What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 585 Becoming A Demon

Song Shi didn't go out from beginning to end. It took him three years to find a way to directly break through the cultivation level and raise it to the Gold Core level in one go. Later, he continued to find loopholes in the rules and quickly improved it every once in a while.

As for improving the physical attributes, he played tricks. He not only improved it on himself, but also tried it on the chickens, ducks, fish, rabbits, geese, and dogs he raised.

It's not that he has nothing to do, but that he strengthens the physical bodies of different beings and can understand different situations, thereby breaking the shackles of his own physical body.

He called the objects he physically cheated on as shackles, and every time he cracked them, his physical properties would improve.

This shackle is the law and is part of the law of life. He also knows that he has understood the law of life through Wuyou, which will give him an advantage in strengthening his body.

As a result, under his frequent experiments, the dogs he raised gradually became stronger than cows, the chickens, ducks and geese he raised could fly into the sky, and the fish he raised became sperm.

Of course, some of the poultry and livestock that tried to escape after becoming more powerful ended up in Song Shi's stomach, which became a small price to pay for his improved physique.

Those who stayed were naturally honest. Song Shi was not stingy with these loyal poultry and livestock pets. In addition to occasionally helping to improve their physical bodies, he also taught them in accordance with their aptitude and taught them their own cultivation methods.

He needs to observe the laws that are triggered during the cultivation of these creatures, and find the shackles that limit his own cultivation. If he goes back and forth, the animals in his family will inevitably become spirits.

The first person to make a breakthrough was the big black dog who was guarding the house. This guy was originally the smartest and most loyal of the animals in the family. He usually had more contact with Song Shi and gained the most benefits from being close to the water and the building.

In the fifth year after he came to Song Shi's yard, the big black dog successfully refined the horizontal bones and was able to speak human words. He jumped happily at the door for a while, and then happily ran to Song Shi, his tail wagging vigorously.

"Master, now that I can speak, have I reached the Innate Realm that Master mentioned?"

"Absolutely. I didn't expect that a dog would break through before those little brats."

Song Shi muttered speechlessly, it seemed that he had strengthened the big black dog too much, turning this guy into a genius among monsters.

"Master, am I gifted?" The big black dog grinned, looking pleased with himself.

"You are just an ordinary black dog with no talent."

Song Shi poured a basin of cold water on it.

"Then it must be the master who opened the Heavenly Spirit Cap for me and made me Transcendent."

The big black dog's flattery was something he learned from the villagers.



The big black dog ran away happily, came to the door, looked down the mountain, and murmured to himself: "From now on, I will no longer be an ordinary dog. I will hang out in front of other guys."

He held his head high and first came to a big cock with a bright red comb and colorful feathers outside the house.

This guy has never been very good at dealing with him. The two often fight, and because the other person can fly, he has suffered a lot.

Seeing the latter dozing off in the tree, he coughed and pretended to be Song Shi: "I want to eat chicken today. I think you are a bit rebellious and not very obedient. Otherwise, I will eat you."

The colorful big rooster trembled in fright, thinking that its owner was going to eat it, and almost fell from the tree. It flapped its wings and looked sideways. There was no owner, only a black dog that needed a beating.


Its feathers stood up and fluffed up, it chirped angrily, and flapped its wings to stabilize its body.

"What are you looking at? I know I'm very handsome."

The big black dog got carried away.

The colorful rooster in mid-air stared wide-eyed. It was actually this guy who spoke just now. How could this guy speak?


he asked the big black dog.

"Little bastard, I have become a goblin now. You have to work hard and don't let me pull you too far."

The big black dog looked askance, almost outright contempt.


The colorful chicken male looked at the big black dog in the air in surprise, and found that this guy had a circle of black energy all over his body, giving him a very dangerous feeling, which he didn't have before.

"What are you looking at? Why don't you come down and kowtow to me?"

The big black dog pointed at the ground and deliberately sat up like a human.


The big rooster curled his lips, how could he be willing to kowtow?

"What? Not willing? It seems you haven't realized how powerful I am now."

The big black dog is dissatisfied.

Instead, the colorful rooster looked provocative, crowing and flying in mid-air, as if there was nothing you could do to me.

"It seems that I need to let you understand who has a higher status in the family and who has a lower status."

The big black dog raised his head, black energy billowing around his body, and randomly shouted: "Woof!"

