Ren Suya didn't think deeply about what she said before, but this last sentence made her have to think deeply about it.

"Of course." Ren Suya suddenly shouted, and when she was about to blurt out the words, she was suddenly stuck when she met her daughter's clear eyes.

After a two-second pause, Ren Suya stood up and said, "Don't do it too late, pay attention to rest."


The door closed, and Ren Ran turned his head to look at the closed door.

Mom, it hurts to have your dreams broken, but you have to accept it in the end.

She understood her mother's state of mind because she had experienced the same in her previous life.

Ren Suya walked to the first floor and looked outside the door. Her husband hadn't come back yet.

"Madam, there's nothing wrong. I'm going to rest first."

"Aunt Li, where is Pete Joe?"

"I don't know. Yesterday, Mr. Peter Joe was called away by a phone call from Mr. Peter."

"Would you like me to call him?"

"No need. You go and rest."

"Okay. Madam, you should also go to bed early."

There was only one lamp lit in the huge villa. Under the weak light, the people on the sofa became blurry.

Kong Liji returned home and when he walked to the living room, he was almost frightened and looked at the person sitting on the sofa in surprise.

"Honey, why are you sitting here?"

He stepped forward and took her waist naturally, but was avoided by the person opposite.

Sensing something was wrong with her, Kong Liji asked with concern, "Honey, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

Ren Suya looked at Kong Liji and looked at him quietly. The look in her eyes made Kong Liji feel inexplicably uneasy.

When the atmosphere between the two was about to reach breaking point, Ren Suya finally said, "You are coming back later and later."

Kong Liji breathed a sigh of relief, but got angry again over such a trivial matter.

He held her hand and said, "Honey, next time I will try to ask the secretary to not arrange too much work and spend more time with you and your daughter."

After saying that, he leaned over and placed a kiss on her forehead.

Ren Suya went upstairs.

Kong Liji sighed helplessly and followed upstairs.

Tonight will be a sleepless night.

He will have to let Fengru give him a good patch up tomorrow.

'Jingle Bell'……

There is no physical education class in the senior year of high school, but today the head teacher deliberately did not make the physical education teacher "sick" in order to relieve their nervousness.

On the playground, the physical education teacher is equally considerate and directly organizes male students to play basketball and female students to play volleyball or have free activities.

The students who had been immersed in studying cheered for joy when they heard the PE teacher’s wise arrangements.

Zhao Yi pulled Ren Ran to play badminton, "You can study anytime. It's rare to relax, so you can't miss this opportunity."

Happy time is always short-lived. As soon as the bell rings, everyone returns to the tense learning atmosphere again.

The students who returned to the classroom had not yet recovered from the freedom they had in the previous class. They were all chatting enthusiastically, talking about things that had nothing to do with study.


A scream broke the noisy and happy atmosphere.

Everyone's eyes fell on Tan Jia, the life committee member.

"What's wrong?"

Tan Jia looked anxious, "The money in the bag is gone, and there are still more than 2,000 class fees in it."

"Call the head teacher and ask for surveillance."

Monitor Mao Zhen responded quickly and made a judgment immediately.

Ren Ran subconsciously looked at Kong Lian, and when he saw the unbearable desire to perform in her eyes, he made a judgment in his heart.

The head teacher, Teacher Zhao, heard that the class fee had been stolen and hurried over.

"Teacher Zhao, the money was still there before the physical education class. After the physical education class, I found that the money was gone as soon as I came back. The money must have been stolen during this time." Tan Jia's eyes were filled with worry. Tears welled up.

"Don't panic." Teacher Zhao called the security room to get surveillance.

The security room quickly gave the answer. The surveillance system was broken yesterday and had not yet been repaired. The security room originally planned to take advantage of the weekend when there were no classes to study.

It's hard to find now.

Kong Lian asked: "Will anyone from outside the school enter the school today?"


Tan Jia said: "That must be someone from the school. During class, most students are in class. People who have time and know that I have money here must be familiar people."

As soon as these words came out, whispers immediately broke out in the class.

"No way!"

"Doesn't this mean there are thieves among us?"

"Tan Jia's analysis is correct. It's impossible for the faculty and staff to come here specially to steal it, right?"

"It's not impossible."

"I think there are more problems within our class."

"The last class in our class is physical education, which is a free activity. Basically, we can use the elimination method."


"There's no need to go to all that trouble. Just search it for everyone and it'll be over."

Everyone was talking about it.

"Teacher Zhao, why don't you search it. You can start with me." Mao Zhen said.

"I agree."

"I agree too."

"It's best to find out early, I agree."

"I have a clear conscience and I agree."

Approval came one after another.

Even if someone is unwilling at this time, they dare not pour cold water on it at this time, as it will make them look very suspicious.

Seeing that most of the students had this idea, Teacher Zhao asked as usual: "Is there anyone who disagrees? If anyone disagrees, we will try another method. If so, raise your hands."

The classroom was quiet, no one expressed their opinion.

“Since no one objects, let’s check it.”

Teacher Zhao, Tan Jia and Mao Zhen checked everyone’s schoolbags and drawers in order.

Ren Ran was sitting by the window, and the inspection started from the corridor, so her row had to wait until the end.

Ren Ran put her hands in her pockets, waiting for the follow-up, not panicking at all.

“What is this?”

Guo Tongwen looked at the dozens of extra hundred-yuan bills in her purse and was completely confused.

“Guo Tongwen, is this money yours?” Teacher Zhao asked.

“It’s not hers.” The person who answered was not Guo Tongwen, but Tan Jia.

She pointed at the red bill, “I marked this money.”

She took the red bill from Teacher Zhao and said, “Everyone who gives me class fees, I will write the person’s name on the back of the hundred-yuan bill to prevent receiving counterfeit bills.”

Several classmates around took a closer look, and sure enough, there was a name written in pencil on the cover of the hundred-yuan bill.

"It really is!"

"Oh my god, I didn't expect Guo Tongwen to be such a person."

"She has good grades, but I didn't expect her character to be so bad."

Guo Tongwen's eyes were red with tears, "It's not me, it's not me. I don't know why the money is in my bag."

Someone started to sneer, "Who else could it be if not you."

"That's right! The money was found in your bag."

Ren Ran was a little confused watching this scene.

She thought it was coming for her, but it was coming for Guo Tongwen.

She didn't expect this magical turn.

Wrong guess!

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