The closest to the territory of the goblins are the dark werewolves!

As a branch of the werewolves, they are different from the werewolves of the surface world.

More bloodthirsty, brutal, and aggressive.

Strong body, strong energy resistance, and wild instinct.

Let the Dark Werewolves become one of the strongest tribes in the underground world, with an extremely large territory.

On weekdays, the clans are used as a unit to disperse hunting.

The god they worship is the goddess of blood—Dala!

One day, when the Talon clan was resting.

Suddenly there was a slight buzzing sound in the distance!!


Whether it is a dark werewolf who has fallen asleep or is doing other things, he immediately enters a fighting state.

This is the vigilance you must have to survive in the underground world!!

Here, anything can happen.

There is no room for sloppyness!!

In the brutal eyes of the dark werewolves.

In the distant sky, thousands of black spots are approaching rapidly!!

What it is?

Flying monster?

in that direction.

Could it be that a large-scale beast horde broke out again in the Nightmare Mountains??

Similar situations have not happened before.

In the past, once a beast tide broke out in the Nightmare Mountain Range, they would be attacked by monsters.

It's just that since the goblins migrated to the edge of the Nightmare Mountains.

The number of times this happens is much less.

Occasionally there are some monsters that leak over, and they can only become their food!!

"Flying monsters, it is not impossible to directly pass the group of goblins."

Many dark werewolves gave reasonable explanations in their hearts.

However, as the distance gets closer.

Some powerful dark werewolves noticed something was wrong.

Powerful vision, so that they can see the whole picture of the target clearly!!

Those are not flying monsters at all.

The opponent doesn't even have wings!!


In the underground world, anomalies often represent danger.

Sensing something was wrong, the patriarch of the Talon clan immediately sounded the alarm.

All clansmen enter the fighting state!!


Inside the No. 1 airship command ship.

Commander Waka looked at the strings of data on the light screen.

With the help of biological intelligence brain, quickly make various judgments!!

"Attention all units, prepare only!"

"Cover bombing in three-three-two formation!"

"Repeat again, cover bombing in a three-three-two formation!!"

Xia Feng's soul technology combined with the goblin's talent, let these little things in just 3 months

, successfully absorbing all technologies.

When he saw those goblins create laser-guided weapons, cloud bombs, high-frequency oscillator knives and other high-tech weapons.

There is always a sense of disobedience in my heart that is nothing more than an explanation.

The other races are clearly still in the age of knights in medieval castle towers.

The goblins have already stepped into the civilization of the universe.

It feels like in a tribe of hominids, someone made a rocket!!

This is no longer a crushing level advantage.

It's a dimensionality reduction blow!!

However, considering that goblins can hardly master extraordinary power.

Under the balance of the world's rules, it is not impossible for them to have extraordinary scientific research talents.


Those technologies were originally developed by the goblin ancestors.

Goblins are just taking back what is theirs.

Xia Feng, who couldn't find a reasonable explanation, could only comfort himself in this way.

The topic is off topic.

Arrive at the target area with the attacking airship.

Thousands of cloud bombs fell from the sky.

The underground world only represents the location, it doesn't mean its volume is small.

In fact, the top of the underground cavity is several thousand meters high.

When Xia Feng first entered from the ground, he almost thought he had crossed again!!

"In a world where gods exist, everything is possible!!"

Watch the black dots falling from the sky.

Although it's not clear what that is.

But the wild instinct tells the werewolves that they are dangerous!!


Accompanied by a howl.

Under the threat of death, all werewolves began to go berserk.

The blessing of the power of the blood makes their muscles swell at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The claws are doubled in length!!

In this state, the fighting power of the Dark Werewolf can be increased by 3-5 times.

They roared wildly, just waiting for the enemy to fall from the sky.

Then tear it to shreds!!

Looking at the dark werewolf below, the anger in Waka's heart was a little uncontrollable.

In the dark werewolf's recipe, there are goblins!!

"You bastards, fall into the abyss for me!!"


100 meters above the ground.

All cloud bombs explode on their own.

The special fuel stored inside is evenly dispersed in the form of mist under the impact force.

Clouds of milky white airgel formed in the blink of an eye.

Their density is much greater than that of water vapor, and they cover the target area at a speed calculated in advance.

The dark werewolf looked at the foggy object falling from the sky stupidly.

They stretched out their claws nervously.

Try to dispel it.

It's a pity that airgel is just a group of special mist, which itself is not lethal.

The werewolf's aggressive behavior has no real effect.


Before the Dark Werewolf figured out what happened.

There was a crisp sound of ignition in mid-air.

next moment.


A super fireball with a diameter of more than 1 km was born in the underground world.

Tens of thousands of ignition devices started simultaneously.

Within one thousandth of a second, the chemical energy contained in the airgel is converted into heat energy.

The core temperature is as high as 1500 degrees Celsius!!

During the period, it was also accompanied by a shock wave with a propagation speed of up to 5000 per second!!

The cloud explosion bomb, in fact, cannot be regarded as a bomb in essence.

Just like its scientific name: fuel—air explosive, the working principle of the cloud bomb is actually very simple.

Sprinkle the cloud storm agent first, and then light the fire.

It's a bit like pouring gasoline on it first, and then lighting it with a lighter.

However, despite its low technicality, its power is quite frightening.

People in the rivers and lakes call it "(De Nuo Zhao)`々subnuclear bomb", also known as "the mother of bombs"!!

To a certain extent, its lethality does not belong to small-yield nuclear bombs!!

Facing this unprecedented weapon, those dark werewolves had no time to react.

In an instant, it was covered by an explosion!

Hypoxia, heavy pressure, high temperature...

Under this series of blows, thousands of dark werewolves suffered heavy losses!!

The muscles that could resist magical attacks in the past faced the extremely high temperature that covered the whole body and even penetrated into the bone marrow.

No resistance at all!!

That's not what frustrates them the most.

The most desperate thing about dark werewolves is that they are the strongest with only 4 stars, and they can't reach the enemy at all!!

They are good at hand-to-hand combat, but they cannot fly!!

Looking at the dark werewolf C who is still alive below.

There was no fluctuation in Waka's heart, but he ordered lightly:

"Turn on the dynamic positioning system, the Gauss cannon is ready!!"


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