home planet is like a fairyland, where technology and vegetation are perfectly integrated.

Even Asgard's God's Domain is not as good as it could be!!

However, the beauty of the past has all come to naught today!


With the explosion of the last space battleship.

The defense force of Kanda Star has been shattered!!

"Mom! I want mom~"

"Son, where are you?"

"Go, don't dawdle!!"

"Damn guy, kill him!!"

Under the arrangement of Thanos, all Kanda people were gathered together.

At this moment, if there are people from the Thanos Alliance present, they will definitely fall into madness.

Because this is where the nightmare begins!!

All of them have dreamed similar images countless times.

"All those who draw a black lottery stand to the right at 03 immediately!!"

"Repeat again, the black sign is on the right, the red sign is on the left!!"

The orders on the aircraft kept repeating.

Under the deterrence of loaded guns and live ammunition, no one dared to defy.

The Kanda people who have just entered the 4-star civilization do not know the prestige of Thanos.

Naturally, I don't understand the reason why Thanos divided everyone into two phalanxes.

Actually, until now.

The senior officials of Kanda Star still don't know why the other party wants to attack.

They haven't even left their own star system, so they can't even offend each other.

Due to the gap in technology, the Kanda Stars didn't discover the opponent's trace until the Thanos army entered the star system.

And if it's a genocidal war.

The opponent's current performance cannot be explained.

Thinking of this, those Kantian stars turned their doubts, hatred, and confusion to the huge throne not far away.

The enemy leader is there.

On the huge throne.

Thanos propped his chin with one hand, his eyes were deep.

Although just sitting there quietly, it can bring an unimaginable deterrent to people.

"My lord, the following arrangements have been made!!"

Someone came to report.

As if awakened by this voice, Thanos, who had been maintaining a posture, turned his head and looked at the two divided groups below.

Think for a few seconds.

"The black signs are all killed!!"


next second.

whoosh whoosh~



There were screams, exclamations, and the sound of laser rays cutting through the air.

They are intertwined to play a perfect symphony of death!!

Thanos, who has always been expressionless, now has a very subtle expression on his face.

It seems to be enjoying, but also seems to be sad.

After everything subsides.

The remaining Kanda stars finally reacted.

Although they can't understand why Thanos wants to let them live.

But this does not affect the spread of hatred in their hearts.

Especially those Kanda people whose family members died, at this moment, they can't wait to eat their flesh, eat their bones, break their tendons, and drink their blood!!

It is foreseeable that the Thanos alliance will add another member.

Ignore the restless crowd below.

Thanos has seen such a scene countless times.

Noble people don't ask for anything in return, and they won't be understood!!

Thanos has his own persistence and belief.

never waver!!

The matter here is over, it's time to find the next target!!

At this moment, it suddenly looked up to the sky.

The strength at the level of the heavenly father tells it that something is coming!!

The cosmic void 50 AU from the planet Kanda.


A light spot appeared in the void very abruptly.

It shone with azure light.

Just looking at it gives a divine taste!!

After a few moments.

Blast off!!

It seems that 1 second has passed, as if 1 year has passed.

A strong sense of time and space disorder is enough to traumatize the spirit of ordinary people with insufficient strength!!

After everything subsided, densely packed space battleships occupied the originally empty space starry sky.

"Hyperspace Dimension Transmission Completed!!"

"Target planet found! Start galaxy-level wide-area scan"

"Alert! Found a super energy life form!!"

"Confirming the Waveform of Life: Thanos, the super life form in the universe!!"

"Enemy units locked: 8.56 million, the legion has entered the first level of combat readiness!!"

Tony looked at the scene of billions of corpses strewn across the field on the light curtain.

Rao, who has always been calm, is also frowning at this moment.

Master Ancient One performed better, but judging from his slightly frowning brows, it is obvious that he does not approve of Thanos' behavior!!

"As expected of a strong man with Heavenly Father-level combat power, have you discovered us?"

Despite the distance of millions of kilometers, Xia Feng could clearly feel that Thanos' eyes seemed to cross space and fall directly on them.


From this alone, it can be seen that Thanos is indeed stronger than Odin!!

"Let's go, let's meet each other!!"

On Kanda.

Before the throne.

In Thanos' plain eyes, countless light spots appeared in the void.

They come together at breakneck speed.

Hyperspace high-dimensional projection technology!

With the help of space gems, Xia Feng's research on dimension technology has soared!!

Tony looked Thanos up and down carefully.

He was very curious about this existence that killed himself in another time and space.

I have to admit, even though the other party's appearance is very weird.

The color also doesn't fit Tony's aesthetic.

However, in terms of temperament, it is indeed extraordinary.

"On par with me!! 100"

Tony groaned secretly.

Ignoring Tony's gaze, Thanos looked at Mage Ancient One.

"What are you doing here?"

As one of the few heavenly father-level powerhouses in the universe, it is not the first time that Thanos and Ancient One have met.

The two have also fought several times in the endless years.

The results are naturally indistinguishable!

Mage Ancient One can't destroy Thanos, and Thanos has nothing to do with Mage Ancient One.

shook his head.

Master Ancient One: "I'm just a spectator today.

Thanos was taken aback by this answer.

Of course, it will not be so stupid as to think that the other party came here from the earth tens of millions of light years away, just to watch a show.

Of course, based on its understanding of Ancient One, the other party would not lie.

That is.

"You looking for me?"

Thanos looked at the only existence on the scene that he couldn't see through.

With a distance of millions of kilometers, he couldn't perceive the force zone on the opponent's body.

I thought it was just an ordinary person.

Never thought that the facts seemed to be different from what he thought.

This got Thanos interested.

"What's the matter with you?"

It is obviously a question sentence, but when it comes out of Thanos's mouth, it gives people a taste of ordering an answer.

Xia Feng clapped his hands lightly.

"It's better to be famous than to meet, you are indeed extraordinary!!"

"Everyone is busy, I won't talk nonsense, in fact, I want to make a deal with you!!".

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