What is a first-class savior?

Chapter 245 The Disaster of Power Desire

A faint sound of footsteps drifted into Wang Ran's ears.

"Finally someone was called."

Wang Ran recovered from his thoughts.

He asked Liu Lu, the county magistrate, to seek help from higher-level officials. Liu Lu obviously had a normal relationship with his superiors, otherwise it would not have taken three days to move in to rescue the soldiers.

Thinking about it carefully, Liu Lu asked people to levy taxes for ten years, which was obviously a posture of making a fortune and running away.

Since he had to run away after making a fortune, he naturally didn't need to establish a good relationship with his superiors. He only needed to manage the big tigers at the top and let himself be transferred to a good job.

As soon as Wang Ran rolled his eyes, he wanted to understand Liu Lu's situation.

He smiled playfully.

Liu Lu's ten-year tax collection has caused public dissatisfaction. If the money collected in the end can't satisfy the big tiger's appetite and let him leave without hesitation, he may be eaten alive by the people here and his immediate boss.

No wonder the tax collector knew that old man Chai had paid one cent of the tax money, but asked old man Chai to pay another one.

I think Liu Lu put a lot of pressure on the people below.

In Wang Ran's thoughts, the footsteps were getting closer and closer until they approached the government office.


Liu Lu's shout came from outside the government office.

Wang Ran flicked his fingers without raising his head.


A scarlet arrow was shot straight, and the heavy object fell to the ground, followed by a panicked sound.

Liu Lu, died.

Liu Lu was asked to find his superiors to make a big noise.

Mission accomplished and damn it.

Cause of death.

Hey hey hey, that's so disrespectful.

Wang Ran said slowly: "If you are not afraid of death, come in, if you are afraid of death, go back and ask for help. I will wait for you here in three days."

The movement is still not big enough, let's make it bigger.

three days later


A scarlet arrow shot straight out, and the heavy object fell to the ground.


Soldiers in silver armor filed in.

Wang Ran hooked his fingers.

The bleeding arrow flew up from the soil, turned into a scarlet light, and bounced left and right in the government office.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The soldiers fell to the ground slumped, with fear and astonishment remaining on their faces

Wang Ran raised his hand.

A man with a flag behind his back flew in.

The man was trembling, and even the banner behind him was shaking, like a dark wind kept blowing.

See Hades alive!

Even the Grand Duke in the palace can't kill people so lightly!

Wooden arrow piercing iron helmet

Is this something humans can do?

Wang Ran stared at this man. This man was an official, and he was older than the county magistrate Liu Lu, because he had a stronger weird aura than Liu Lu.

The soldiers did not have this kind of aura.

Wang Ran murmured, "Interesting."

The lost convert of the evil god sounds like a character with no brains, but what he does makes him unable to understand.

The strange aura didn't seem to cause any physical harm to the officials, but endowed them with a special spiritual deterrent force. Ordinary people might lose their souls after being yelled at by them.

Seems like a good thing.

But this weird smell made Wang Ran feel very uncomfortable, it must not be a fun thing.

Wang Ran took a closer look at the man.

He felt that the aura on the man's body was much more solid than that on Liu Lu's body. If it was more condensed, nothing would appear.

You need to find a bigger officer.

"I'll let you go, you go and find me a bigger official."

Wang Ran asked casually, "How?"


Let the arrow go straight into the stone slab in front of the man, and the bright red blood drops slide down the grain on the token, scaring the man to kowtow repeatedly.

Wang Ran waved his hand: "Go and come back quickly."

The man stood up and ran the shit out of him.

Wang Ran slowly closed his eyes.

It would be quicker for him to start than to wait for someone to come to his door, but he was tired and would rather sleep a little longer.

A few more days passed.

boom rumble

The government office was overcast and cloudy, and there was a dull thunder rolling in the dark clouds.

whoosh whoosh

The arrows doused with kerosene burst into dazzling flames in the air, pouring densely into the government office like splashed water.


The fire ignited the wooden house at once.

stepping stepping

Teams of soldiers rushed over from all directions and surrounded the burning government office.

boom boom boom

There was constant thunder, but not a drop of rain.

Under the gloomy sky, a ferocious fire engulfed the entire mansion.

"God help me!"

Behind the soldiers, an old general with white hair and beard in heavy armor stroked his beard and laughed.

There are only four administrative regions in this country, each of which has a general and two sub-generals, and this old general is one of the sub-generals.

The matter of Chi'an County has been reported to the court.

Emperor Longyan was furious.

The relationship between the imperial court and the rivers and lakes has been bad in recent years, and the matter of Chi'an County immediately became a fuse. All officials, big and small, demanded that the matter of Chi'an County be strictly handled.

They believed that if Wang Ran could not be killed with thunder and severe punishments were imposed, the Jianghu people would no longer regard the court in their eyes.

If Wang Ran cannot be cured, it won't be long before people from other places will attack and kill officials.

As soon as the first precedent is opened, all the mud and sand will fall!

