Weird Sequence: Immortality Begins from Chinese Martial Arts

Chapter 266: The force-relief network is initially established, and the Dongwang Stone Tablet is ref

Everyone thought that after entering school, there would be a period of stable and peaceful learning, but they did not expect that there would be military training. The big man on the stage did not look like a good guy, and the "extraordinary" feeling in his mouth translated as "life is worse than death."

Just when everyone was wailing, they saw a black light rising into the sky from the stage. The affairs of the academy were over now, and the end did not last long. He jumped directly from the stage into the air, and the Victory Evil Sword flew to his feet and turned into A black light rushed into the sky.

"With a sword in the air, riding on the wind, Bitan startled Old Long Mian! Let's go!"

The people in the audience were stunned by Jiang You's sudden appearance. He was already a swordsman!

One day, if I can fly with a sword so gracefully and handsomely, then my life will be considered worthy.

Jiang You laughed loudly, and in the envious eyes of everyone, he rode the wind and wielded his sword!

Among the envious people was Chi Yun. He thought that having a divine sword would really save trouble. As poor as I am, I can only rely on myself. When I break through to the realm of sword control, I have to come up under the spotlight of everyone. Such a time.

Jiang You's appearance in front of people was also requested by Jiang Tianci. Originally, Jiang Tianci wanted to let Jiang You spread out his momentum and shock everyone, so as to set a goal and cheer up. Unexpectedly, Jiang You came and made this happen. , the pretense effect is fully achieved, which can be regarded as overfulfilling the task.

Jiang You returned to the headquarters first and continued to devote himself to training, putting aside all the trivial matters such as the opening ceremony of the trading market.

A month later, Jiang You finally completed the construction of his own force-relieving network, and made breakthrough progress in visualizing and describing the Dongwang Stone Tablet. The word "东" had been completely drawn with mental power.

Jiang You tested his own force-removing network, and the data he got was gratifying. His hard work was not in vain, and his passive defense increased by about 30% based on the previous one.

At this time, Jiang You could not break through his defense even if he stood still and allowed the powerful warrior to attack at will.

At this time, he was standing in his backyard martial arts training ground, and the housekeeper opposite was pointing a black pistol at him.

"Master, although the gun contains rubber bullets, they are still bullets after all. You are taking risks by doing this. Why not try a safer method?"

"It doesn't matter, just pull the trigger, I know it!"

Rubber bullets are a non-lethal weapon. They are generally only used for warning and repellent shooting. They are a kind of kinetic energy strike incapacitation ammunition used in non-lethal tasks. They are used to disperse, shock and paralyze target people, and have less lethality. .

Under Jiang You's order, the housekeeper pulled the trigger despite feeling uneasy.


After a gunshot, the housekeeper saw Jiang You's arm turned into an afterimage, making a fist at his chest, opening his hand, and a warhead appeared in the palm of his hand, which was intact!

"Continue!" Jiang You ordered calmly.

The housekeeper's psychological pressure was obviously much less when he fired this time.

Another gunshot.

This time Jiang You didn't move, and he saw a white light flashing on his chest. Jiang You felt that someone had punched him in the chest, not hard but not light.

Looking down, he saw that there was a bullet hole in the clothes on his chest, and a brass-colored metal bullet was spinning at high speed against his chest.

Jiang You exerted force on his chest muscles and flicked the bullet out, leaving only a white dot.

The housekeeper didn't expect that the warhead at the back was replaced by a normal metal warhead by Jiang You, but when he saw that even so, it still didn't cause any harm to Jiang You, he was extremely shocked. The person standing in front of him was still a human being. He was clearly a human. What a wild beast that only wears human skin! Without applying any magical powers or methods, just physical strength can already withstand bullets!

But he didn't know that there were more than just metal warheads behind it. Jiang You had also deliberately replaced the last shot with an instant-explosion bomb.

Instantaneous explosive bombs are also a type of special ammunition. The warhead is painted white and has explosives in the middle. When the warhead hits the target, in addition to its own lethality, it will explode, causing secondary damage.

This kind of bullet is originally a large-caliber machine gun bullet, but the steward's pistol has been specially modified so that it can only be used after the body's strength reaches a certain level.

Jiang You directly asked the butler to empty the magazine for him.

Under the continuous shooting, white light flashed around Jiang You, and the bullets bounced off his skin and fell to the ground.

Finally, Jiang You narrowed his eyes, the instant explosive bomb was coming!

