What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 409 Dragon And Phoenix Sin Clan

In Xuan Spirit World, Supreme Grade spirit stones are basically used at Body Integration and Mahayana levels. They are rare in quantity. The fact that Song Shi can take them out represents extraordinaryness.

Shopkeeper He's eyes changed slightly, and he immediately became more polite: "I will arrange for the chef to make dragon liver and phoenix gallbladder for you. Come here, I will prepare the jade liquid and the best holy fruit!"

He calmly accepted the Supreme Grade spirit stone and arranged it immediately.

Huo Yan took a deep look at Song Shi and said, "I made a mistake."

"Don't think too much. The main thing is that I want to eat. You are the first Fellow Daoist I have met here. Please come and eat together. It will be more atmospheric."

Song Shi smiled. He was interested when he heard that there was dragon liver, phoenix and gallbladder here. He felt unhappy if he didn't eat it.

"But few people are willing to invite a first-timer to eat such precious delicacies."

Huo Yan's eyes flashed: "Do you have a crush on me? In fact, I am only three thousand years old. I don't mind marrying you again."

"Ahem, you are overthinking it. You are the first Fellow Daoist I met here, and you are also a beautiful woman. I invite you to eat with me. You will have multiple companions, and you will also be beautiful and delicious."

"You humans are so glib, but if I were a man, would you be so polite?"

"No, I don't like men."

While Song Shi was talking to Huo Yan, the doorway was filled with glowing lights, and a maid in colorful feathers walked in carrying colorful delicacies.

The golden wine pot contains jasper-like nectar, and the white plate contains various spiritual fruits.

Plate after plate of spiritual objects are placed on the table, dazzling in brilliance and exuding strong spiritual energy fluctuations. It is a visual enjoyment alone.

Song Shi picked up a vermilion fruit and threw it into his mouth, biting it gently, the sweet juice rushed to the taste buds, and the rich spiritual energy overflowed from it, which was of great benefit to the cultivation.

He picked up the golden pot and poured it into the white jade cup. A ball of green wine flowed out, and the amazing aroma of the wine filled the air. Just one sip made him feel relaxed and happy.

I couldn't wait to take a sip, and the nectar suddenly turned into blue sky and white clouds and spread in the body. Song Shi was shocked, and she felt that her energy and energy were particularly relaxed, as if she was flying in the blue sky and white clouds.

“Remarkable indeed!”

Song Shi sincerely praised him. Just one sip of wine made him feel tired and relaxed.

"This is the Nine Heavens Blue Qiong jelly. It is brewed in the Nine Heavens Blue Sea. It absorbs the Nine Heavens' clear spirit. Drinking it will make you feel like you are in heaven. It is good for increasing your cultivation."

Huo Yan introduced it and took a sip, showing a look of enjoyment.

"what about this?"

Song Shi mentioned a pot of jade liquid. This thing was not wine, but the light fragrance it gave off was unique and extraordinary.

"It is ten thousand years of chalcedony liquid. It contains the energy of pure gold. It can strengthen the lungs, promote body fluids, and strengthen the body. If the Nascent Soul monk drinks such a pot, his physical fitness can be significantly improved."

Huo Yan took a sip unceremoniously: "For you and me, the effect is relatively limited."

Song Shi nodded: "It's money well spent."

He had never eaten such high-level food before. He felt like an immortal. He turned his eyes around and found that they were all vegetarian.

"These appetizers are so good, I think the dragon liver, phoenix and gallbladder are not bad."

Song Shi wants to eat meat even more.

"Of course, the dragon liver, phoenix and gallbladder can be said to be the most top-notch recipe. If it wasn't here, you wouldn't be able to eat it at all."

Huo Yan took it for granted.

"What's so special about this colorful building? Where did you catch the dragon and phoenix?"

Song is curious.

"Qicailou is a top force in Xuan Spirit World. It can be said to be the most powerful among the restaurants. As for how Longfeng came here, they naturally hunted them."

Huo Yan kept talking, eating and drinking in big gulps. After eating a huge amount of spiritual energy, his whole body was glowing.

