Kaiba was instantly furious.

Outside the court, Jonouchi was already a little stunned. Good guy, why is this Kaiba man more annoying than Kaiba? Even Kaiba was so angry that it was simply unimaginable.

Yugi and Yami Yugi both frowned and fell into deep thought. What's going on? Is Kaibaman deliberately irritating Kaiba? What does he want to do? Psychological tactics? But psychological tactics should and should not be used in duels, right? If the life-cutting treasure is used correctly, this duel might end immediately!

"Ha! Enough nonsense, let's continue the duel! This round, I haven't had the chance to use normal summons yet. Come on, I'll summon the Electronic Pot in face-to-side defense position, then cover it with three cards, and the round is over!"

[Haimaman: Hand: 4 → 5 → 4 → 6 → 3 → 4 → 0 → 5 → 0 → 1 HP: 4000]

"What? You actually took the initiative to reveal the true identity of the Gaifang monster?"

"Are you going to bluff?"

"No, judging from the current performance, Kaiba Man and Mr. Kaiba should be very similar in character. And with Mr. Kaiba's pride, it is absolutely impossible for him to lie in this situation."

"So that's really an electronic kettle?"

The duelists outside the field were all shocked and confused, while Kaiba became even more angry.

"Asshole! How dare you look down on me like that!"

"Hmph! How long are you going to waste time? You must be short of cards now! Then, quickly call out a miscellaneous fish monster to attack the electronic pot. In this case, no matter whether it is a monster on the field It’s time to replenish your cards!”

"Shut up! You don't need to direct my actions! My turn is to draw cards! I activate the magic card, Liberation of Souls! There are up to five cards in the graveyards of both sides, except those cards! I choose my graveyard Except for the five cards: the Extradimensional Dragon, the Emperor's Flying Wind Dragon, the Dragon Ruler, the Vampire Lord, and Obelisk's Titan Soldier!"

"Oh? Are you going to exclude God at this time?"

"Hypocritical guy! I want to see if you can block God's attack again! Obelisk, come to my field again! Trap card, return from another dimension! Activate! Pay half of your health , let my monsters be special summoned on my field! Come on, my monsters, and the God of Destruction!”

Chapter 88 The reappearance of divine wrath, the second display of infinity


Accompanied by fierce thunder, the blue giant god appeared on the field again. There seemed to be a little more anger in his expression, as if he was annoyed because he was taken away by the Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon and died together.

In addition to the blue giant god, four monsters also appeared on the field one after another, the different-dimensional dragon, the emperor's flying wind dragon, the dragon ruler, and another card that Kaiba threw to the graveyard through the angel's charity, the vampire. lord.

However, as a price for recalling these monsters, Kaiba's health dropped again, leaving only 1,500 points.

"Hmph! The God of Destruction has arrived again. Next, I want to see how you will--!"

Before he finished speaking, Kaiba stopped because he realized that the damn material dragon actually appeared on Seahorse's field again.

"Heh, you want to see what I'm going to do again?"

Seahorse looked at Kaiba with a provocative look.


Kaiba gritted his teeth and looked at Kaibaman's backcourt, and found that one of the three cover cards in Haimaman's backcourt had indeed been opened, the trap card, the cry of the living dead!

Seahorse Man continued his provocation: "Hmph! It seems that all your attention is on God. I actually activated the trap card "Cry of the Living Dead" when you activated Return from Another Dimension. I didn't even notice it. Although part of the reason was that I didn't explain it when activating the trap card because I saw you were too excited, but as a duelist, you are still too unqualified! They are just like those bastards of Gurus who bowed before the power of God!”

"Stop talking! So what if you resurrected the Material Dragon! But don't forget, the Material Dragon you revived using that trap card was specially summoned in attack position! Even if the effect of the Material Dragon can seal Obelisk The destructive effect, but facing the God of Destruction Obelisk, your material dragon with only 2400 attack power will still have no choice but to die! "

"Hmph! You are so naive. Let me tell you one more thing. Among my remaining two cover cards, there is another one, duel fusion!"