After a white light erupted from the muzzle, the instantaneous explosive bomb exploded instantly after hitting Jiang You. The airflow generated by the explosion blew a big hole in Jiang You's shirt, and at the same time, blood with golden light splashed out!

The housekeeper didn't expect that the last bullet was so powerful. When he saw Jiang You bleeding, he immediately threw away the gun in fear and ran to Jiang You to check the situation.

Jiang You waved to him, indicating that he was fine, and looked at his left shoulder. The instantaneous explosive bomb finally succeeded in tearing through Jiang You's defense, but it failed to penetrate deep. After tearing open the surface, the broken fragments were Jiang You's muscles were stuck.

Jiang You's muscles squirmed and squeezed out the pierced fragments. Then the blood in the wound stopped immediately. With the flow of Changsheng Qi, the originally charred skin gradually recovered visible to the naked eye. It took only three breaths to heal.

The housekeeper smelled the fragrant blood on the tip of his nose, thinking that the young master was so powerful that even the blood had a fragrance?

Jiang You was very satisfied with this test. He could resist bullets physically and he had finally achieved it.

Of course, it can also be pistol bullets, rifles, and sniper rifles. I still can't withstand them at the moment.

The muzzle velocity of rifle bullets is about 710 meters/second, and the speed of sniper bullets reaches a terrifying 1000 meters/second. The energy is extremely terrifying, not to mention the blessing of special bullets such as armor-piercing bullets and incendiary bombs.

After Jiang You finished the test, he went back and took a shower, and then put all his mental energy into visualizing and copying the Dongwang Stone Tablet.

After Shenquan Shui lost the resources to build a force-relieving network, Jiang You's visualization and copying time doubled compared to before, and the progress was naturally much faster.

On the night of the third day of Jiang You's hard training, the word "East King" was finally drawn in Jiang You's mind.

These two words suddenly flickered on and off in Jiang You's mind. At the same time, the stone tablets outside vibrated and flickered with the same frequency.

The vibration of the stone tablet caused the stones on it to fall continuously, and soon only the word "Dong Wang" was left. The two words suspended in the air flashed a green light, and then turned into a blue light and flew into Jiang You's eyebrows, and After the words in his mind overlapped perfectly, a powerful energy was released, rushing towards Jiang You's liver.

The liver, which was originally still flesh and blood, gradually began to jade under the wash of this energy, and finally turned into a pure blue gem!

While the liver was mutating, the three flowers on Jiang You's top also condensed on their own, and the golden color on it began to spread upwards.

The green gem-like liver emits a steady stream of green light to the sea of ​​​​qi, which merges with the five-color radiance. The total amount of the five-color radiance shrinks and the quality increases. It is not until the cyan among the five colors is extremely rich that silence is restored.

At this time, Jiang You felt that his vitality had become more vigorous. His vitality was different from the power of qi and blood, and was evolved from the most fundamental innate energy of human beings.

After some babies are born, they cry louder than others, which is a reflection of their strong vitality. During the subsequent growth process, their muscles and bones will grow stronger, and their natural life span will be longer.

Talents in martial arts and qi training are actually related to vitality. Those with strong vitality will naturally have higher talents.

However, vitality is determined at birth, and it is extremely difficult to increase it the day after tomorrow. Jiang You's ability to strengthen his vitality at this time is regarded as a return to innate nature, consolidating the foundation and cultivating the body, and improving the body's potential. The improvement in combat power is very limited. , but the road to seeking the truth in the future will be smoother.

If Jiang You could enter the interior road at this time, he would find that the yellow mud path is 10% wider than before.

Jiang You first went to check his lifespan, which was still fifty-nine. "It seems that this little vitality is not enough to increase my lifespan!"

At this time, Jiang You thought about what happened to his thirty-year lifespan after he awakened. Was his normal lifespan only thirty years?

Impossible. If that were the case, I must have been a sick child since childhood.

That is, something entered my body and absorbed my life force!

Jiang You thought, "Is this the price of opening the gray world?"

Jiang You once again gained a new understanding of the gray world. Although this information is not painful, Jiang You believes that as his strength improves, one day he will tear off all the mysterious veils of the gray world!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang You pondered over his own five-color radiance. At this time, he already knew that this radiance was the key to the birth of Gang Jin!

This five-color radiance has actually appeared magically when Jiang You was using it. This light allows Jiang You to use the power of thin air to run and walk in the air!

