Wei and Jin Cooks

Chapter 1094: Taichang Temple

  Chapter 1094 Taichang Temple

  Zhao Hanzhang put plum blossoms in a vase and placed them on the table, nodded slightly, "Tomorrow you go to see Guo Pu, and I will go to the palace to see the emperor."

  I wanted to go today, but everyone chatted so happily that I missed the time.

  Fu Tinghan naturally had no objection, paused, and said: "Guo Pu said that there used to be an armillary sphere in the Luoyang Palace, but we have never seen it since we entered Luoyang."

  Zhao Hanzhang thought for a while and said: "I'll ask Erlang back. He looted the imperial palace before, and he probably took the armillary sphere as scrap iron."

  That thing is heavy and heavy, and the court will not take it with it when fleeing. No one will touch it except Erlang.

  Fu Tinghan nodded, "I want to rebuild the armillary sphere."

  Zhao Hanzhang began to think, "Where should I put such a big guy?"

  Fu Tinghan: "The Observatory?"

  Zhao Hanzhang: "The observatory has collapsed in half, and it needs to be repaired."

  The Luoyang Imperial Palace has been in disrepair for a long time, and Zhao Hanzhang only briefly repaired the little emperor's residence and the places needed for the last court, and other places are still dilapidated.

   It will cost a lot to repair the palace.

  Zhao Hanzhang dismissed this idea subconsciously, and she said: "You wait until I enter the palace tomorrow to find a good place for you. It's best to find a place in the imperial city, so that you don't have to go into the palace every time."

  The observatory is in the imperial palace, alone in a corner, and the Qin Tianjian under the Taichang Temple is arranged there. However, Zhao Hanzhang moved their offices to the imperial city, and did not stay in the palace.

  Because of thinking about this matter, Zhao Hanzhang went out to enter the palace early the next morning. She was looking at the houses and pavilions on both sides of the road along the way, until she entered the palace, but she couldn't find a good place in the imperial city.

  Finally, her eyes turned to the location of the observatory. To be honest, it is open and high, and it is indeed a good place.

   Sure enough, we should not underestimate ancient architects and Feng Shui masters, especially those used by the royal family.

Zhao Hanzhang walked towards the main hall, and began to think about how much money the national treasury could allocate to build the observatory. Thinking, thinking, she walked to the main hall, and it was quiet inside, except for the guards guarding, there was only one extra person nothing.

  The Imperial Guard reported, "Your Majesty is in the apse."

  Zhao Hanzhang nodded and raised his foot to the apse.

  The little emperor, who was supposed to be studying, was squatting on the ground to play with the wooden horse. It was a half-mechanical wooden horse that could be wound up, turned a few times, and placed on the ground to move forward.

   This thing is a small toy that suddenly popped up outside. No one knew that it was made by Fu Tinghan and Shen Ruhui in their spare time.

  The two of them took this and started a business. At first, they didn't want to make any money, but they didn't expect it to sell well.

  Zhao Hanzhang looked at the little wooden horse in the hands of the little emperor thoughtfully.

  The person who served the little emperor saw Zhao Hanzhang walk in, his expression changed, and he knelt down to plead guilty.

  The little emperor, who was fascinated by the game, came back to his senses, and was so scared that he put the little wooden horse behind him.

  Zhao Hanzhang withdrew his gaze, looked at his desk, and asked, "Your Majesty, have you finished your homework today?"

  The little emperor was too cowardly to speak.

  Zhao Hanzhang went to the table to check his homework, and said with a cold face: "Your Majesty is so slack, how can he manage the country well in the future?"

  The little emperor bowed his head and said: "Yes, it was my mistake, I will correct it, and I will write it in a while."

  The servant at the side knelt down and whispered: "General, Your Majesty is young, and it will be New Year's Eve in two days. Your Majesty is tired and wants to rest."

  The little emperor's face changed greatly, and he quickly explained: "General, this is not my intention."

  He turned his head and scolded the little servant, "Bold, how can you speak in front of the general?"

Zhao Hanzhang looked at the little servant carefully, and suddenly smiled and said: "It's rare that you have such insight, you just put it in the palace to serve tea and buried it, you go to the six departments of the imperial city to serve as servants, and stay in whichever one is suitable. "

The little servant's face was pale, and there are servants in various departments of the imperial city who listen to the announcement, but even the best job is cleaning, and the second-class job is delivering work meals to officials. The emperor's side is not at the same level at all.

   Only lowly servants are sent there.

  The little servant immediately kowtowed to plead guilty, but only had time to kowtow once. Before he could say anything, he was dragged down by the guards who covered his mouth.

  The little emperor also turned pale, Zhao Hanzhang was gentle to him, and asked with a smile: "Your Majesty, New Year's Eve is approaching, have you memorized the congratulatory form Zhao Jijiu sent?"

  The little emperor felt that he had memorized it, but when Zhao Hanzhang asked him, his mind was blank and he couldn’t remember a single word.

  Zhao Hanzhang became more gentle, "Since your majesty didn't memorize it, then copy it down, copy it several times, and you will always remember it."

  Zhao Hanzhang thought for a while and said: "Just copy it twenty times, and send someone to my house before nightfall tomorrow."

  A thunderbolt from the blue sky, for the little emperor, it was more uncomfortable than slapping his palm and scolding him. The congratulatory form written by Zhao Cheng was difficult to memorize, and the handwriting was even more difficult.

  Facing Zhao Hanzhang's gaze, the little emperor moved his mouth, but still bowed his head in response.

  Zhao Hanzhang was satisfied, so he turned around and said: "Your Majesty, please, we have to meet the officials of Taichang Temple and listen to the things that need to be paid attention to during the New Year's Eve banquet."

The little emperor just remembered this matter. Originally, this matter should have been done yesterday, but yesterday noon Zhao Hanzhang sent someone into the palace to report that she was unable to come in because of something. He thought she would not have time for the next few days. After all, she Just married.

  The little emperor swallowed, and obediently followed Zhao Hanzhang to the side hall in front.

  The Taichang Temple officials headed by Zhao Cheng are already waiting.

   What they want to determine today is the costumes, seats, and rituals to be worn by the little emperor and Zhao Hanzhang to attend the banquet.

   Zhao Hanzhang will formally award meritorious officials at this banquet. In fact, things and official positions have already been awarded, but it will be a year-end summary.

  Before, the rewards were only issued as official documents, which were sent to each family. This time, it was read out in front of all the officials, and accompanied by some annual gifts. The officials said it was a great honor.

  Even Shi Le in Youzhou and Bei Gongchun in Bingzhou couldn't help but want to go back to Beijing to formally accept the award.

  However, because it would cost a lot for the governor to return to Beijing, and they had just separated not long ago, Zhao Hanzhang didn’t need to call them back to Beijing to inquire about their thoughts, so he cruelly rejected them.

  Come back next year, next year she should have some money, just in time to chat with them face to face.

  The work of Taichang Temple is cumbersome but cannot be neglected. Not to mention the little emperor, even Zhao Hanzhang went back and forth several times to salute, and almost became irritable.

  The little emperor also wanted to lose his temper, but after taking a look at Zhao Hanzhang, he didn't dare.

  After communicating everything with Taichang Temple, it was past the time for lunch, and the little emperor invited Zhao Hanzhang to stay for dinner in a low voice.

  Zhao Hanzhang refused, and she was going back to have dinner with Mrs. Wang at noon today.

   There is only one update tonight, see you tomorrow



  (end of this chapter)

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