Song Shi was surprised that the dragon and phoenix here could actually hunt and kill. The dragon and phoenix clans didn't take revenge?

"Here comes the dragon liver!"

Shopkeeper He walked over lightly carrying two plates. Golden light flowed in the plates. There was a faint sound of dragon roars, and a unique aroma filled his nostrils.

Song Shi suddenly felt that the spiritual fruit nectar in front of him had lost its taste, and he stared at the golden piece of dragon liver on the plate. The pieces were oily and smooth, full of life fluctuations, and the rich essence turned into a real dragon flowing in the plate. endlessly.

Huo Yan even stood up, swallowed his saliva a little rudely, and praised: "I have long heard that dragon liver is rich in energy, but I didn't expect that it can be made into dishes. Dragon Transformation."

"You two, dragon liver is most refreshing when paired with fine wine. Please enjoy it."

Shopkeeper He smiled and placed two plates of dragon liver in front of Song Shi's Huo Yan, equipped with jade chopsticks, and stepped back knowingly.

Song Shi couldn't wait to pick up a piece and put it in his mouth. The moment he put it in his mouth, he just felt like he had eaten the fiery dragon. The spicy and elastic taste hit his taste buds, and the rich essence was released, making his whole body feel warm. Taking a hot spring bath.

Both his and Huo Yan's eyes became brighter, and their souls were immersed in the pleasure brought by the food. The aftertaste was long and unforgettable.

Among the enjoyments, the most special thing was that dragon liver made his flesh and blood become active and his vitality increased.

After Song Shi calmed down, he took a big breath and said, "It's really delicious."

"This is the most Apex Level meat I have ever eaten since I was born."

Huo Yan's whole body was on fire, his cheeks were red, and he was sweating. As he spoke, he turned into a beautiful Vermilion Bird with bursts of sunlight.

The power contained in the dragon's liver was so strong that it revealed her true form.

Song Shi ate the whole dragon liver and said, "I can have another bowl."

"I can't survive anymore. I probably can't even eat the phoenix eyes."

Huo Yan shook her head and looked a little drunk. She glanced at Song Shi: "Aren't you afraid of bursting?"


Song Shi's physical body is far more powerful than Huo Yan's, and a monk at the Great Saint level may not be able to match him.

"Here comes Phoenix Eyes."

Shopkeeper He is like the owner of a street fly restaurant. His way of serving food is very down-to-earth. This time he brought two bowls of soup, and there was a pearl in the soup.

"You two, this is Jiuyin Phoenix Eye Soup, made with Jiuyin Soul Water, Fire Phoenix Eye and other ingredients. It has the effect of nourishing yin, Nurturing Spirit and improving eyesight. It is paired with Jiuyang Dragon Liver, one yin and one yang, complementing each other. "

Shopkeeper He explained with a smile: "Because yin and yang complement each other, Huo Yan Fellow Daoist can still drink a bowl of soup. As for the phoenix eye..."

"I think I can eat it!"

After all, Huo Yan couldn't bear to part with such a great tonic as Phoenix Eyes. For her Vermilion Bird clan, this thing was of great benefit.

She staggered over to the soup bowl, drank the soup in one slurp, feeling cool and comfortable all over her body, and swallowed the pearls with one peck.

The next moment, her eyes burst into blazing fire, and a powerful aura emerged from her body. She couldn't help but raise her head to the sky and cry, with a loud phoenix cry.

After shouting this, Huo Yan fell down next to the table and stopped moving.

"Eating dead people...no, eating dead birds?"

Song Shi was shocked, wouldn't she treat this guy to dinner and eat him to death?

"Fortunately, she is a Vermilion Bird after all. She just ate too much energy and her body couldn't bear it and fell asleep."

Shopkeeper He seems to have seen a lot of similar things, and he came to a conclusion after a little inspection. Song Shi felt relieved and said, "That's okay. Give me some more dragon liver. I haven't had enough."

"There are only two portions left. Dragon liver is a precious thing after all, and this is the only amount our store has in stock."

