Weak Mechanics? Dominate The Universe From Skynet

316: Mid-9Th Star—Space Civilization!

I don't know if it's because of special achievements, but the evaluation rewards this time are far more than before.

Glory points have increased by 4 times, soul essence has increased by 5 times, and the authority has exceeded the upper limit of strength, directly reaching 9 stars.

Almost all rewards are more than doubled!!


Three missions in a row, the military rank mission has also met the three achievement requirements, as long as Xia Feng is willing, he can change his rank to a major general at any time!!

This is a military rank that only 9-star bosses are eligible for.

If it weren't for Xia Feng's special situation and his potential so great that even Tongtian tacitly believed that he would definitely become a 9-star.

Otherwise, even if he descends thousands of times, it is impossible to get such an opportunity with the strength of the 8-star peak!!

The rank of general is the real power top of the "083" Tianta.

There are not many people in the entire human race for tens of thousands of years!!

If Xia Feng is really promoted, he will become the first non-9-star major general in human history!!

Of course, Xia Feng is not interested in these.

His focus was mainly on those rewards that never came.

For example, it is very unusual at first glance [Tongtian tower deduction authority once]!!

Xia Feng also got a special permission a long time ago.

But that is used to filter and lock the world that descends.

It is obviously not the same thing as this deduction authority.

[Tongtian Tower Deduction Permission]: You can ask Tongtian Tower to deduce any questions with a difficulty level below 9 stars (inclusive), including but not limited to secret methods, weapon forging plans, strength promotion plans, analysis of unknown treasures, etc.

After carefully reading the annotation several times word by word, Zhenfeng's eyes developed slightly.

"This thing is awesome!!"

Although it is only a deduction authority, it is not an authority to directly shoot.

However, for Xia Feng, whose technology level has reached the peak level of 8 stars, 99% of the problems are not impossible to achieve, but ignorance of the direction.

If Tongtian Tower can help him deduce the answers to those difficult problems, he is fully capable of solving them himself!!

"Don't rush to use this opportunity for the time being, and look back to see whether to save your life or upgrade a certain technology.

Xia Feng put it aside.

Attention turns to optional rewards, according to past experience, those are the real treasures!!

[Choose two out of four, the optional evaluation rewards are as follows:

1. 9-star special permission (selected by default)

2. 5 million glory points

3. Stele of high-level laws

4, 9-star mid-term - the inheritance seed of space civilization]

Looking at the four options given by the Tongtian Tower, Xia Feng was stunned for a few seconds, then ecstatically!!

It's not because of the huge sum of 5 million glory points, or the high-level law stone tablet.

Comparing the two with the last reward, it's a fart!!

He often did not expect that the Tongtian Tower could actually give rewards with a level as high as 9 stars??

And it is also the seed of technological civilization inheritance that perfectly fits his mechanic career!!

"By the way, Tongtian Pagoda has the inheritance seeds of god-level civilization?"

"Could it be that a 9-star boss who took the technological route appeared in Tongtian Tower?"

In Xia Feng's cognition, Tongtian Tower is the same as Nightmare Space, which mainly focuses on individual transcendence.

As for the direction of technological flow, the degree of development is not even as good as that of Dreamspace.

Xia Feng once used his authority to inquire in the military's internal exchange system, and found that there are very few exchange items on the technology side.

Especially when it comes to levels above high-level power, the number has fallen off a cliff!!

As for the 9-star technological side creation, the probability is zero!!

There are a few sporadic ones, and they are basically weapons, such as meme bombs, time freezing devices, devil's kisses, etc...

He did not expect that the Tongtian Pagoda could actually produce the inheritance seeds of the 9-star mid-stage civilization!!

Without the slightest hesitation, Xia Feng immediately confirmed the reward option.

It seems to choose two out of four, but the first [9-star special authority] has been selected by default....

Of course there is nothing to worry about.

[5 million Glory Points] and [Advanced Law Stele] are of high value, but they are meaningless to Suan Feng.

The latter needless to say.

Xia Feng already has an 8-star pinnacle level Divine Kingdom.

It can basically replace 90% of its functions!

A few rules that are relatively remote and not deeply involved can be solved with a little time.

As for glory points, Xia Feng doesn't have many of them.

But that doesn't mean he's missing.

You know, Xia Feng has only experienced less than 10 advents before and after.

As long as Xia Feng is willing, he can get more at any time!!

It is nothing more than a matter of coming several times.

After confirming the reward, some originally hidden information began to appear.

Xia Feng also found the reason why the seed of civilization inheritance exists in the Tongtian Tower.

[Space Civilization]: The great civilization born in the universe numbered P-D-55694 was destroyed in the virtual world due to unknown reasons. When exploring its ruins, its inheritance seeds were found. Details are below...

After spending hours reading all the materials provided by the Tongtian Pagoda, Xia Feng fell silent.

A great civilization with a technology level as high as 9 stars, and it is still taking the road of time 1.1 fusion of space and time.

Just a little less than the plan he envisioned.

The law of time and the law of space can't say how good they are, but their life-saving ability is definitely among the best at the same level!!

But it is such a powerful existence, it will be wiped out!!

It is the genocide in the true sense, all civilized individuals, there will be no leftovers!!

"What a terrifying enemy!!"

Although the space civilization did not leave detailed information in the ruins, the Tongtian Pagoda, relying on its own boundless power, still roughly restored the process of the final battle countless years ago.

"The God of Faith!!"

The space civilization was destroyed by a god of faith who was extremely powerful and whose combat power reached at least 9 stars in the late stage!!.

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