The old man was in trouble.

Chatting is chatting.

Business still needs to be done.

"How old is she? What's the problem? Did her family come with her?"

Zhang Yi was the first to walk out of the office, asking as he walked.

"She was rushed here by an ambulance from the township health center. The doctor at the health center said it might be cancer, so he asked the old woman to come to a big hospital for examination.

She has no family, the old lady came alone, plus an ambulance driver, the patient is 76 years old."

Cancer, 76 years old, no family.

Just listening to these three pieces of information, Zhang Yi felt that this patient was a bit tricky.

First of all, it is very difficult to deal with patients without family members.

It is difficult for doctors to communicate about the condition, and patients who are unwell also need family members to help run errands and pay bills.

If there are no family members, wouldn’t it be more troublesome?

Nurses also have their own things to do. They can’t just ignore others and help the old lady pay the bills, right?

Another 76-year-old is an elderly person, so communication is even more inconvenient.

The last one is suspected to be cancer.

If it is really this disease, it may be treatable in the early stage, but it is likely hopeless in the middle and late stages.

Several people quickly came to the emergency door.

Sure enough, there was an ambulance from the township health center parked at the door.

Next to the ambulance stood an old lady with silver hair and a cane.

The weather at the end of October is still a little chilly for the elderly.

From a distance, the old woman was standing there with a cane and a slightly hunched back.

She really looked lonely and pitiful.

However, Zhang Yi felt that the old lady was not very healthy just by looking at her face.

Her cheeks were sunken and there were many brown spots on her face. Her whole face looked lifeless.

And judging from her breathing rate, she seemed to have some difficulty breathing?

She coughed several times while waiting for the doctor to come.

"Go find a wheelchair and send her to the emergency room immediately. Prepare the oxygen and ECG."

Seeing that the old lady was not in good condition, Zhang Yi quickly instructed the nurse.

She must have difficulty walking with a cane. It must be difficult for her to climb the stairs.

The nurse nodded and turned to get the wheelchair.

Then Zhang Yi turned to look at the ambulance driver of the township health center and asked:

"Only one old lady came? Aren't doctors from your health center coming?"

The driver looked up and down at Zhang Yi with a cigarette in his mouth, then shook his head:

"The doctors in our hospital don't care about these things, just let me send it over. It's very likely to be cancer, so let me send it to the city hospital."

After saying this, the driver took a puff of cigarette and continued:

"By the way, I have to charge for this trip." After that, he walked up to the old lady: "Old lady! I've taken you to a big hospital. The fare is 200 yuan. Please give it to me quickly!"

After hearing the voice, the old lady turned to look at the driver, smiled and nodded:

"Okay... okay... thank you for your hard work, master, I'll give you the money now."

Then, the old lady began to search her bag for money.

When the weather turns cooler, the elderly usually wear more than young people.

The old lady turned over three layers of clothes before she took out a washed-out purse from the innermost bag.

The purse was bulging, so there should be some money.

The old lady opened the purse, counted out two fifty-yuan bills and several dozen or twenty-yuan bills and handed them to the driver.

"Thank you, master. If I am discharged from the hospital, can I ask you to take me back to the village?"

Seeing the driver was about to leave, the old lady asked him with her crutches.

The driver looked at her, then at Zhang Yi and others standing next to him, and hesitated for a while before saying:

"You... wait until you are discharged from the hospital first."

Alas! It is still unknown whether she can be discharged or not!

After looking at the old lady again, the driver sighed and got in the car and left.

At this time, the wheelchair was also brought over.

The nurse helped the old lady onto the wheelchair and asked:

"Old lady, don't you have any family members? We must have family members here."

When the old lady heard this, she began to fumble in her purse again, and then took out a wrinkled piece of paper from her purse.

"Here are the phone numbers of my son and daughter-in-law. Can you help me call them? The doctor in the village called just now, but they didn't answer. Can you help me call again, cough cough... cough cough..."

After saying this, the old lady started coughing again.

Every time she coughed, her chest rose and fell violently.

In Zhang Yi's sight, he had determined that the old lady had lung cancer


And the cancer cells have metastasized to the extrapulmonary lymph nodes.

The early symptoms of lung cancer are not obvious, and symptoms will not appear until the disease develops to a certain extent.

Some patients will cough, but it is easy to be ignored when only a cough symptom appears.

In the middle stage, not only will there be coughing, but there will also be chest pain when coughing, and there will be blood in the sputum.

At this time, the cancer cells will also metastasize and will metastasize to the lymph nodes near the hilum of the lung.

In the middle and late stages, coughing, coughing up blood, and chest pain will worsen, and there will also be fever, difficulty breathing, and pleural effusion.

Cancer cells will also metastasize to the extrapulmonary lymph nodes.

In the late stage, lung lesions will accumulate to the heart.

The heart function is also implicated, and symptoms such as edema or pericardial effusion will occur.

And this old lady is almost in the middle and late stages.

As Zhang Yi saw, the old lady's cancer cells have begun to spread to the extrapulmonary lymph nodes.

This is difficult to deal with.

Several people sent the old lady to the emergency room and gave her oxygen and monitoring.

As soon as she inhaled the oxygen, the old lady felt much more comfortable instantly.

She was no longer panting like before.

At this time, Chen Fang came over with a mobile phone:

"No, I still can't get through. No one answered all three numbers."

Zhang Yi frowned: "What should we do? No one signed, and I don't know if the old lady has money for the examination. If it is really cancer, then the family must come."

As soon as she finished speaking, the old lady started coughing again.

And the cough was very violent.

"Cough cough... cough cough!"

The next second, the white sheets were stained with spots of blood.

The nurse and Chen Fang were shocked!

"Oh no! Why is this old lady coughing up blood?"

Zhang Yi said in a low voice: "Maybe it is really cancer, and it is lung cancer."

Several people nodded in agreement.

Lung cancer does have symptoms of difficulty breathing, coughing, and coughing up blood.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yi walked to the old lady and asked:

"Do you usually have severe chest pain? How long have you been coughing? When did you start coughing up blood? Also, besides these three numbers, do you have other family members' phone numbers? We can't get through these numbers."

"Ahem... I... I always feel chest pain and can't breathe. If I cough... I remember I always cough. My lungs were not good when I was young.

I really can't remember the specific time. What's wrong, doctor? Do I really have cancer?"

The old lady's tone did not sound panic or worry.

Instead, she was calm?

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