Although it sounds like an ordinary dog ​​barking, it is different from usual to the colorful rooster.

The cry was not only deafening, it also shook his heart. Unable to control his body, he fell down and was slapped by the big black dog.

"Hey, are you scared by me? This is called a divine attack. I'm already Innate, and my mental power is so strong that a little chicken like you can't bear it."

The colorful rooster wanted to get up, but when he rolled over hard, he was still crushed by the big black dog's feet. In the end, he could only give in, showing fear and clucking a few times.

"That's pretty much it. Go call your little brother and the hens over and say hello to me."

The big black dog said proudly.

The colorful cock turned over and could only cluck for a while. Soon the other two cocks and a dozen hens came over and knelt down in front of the big black dog.

"Well, that's right. You're lucky. I'll go and collect that big stupid goose."

The big black dog walked with satisfaction towards the small lake in the valley. There were several big geese here. When one of them saw it coming, he raised his head and shouted loudly.

"Uh uh uh!"

The largest goose among them immediately stepped into the water, stretched out its long neck, and looked like it was ready to bite the big black dog.

"Tch, am I still afraid of you this time?"

The big black dog looked down upon him and said, "If it weren't for the large number of chickens and geese like you, would you be worthy enough to become the three tyrants of Qingsang Village with me?"

The geese that rushed over were frightened by the big black dog's mouthful of words. They were even less intelligent than the big rooster. They only knew that those who could talk were very powerful.

However, they were not usually afraid of this guy. They did not stop because the big black dog could talk, and continued to move forward one by one.


The big black dog repeats his old tricks, plop, plop!

One after another, the geese seemed to have been knocked unconscious, and they all fell down in the water. After a while, they recovered, and when they looked at the big black dog, their eyes had changed.

"Come here and pay homage to me. From now on, I will be the strongest tyrant in Qingsang Village."

The big black dog said with great air.

The geese flipped up, spat a few times, barked a few times to communicate, and finally bowed their heads to the big black dog and stopped foolishly messing with this guy.

Next to her, Xu Hongniang, who was carrying a basket and was about to come over to do the laundry, looked a little dazed. Was she hallucinating? A dog was holding a group of geese?

Although she knew that the big black dog was quite smart, she never thought of it. The big black dog turned his head and grinned: "Aunt Matchmaker, do you have anything delicious?"

His tone is similar to that of those children. At this moment, his IQ is also the same as that of a child, so he runs to conquer the chickens and geese in the house like a child.

"Oh my god, you can really talk, you have become a monster!"

Xu Hongniang was so frightened that she covered her plump chest and was a little shaken.

"Yes, I am a monster and can talk from now on."

The big black dog was very proud, and ran over to take a look at the basket, sniffed it, and said disappointedly: "There is nothing to eat, Aunt Matchmaker, then I will go find food by myself. The master has never given me anything to eat in two years." "

After saying that, the big black dog turned into a shadow and rushed towards the back mountain to hunt by himself.

The widow Xu Hongniang stared blankly at the big black dog running away, her face twitching: "How did Mr. Song raise the dog? The dog turned into a monster. Isn't this too awesome?"

I heard that the monster who can speak human words is at least the equivalent of the Innate Grandmaster, and this big black dog was caught in the village and was not more than three years old.

That is to say, Song Shi has raised this dog for three years, and an ordinary dog ​​turned into a monster. It's amazing, isn't it said that only those animals with spirituality can become monsters?

Thinking that she was able to break through Innate thanks to the spiritual fruit she ate while building the road, she was speechless and felt envious at the same time.

She looked at the yard that was vaguely visible in the mist on the top of the mountain, her eyes shining: "I need to talk to everyone about this quickly."

She stopped washing her clothes, so she turned around and ran back, found the old village chief who was sweeping the floor in the yard, and said anxiously: "Village Chief, do you know what I just saw?"

"Who else peeked at you taking a bath?" the village chief asked.


Xu Hongniang rolled her eyes and said, "I saw Mr. Song's big black dog talking."

"Speak? Big black dog?"

The village chief was stunned for a moment: "Are you sure it's a dog?"

"It's just a dog!"

Xu Hongniang nodded: "If you don't believe it, you can go and see for yourself when you have the opportunity."

"Impossible? How can a dog talk? Could it be that he has turned into a monster?"

The village chief was puzzled.

