"Fu Yan has something going on at home and can't participate in the competition. His place has been given to a student from No. 3 Middle School."

Lv Yibo looked regretful, "That's a pity. With Fu Yan's ability, he will definitely be able to advance and get a place in the finals."

Teacher Zhao felt regretful, but things were not coincidental.

Among the three of them, only Ren Ran had a chance to advance, and the other two were a little uncertain.

This time, there were several good students selected from various counties and cities.

"Let's go!"

The three arrived at the hotel. Since the school had enough funds, each of them was assigned a room.

After eating the buffet in the evening, they went back to their rooms to rest.

Kong Lian opened the door and entered the room, closed the door, and seemed unwilling to talk to them too much.

As soon as Lu Yibo opened the door, he heard Ren Ran shouting: "Lu Yibo."

He looked at her in confusion.

Ren Ran stepped forward, "Do you take this Mathematical Olympiad seriously?"

"Of course." Lu Yibo felt strange. Is it necessary to ask this question?

"The competition is about to start. You should pay attention to your diet. Don't eat the food or water handed to you by others. Remember, it belongs to no one."

"What's wrong?"

"I thought of Fu Yan eating something bad in the last competition, so I wanted to remind you."

Lv Yibo smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will take good care of myself."

"Well. Then you should rest early."

"You too."

Back to the room, he called Gao Ying.

"What's the news over there?"

"Miss, the players you mentioned are all safe and sound."

"Safe and sound?"

No, according to the trajectory of the previous life, there was a super talented genius in the next city, and he and his teammates had a car accident this afternoon.

It's already night, but there is no movement over there.

Did Ruan Fengru and her daughter change their strategy? Or did something happen and delay them?

"Keep watching over there. Send more people to Ruan Fengru's side, and pay special attention to the people she has contacted or the places she has been to in the past few days."


Late at night, Ren Ran was awakened by the ringing of the phone. The caller was Gao Ying.

If it wasn't an emergency, she would never call me at this time.

Ren Ran turned on the bedside lamp, "What happened?"

"The contestants from Deyuan City have food poisoning and are now being sent to the hospital."

In the previous life, they had a car accident, but in this life, they were poisoned.

"Be specific."

"They went to a restaurant for a midnight snack, and soon after they came back, they all started to have diarrhea, vomiting and diarrhea. The doctor's examination report showed that it was food poisoning, and it would take three to five days to recover."

After three to five days, the exam time was over.

"According to the information from the police, there is no problem with the food in that restaurant. The problematic food was brought by them. I have asked someone to check the news of the student who brought the food."

"Well, it's done well."

Gao Ying continued to report, "In addition, Ruan Fengru's secretary also stayed in the hotel where you, Miss, stayed. The secretary went to room 1808, which is the room where Mr. Lin stayed in this Mathematical Olympiad."

This is interesting.

She didn't know if such a thing had happened in her previous life, but no matter what they did in this life, it would not go as they wished.

"This is a big fish, we have to keep a close eye on it and don't let it get off the hook."

"I will."

"Is the activity fund enough?"


The money given by Mr. Ren is enough for the young lady to squander for ten years.

"If it's not enough, remember to tell me."

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