Since Xia Feng just entered the high-level civilization, he began to deduce how the civilization can be promoted to the 9-star god level.

Although in the world of the heavens, there are suspected 9-star civilizations.

But each of them is a special case!!

Not to mention copying, Xia Feng didn't even dare to approach at will.

As a mechanic who takes the technological route, Xia Feng is well aware of how powerful the curiosity of the 9-star civilization is.

Once being targeted by the opponent, it might be more terrifying than provoking a 9-star boss!!

Xia Feng doesn't know if there is such a power system as the Tongtian Tower in other worlds.

However, judging from the current information, at least in the area of ​​technological civilization, no similar existence has been found yet!!

Xia Feng does not intend to contact 9-star civilizations until he has the ability to save his life!!

Therefore, for the intelligence of the 9-star god-level civilization, Xiafeng can only find a trace of it from the Tongtian Tower database.

Not to mention comprehensive, whether it is correct or not is unknown.

"If you follow the extraordinary route, the condition for becoming a 9-star is to go one step further and create new laws in a certain field on the basis of 100% comprehension of the laws.

In a horizontal comparison, a god-level civilization should also have to create 18 in a certain field to create new laws...."

This logic should be fine.

But Xia Feng was not reconciled.

They are also 9-star powerhouses, and they are also divided into three, six, and nine ranks.

Some people are stuck at the 9-star primary level for tens of thousands of years and cannot make any progress, and their potential is basically exhausted.

There are also people who have advanced all the way, and their combat power has reached an astonishing 9-star peak.

Only one step away from the legendary 10 stars!!

What Xia Feng pursued was definitely the latter.

No, strictly speaking, it should be a higher level than the 9-star peak.

Multiverse level - 10 stars!

It's not delusional, the true spirit attribute that Xia Feng worked out before already has a trace of 10-star characteristics.

Just because of this point, he has already overtaken on a curve, ahead of those 9-star peak god-level powerhouses!!

In addition, he has always insisted on taking the route of civilization integration.

Whether it is combat effectiveness or potential, it is far from conventional civilization.

Combining various factors, Xia Feng believes that he cannot be promoted to 9 stars in the normal mode.

"We must lay a good foundation and enter the 9-star god-level civilization in the most perfect mode!!"

Judging from the information currently available, the size of the development potential is directly related to the law.

time, space, fate

In Xia Feng's view, these three are the ultimate laws of the multiverse.

Not those that spread outside the world!!


As Xia Feng's divine kingdom no longer changes, the surrounding gods also dispersed one after another.

Of course, necessary monitoring cannot be avoided.

As existences independent of the Dark God System and the Neutral God System, Xia Feng and the God of Destiny now have an extremely special status.

The gods dare not approach them.

Do not ignore them either!!

For a time, the whole world suddenly became quiet.

On the one hand, the strength of Xia Feng and the God of Destiny made the gods fearful.

Putting aside all other factors, just the strength of the "Supreme God" level is enough to make them surpass the gods!!

It's usually too late to hide, so you still go to provoke??

Find death and don't drag everyone together!!

If that kind of thing really happens, there is no need for Xia Feng or God of Destiny to take action, the main gods of the two major gods will solve the problem internally (adag)!

On the other hand, the duration of this battle of gods is short.

But the gods are not without losses.

In the short term, no one has the energy to toss about.

Need to rest for a while.

At least the Kingdom of God Legion must be replenished, so that the gods will feel safe!!

Flash forward 5 years.

The surface world, goblins.

Because of Xia Feng's deterrence, the status of the goblin clan is very special now.

After the battle of the gods, the major churches have received special instructions from the gods: it is absolutely not allowed to provoke the goblins!!

Even if the opponent takes the initiative to provoke, they cannot fight back.

If anything happens, it needs to be reported immediately!!

Although some don't understand it, since it is the will of the gods, the major churches can only follow it.

In this regard, the reaction of the goblins is to ignore it.

That's right, they don't seem to know their special status.

Neither contact with other races, nor the willingness to expand the territory.

All the goblins huddled up on the territory they had seized during the battle of gods, and they were busy with work!!

As a generation that has experienced tragic battles and rose from humble beginnings, the goblins are not satisfied with the status quo.

Instead, all goblins have a tight string in their minds.

"My identity is difficult to explain. You can simply understand it as an outsider, a person from another world."

"I can't stay in this world forever, so you must find a way to develop, at least have the power of the main god level, so that you can compete with the gods...

At a goblin high-level meeting, Xia Feng told the goblins a lot.

To be honest, he really likes these green, big-headed little things.

It's a pity that the potential of the goblins is not enough for Xia Feng to take the risk of confronting the world and take them out of this world.

That doesn't make much sense either.

"What I can do is to fight for at least 100 years for you.

"The road ahead depends on yourselves!!".

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