What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 257 I Can Beat Ten Like This

At this time, among the many powerful men, Ziyue, who had little sense of presence, moved her beautiful eyes: "This is the robe I gave him, and he is still wearing it. It's a pity that he is no longer that person."

She sighed quietly, who would have thought that the young man who helped her practice would suffer like this, and he was already a person she was afraid of even after seeing him again.

On the ground, Lei Gensheng faced Song Shi and said that he didn't use any force and felt that he had received a huge blow.

He clenched his fists, and the newly acquired Spirit Weapon appeared in his hands, wanting to explode and prove himself.

"You're not strong enough, let's just deal with you."

Song Shi realized that the Supreme Grade gold Divine Body was indeed too strong, and this guy couldn't kill him for a while.

Then there is no need to waste time.

Golden brilliance burst out, and Song Shi stepped out in one step, causing a powerful shock wave.


He teleported in front of Lei Gensheng, and when he moved his palm, he brought out a terrifying sonic boom. The power of his palm turned into a fire dragon, and his power was domineering and concentrated.

Lei Gensheng was still unconvinced. He made a fist with his other hand and punched it out. The dense thunder shone in all directions, equally fierce and domineering.


The moment the space distorted, Lei Gensheng's body trembled, as if he had been hit by a volcanic eruption, and he couldn't control himself and flew backwards.

His eyes widened and he roared: "Stop!"

His feet moved hard, and a large silver thunder exploded behind him. Lei Gensheng controlled himself to retreat.

Song Shi would not give him a chance to adjust. He stepped on the ground again, and as the ground shattered, he suddenly ejected and chased after him. It was still the Dragon Subduing Mahamudra.

Lei Gensheng had to lift the Nine Dragons Thunder Spirit Hammer and pour mana into it.


A huge silver thunder dragon rushed out of the hammer, a hundred feet long, and struck Song Shi with a breath of destruction.

Song Shi refused to retreat or dodge. The fire dragon in his hand grew in size and he was not afraid of running into it.


The power of thunder and fire met, causing a violent explosion on the spot. The aftermath fell on Lei Gensheng. He groaned and was knocked back. He fell to the ground, his clothes were broken, and his body was covered with scorch marks.

He was actually hurt by his own attack, and he was filled with shame and anger.

But a big flaming foot couldn't help his distraction and fell from the sky like a wave.

He hurriedly rolled to avoid it, boom! Song Shi stepped on the ground and left a footprint several feet deep.

"The movements are very flexible!"

Song Shi commented, Shrink the Earth to an Inch is used, mana explodes behind him, the speed is accelerated, and a thunderous offensive is launched.

Boom boom boom!

He is like a human-shaped bomb that will explode wherever it touches. A large area of ​​real sun fire spreads, blocking the figure that flashes with thunder.

Lei Gensheng retreated once and was completely at a disadvantage. He retreated again and again, dodging again and again. The dignified thunder monk should have been on the offensive side, but Song Shi beat him and he could only defend.

There is a saying that if you defend for a long time, you will lose. In less than ten moves, there was an explosion and the Nine Dragons Thunder Spirit Hammer in his hand was knocked away. He was punched in the chest and smashed into the ground while vomiting blood.

If it weren't for the armor he was wearing, which was High Grade Law Treasure and could withstand most of the destructive force, this punch would have broken his bones.

Song Shi fell next to him, with flames pulsing on his body and sword aura flowing across his body. He had no interest in continuing to fight: "Lei Gensheng, you lost, just stay here for a while."

He didn't like killing people like this who had never killed him before, and he was too lazy to waste any more energy.

"I lost..."

Lei Gensheng was devastated. He thought that after a hundred years of hard training and Body Tempering in the Thunder Spirit Pond day and night, he would become a blockbuster this time, but he encountered a pervert like the old ghost in blood.

Song Shi pouted. After his golden Divine Body reached the Supreme Grade, his combat power increased a lot, which was completely different from before.

At this moment, the blood all over his body was boiling, and he felt full of power, and even had an illusion.

Lei Gensheng is like this, he can fight ten!

The crowd who stayed away from the fighting venue was a little silent.

They did not see the blood-clothed old ghost suppressing Qian Wuji and Li Ba. At this moment, Lei Gensheng was defeated, which also meant that the blood-clothed old ghost not only had profound knowledge, but also had very strong fighting power.

The Lord of the Thunder Kingdom had a dark face and hummed: "Gensheng, you did not lose unjustly. I have not yet mastered the Divine Body of Dacheng. He is not considered your peer."

Dacheng Divine Body is the standard in the Soul Formation Realm world. If you want to cultivate it in advance, you basically have to rely on external forces, otherwise it is absolutely impossible.

"I understand, Grandpa."

Lei Gensheng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stared at Song Shi: "You have used other means to improve yourself. If you are defeated by force, I will surpass you sooner or later!"

Song Shi laughed when he heard this: "What you said makes it seem like you didn't rely on external objects to cultivate, but all relied on your own hard work?"

"no the same."

Lei Gensheng shook his head and regained his confidence, "Just wait, when your external force loses its effect and stops moving forward, I will quickly catch up."

After saying that, he turned into a bolt of lightning and went away.

"Thunder Emperor is right. This old ghost in blood has lived for a thousand years. He must have used other means to forcibly improve his physique. He is not worthy of his cultivation at all."

Gan Wuji suddenly echoed loudly, actually making excuses for his failure.

"It's just relying on external things. How dare you be so arrogant? You will eventually be punished!"

Li Ba followed suit, and he was in a much better mood now.

The person who defeated him and made him suffer was not a real genius, but an old guy who relied on external resources and was actually very old. His potential was still not as good as his.

Song Shi is a little speechless. Are these guys comforting themselves so that they can feel balanced?

"It's time to end, old ghost in blood. You made a big fuss at the Immortal Fate Conference and did things by any means. You are also a traitor to my Da Gan. Today, I will capture you on behalf of Da Gan!"

Emperor Qian opened his mouth, speaking righteously, with an upright and upright spirit, seeming to be supporting justice, while Song Shi became the representative of evil and the person who should be punished.

He stepped out step by step, and the overwhelming mana surged, turning into a golden dragon, a thousand feet long, and the dragon's roar shook the heaven and the earth, just like the dragon god coming to the world.

The void within a hundred miles radius was turbulent, the power of heaven and earth was converging on the dragon, and the clouds were dyed golden.

Song Shi looked at the sky and was a little shocked to feel that the power of heaven and earth surrendered at the feet of Emperor Qian.

Is this the true strength of the Soul Formation level? Every move can mobilize the power of heaven and earth, just like the gods of this world.

He sighed: "The power of the Soul Formation level is indeed powerful. In this world, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a god."

The other major kings and the powerful Monster Race all showed fear. Only a few Great Monsters did not react much because they were also at the same level.

Emperor Qian stepped on the golden dragon and looked down at Song Shi: "Old ghost in blood clothes, I will give up my cultivation. I will spare your life."

"I need you to keep this thing for me?"

Song Shi sneered, his expression not changing much. No matter how powerful this emperor was, for him, it was just death.

"Then don't blame me."

Emperor Qian raised his hand, ready to capture the old ghost in blood clothes.

"Wait a minute, Emperor Qian, this old man in blood has offended not only your country Qian, but our country Li, who is also his enemy, and I don't agree to be captured directly by you."

Although the Lord of Li was afraid, he finally stood up, not wanting to miss the secrets of the old ghost in blood.

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