Shopkeeper He said.

"Then let's all have it. Where's this soup?" Song Shi estimated that the watermelon soup would be good too.

"There are no more. There is only one pair of phoenix eyes. If you want to eat them, you have to kill a phoenix to get them."

Shopkeeper He shook his head.

"It's a pity. I feel like two servings of dragon liver are not enough." Song Shi regretted.

"In fact, grilled dragon meat, dragon bone soup, chicken feet and other delicacies are also good, but the energy and effect are not as high as dragon liver and phoenix eyes."

Shopkeeper He introduced.

"And these? Give me a taste of them all!"

Song Shi didn't expect to have the opportunity to eat a full dragon feast, and was a little surprised: "Do you usually kill dragons and phoenixes?"

"There aren't many of them. They were just killed during the Dragon Race and when some guys from the Phoenix tribe wanted to rebel. There weren't many of them."

Shopkeeper He shook his head.


Song Shi took a sip of the soup and asked doubtfully: "What do you mean?"

"you do not know?"

Shopkeeper He was stunned: "Don't you know that the Water Dragon, Fire and Phoenix tribes rebelled and became criminal tribes?"

Song Shi took a sip of the Phoenix Eye Soup and shook his head: "I don't know, I came from the lower world, and I haven't been there for long."

"Oh, people who know this kind of ancient secret think it's ordinary. It's true that not many people are willing to talk about it. Let me tell you."

Shopkeeper He sat aside and sighed: "This matter can be traced back to the first war between the Xuan Spirit World and the Heavenly Demon World. That was still in the ancient times. I don't know how many thousands of years have passed since then."

"Oh, it was quite a long time ago, so the dragon and phoenix tribes became food?"

Song Shi feels that this ancient secret is becoming more and more interesting.

"Absolutely. The legend is that the water dragon, fire and phoenix tribes were bewitched by the Demon Ancestor of the Heavenly Demon Realm and betrayed them at the critical moment of the war between the two realms. This resulted in the Xuan Spirit World's defeat and almost being swallowed up by the Heavenly Demon Realm. If not for Xuan Spirit World's hard work. Resistance, this may already be part of the Heavenly Demon world."

Shopkeeper He sighed: "Because of this incident, the water dragon, fire and phoenix tribes were designated as sinners by the Xuan Spirit World. They will not be able to become immortals for life, and will not be allowed to leave the Xuan Spirit World. They will become sinners that can be killed by all tribes, but..."

He smiled awkwardly: "After all, these two races are ancient alien species. They were originally one of the two most powerful races in the Xuan Spirit World, and they have many blood branches. For example, the Vermilion Bird tribe has a deep relationship with the Fire Phoenix tribe. Azure The Dragon Clan is a branch of the Water Dragon Race, and the Black Tortoise Clan also has the Dragon Race bloodline.”

"So these tribes have become the guards guarding the periphery of Xuan Spirit World?"

Song Shi smiled playfully: "In fact, it is to atone for sins. If you don't do this, you may also be liquidated."

"Ahem, please keep your voice down. This has been happening for so many years, and with the Four Great Saints sacrificing many generations of their clan members, they have actually accomplished more than they deserve."

Song Shi nodded in approval, but asked curiously: "What happened to the White Tiger clan? They didn't betray, right?"

"This...I heard that the White Tiger clan was on the front line against the Heavenly Demon Realm from the very beginning, and they actively chose to guard the portal of the Mysterious Spirit World for generations."

Shopkeeper He was unsure.

"The ancestor of the White Tiger clan is actually a man."

Song Shi nodded, thought of something, and said: "The inner demon tribulation of Xuan Spirit World is also the residual influence of this defeat."

"Yes, although the Heavenly Demon Realm did not successfully swallow up the Xuan Spirit World back then, the remaining rules added another disaster to the monks in this world for generations, the inner demon disaster!"

Shopkeeper He looked unhappy: "Every moment, there will be thoughts of external evil spirits who want to control the monks through the inner demon tribulation and break into our Mysterious Spirit World from the inside!"