Kaiba was immediately shocked. After all, the GX version of duel fusion does not have the restrictions of the O version. It is not limited to only one activation per turn, nor is it limited to only fusion monsters. Therefore, Kaiba can also completely attack the material dragon. to activate the duel fusion effect to increase the attack power of the material dragon.

"In other words, as long as you don't use Obelisk's soul energy MAX to increase Obelisk's attack power to infinity, then no matter which monster you let attack the material dragon, it will only be attacked by the material dragon. Counter-kill! The material dragon's attack power is a full 2400 points. Therefore, as long as your monster is counter-killed by the material dragon, you will directly lose the duel and use Obelisk's soul energy MAX! If it does, Obelisk and the material dragon whose attack power has also been increased to infinite will die together again."

"However, I can also let Obelisk attack the material dragon. If you dare to initiate duel fusion first, I can directly obliterate you with unlimited power!"

"Hmph! Then, come and try attacking!"

Kaiba's expression changed again. With his unhurried attitude, could it mean that Kaiba's remaining two Gaikas were all duel fusions? He has not drawn a card that can solve the Gaika now. If the remaining two Gaikas of Seahorse Man are duel fusion, then even Obelisk will not be able to avoid dying together again, and Obelisk After dying together with the Material Dragon, the monsters on his field were really unable to deal with the Electronic Pot. After all, it was still unknown how many monsters with four stars or less that both sides could draw from the deck.

However, if those two cards are all duel fusion, then the electronic pot is a good breakthrough. As long as he chooses to attack the electronic pot, the effect of the electronic pot will be activated, destroying all monsters on the field, but The monster effects that can be effective for one turn on Obelisk do not include exit effects such as destruction, so the effect of the electronic pot cannot affect Obelisk!

As long as he can find more than two bad monsters among the five monsters at the top of the deck, he can still activate Obelisk's effect in the main phase two to clear out Seahorse Man's health. After all, Electronic Pot can be specially summoned. There are only monsters below level four, and the material dragon is a level six monster. Even if Haimaman draws a second material dragon, it is impossible to specially summon it.

As for drawing cards, he is still very confident, but just in case, it is better for him to make some preparations in advance.

"Then! Let me give it a try! I activate Obelisk's most advanced ability, Soul Energy MAX again! I will sacrifice the different-dimensional dragon and the Dragon Ruler to increase Obelisk's attack power to Infinitely big!”


Following Kaiba's words, Obelisk immediately roared, stretched out his hands towards the different-dimensional dragon and the dragon ruler, grabbed the two monsters, turned them into soul energy and absorbed it from his body, allowing the miracle of arousing the wrath of the gods to happen. Revealed again, the blue giant transformed into an angry red giant again.

"Then, I enter the battle phase and use the Imperial Soaring Wind Dragon to attack your defending monster!"

After hearing this order, most of the duelists outside the field also reacted and showed expressions of approval. Yes, and this hand, as long as the electronic pot is attacked, Seahorse Man's defense line will be shattered. Of course, this The premise is that the monster Kaibaman covers on the field is really an electronic pot.

Under everyone's gaze, the Emperor Xiangfeng Dragon sprayed golden flames at the defending monster on the Kaibaman field, and the monster guarding inside also revealed its true identity. Sure enough, it was an electronic kettle, and Haimaman did not lie.

"Hmph! It is indeed an electronic pot. Then, let this electronic pot lead you to the abyss of defeat! Because the electronic pot is reversed, the special effect of the electronic pot is also forced to activate, and all monsters on the field are destroyed! My Obelisk will not be affected by this effect, but there is no way that your material dragon will not be affected. Sarah, how do you choose? Let the electronic pot destroy the material dragon, or activate the effect of the material dragon. Woolen cloth!"

"Hmph! Meaningless question! I activate the effect of Material Dragon, discard a card in my hand, and invalidate the effect of Electronic Pot and destroy it!"