"You've become a monster, and you still call me aunt like those little brats. Just like a child. It's amazing."

Xu Hongniang's eyes are shining. She used to be an acquired Martial Artist and she was not exposed to these things.

"This... I have to go and see for myself."

The village chief is still a little unconvinced. He is stronger and has encountered monsters in the wild area on the back mountain, but all of them are the result of hundreds of years of practice.

He was the one who caught the black dog, and it only lasted three years. How could he become a monster? It's unreasonable.

"That guy went hunting in the back mountains. It will probably take a while before he comes back."

Xu Hongniang said: "If we want to go, we can find a few more people and go directly to the back mountain to find him?"

"Okay, let's catch some prey by the way."

The village chief has no objection. They usually raise some pigs and sheep, which are usually eaten at the end of the year. If they want to eat meat, they still have to hunt.

He put down what he was doing, went out to greet a few people, and then went up the mountain with his bow and arrow.

On the way, Xu Hongniang told the story again, and everyone else was a little doubtful.

When they came to the back mountain area and went deeper, they saw some blood stains. Soon they saw a big black dog eating a cheetah, and cursed: "I told you to run away, I will eat your whole family later."

Upon noticing the footsteps, the big black dog turned his head warily and felt relieved when he saw that it was someone from the village.

"Xiao Hei?"

The village chief shouted.

"Wow, Grandpa Village Chief!"

When the big black dog saw the village chief, he put down the food in his mouth, and immediately ran over happily, knelt on the village chief's leg, and licked the village chief's hand with his tongue. He was very happy.

"Jesus, you can really talk."

The farmer who followed him looked shocked.

"No one would believe me if I told you."

Another person said in disbelief.

"Hmph, my master taught me."

The big black dog is proud.

The village chief touched the dog's head with emotion: "Xiao Hei, what kind of treasures did your master give you? In just a few years, you were able to practice speaking. In the world of monsters, you are already considered a little monster."

"It's nothing. The master hasn't given me anything to eat for a long time. It's all up to us to find food ourselves, just like wild animals."

The big black dog said depressedly: "But the master occasionally touches my dog's head, and I feel that I have become smarter and stronger."

"that's all?"

Xu Hongniang touched the dog's head strangely.

"Absolutely. Anyway, I feel warm all over every time."

The big black dog nodded, "Then I will learn the breathing method that my master taught me. I will breathe in the moonlight for a while and feel refreshed."

"He also taught you how to practice..."

Xu Hongniang didn't know what to say.

But the big black dog looked at the village chief curiously: "Grandpa village chief, how powerful is the little demon in the monster world?"

"Well, it's considered the lowest level. It's more powerful than ordinary ferocious beasts with little intelligence."

The village chief said.

"Ah, so I am nothing now. I can only dominate among the chickens, ducks, geese and dogs in Qingsang Village."

The big black dog is a little depressed.

"That's pretty awesome. You've only been practicing for three years."

The village chief shook his head: "If you can keep up this speed, it won't be long before you become a Great Monster, and maybe you can become a Demon King in the future."

"Great Monster, Demon King...sounds more powerful."

The big black dog felt that he had a goal to strive for.

The village chief was a little embarrassed. Why did he feel that he would be surpassed by this guy soon?

He said helplessly: "Well, go and eat quickly. Don't be cold."

"Okay, Grandpa Village Chief."

The big black dog turned around and ran away to eat the food, leaving a few people staring at him.

"That's outrageous. We are really inferior to dogs."

The farmer is depressed.

"If you have time, go visit Young Master and let him touch our heads?"

Xu Hongniang suggested.

The village chief was speechless: "What kind of head are you touching? Mr. Song should be the one who cleaned it and cut its marrow. Why should it be us?"

"That's right. Xiao Hei is his watchdog. After all, he is closer than us."

The farmer nodded.

"Can you not compare with it..." Xu Hongniang muttered.

"We'd better pay a visit. We're still neighbors anyway. Let's prepare gifts when the time comes."

The village chief decided to visit anyway.

No way, this benefit is too tempting.

"Well, it can turn a dog into a monster in three years. The young master is much more capable than I thought. Whatever you can get for us will be enough for us to make rapid progress."

Xu Hongniang nodded and sighed at the same time: "No wonder the young master looks down on her. She is indeed so powerful. I don't know how powerful his wife is. I am not worthy of her anyway."

Several people returned with uneasy moods.

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