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After thinking for a while, Zhang Yi suggested:

"How about this, I'll prescribe you another box of ibuprofen suspension, drink 4 ml first, and then stay in the emergency room tonight. During this period, I will also let The nurse will give you physical cooling.

Because the child is still young, taking too many medicines cannot be metabolized, and the side effects are also serious.

And I suspect that your child is not suffering from ordinary flu, but another benign high fever disease called infantile exanthema. Or baby roseola.

For this disease, basically, as long as the body temperature is controlled below 38.5, a small amount of medicine and physical cooling can reduce the fever in 3-5 days.

After the fever subsides, a rash will appear on the child's body, which is also the difference between this disease and other colds A distinguishing feature.

Actually, there is no need to be too anxious about this disease, and you don’t need to take too many medicines.

Look at your daughter, her eyes are so bright and she is in good spirits.

The condition of the children in the pediatric department upstairs is completely different. "

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, the anxiety of the young couple sitting opposite him did not ease at all.

Instead, it got worse!

And the expression on his face became a little ugly.

The child's father thought, what does it mean that the rash appears only after the fever subsides? What is the point of talking about that!

Isn't it just a cold and fever? Isn't it just a prescription for infusion? Is it over?

Oh! They are so unlucky! They came to the emergency room in the middle of the night and it was such a young doctor who treated them!

When he saw Zhang Yi for the first time, he felt that Zhang Yi was too young and worried that Zhang Yi was unreliable.

Unexpectedly, It sounds really unreliable!

In short, the child's father didn't really believe Zhang Yi's statement.

At this moment, he just wanted the doctor to prescribe medicine and infusion as soon as possible to reduce the child's fever.

The child's mother frowned and said:

"What is roseola or infantile roseola? Doctor, didn't I just tell you??

I've used ibuprofen before, but it doesn't work! Come up, go down and come up again.

I came to the hospital because I really had no other choice.

Otherwise, you can give us an IV!

The IV can reduce the fever quickly!

If it doesn't work, you can prescribe me some pediatric azithromycin or something like that, the kind of antibiotic Just take anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs, I'll take them home and take them on my own."

"Family member, have you ever considered that it's not that ibuprofen is ineffective, but that you didn't use it according to the standard dosage, or didn't use it on time? "

The family member was speechless for a moment.

He used the dosage according to the instructions, but he didn't pay much attention to the time.

Zhang Yi continued: "In fact, this disease is not a serious disease, and it is different from the common cold and fever of children.

This disease basically only has the symptom of high fever, and there is no cough or runny nose, and the child is in very good spirits.

As long as Keep the temperature below 38, and wait two days for your child to go down on her own.

Then you will see a rash on her body.

And the rash is nothing to worry about, it will heal on its own. ”

Zhang Yi again Explained it once.

But the child's father really lost his patience this time!

The young father immediately retorted loudly:

"What are you talking about? Don't worry about it? Why do you need doctors if you don't worry about anything?!

I'm speechless. My daughter has such a high fever and I feel so distressed. Why are you doctors so nonchalant and nonserious? !

Aren’t you angels in white? You said you don’t need to care about such a young child with such a high fever? What can you care about? ? You only care about the child when he dies? ! " A young mother on the side also quickly agreed:

"That's right! Doctor, just prescribe us an IV or antipyretic medicine, just tell me the dosage and time to take it.

Besides, my daughter has such a high fever, what if she has a convulsion? Or what if the brain burns out? !

Let me make it clear, I will come to find you when the time comes. "

Zhang Yi was a little helpless.

After explaining for a long time, they still didn't understand.

Or maybe it was the child's high fever that made the two family members a little Too nervous.


These two family members are still unwilling to believe what I said? ?

"Teacher Zhang, the child's current temperature is 38.7°."

Just as Zhang Yi was about to speak, Shen Lingyue took out the thermometer.


The temperature has dropped?

That means the ibuprofen that the family members gave him before is effective.

Zhang Yi hurriedly said: "The child's temperature is now 38.7 degrees, and it can definitely be lowered to below 38.5, or even below 38.

It is completely possible to take ibuprofen again and stay in the hospital for observation.

Wait five hours and check the temperature again. If it is a little higher, you can take ibuprofen again. If it is not high, keep cooling it down physically.

In addition, drink more water and you will be fine after these two days.

Anyway, this disease has no other adverse reactions, so I really don’t recommend intravenous infusion. "

For this temperature, Zhang Yi is completely in favor of letting the child cope with it on his own.

At most, take a small dose of antipyretic drugs and physically cool down.

As soon as he finished speaking, the child’s parents looked even uglier.

The young father stood up and asked loudly:

"Stay for two days? ! How can you be such a doctor?

38.7 is so high! You just refuse to give intravenous infusion and prescribe other medicines, right? ! Be careful or I will complain to you!

I have said that the child has repeated fevers. My eldest daughter was like this before. She was cured after intravenous infusion!

It's such a simple thing, why are you so hesitant? ! "

Zhang Yi couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this.

It turns out that this person not only has poor reading comprehension, but is also a know-it-all!

Why do the couple come to the hospital when they know so much?

Treat it at home??

I don't listen to the doctor, and I don't believe in baby roseola.

Forget it.

Zhang Yi was too lazy to say anything.

"Family, I'm not not going to prescribe medicine, I just said that the child's current body temperature is enough to take ibuprofen and physical cooling, no need for infusion.

This is the treatment plan I considered based on the child's symptoms.

If you don't believe me, you can go to another hospital immediately.

See if other doctors say the same thing. "

"And I also said that this disease is benign, and there is nothing special except high fever.

Since your child's body temperature can drop to more than 38 degrees after you give him ibuprofen, it means that ibuprofen can control it.

As long as it can be controlled, the fever will subside after two or three days, and there is no need for infusion and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Your child is only one year and one month old, so try to take as few anti-inflammatory or antiviral drugs as possible. "

Zhang Yi thought that after he explained it again, the family would listen a little more.

Unexpectedly, the two people saw that he was young and felt that his skills were not good.

He was still unwilling to believe himself.

The young father picked up his daughter on the chair next to him, and then looked at Zhang Yi and scolded:

"Wait for complaints! You didn't give her an infusion when she had such a high fever, and insisted that it was okay, and let my child bear it for two or three days? ?

Even if it drops to 38 degrees, it is still a high fever!

You still bear such a high temperature? If the child gets burned, can you take the responsibility? !

Emergency room for children? ? I think you just can't treat it!

You are just a quack! "

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