"Hahahahaha! But! In this way, you won't have any cards in your hand. In other words, you can no longer activate the effect of Material Dragon to negate Obelisk's destructive effect. As long as I end the combat phase directly , use the Emperor Soaring Wind Dragon and the Vampire Lord as sacrifices to activate Obelisk's effect, and your health will return to zero!"

"The listed Vadokana!"


Chapter 89 Another collision, extra infinity, playful explanation

Kaibaman sneered and picked up a card that popped up from the deck and showed it to Kaiba: "Just now, the card I sent to the graveyard in order to use the effect of Material Dragon was the equipment magic card, Demon Sword Bamboo Light! This card is being sent to It can only be activated in the graveyard. I can add another Bamboo Light card from the deck to my hand, so I added this soul-absorbing Bamboo Light from the deck to my hand!"

"Asshole! Did you even predict in advance that I would choose to attack the electronic pot?"

Kaiba showed a mixture of anger and unwillingness.

Seahorse Man still sneered: "Huh! Isn't this natural? If you are not even to this extent, how can I dare to use you as a target to show the possibility? I will tell you the truth, and Ou I have countless experiences of being an enemy of Obelisk, so I know very well about Obelisk's abilities and how to deal with Obelisk! With Obelisk's power, you can definitely defeat him! Don’t fall for me!”

"What a joke! Do you think I will be deceived by such words? I want to see if your Gaika is a duel fusion! God of Destruction, Obelisk! Attack the material dragon, Divine Fist Crush!"

"A meaningless struggle! Quick attack magic card, duel fusion (GX version), activate! The material dragon's attack power has also been increased to infinity. Fight Obelisk, material dragon! The light of truth!!"

Golden energy gathered crazily in the material dragon's mouth, then spurted out, colliding head-on with Obelisk's fist, once again creating a dazzling light that flooded the entire duel field.

Outside the field, the duelists had to squint their eyes again, and at the same time they were filled with emotion. Although this duel did not have as many developments and chains as before, the collision of infinite attack power in two consecutive rounds was indeed too shocking.

After waiting for a while, the light dissipated again, and the Material Dragon and Obelisk also disappeared from the field.

Seeing this, Kaiba immediately began to issue orders: "Although Obelisk has disappeared from my field, there are still monsters on my field that have not launched an attack. Go, Vampire Lord, launch a direct attack on Seahorse Man - Nani?!"

Kaiba was about to issue an order for a direct attack, but after seeing Seahorse Man, he couldn't help but exclaimed, because at this time, Seahorse Man's health value was actually increased to infinity.

"Hmph! I told you that you can't defeat me with the power of God!"

Seahorse Man sneered and pointed at the last open card on his field. Seahorse looked over and found that the cover card was not the third Duel Fusion he thought, but a trap card, Hope of Death.

"It's Hope of Death!"

Seahorse's face immediately became extremely ugly, because his actions were obviously predicted by Seahorse Man again.

"That's right, Hope of Death, this trap card can only be activated when a monster on my field is destroyed. Choose a duelist and restore the life value of the destroyed monster's attack power! When the Material Dragon and Obelisk died together, I activated this card, and at that time, the Material Dragon's attack power had been increased to infinity due to the effect of the Duel Fusion, so my life value naturally became infinite!"

"In other words, the attack power of the Vampire Lord is meaningless, right! If I want to defeat you, I can only rely on Obelisk's top-level ability!"

As he said, Kaiba glanced at the Vampire Lord and gave up letting the Vampire Lord attack directly, because this attack was meaningless, and even the effect of the Vampire Lord was meaningless, and it might be used by Kaiba Man.

"Hmph! Haven't you learned your lesson yet? I have said it many times, you can never defeat me with the power of God!"

"Shut up! Do you think I will believe your nonsense?"

Kaiba roared back directly.

Outside the field, Yugi seemed to have understood something. Kaibashi was not teasing Kaiba on purpose, but was playing a guidance game? Judging from the current situation, Kaibashi should want Kaiba to stop believing in the power of God and surpass his current self?