When the current situation is turbulent, it is difficult to say what the future will hold.

In fact, the ministers had a very good idea. If they smothered the spark at the head, the fire in the back would not be able to burn, but this spark was not something they could snuff out.

They chose the worst path.

The fire burned for a long time.

The soldiers were engrossed in surrounding the mansion. Once someone walked out of the mansion, they would immediately be greeted with overwhelming arrows.

"Go in and have a look!"

The old general said to his personal guards.

"Be careful."

The old general warned cautiously: "That man is no small matter, and the people in the palace may not have his means. A fire may not be able to burn to death. Let those ordinary soldiers stand in front of you when you go in."

The guards nodded silently.

"follow me!"

They ordered their own soldiers and entered the government office from different directions.

And then never came out again.

"Liu Meng!"

"He Duozhi!"

"Zhao Ji!"


The soldiers shouted their names, but there was only a dead silence and a heat wave that hadn't dissipated in the government office, and there was no response at all.

The old general frowned.

He thought that if the government office was successfully ignited, the next thing would be easier.

But he kept things simple.

The people inside killed the soldiers who entered the government office from multiple directions in an instant, so that all the soldiers had no time to call for help. He couldn't even imagine how the people inside did it.

He was a little chilled.

At this moment, a huge suction force acted on him.

"Are you the biggest official here?"

He heard a strange voice.

Although the words were inquiries, they did not imply any doubts, and the speaker seemed to be sure of his own judgment.

The old general frightened: "Who?"

He pulled out the sword from his waist and swung it vigorously. An invisible black air flowed along the edge of his sword, cutting off the invisible traction between him and the government office.


Wang Ran was a little surprised.

He looked in the direction of the old general, his eyes seemed to have penetrated through many barriers, and fell directly on the old general's face.


"The higher the official position, the stronger the weird aura on the body, and even evolved something."

Wang Ran has no means of controlling objects.

His strength to pull the old general was completely brute force, relying on his high spiritual attributes to pull hard, but was suddenly cut off by the strange aura of the old general.

But even if Wang Ran relied on brute force, it was incredible that the old general could cut off the pull of the god's mind with a mortal body.

What contributed to this was the strange aura lingering around the old general.

"The breath is so strong that it can already exert a lot of power at the spiritual level following the actions of the host." Wang Ran was surprised, "and it still doesn't hurt the body."

What is this evil god convert doing?

What about Kaishantang?

It doesn't quite fit the style of the Cthulhu series.

Shouldn't normal converts of evil gods try to destroy a world by every means? How can this convert of evil gods help the human beings in this world become stronger?

Could it be that he turned his back on the dark?

Wang Ran was puzzled. Originally, he was not very interested in the converts of the evil gods, and he planned to train a group of natives of the world to wipe out the converts of the evil gods.

But now, this evil god convert caught his attention.

He suddenly wanted to meet the convert of the evil god, and ask him what the convert of the evil god was doing.

Wang Ran got up slowly.

The last few arrows flew out of the lottery tube, and shot out with his footsteps.




There were short screams one after another.

When Wang Ran walked out of the mansion, there were a large number of corpses lying outside the mansion. Coincidentally, the rain also fell at this time.


In an instant, the rain poured down.

Wang Ran walked up to the only survivor—the second general, He Xuan.

He Xuan looked sad.

When he saw Wang Ran, his eyes were red, and he frantically swung his sword towards Wang Ran.

Wang Ran stretched out two fingers and clamped the sword firmly.

He stared straight at the back of He Xuan, and when He Xuan ran towards him in anger, the aura on He Xuan almost condensed into a figure.

Although it was hazy, it was indeed a figure.

This figure seemed to be related to He Xuan's emotions. He Xuan gradually calmed down at this moment, and the figure behind him also began to dissipate.

You have to keep He Xuan's mood.

Wang Ran said, "Among the first group of soldiers who came in, there was a man who looked very similar to you. Is he your relative?"


Two words popped out between the old general's teeth.

His anger rose with these two words, and the figure behind him also became more solid.

Wang Ran took a deep breath, and he looked at the black figure behind the old general.

[The devil who trampled on the eighteen prohibitions], activate!

【You have gained insight into the weakness of the disaster of desire for power】

A disaster of desire for power?

There was a hint of doubt in Wang Ran's eyes, thinking that it sounded like a disaster, but why did the disaster still have a human form?

【① Greed for life and fear of death】

【He has just survived a terrible war, and does not want to experience any danger that may endanger his life in a short time】

【②Seriously injured and dying】

[He is half-dead, living by a little bit of power desire spread by believers, waiting for those who are obsessed with power to "resurrect" Him, and He cannot bear any blow at this moment]

【③Wanted by the Evil God】

[As one of the twelve most powerful high-level evil gods, his escape caused the evil god to be defeated in a very important war, so he was wanted by other evil gods]

A series of three weaknesses appeared before Wang Ran's eyes.

"The upper evil god?"

In an instant, many thoughts flashed through Wang Ran's mind.

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