What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 260 The Power Of The Monk Army

The situation changed immediately, and the snake clan had a big advantage.

The White Snake Demon Lord glanced at the old guy and said secretly: "Help me escape and give him half of it."

"Fairy White, you're welcome. We are also of the same kind and we should help each other."

The Black Snake Demon Lord responded, and then waved his hand, and the black mana turned into a great river, tumbling toward the Red Crow Emperor and the Li Emperor.

After all, there was a gap between the two. Forced by the power of the black river, even though they tried their best to defend themselves, they were still pushed back by the river.

The Chiwu Emperor was furious: "I am helping you, but why are you taking action?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I used too much force."

The black snake demon king replied with a smile.

White Snake also fought against Qianhuang. There was not much difference in strength between the two sides. After one collision, they quickly separated.

"Qianlong Army, form an array to slay demons!"

Emperor Qian gave the order, and the following legions shouted and moved in unison. The strength of many soldiers gathered into a long dragon and attacked the White Snake Demon Lord fiercely.

Since this area was originally within the scope of the human race, the nine major kingdoms did not dispatch other Soul Formation powerhouses except for their kings and troops.

As for Monster Race, the Monster Venerable Level is here. The Snake Clan really doesn’t have any talent this time, so two strong men came directly to take charge. Both of them can be regarded as the top level combat power here.

Originally it was just for appearance, but now it played a role in the fight for Song Shi, a humanoid treasure.


The long dragon released by the monk army collided with the demon body of the White Snake Demon Lord, and actually knocked it back directly.

Song Shi was quite surprised.

This is the strength of the team. The one with the highest cultivation level is Nascent Soul Martial Emperor, but in terms of explosive power, Soul Formation is set back.

There are no Soul Formation monks from the Nine Kingdoms. This is their confidence. They have a powerful army of monks that surpasses any sect family. Even without using the War Law Treasure, they can still deter many forces?

At this time, the army of monks from Li Kingdom also moved. The majestic power gathered together and turned into a bloody giant axe, which struck hard at the Black Snake Demon Lord.


The long river of mana of the Black Snake Demon Lord was directly split into two halves. The latter snorted, and the fear in his eyes flashed away.

"Fairy White, you have to get away as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to leave."

He did not want to get entangled with an army of monks. This kind of army was large in number and well-organized, and would be very troublesome if it got entangled.

Even life-threatening.


The White Snake Demon Lord wrapped around Song Shi, who was sizing up the army of monks. His body shone with cold light, his figure suddenly shrank, and he swooped into the ground.

The same was true for the Black Snake. He disappeared in the blink of an eye. The two kings and the army of monks who were chasing him just blasted the ground to pieces, but no trace could be found.

"These beasts just like to drill holes and escape!"

Emperor Qian was a little angry. Originally, he was competing with Emperor Li and Emperor Chiwu. He had the strength of Soul Formation and had the best chance of winning.

In the end, he didn't expect that the two snake masters would intervene, snatch the person away and run away, and he had no choice.

"Father, this old ghost in blood is unfathomable. He may be a disaster rather than a blessing to them."

Dry Wuji comforts.

"Hopefully, if he can still make the White Snake Demon Lord suffer, then we all have to consider whether we should continue to offend him."

Qianhuang snorted: "Qianlong Army, retreat!"

He glanced at a certain place and saw that the Snake Clan and Demon Cult guys had already taken the opportunity to slip away, so it was not a good time to pursue them.


Song Shi saw a white snake quickly breaking through the soil and moving forward, and said: "As expected of a snake, it really knows how to drill holes."

"Fart, this is my talent, Divine Ability, which is equivalent to your human race's Earth Escape Technique!"

The White Snake Demon Lord turned back and stared at Song Shi coldly: "We are going back to the White Jade Cave soon. You should take the time to take out your baby, so that you can suffer less torture."

She wanted to get the treasure now so that she might not have to divide it with the old thing.

"What do you want baby?"

Song Shi smiled: "I have many big treasures on my body."

"Huh, don't pretend, you know what I want!"

The White Snake Demon Lord sneered: "What Emperor Qian and the others want to get from you."

"Sorry, I can't take it out."

Song Shi knew that it meant his immortality and the reason why his body was so terrifying, but he really couldn't figure it out. This was the system.

"Then I can only find a way to make you spit it out!"

The White Snake Demon Lord began to threaten: "Go back first and experience the pain of being swallowed by thousands of snakes."

"If you can't stop Wan She, just bite me, and forget about that old black snake."

Song is for discussion.

"Make it clear that you are the prisoner, and you are not allowed to bargain!"

The White Snake Demon Lord sneered.

There was black energy emerging from the side, and the Black Snake Demon Lord emerged from it and escaped with him.

"Fairy White, why are you talking nonsense to him? If he doesn't hand over the secret, he will be tortured. You have thousands of snakes eating his body. I can give him a bath in snake venom, hehe."

The Black Snake Demon Lord looked at Song Shi coldly: "I am quite experienced in dealing with humans. No matter how hard your bones are, there will be a day when I will soften you."

"This is all about slow death, I'm not interested."

Song Shi shook his head. He also had to consider quality when seeking death. Being able to die happily was the most basic requirement. If he could die happily, that would be the best.

"It's ridiculous, does a prey have the right to say this?"

The Black Snake Demon Lord took out a poisonous blade and inserted it into Song Shi's chest with a hiss, and wisps of terrifying poison invaded Song Shi's body.

"Experience a poison first. It will make you itchy all over, as if you have gangrene crawling inside your body. It's an appetizer."

He smiled ferociously. As expected, he was very experienced in torturing people. Even his words could scare people.

Song Shi frowned, he had already felt it at this moment, an itch coming from his bones spread, making him couldn't help but scratch it, but he couldn't scratch it at all.

"I told you, I don't like this kind of torture!"

Song Shi snorted.


The ice that had frozen him was instantly broken free, Song Shi regained his freedom, and directly slapped the stunned Black Snake Demon Lord.


The White Snake Demon Lord did not expect Song Shi to be able to get rid of her freezing power. He hurriedly increased his power, but was blocked by a layer of sacred golden light and could not freeze the person at all.

The Black Snake Demon Lord, who was stunned by the slap, had a distorted face, killed Teng Teng and roared: "Seeking death!"

He suddenly opened his mouth and spat out waves of black corrosive power. As soon as Song Shi came into contact, his body was quickly melted.

This old guy's talent is different from the ice aura of the White Snake Demon Lord. It is a strange corrosive power that also contains cold meaning.

In fact, it was an aggregation of various poisons. Song Shi soon lost consciousness instantly, black gas emitted from his body, hissing sounds echoed, and Song Shi turned into a ball of mud.

"You're too harsh. Why did you kill him? I don't know if he can be resurrected."

The White Snake Demon Lord stopped, somewhat dissatisfied.

"Humph, no one has ever dared to hit me like this!"

The Black Snake Demon Lord hummed: "Since he can be resurrected, what are you afraid of?"

"I'm not sure whether he will run away when he is resurrected. When he was resurrected before, there was no trace of him."

The White Snake Demon Lord looked around and saw that Song Shi slowly appeared and did not disappear, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

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