Even Kaiba may have understood this, but this kind of thing, being played a guidance game by others, is absolutely unacceptable to Kaiba, who has an extremely proud personality, even if that person is another future self in a parallel world. Or, it is precisely because the other party is another future self in a parallel world that Kaiba is even less likely to accept the fact of being played a guidance game.

"I! Just end the battle phase, cover a card, and end this turn! Then, because of the negative effect of the return from the other dimension, the Vampire Lord and Emperor Xiangfenglong on my field are all excluded!"

[Kaiba: Hand: 1 card → 2 cards → 0 cards HP: 1500]

"Hmph, now you don't have any wall monsters left on the field!"

"Stop talking nonsense. Although I don't have any wall monsters, I still have at least three face-up cards. You, on the other hand, have neither monsters nor face-up cards, only a meaningless magic card in your hand. You are not qualified to criticize me in this situation!"

"Naive! Who do you think I am! On my turn, I draw a card!! The card I draw is a magic card, Resurrection of the Dead!"


"I activate the magic card, Resurrection of the Dead! I am going to revive the god of your graveyard, the God of Destruction, Obelix!!"


The blue thunder fell again, and the God of Destruction appeared again, but this time, he appeared behind Kaibaman.

Obelix looked at Kaiba Man with an unhappy look. Although this guy had indeed cheated him twice in a row, he was qualified to control the parallel world after all. He was just wearing a vest. He was not unrecognizable. It was better to let this guy go for the time being.

"You guy!!"

But Kaiba was so angry that he almost bit his teeth. Asshole, who was just saying that he had surpassed God! Is this what you call surpassing God?

As if seeing Kaiba's thoughts, Kaiba Man also showed a playful smile again: "Although I have indeed surpassed God, it does not mean that I will not use God at all! Why do you think I said that you can never defeat me with the power of God? Now that God is on my side, how can you defeat me with the power of God?"

Outside the field, Xingyuan suddenly shuddered. No, there is something wrong with Kaiba. He should not have pulled the wrong person, right? The Kaiba in the GX world should not have such a bad taste, right? Should I use fantasy materialization to make a machine that can read minds? I'm a bit panicked!

Chapter 90 The reason why I don't like myself, the cards stuck together

Of course, Xingyuan didn't pull the wrong person. This Kaiba Man was not the uncle Kaiba he knew before, but just an ordinary Kaiba in the GX world. The reason why he behaved so badly was purely because he was unhappy with the current Kaiba, just like ordinary people often feel unhappy with their own Chuunibyou period after adulthood. After all, the Kaiba in the GX period was already in a relationship with the reincarnation of Kisara. In this case, he was naturally not very happy to see another self in the Obelix period who often used the Blue-Eyes White Dragon as a sacrifice.

However, the Kaiba in the Duel City period actually planned it out. If it was the scumbag Kaiba before the Duel Kingdom who even dared to tear the Blue-Eyes White Dragon apart with his bare hands, the GX Kaiba would probably have rushed up to start the action duel.

This is also the reason why GX Kaiba, ahem, Kaiba Man turned this duel into a guidance game. Anyway, he couldn't accept that his stupid other self didn't trust Blue-Eyes White Dragon but trusted Obelisk more. You know, Blue-Eyes White Dragon is the elf that belongs exclusively to his wife..., and Obelisk is the common phantom god of the pharaohs. As long as his brain is not pitted, he should be able to know which one he should trust more, right?

So Kaiba Man couldn't accept it. Since he couldn't accept it, he naturally had to find a way to change it.

Then, there is another reason that can also be explained a little bit, that is, it is really cool to beat another self!

Being beaten by another self and being played a guidance game by another self is also something he can't accept, but on the contrary, it is extremely comfortable. It's a rare opportunity, how can he miss it? If it's the other self on the opposite side who has such an opportunity, he will definitely not miss it. As for what the other self who was beaten and guided thinks, what does it have to do with him? It's already another self, how can he care so much, just let him feel good.

