One of the police officers said, "Don't be nervous, Kong Lian. We just want you to go over and do an investigation."


Kong Lian left with the two police officers.

As soon as she left, the backstage went crazy. Everyone quickly took out their mobile phones to share the news with their classmates.

In the audience seats in the auditorium, many people's mobile phones dinged in their pockets. Every student took out their mobile phones and after seeing the information on it, they immediately shared it with the classmates around them.

Ren Ran also received the news immediately.

"Of course, Kong Lian's little green tea was taken away by the police."

"As soon as the incident was released, people were taken away."

Ren Ran received a phone call, and after finishing the call with the person, he stood up and left the auditorium.

"Where are you going?" Zhao Yi asked.

"Take care of something."

Ren Ran left the auditorium and happened to see Lu Boyi and Teacher Zhao at the door.

"Have you also been notified?"


The three of them walked outside the school together and headed to the Public Security Bureau.

"What's going on with Teacher Zhao?" Lu Boyi asked.

"I'm not very clear about the details. As you can see, all the school leaders and students who participated in the competition received the recording."

"Why didn't I receive it?" Lu Bo took out his mobile phone and checked, "Yeah! It's really there."

After arriving at the Public Security Bureau, they gradually summarized what happened from the information revealed by other contestants.

An hour ago, all participants received a recording. At the same time, someone reported in real name that there was something fishy about the Mathematical Olympiad competition. The other party came to the organizer to argue, and the two sides had a conflict. The final result was that everyone was taken away.

These people were conducting routine interviews to find the person who released the audio behind the scenes.

Ren Ran was questioned alone by a police girl and heard the original recording from her. One of the two names that had been silenced was hers.

"Has anyone been looking for you recently?"


"Why did the other party want to disqualify you? Do you know the reason?"

"If nothing else, it should be that the other classmate and I are too powerful and the other student is afraid of us."

The police officer smiled and said: "Why should the other party be afraid of you when they get the question?"

"I don't know this?"

"You really can't think of anyone you've offended?"

"Could it be..." She paused and then shook her head, "It can't be her!"


"It's hard for me to say, after all, you can't talk nonsense about this kind of thing."

"Let's just chat casually, you don't have to worry too much." the female police officer said softly.

"My classmate Kong Lian. She is very competitive. People in the school are saying that I have a high possibility of promotion, but she has no chance. Maybe there are too many such rumors and she feels uncomfortable."

Ten minutes later, Ren Ran finished asking questions and left the police station.

That night, Ren Ran received the news that the results of this Mathematical Olympiad competition would not count and he would have to retake the exam. This time the person in charge will be sent from the capital, and the way the questions are set will be different.

On the other side, Kong Lian was taken away by the police himself and was not released until after dark.

As soon as I left the police station, I saw my mother's car parked outside and waiting.

Kong Lian was a little afraid to step forward, and finally gritted his teeth.

The car window slowly lowered, and Ruan Fengru said in a cold voice without even looking at her, "Get in the car."

It was so quiet in the car that she felt weak and her palms were sweating.

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