The Xu couple's eyes were shining, and their greed was undisguised.

"Oh, my dear, I'm so sorry. I wronged you."

"Auntie, I can't afford to be sorry for you." Ren Ran looked at the police officer, "Police, these two people came to the school to destroy my reputation and extorted 50 million yuan. The amount is huge, I have to sit there for several years no matter what. prison."

Xu and his wife were dumbfounded.

"You kid, why are you so vicious?"

Father Xu hurriedly said, "Girl, this matter is all our fault. We were confused and wrongly blamed you. I will teach Lily a lesson later."

"Your wife rushed up to me and beat me several times. Just because of this, I can't let it go." Ren Ran pretended to be angry.

Xu's father slapped Xu's mother on the face.

This move shocked everyone present.

They never expected that Father Xu would be so quick and decisive.

In the end, this incident caused no actual harm, and it was all in a small area. The most the police could do was ask for an apology. After all, it is considered a civil dispute at most, not a criminal dispute.

Ren Ran is just trying to scare them.

The teacher and the two police officers were both smart people and cooperated in persuading her, and Ren Ran agreed not to hold them responsible.

After all, she still wanted to watch a show.

The fighting power of the couple was enough for Pei Ming to drink a pot.

On the campus tree-lined path, Ren Suya flicked her daughter's forehead with her finger, "Why didn't you tell me as soon as such a big thing happened?"

"Mom, I was wrong. If anything happens in the future, I will tell you."

Ren Suya looked at her daughter carefully, wondering if it was her imagination. Her daughter seemed to have grown up and was able to stand alone.

My daughter is better than her!

"Mom, if anything happens in the future, you can't hide it from me." Ren Ran got vaccinated in advance.


After sending her mother away, as soon as Ren Ran returned to the classroom, Zhao Yi and others immediately showed her the videos on the Internet.

She had seen this video before.

Yesterday, I saw Pei Ming coming to see Xu Li. I originally wanted to alienate the relationship between the two, but I didn't expect that Pei Ming gave her such a big surprise.

After separating from Xu Li, she temporarily printed a list for Xu Zhao and asked him to follow Xu Li. She wanted to see what tricks Xu Li and Pei Ming were planning so that she could deal with them in advance.

As a result, Xu Zhaoyin sent her a video.

She asked Xu Zhaoyin to publish this video through someone else's hands.

There is only one purpose for doing this, and that is Pei Ming!

There is a saying: It is not polite to come and not go.

He played a card, and she couldn't come up with a card that was worthy of their painstaking efforts.

As expected, the Xu couple did not disappoint Ren Ran. The Pei family refused to give them the ideal compensation. The couple ran directly to the door of the Pei family's company and started shouting and making a fuss. This incident was even posted on the Internet, causing a stir. Quite a stir.

The Pei family responded quickly and found someone to suppress the news on the Internet.

Mr. and Mrs. Xu are a piece of meat, clinging to the Pei family and not caring about their daughter in the hospital.

They refused to give the hospital money, so Xu Li was asked to leave. The Xu couple simply pulled them to the door of Pei's company and let everyone come and watch.

Xu Li wanted to die. She wanted to stop her parents, but she couldn't persuade her parents who had fallen into the trap of money.

The Pei family was so annoyed by this couple that they unfortunately paid five million to get rid of the pair.

After this incident, everyone in Haishi knew about the Xu family and the Pei family.

Pei Ming and Xu Li are also completely famous in Haishi.

Without Pei Ming and Xu Li's troubles, Ren was able to calm down and study. The biggest wish of her grandparents in her previous life was to see her go to college, but she couldn't wait until she went to college.

She cannot let them regret in this life, she wants to be their pride.

While studying, Ren Ran never forgets another thing.

Every time after returning home, he would always find an opportunity to secretly get a long hair in Kong Liji's clothes, or put a little lipstick somewhere.

These past few days have been comfortable and peaceful, but she knows that the comfort is only on the surface. If the mastermind behind the scenes is not uncovered, she will not be able to rest in peace.

"Ren Ran, where are you going to play during your short vacation?"

"Let's go to the beach. What about you?"

"My mother took me to Xinjiang."

"Xinjiang is very good, it's beautiful there." Ren Ran said with a smile.

After walking out of the campus, Ren Ran saw his mother's car parked outside the door. After saying goodbye to Zhao Yi, he got in the car.

Ren Ran looked sideways at his mother, clearly feeling that her mother was worried.

"Mom, are you very tired recently?"

"I haven't been sleeping well lately."

Her mother didn't want to talk to her anymore, so she didn't ask any more questions.

When the mother starts to let go, she will speak naturally.

When disappointment accumulates to a certain level, love will disappear.

She understands this.

"Mom, I made an appointment with my classmates to go to the beach together during the long vacation, just..." She stretched out her little hand and rubbed her thumb, index finger, and middle finger back and forth.

Ren Suya chuckled lightly, "Okay, I'll transfer it to you later. Don't tell your dad, or your dad will say that I dote on you too much."

"Definitely don't tell."

The next day, Ren Ran did not go to the beach, but went to Taihe Mountain with Xu Zhaoyin.

She has been calling the young Taoist priest for the past few days, but has not been able to get through.

Xu Zhaoyin asked someone to ask, but the result was that he could not be found.

The two agreed to take a short vacation and go directly to Mount Taihe to find someone.

Taihe Mountain is a Taoist resort and a famous 5A-level scenic spot. Arrive at the foot of Taihe Mountain in the afternoon, stay one night at the foot of the mountain, and prepare to set off again the next day.

The Taihe Mountain Scenic Area is very large. They are not going to the tourist area this time, but to an unopened area. Few people go there. Only practitioners and ascetics go there.

Xu Zhaoyin figured out the route in advance. The two of them need to stay in the mountains for two days before they can reach the place where the young Taoist practices.

Bring your outdoor survival equipment, enter Taihe Mountain from the tourist area, then turn to a sparsely populated path and turn into the uninhabited area. Entering the dense forest, the scenery is pure and natural without human development. Although the scenery is beautiful, the road under your feet is difficult to walk.

According to the direction of the compass, they walked along a road that is not considered a road. In order to prevent accidents such as getting lost, many marks were made along the way.

Two days later, the two arrived at the adobe house where the young Taoist practiced in a mess.

They called for a long time in front of the door but no one was seen, but it was too dangerous to go into the deep mountains to look for them.

There are wild beasts in the mountains and forests, and the two are not familiar with the terrain, so it is easy to get lost in the forest area.

The things they brought with them were enough for them to spend for five days. If they were frugal, they could last for seven days. The two discussed and prepared to set up a tent outside the door of the adobe house and wait for him to show up.

They went out to look for him during the day, but they didn't dare to go far.

One day, no results.

Two days, still no results.

The third day was their limit. If the other party didn't show up today, they had to go down the mountain tomorrow.

From day to night, the person they were looking forward to never showed up.

In front of the campfire, the shadowy light was reflected on the faces of the two.

"Why do you have to find him?" Xu Zhaoyin asked curiously.

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