Of course, these are just two of the reasons. There are some other reasons, but there is no need to mention them one by one at the moment. Let's get back to the duel.

"Damn it!!"

Kaiba gritted his teeth again. Kaiba's life value has increased to infinity. In his deck, only Obelisk can reduce such life value to 0, but now Obelisk has been resurrected on Kaiba's field. If he wants to win, he must defeat Obelisk first.

God does not take the effects of trap cards, nor does it take the magic effects and monster effects that transfer control and let God leave the field directly. The rest of the magic effects and monster effects can only take effect for one round. He doesn't know whether Obelisk in other worlds is like this, at least Obelisk in his world is like this.

Under this premise, Obelisk also has an extremely high attack power of 4000 points. Therefore, it is not easy to defeat Obelisk. Fortunately, his Blue-Eyes White Dragons are all famous for their attack power. As long as he can summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon or even a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon in a short period of time, he still has a chance to seize the opportunity to win.

"Hmph! Next, you will taste the power of God for yourself! Fight! Obelisk, launch a direct attack on Kaiba, God's Hand Crush!!"

"Don't even think about it! At this moment, I activate the Quick Play Magic Card, Command Silencer (DM original card)! Directly cancel your attack order on Obelisk, I draw a card! Draw a card!"

"Huh? It seems that you can still continue to struggle for a while! Then, I will end this turn like this!"

[Seahorse Man: Hand: 1 → 2 → 1 Life Points: ∞]

"My turn, draw a card!"

Kaiba drew the top card of the deck without hesitation, and the deck did not disappoint him. The card he drew was the Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

Kaiba's face was happy. Very good, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon was in hand, but at this time, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon could not defeat Obelisk, and he could not summon the Blue-Eyes White Dragon for the time being, so now it is better to try another set of tactics.

"I summon a monster in face-down defense position, and the turn ends."

[Seahorse: Hand: 1 → 2 → 1 HP: 1500]

Seahorse Man frowned: "Face-down defense position summon? So that's it, virus tactics? Because you can't empty my HP, you want to empty my deck to win?"

Seahorse's face froze. What's going on? Why did he guess it was a virus tactic directly? He obviously used a lot of reverse monsters. Even if it was another self in the parallel world, it shouldn't be so easy to guess it was a virus tactic, right?

Xingyuan sighed helplessly. It's hard for anyone not to guess the face-down defense monster of Seahorse. Seahorse in the normal world line does not have adjustment monsters like Shiraishi, and reverse monsters are gradually withdrawing from Seahorse's deck. Only the virus tactic has been enduring for Seahorse. In addition, the opponent is still a combination of Obelisk and infinite HP. In this case, normal people would guess the virus tactic, let alone Seahorse Man.

"Although the virus tactics can't have much impact on me at this time, but since it's your tactic, I won't let it succeed easily! It's my turn, draw a card! I activate the magic card, defense seal, and change your defense monster to attack position!"

"What?! I drew another counter card?!"


Seahorse snorted in dissatisfaction. Is this surprising? He just drew the key card at the critical moment. He is not as good as a certain Sea Star Head who can draw whatever he wants. But fortunately, his ability to draw cards has improved. Otherwise, facing the Sea Star Head who can draw whatever he wants, he really has no chance of winning.

With Seahorse's ugly expression, the monster on his field also changed to attack position. It was the monster that could activate the virus tactics, a level 3 dark attribute magician monster, the Dark Path Master Peter with an attack power of only 500.

"Humph! It is the Dark Path Master Peter, which means that it is indeed the virus tactics, right! However, if you withstand the attack of Obelix in attack position, then even if the virus tactics are successfully activated, it will be meaningless! Go on, Obelix, attack the Dark Path Master Peter, God's Hand Crush!!"

"How can I let you succeed! Trap card, Destruction Wheel! Activate!"

Seahorse was stunned. Destruction Wheel, did he guess wrong? The other card is a defense wheel? Not a virus tactic?

Confused, Seahorse Man still shouted: "It's useless! Trap cards don't work against gods!"

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