Song Shi thoughtfully swallowed the Phoenix Eyes in one gulp. A cold feeling swept through his body, followed by a burst of heat. His Primordial Spirit shone brightly and benefited from it.

And a burst of light shot out of his eyes, and he felt that his vision had greatly increased, as if he had phoenix eyes.

He lamented: "The dragon and phoenix tribes have been reduced to food, which makes it easier for me."

"It's okay to talk about this here. Song Fellow Daoist should not talk nonsense when you go out. Today, nearly half of the ten Great Emperor clans are related to the Dragon and Phoenix clans, especially the Dragon Race, and the direct branch Azure Dragon clan. The Ten Great Emperors have always hated anyone eating dragon meat."

These words reminded Song Shi of the guy who was taunting him on the fifth floor, and he curled his lips: "It's okay. If you don't like Dragon Race, I can personally cook a full dragon feast."


Shopkeeper He felt that all his reminders were in vain.

"Who is the most powerful among the ten Great Emperor clans now?"

Song Shi asked while eating.

"There is no doubt that it is the Xuanling tribe. They have been basically them since ancient times. This tribe was the first race when the Xuan Spirit World was born. It can be called a clan of gods."

Shopkeeper He affirmed: "The next ones are the Four Elements Spirit Clan, the Four Great Saint Clan and our human race."

"Four elements?"

Song Shi drank the last sip of soup and asked, "Why isn't it the Five Elements?"

"The Xuanling clan is the earth element."

Shopkeeper He shook his head: "Fellow Daoist of Song Dynasty still has too much basic knowledge to make up for. Just give this book to Fellow Daoist, and I will go and hurry up your cooking."

Seeing that Shopkeeper He left a classic book and left, Song Shi opened it. Each page in it contained a lot of information. After flipping through it for a while, he muttered with a strange expression: "It seems that the Colorful Building was also built by a foodie. It's above He actually wrote about the cooking methods of many ethnic groups."

He turned to the introduction of Dragon Race, quickly found the introduction of how to eat dragons, and browsed with interest.

Then he saw the Vermilion Bird clan again. He looked up from time to time to look at the sleeping Vermilion Bird. He always felt that the Vermilion Bird had become much fatter after eating dragon liver and phoenix eyes, and was quite suitable for cooking.

Soon shopkeeper He brought many dishes, including dragon liver, stir-fried phoenix gizzards, boiled dragon meat, braised phoenix wings, cold dragon nose, braised phoenix feet...

If the dragon liver, phoenix and gallbladder are exquisite and will be gone after a few bites, then these dishes are versatile and plentiful, very suitable for filling the stomach.

Song Shi drooled at the sight, picked up her chopsticks and ate to her heart's content.

"Song Fellow Daoist, it tastes even more refreshing when paired with this Spirit Rice."

Shopkeeper He thoughtfully brought over a bucket of rice.

"Authentic! Shopkeeper, sit down and eat together, I'll treat you."

Song Shi was in a good mood and invited Shopkeeper He to join him.

"This is so bad."

Shopkeeper He was polite and finally ate with Song Shi.

As for Huo Yan, he slept like a dead bird and had no luck in enjoying it anymore.

After three rounds of drinking, the cups and plates were in a mess, and Song Shi's stomach was chubby before he stopped with satisfaction: "It's so good. I've never had a meal so refreshing. It's not an exaggeration to say it's like a match for the gods."

Shopkeeper He smiled and said: "You have to be skilled enough to eat dragon and phoenix meat. Although these dragons and phoenixes are only a thousand years old, the essence they contain is terrifying. It is really amazing that Song Fellow Daoist can eat it to this extent. I usually receive the Great Saint is nothing more than that.”

"Maybe I'm better at eating."

Song Shi patted his belly, burped and said, "Shopkeeper He, let's settle the score."

Shopkeeper He smiled: "One million, two hundred and one million High Grade spiritual stones. If Song Fellow Daoist pays with Supreme Grade spiritual stones, ten thousand can be wiped out."

Song Shi was stunned: "I ate so much."

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