Jiang You once observed Li Zhi of the Third Investigation Bureau who also entered Huajin. He didn't seem to have the five-color brilliance on his body.

It should be that when I was in dark energy, I had a deep foundation and could give birth to this brilliance in advance. With normal energy, I can only condense the five colors of brilliance after taking up the gang energy and strengthening the five internal organs!

After Jiang You figured it out, he ended the practice.

The word "Dong Wang" means the wood attribute, which is transformed into the liver. In the future, I have to collect the treasures with the other four attributes.

Jiang You glanced at the Shengxie Sword hanging on the wall. Could the Shengxie Sword be connected to it as a metal?

He immediately placed the Shengxie Sword in its scabbard on his knees and tried to absorb it.

I breathed in for a long time, but there was no reaction at all. My own technique is the Yiqi Immortality Kung Fu, and it is definitely not a problem with the breath in and out. So there is only one explanation, that is, the level of the Victory Evil Sword is too high, and there is no breath to escape. , if you want to practice it in your lungs, the only way is to practice your mind.

But Jiang You still couldn't find a way to cultivate the will to overcome evil. After many attempts, they all ended in failure. After all the efforts, it was almost dawn.

After Jiang You collected the purple energy, he went out and asked Lu Xiaoxiao and Wu Ye if they were back.

I was told that Lu Xiaoxiao's trading center had already established two locations, and a third one was currently under construction. The Fifth Master was still stranded in Chang'an City, not knowing what he was busy with.

If the mountain is not mine, I will be the mountain. Jiang You might as well go directly to Chang'an City to find the Fifth Master.

He has been back for so long and has never been to the most powerful city in the northwest. He also wants to see what Chang'an, the ancient capital of the thirteen dynasties, will look like after the spiritual energy is revived.

Song Shan also came back the day after Jiang You returned to the headquarters. He greeted Song Shan and flew directly to Chang'an with his sword.

Fengxian was not far from Chang'an. Even after the earth grew, it only took Jiang You half an hour to fly there.

Jiang You flew among the white clouds high in the sky, and saw the tall buildings of Chang'an City far away.

He landed early and walked into the city.

As a modern metropolis, Chang'an has already expanded outward several times based on the original urban area. The original ancient capital was only limited to the city center and the part surrounded by the city wall.

Jiang You walked to the street and found that even in Chang'an City, where major organizations were entrenched, there were very few pedestrians on the street, and the only pedestrians all had disheveled faces and hurried expressions.

At this time, the food shortage problem also broke out in the horizon. After a large number of people died, the cultivated fields outside the city were abandoned, and the autumn harvest was extremely bleak. Because of the cutoff of roads, the other provinces were rich in food. Can't get it in either.

As a result, the food supply in Chang'an City has become extremely tight. .

This has had a great impact on the lives of ordinary people. All non-production industries have been cancelled, and the unemployed have been assigned to manual labor. This still cannot fully absorb the labor force. There are still a large number of thirty-five-year-old people who are unemployed at home every day. They can only survive on government relief food.

In this situation where the economy disappeared, there were originally a large number of women going to the sea and exchanging their bodies for food. However, due to the policies issued by Jiang You in Yama, and after Lu Xiaoxiao added more weight, it was already strictly prohibited when it came to land. Sex service industry.

The establishment of the Righteous Alliance also allowed this policy to be implemented in Chang'an City, which made the lives of the people at the bottom even more difficult.

Everything has pros and cons. When Jiang You forcibly retained their dignity, the price was starvation, although many people didn't care about it.

Jiang You walked slowly in the city, which indeed made him discover many novel changes.

The first is advertising. All the advertising spaces on the street are playing promotional advertisements from major organizations. The overwhelming advertising has brought these organizations to the forefront, no longer mysterious, and widely rooted in the hearts of the people.

The second is the existence of curfew. When Jiang You passed by the community, he saw that each community was guarded by armed personnel and strictly controlled the entry and exit of people. Next to it, there was a big sign with red letters on a black background saying curfew. Time: Normal access time: 7:00-20:00. Anyone who wanders during the curfew time without a work permit from the relevant department will be punished with a curfew crime, a fine of 10,000, and 10 kilograms of food stamps. Those who cannot pay will be sentenced to one month of labor camp!

Jiang You looked at it and was amazed, thinking that the curfew punishment was really severe!

However, there is no way to use heavy codes in troubled times, and Jiang You can understand this.

While Jiang You was wandering around, a small incident also caught up with him.

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