What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 521 Another Spree Of Death Rewards

"God Lord Red Yuan was actually killed!"

"This person is much stronger than he appears on the surface."

"It's a pity that it's not strong enough to change the situation."

The nearby gods were shocked when they saw Song Shi's beheading, and immediately felt pity for Song Shi.

There is no doubt that Song Shiyi Celestial Immortal can kill a divine king, which is enough to prove that he has profound knowledge and powerful fighting ability.

But the proof was in the wrong place. Now the Immortal Court is like a turtle in a urn. The better Song Shi performs, the more enemies he will attract, and he is destined to fall.

Of course, many third-party gods and gods still stayed away from Song Shi. No matter whether Song Shi was exhausted at the moment, they did not want to bite such a hard nut.

"Hey, boy, you hide it well. I thought you were just an ordinary Thunder Punisher before."

In the voice of ridicule, another leader of the Divine Monarch Level from the Golden Crow tribe flew over, followed by the Divine Level Golden Crow who had fought with Song Shi and crossed the water.

"Boss, I'm not lying to you. He just deliberately hid his strength and wanted to trick us."

The paddling golden crow looked at Song Shi proudly, thinking to himself that I couldn't take care of you, but now I have someone to take care of you.

"The human race is cunning. They hide among a group of ordinary Thunder Punishers and do nothing. Don't you feel ashamed of the Immortal Court?"

Shenjun Jinwu had a mocking look on his face, and he spoke with dignity, as if he wanted to make Song Shi feel ashamed and give her a psychological blow.

"What are you talking about? If you want to kill me, just go ahead!"

Song Shi said disdainfully: "There's no need to tell me your name, you're going to die anyway."

Originally, he wanted to see how confident this man would be after fighting with the Red Kite God Lord, but he was so angry that he burst into anger.

God Monarch Level Golden Crow's body was covered in flames and he looked like he was eating people: "Remember, the one who kills you is Cao Ju!"

"I think you should have a no in the middle of your name."

Song Shi smiled evilly, completely irritating the other party, and immediately pounced on him.

Its whole body contains the law of the sun, and its sharp claws combined with the scorching law of the sun are more powerful than Chi Yuan's divine sword, and can even cut through the void.

Seeing this, Song Shi removed all defenses.

Cao Ju's claws tore it apart, tearing Song Shi into two halves, and the law of the sun surged over, turning it into a ball of burning charcoal.

"General Cao leads the divine power!"

When the golden crow saw Cao Ju easily tearing Song Shi to pieces, he opened his mouth and began to compliment him.

"Shut up, this man is probably not dead. He was able to kill a divine king just now. Do you think he could be killed in a single encounter?"

Cao Ju scolded him. He had experienced hundreds of battles and did not believe that he could kill this human being so easily.

The paddling golden crow shrank his neck, and just when he shut up and kept quiet, a hand appeared strangely and grabbed his neck.

Song Shi appeared next to him. The powerful force suppressed the struggle of the paddling golden crow, and said coldly: "You said you were just paddling before, what are you doing approaching me now? Aren't you looking for death?"

The paddling golden crow was pinched so hard that it couldn't breathe, its wings flapped, and its claws frantically clawed at Song Shi, trying to get free.

But Song Shi released chaotic light like a whisper, suppressing all his magic power, and even his movements were affected by the huge impact.

Only then did he realize how big the gap between himself and Song Shi was, and his eyes were horrified: "Commander, save me!"


Song Shi casually pinched the neck of the water-skimming golden crow, and the powerful force invaded his body, tyrannically erasing his soul and consciousness, killing him on the spot, leaving one less noisy guy.


Cao Ju didn't just watch, he was already approaching. The black bird's beak was like a shooting star, pecking at Song Shi's eyes.

"The power is pretty good."

Song Shi secretly thought that with the blessing of the Law of the Sun and only cultivating the original body, Cao Ju's attack power was higher than that of Chi Yuan.

His head was pecked through like a watermelon, and he died very simply.

The flames engulfed his body and burned his soul. Cao Ju caught Song Shi with cold eyes and sharp eyes.

"It's not like a fake body..."

After careful observation, it was not easy for him to develop Song Shi's body. Except for the lack of sharp claws and beak, it was not much worse than him. It only needed the blessing of mana and it should be able to explode with great power.

If the opponent had been on defense just now, he would never have been able to penetrate his head so easily.

He pulled it with his claws and scratched blood marks on Song Shi's body when the latter suddenly disappeared.

"It's true!"

Cao Ju flapped his wings rapidly and let out strange screams.

"Are you in a hurry?"

Song Shi appeared next to him, teasingly.

"Cunning human, how long can you hide?"

Cao Ju turned around and called to his friends: "Come here and kill this human race as soon as possible!"


Amidst dozens of rays of fire, many nearby Golden Crows flew over with murderous intent.

Some of his peers laughed at him: "Cao Ju, you are not good at this. You can't even deal with a small Celestial Immortal."

"Huh, he's too slippery, but that's not how powerful he is."

Cao Ju felt unhappy, "I asked you to help because I don't want to waste much time on him."

"Then just kill him with a few hits. This level of immortal is really not worth wasting our energy."

The Golden Crows who came around didn't think it would take much effort, so they took tentative shots one by one.

Song Shi was very satisfied and came with a few more. In this melee, it was perfect for getting rewards.

He formed a seal with his hands: "If you want to attack me, you have to have a few more clones to deal with it."

One Qi Transforms Into Three Purities!

Another version of himself walked out next to Song Shi. He didn't expect the multiple clones to kill all the Golden Crows, but just to confuse the enemy and make the enemy think that he had avoided the murderous intention with the clones.


Many Golden Crows surrounded and killed an immortal, and the movement was quite loud.

Many attacks fell, and Song Shi was beaten to the point of vomiting blood with just one encounter. Cao Ju attacked again and easily killed him.

"Why is it still like this?"

Cao Ju, who checked the body, found that Song Shi's body still didn't look fake, and reminded him: "He escaped again. Pay attention to your surroundings and kill him as soon as he appears!"

After saying that, he threw away Song Shi's body and turned around to observe the surroundings.

Just when he thought Song Shi's body would disappear like last time, Song Shi was resurrected on the spot, with a bone sword inserted into his body.

Cao Ju's body trembled violently, and the law of thunder and fire raged in his body, quickly destroying his vitality.

"You have a good habit of killing people and checking their bodies. It just gave me the opportunity to make a sneak attack."

Song Shi looked at the wide-eyed Cao Ju with a smile: "Go to hell, I'll kill the next one."

After being killed by this guy three times, the opponent was no longer valuable, so Song Shi would directly kill him through a sneak attack.

"Revenge me!"

Cao Ju roared angrily and wanted to say something else, but his body exploded with a roar and he was killed by the law of thunder and fire.

The other Golden Crows did not expect that Song Shi would kill a comrade in this situation, so they all attacked in anger. Their devastating attacks trapped Song Shi and drowned him on the spot.

Unfortunately, Song Shi popped up outside them soon, and his appearance of being unscathed surprised the besieging Golden Crow.

"There are too many of you, and it's easy to leave a loophole for me to escape."

Song Shi also deliberately explained why he was alive: "How about we do it one by one and consume my mana through wheel battles."

He provoked many Golden Crows, and on this battlefield, he used many Golden Crows to start the first death game since coming to the Immortal World, causing quite a stir, second only to the battle situation where the two Immortal Kings were present.

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